Chapter 523 Give You What You Want

Seeing Zhang Yuan's attitude, Jiang Xiaowan's expression was a bit ugly, and she held a resentment in her heart, but she was also worried that if she pushed Zhang Yuan into a hurry, he would really do something that was not good for her.

Although she wasn't sure if Zhang Yuan really had a photo in his hand, she didn't dare to take the risk, and now she must firmly hold on to Ji Feng.

Thinking of the monsoon, Jiang Xiaowan felt a little more complicated emotions. While thinking about it, Zhang Yuan suddenly stood up, walked in front of her and hugged Jiang Xiaowan.

Jiang Xiaowan was frightened and struggled recklessly, but Zhang Yuan quietly lay beside her ear and said in an evil voice, "Satisfy me one more time, and I will naturally give you what you want."

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Jiang Xiaowan gradually stopped struggling and her expression was shaken. Seeing this, Zhang Yuan directly picked up Jiang Xiaowan and walked towards the bed.


After Jiang Xiaowan got dressed, she forced a smile on her face, looked at Zhang Yuan with a faint disgust, and said in a cold voice, "Can you give it to me now?"

A meaningful smile curled up on the corner of Zhang Yuan's mouth, then he took out a USB flash drive from the side drawer, and handed it to Jiang Xiaowan.

Faced with Zhang Yuan's straightforwardness, Jiang Xiaowan's eyes were slightly surprised, but she still took the USB drive, tidied her clothes and left without saying a word.

After Jiang Xiaowan left, Zhang Yuan looked at the empty seat next to him, with a bitter smile on his lips.

After staying for a while, Zhang Yuan took out a hidden camera from the socket from the position facing the head of the bed. Looking at the things in his hand, Zhang Yuan's eyes gradually became cold.

When Jiang Xiaowan came back from Zhang Yuan's place, she couldn't wait to lock the door, draw the curtains, and plug the USB drive into the computer.

After opening the folder in the USB flash drive, looking at the group photos of two people, but no nude photos, the expression on Jiang Xiaowan's face became a bit fierce. I didn't expect Zhang Yuan to play himself. These photos can't prove it at all. what.

Thinking that she took the initiative to deliver it to her door today, Jiang Xiaowan felt a burst of regret in her heart. She was so angry that she dialed Zhang Yuan's phone with trembling hands. As soon as the phone was connected, she scolded him bloody.

Zhang Yuan on the other side of the phone was not angry, and waited until Jiang Xiaowan calmed down, then said with a mean smile, "It wasn't there before, but now it is."

"You..." Jiang Xiaowan knew that she had been tricked, and was so angry that she trembled all over.

Just as Jiang Xiaowan was about to start scolding again in a panic, Zhang Yuan hung up the phone vigorously.

Jiang Xiaowan called again, but the phone on the other side had already been turned off.Jiang Xiaowan felt that her head was buzzing in pain, and she was so angry that she directly threw her mobile phone to the ground.

Thinking that she was being tricked by Zhang Yuan, Jiang Xiaowan couldn't sit still and panicked. She still wanted to be a movie queen, so she couldn't just ruin her acting career...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaowan paced back and forth in the room, trying to calm herself down and think of a countermeasure.

But at the moment, his mind was in a muddle, and he couldn't think of any countermeasures at all, so he could only randomly grab his hair angrily.

Because Jiang Xiaowan was worried about not sleeping all night, she came to the set the next day in a bad state of mind. Even cosmetics can't cover the dark circles under her eyes, and she looks very tired.

Seeing her like this, Wen Ya naturally knew about it, and couldn't help but feel at ease, the smile on the corner of her mouth never stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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