Chapter 25

"That woman is your lover, right? You are a very excessive man. Is it your prerogative to always hurt the women around you?"

"Then what do you want me to do, dance the opening dance with other women in front of my wife? Even if you don't care, I still care about the media saying that I am not a good man."

"You are not a good man!"

"Hehe, um, yes, if I were a good man, I don't know how many women would be sad alone. After all, there are not a few women who want to be with me. Although I also contributed myself to a part, but after all It's a minority!"

She was going to faint, why no matter what he said, why did he have so many reasons? Could it be that when he was right, it seemed that all the women in the world deserved to be sad for him.

"Is this what he meant by this outfit?"

Is she a woman who knows how to dress up? I haven't paid much attention to it, but he always feels that this kind of little woman's dress will not attract her attention.

"You say Cheng Yu, yes, he is my boss, and I went out to socialize with him, is there anything wrong with that?"

She wanted to hear what else he could say that would surprise her.

"It's nothing. Before you cry, what he did was right, but one day, you will find that everything he does is just looking for trouble for you."

This hateful man always has a way to make people feel bad.

What does he mean, cry, what's there for her to cry, damn man, curse her like this.

However, in the crowd, she still couldn't expose his ugliness, and she had to cooperate with him in acting. After all, what evil did she do in her previous life to be so entangled with him in this life.

An hour and a half later, the two of them were the first couple to leave, and the people who had come together had also left separately. It was just the two of them together, and it was so uncomfortable in the same car.

"Put me down at the intersection, I'm going back to take care of Xiaoxuan!"

It's not that she can't get used to being away from her son, she just doesn't want to be with him like this, she already has a child, she is no longer alone, she can't do whatever she wants, and can no longer be indifferent.

"Xiaoxuan?——, is that brat?"

He just sneered and didn't mean to stop.

"Please, that's my son!"

She told him very clearly that he was not a brat. In his eyes, she saw the word "disdain", which she couldn't accept at all.

"What about your son, what does it have to do with me?"

She just looked at him, but didn't give a single answer. She didn't tell him what it had to do with him. Let him get angry.

"That's right, if you count it that way, what should he call me? I can be regarded as his stepdad. No, Tong Bo is my nephew. He should call me—grandpa...!"

Then he frowned, what's the relationship, he changed from father to grandfather?
And she also frowned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


It's just that she still didn't hold back in the end. If Xiaoxuan really called him grandpa, it would be better to not call him anything, but he was already going to explode, and he didn't want to discuss this issue, it would only make the mood It got worse and worse.

"Hey, you, I already told you I want to go back...!"

"This is your home, where are you going back?"

He carried her on his shoulders. No matter how hard she struggled, his woman could not go to another man's house casually. No matter how close they were, it was a crime to him.

"So—or will you allow me to take my son with me?"

Is the only way, anyway, she also wants to leave Tong Bo's place, he is the father of the child, in fact, when the abortion order died, she wanted to hold him responsible, now, she suddenly wanted to tell him the truth, since he wanted her so much Staying here, since he doesn't want to divorce, then, if they are in the kind of relationship that will be involved until death, she thinks, or she should do that.

"What, do you mean you want me to raise someone else's child?"

He frowned again, did this woman really challenge his patience, did she regard him as that kind of wimpy man?
"What other people's - that's my child, okay? If you can't accept him, then how can I stay here? He's only three years old, how can he leave his mother?"

Have you started arguing over the child, and you haven't told him who the child is——, I don't know if he likes children, it's a super headache.

"Absolutely not, I don't need to raise other people's children, go and put water on me, I want to take a bath!"

"This damned man!"

She stared at him, very displeased with his performance, then, why did she keep her, the bastard who dragged her all the time and made her insist on being the mistress of the house, if it wasn't for love...

"I'm not going, I'm not free!"

She sat on the side, cold, even lazy to talk to him, he was too much, or she was too much, she should tell him that the child is his, she should tell him, her heart... too his.


Who gave her the courage to resist him like this.

"I said——, Tong Che, you—!"

He grabbed her by the collar. On the sofa, she looked up at him, and then he threw her down, intending to punish her maliciously, but when he saw her little red face from anger, he stopped moving .

The four eyes met, and my heart was moved...

Then, the kiss was gentle, and then the breathing became more and more heavy, and the entanglement between the two became more and more lingering.

In the early morning, she looked at his face, and really wanted to ask, what did he think of her, holding her so tightly by his side, and his tenderness, is it love?
"What do you think?"

He opened his mouth suddenly, feeling her oppression, he couldn't pretend any longer, his mood was a little different after being stared at by her all the time, he didn't want to disturb him at first.

"Ah——, you haven't slept yet?"

He slowly opened his eyes, and then she was a little embarrassed, and lowered her head when she spoke.

"I just kept staring at him, why, are you embarrassed now?"

The big hand clasped her chin, making her face him, and then, it made her feel more and more suffocated.

(End of this chapter)

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