Chapter 43

In the morning, they came out from the opposite side, and after they met, they were inevitably embarrassed, because she was thinking about the message she sent him last night, he read it but didn't pass it, and was a little ashamed, so she smiled awkwardly, and then took the first step go downstairs.

And he, for her embarrassment early in the morning, thought it was guilt, how could he know that she sent him a message.

"last night--!"

She made breakfast, and when she was eating, she suddenly opened her mouth, but she couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

"What happened last night, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Seeing her hesitating, he became concerned, seeing that her eye circles were a little dark.

"Ah-oh, no!"

For a moment, she was even more embarrassed. Did he forget, so quickly?

Still not mentioning it on purpose, she became irritable and didn't know what to say.

"Hurry up and eat, we have to catch a plane later!"


She was speechless, what else could she say, she felt a little shameless, to send such an ambiguous text message, it was the first time in her life, but she was dealt with like this.

In fact, she has been looking forward to a good wedding and then a romantic honeymoon. Tong Che couldn't give her all of these, but Cheng Yu gave them all to her, even if, or didn't love.

She was packing her luggage, but he couldn't find his cell phone, and it suddenly occurred to him that he left the cell phone in the car last night and didn't get it back.

On the way to the airport, he finally picked up his phone out of boredom, because she had been looking at her all the time, but when he saw an unread message displayed on the phone, he turned his head and glanced at her.

Her face immediately turned red, and she only found out that his mobile phone was in the car when she got in the car, so she kept staring at it, afraid that it would be embarrassing for him to see that message right now, but, It's really embarrassing to come up with whatever you want.

"Don't look, hehe, don't look, okay?"

It was funny, she was about to cry, it was so embarrassing, she regretted to death, and sent that message...

"Hehe, not good!"

Seeing her blushing like an apple, he looked forward to it even more. Then, he opened the unread message in an instant, and saw a line of words "Let's sleep together!", and then he laughed again, although he was trying not to burst out laughing However, seeing that his other faces were about to turn red, she was still ashamed and angry.

"Just tell you not to watch it!"

"You are shy!"

He kindly reminded her, seeing her angry look, but her little face was so red that one couldn't help but want to take a bite first, to taste its deliciousness first.

"I——, Cheng Yu, concentrate on driving!"

She lowered her head and was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head up in the seat, but he burst into laughter, no wonder she was not right all the time today, it turned out that it was because of this message.

It's really frustrating that I didn't take my mobile phone last night, otherwise, I could have sung the forbidden fruit last night, right? Hey, then he shook his head pitifully, looked ahead, and concentrated on driving. It doesn't matter if he thinks something else, anyway, he is looking ahead.

The plane took off very quickly. It was so handsome. It was the first time in my life to go to Hawaii. I heard that it was a beautiful place, and I always wanted to see it.

At noon that day, they stayed in the hotel, had lunch, took a break, and then drove to the beach. They spent an afternoon at the beach and planned to officially start playing the next day. Today, they would just enjoy the sea view at the beach, Hawaii The sea view is not to mention how beautiful it is.

Plan to go to Pearl Harbor first, watch the documentary film of the Pearl Harbor incident, watch the sea view, enjoy Buffet100 high-standard lunch at noon, return to the earliest Chinatown in the United States, Chinatown, the Conference Building, the No.1 King Statue of Hawaii and Yilani Palace, and go to The famous TOPWaikiki western restaurant enjoys a candlelight dinner, and after staying in the hotel, the newcomer will receive an exquisite honeymoon gift, or champagne, chocolate, and greeting cards, etc.

Day [-] Tour Oahu Day [-]
Sleeping in the morning until waking up naturally not only drives away the fatigue of jet lag, but also ushers in the most cherished day in life.After the hotel's American buffet, you and your lover will try on clothes and make up for the upcoming grand wedding ceremony, and then the couple will go to the most famous Waikiki Beach in Hawaii to enjoy a romantic wedding ceremony full of tropical style in the embrace of the blue sea and golden sands.We will taste 100% native Hawaiian food for lunch. In the warm and romantic Waikiki in the afternoon, we will record you and your lover’s incomparable seaside wedding dress with the camera, which is enough for you to remember forever.Enjoy a high-end Korean BBQ buffet for dinner...

On the fifth day, the volcanic island, Maui, the honeymoon trip was very long and very short. The two of them checked the Internet, and they were reluctant to miss such a beautiful scenic spot, but——.

Leaving aside what will happen after tomorrow, just tonight, she couldn't take it anymore. When the two of them came out in couple pajamas, they started to get awkward, and then continued to be awkward. Being together like this seemed too lacking in passion.

"Then I—!"

As soon as he arrived at her side, she stood up in shock without saying anything, and then looked nervous, not knowing what to do, looking at him, smiling foolishly, with uneasiness in her eyes.

"How about a drink first?"

She suggested, because, I really can't just do this with him, I'm going to suffocate to death, I can't breathe.

He thought for a while, and probably realized that she was embarrassed, so he silently agreed, and then she went to get the wine, and the two drank a glass, but she was not in the mood to bother him, so she just poured it for herself, and drank four glasses in a row , still looked puzzled, but turned to look at the displeasure on his face, and stopped.

"what happened?"

Now, she is not drunk yet, just later - it's hard to say.

"Do you have to get yourself drunk? I don't like you drinking so much!"

He snatched the wine bottle from her hand, and put it on the side table in displeasure.

"If you don't want to, just say it. You don't need to hurt your body so much. Go to sleep. You have to go to see the scenery tomorrow!"

As he spoke, he went to bed, and his good mood suddenly disappeared.

She lowered her head apologetically, pursed her lips lightly, and poured another glass, but she put it down when it reached her mouth.

She didn't care if she was in a bad mood in the past, but she got married again, thinking that he just said he didn't like it, so she let it go, and then lay on his other side.

However, the two people turned their backs to each other.

In the morning, she woke up quickly, but she didn't get up, and he woke up too, but got up early.

After breakfast, the two of them started their day's trip. They were supposed to be happy, but they couldn't be happy when they met each other.

Seeing that he smiles warmly towards her when there are outsiders, but when there is no one, he has a cold face towards her, like a stranger, no, strangers will not have a cold face anymore, they are enemies .

"Cheng Yu...!"

She was angry and came out for honeymoon, but he treated himself as transparent all day long, and then she finally couldn't bear it, and then stopped, on the coast, her drifting hair was blown behind her shoulders by the wind, and then , Wronged and shouted to the man ten meters away from him with a small face.

Then he turned around, saw her aggrieved appearance, and couldn't help smiling.

"Baby, hurry up, I'm in a hurry to have a big lunch!"

It was the first wedding trip, he was originally unhappy because of what happened last night, and he stayed away from her because he was afraid that a good day would spoil her interest, but she was actually unhappy, so he walked back again.

Then he hugged her, smiled and hugged her horizontally. When she screamed and screamed at the landlord's neck, he suddenly became excited and ran to the hotel with her in his arms.

The laughter of the two people was blown behind by the sea breeze, so beautiful... , although I don't know how long it will be beautiful.

At noon, we had a romantic meal together
She was sure that in China, at least, she had not enjoyed such high treatment. In the hotel, she was treated like a queen. It was so cool, and she would never forget it.

In the afternoon, the two of them went to Chinatown, Meimei's shopping, shopping, drinking afternoon tea, etc. It was still Meimei. When he came out of the store, Cheng Yu had big and small bags in his hand, but they were all for his beloved wife.

The night fell quickly, after the happy candlelight dinner, a violin player, cheerful waltz music, the gentleman prince invited the lucky princess, and they became the most beautiful couple that night, she was moved to tears.

Back in the presidential suite, he wanted to go in when she was taking a shower, but she pushed him out, locked the door, and she took a shower in peace.

However, he was not in the mood to take a bath. Seeing her come out in purple and thin pajamas, that sexy body made people unable to bear to look at her more, and even couldn't extricate themselves from her body.

She blushed, and then he rushed into the bathroom. The cold water bath can indeed make people wake up a lot, but the next day, he was surprised to find that he had a fever. When he woke up, the bride was in the While guarding him, he watched him gradually open his eyes worriedly.

"Are you worried?"

She cried and nodded, but didn't speak. She knew that it was her own fault, so she just refused, and then he went to take a cold shower, and then he had a fever of 39 degrees. Fortunately, the fever has subsided now, the next afternoon.

"Hehe, it's all right, the fever has subsided, I'm hungry, can I get something to eat?"

He spoke softly, seeing her aggrieved little face, a little weak, afraid of speaking too loudly, she would laugh, this beautiful lark girl.

"I ordered vegetarian porridge for you, drink Nuan Nuan!"

It seemed that he knew that he would wake up at this time, and the porridge had just arrived in less than 3 minutes.

As she said that, she picked up the bowl full of porridge next to him and gave it to him. He got up a little tired, leaned against the head of the bed, and then looked at her stupidly, but he didn't take the bowl.

"I want my wife to feed me!"

He was acting like a baby, but also to reassure her.


She raised her head in surprise, she had never done this to a man before, hey, she thought she had heard wrong, a big man doesn't know how to be shy.

"Ah, what, I told you to feed me, no, do you want me to teach you!"

As she spoke, she was about to put her mouth on her face, and she immediately picked up the spoon, blew hot air on him, and then put it into his mouth mouthful.

He was proud, but she seemed to have a fever with embarrassment.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't—!"

After dinner, she sat on the edge of the bed and apologized to him in front of him, and he felt distressed seeing her sorry look, and then, before she finished speaking, he pulled her under him, and then, kiss, come So fast.

She looked at him in surprise, but when she watched him close his eyes so seriously, she also closed her eyes, then accepted his kiss, hugged his neck, and responded to his love. On this day, It finally came, and she still gave herself to him, the man who was called her husband.

Or, these days are so beautiful, so she is so beautiful that she is so drunk that she doesn't even know what she is doing.

The next day, the hotel gave them another romantic wedding. She was dressing up all morning, and he, of course, couldn't see him. No, he has always felt uncomfortable in his heart, so he was excited when the hotel had this proposal, but at this moment, he was anxious again, even more difficult than when Tong Bo pulled her away that day. Bear.

And she was still chatting with the makeup artists in the dressing room. The makeup artist is Caucasian, but the golden hair makes her more attractive. She is really noble and generous, but when chatting, But still like a child, seems to have found a confidant in life, smiling very happily.

When she came out surrounded by a group of women in wedding dresses, he turned around, what a beautiful scenery by the sea.

Then, she was shy, and she was smiling very openly, but when she saw his fiery eyes, she remembered last night, and then, her cheeks that had been rubbed with a little pink were even more rosy and beautiful.

He walked towards her bride, took her hand, and walked towards the priest arranged by the hotel together. On this sky-blue seaside and a place where they communicated in the sky, they would never forget it in their entire lives. Although this event was not grand, But it was perfect so that they could not pick out any faults in the wedding.

In the end, the two had a long kiss for 10 minutes amidst everyone's screams, because the beauties in the hotel have to last forever, 1 minute represents the sky, and the 9 minutes represent the long and long.

Then, when the kiss became lingering, she also thought that she fell in love with him, this man who was originally flirtatious, but changed for her, and swore to be the same as her.

Then he hugged her and enjoyed a tropical romantic wedding in the arms of the blue sea and golden sand on the most famous Waikiki beach in Hawaii. There are a lot of beautiful pictures in wedding dresses, a high-end dinner that you will never forget, a Korean BBQ buffet meal, and then they smile at each other and keep smiling. Occasionally, he will deliberately run behind her and watch her barbecue, just again and again His past hugged her from behind and kissed her face a hundred times.

She smiled happily, only thinking about the present, and forgetting everything else.

In the following days, they visited Diamond Hill again, and stayed in high-end villas, Dinosaur Bay, Sea Spring Vent, White Beach, Dafengkou and other scenic spots. The charming sea views and mountains along the way made them intoxicated and did not want to leave.

The night view of Honolulu, the romance of Hawaii...

A month later, they had enjoyed all the scenery in Hawaii, and they were still reluctant to part when they returned.

"What's the matter, are you worried?"

Seeing her getting depressed when she packed her luggage, he was not willing to part with it, but they still had business to deal with and had to go back, and the one-month trip was the first time he had taken such a long vacation in so many years. Credit to the lovely little lady in my arms.

"No, it's just that this place is really beautiful...!"

She didn't go on talking, took away his hand holding her, and continued to put clothes in the suitcase.

He sat on the corner of the bed, looking at her with sparkling eyes, and he didn't know what it was like, as if he was also a little sad.

"When we get old, come and settle here, okay?"

He smiled and spoke suddenly, but it was so surprising.

She stopped and smiled helplessly at his serious face.

"Forget it, it's too dreamy here, this month seems a bit unreal to me, I'd better go back to work properly!"

Why, at this moment, she thought of everything about that city, and then, she couldn't see anything but pressure.

Recalling the happiness and romance of this month, she hardly dared to go back to face the people and things there, and worried that after going back, the sweetness here would disappear in smoke.

"I heard that the couple went to Hawaii and had a great time. It's unbearable to see the intimacy!"

They lived in the same city, so they would meet each other at any time. On the night they went back, she and Cheng Yu had dinner at the hotel. No, it was just a coincidence.

They sat in the corner, chatting very happily, Cheng Yu kept helping Yu Ruobing cut the meat, Yu Ruobing said no, he was still stubborn, and then, Yu Ruobing ate the meat he had cut, which was the happiest thing for him.

If no one disturbs their marriage, then they will be happy if they go on like this, but——.

"I told you to come by yourself, look, I'm full, but yours is cold!"

"It's okay, your stomach is not good, I'm in good health, you know this best, oh!"

He deliberately raised his eyebrows, and then she was shy for a while. Of course, she understood that he was talking about being on the bed, so she gave him an annoyed look, and began to eat her fruit plate again.

And their flirting and cursing were all taken into the eyes of a certain man at the table diagonally opposite. When did she start to be so ambiguous and intimate with a man, and their conversation drove him crazy. When he was together, she was always like a frightened bird, and he was like a wolf, but when she was with Cheng Yu.

He couldn't bear such an ending, what he couldn't get, how could other men have the right to get it, even Cheng Yu.

As for Song Xiaofei beside him, he just stayed silent while watching him frantic. Their relationship never allowed her to say anything, and she was used to watching him go back and forth between the two women.

Then Cheng Yu's cell phone rang, but when he answered the call, he was in pain, his face turned pale.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Both of Cheng Yu's parents had passed away, so she couldn't imagine what happened.

"Cheng Xuan entered the hospital!"

Then she looked directly at him with a pale face, and suddenly remembered that little girl who hated her, that sister who liked Cheng Yu, she was admitted to the hospital, what would happen?
"Then what are you doing in a daze, go and see, why is she also your relative, now that your parents are gone, you should stay by her side, go, I will take a taxi back by myself later!"

She talked more and more vigorously. As a wife, even though she knew that woman liked him, she could only let him accompany her. However, the reason was that if it was another man, would she still be so generous?
"Then I'll go and have a look, maybe I'll go back later, don't wait for me, go to bed early, you know?"

He picked up his coat, explained in a hurry, and stood up too.

"Well, I know, take your time on the road, don't worry!"

She also stood up and watched him leave.

None of them saw those eyes, and then, after sitting for a while, she couldn't eat any more, so she picked up her coat. In the early autumn weather, she walked on the path along the way, feeling the bursts of cold brought by the early autumn wind After staying in that warm city for a month, I am not used to it after returning. It seems that the problem of greed is always so easy to develop.

Looking up, looking at the dark path ahead, for some reason, my heart suddenly became quiet and hurt.

The night is too quiet, and people will always think of things that shouldn't be thought of. For example, she, in this dark night, is a little out of breath, feeling depressed, always thinking that something will happen.

Then, I thought of a certain man, calm, domineering, unreasonable, flamboyant...

Then a car passed her and she reversed back.

She looked at the man walking out of the car in surprise, and then——.

His face was getting closer and closer, and she also opened her eyes wide, but after a while, she returned to her appearance a month ago. Should she have any good expression towards him? She didn't think of it, only this kind of expression a face.

"Why, are you so unhappy to see me?"

Are you unhappy, right?
She just stared at him, but didn't want to talk to him, and he became even more angry because of this.

"Didn't you be happy when you were with that bastard just now? Why, you don't want to see me anymore. Whether it used to be or now, there is always a word 'husband'. How come the treatment is so different!"

He was mocking, mocking her, but after he finished speaking, he seemed to be laughing at himself.

"I really don't see each other anywhere, how can I meet you everywhere, Mr. Tong, you are also very free!"

She said to him, and finally quarreled with him helplessly. She didn't know what happened, but she could always quarrel with him.

Her sarcasm was also ugly, at least, he thought it was ugly.

"Very idle?——, do you think everyone is as idle as you, Yu Ruobing...!"

However, he couldn't find anything to say. Apart from humiliation, could there be nothing else between him and her.

So, he choked up and had nothing to say, and she, also saddened by his dimmed expression, turned her head and looked at the hollow somewhere.

"Sorry, I have something to do, let's go first!"

She didn't want to go on, she didn't know why, looking into his eyes, her heart felt sad, why, after being apart for such a long time, she was still influenced by him.

"Go, where are you going? My husband went to accompany other women and left you alone in the hotel. What else can you do? Are you busy dating other men?"

When she had just walked away from him and hadn't taken two steps, he came again, and satirized her again and again, as if it was his pleasure. When she turned her head, he turned his head too, and smiled. , although he smiled meanly, then he turned around and looked at her angry little face solemnly.

"You seem to be very interested in your ex-wife's affairs. How about it? My husband is not at home. Do you want to be an alternate?"

She admitted that it was intentional, but she didn't know that he would really want to be that alternate.

"Although she is an ex-wife, she still has the character of wife. If you really miss me that much, of course I will be happy to accompany you!"

He frowned, and——.

"Hey, Tong Che, what are you doing, let me go...!"

"Let go, didn't you just yell for me to be an alternate team member just now, why do you want me to let you go now, so you go back and forth like this...!"

"Let go of me, Tong Che, I won't allow you to treat me like this...!"

She was about to cry, she wanted a simple life and didn't want to be disturbed by him anymore.

But in the car, he had already ripped off her coat and tore her inner skirt.

"It's impossible to let go, but you can beg me to hurry up!"

There was no joke on his evil face, he was completely serious, there was something crazy in his eyes, she couldn't see clearly, and her eyes were moist.

It's just, how can it be, how can it be....

"Okay, if you don't dislike me, I've already slept with another man...!"

Before the tears flowed, she took out the last trump card, and then he really stopped, looking at her with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to eat her, yes, he was angry, she, already It is no longer his.

Only then did I realize that I had never thought about what happened to her in bed with other men. It turned out that he had always thought that she was only enjoyed by him alone, but now——.

Suddenly losing strength, he sat up with a sad face, and she sat up too, wrapping her frightened body tightly with her coat.

It's just that when he panicked, he took a lighter and a cigarette and lit it tremblingly.

Her heart was hurting again, he looked like some relative had died, or lost something she loved deeply, but, this——, she didn't dare to think about it, she always felt that it was not true of.

When he took a puff and then exhaled the smoke, he felt relieved, as if he had been poisoned, by her poison.

She is no longer his, and he is not in the mood to hide his sadness, because at this moment, he is really going crazy, hearing her say that she is with another man, even if that person is her husband, but he does not allow , not allowed.

Then, thinking about it, he didn't notice that the cigarette butt had touched his index finger.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

And she saw it, looked at the deep burns and brand marks on his fingertips, then leaned over, dodged his cigarette, opened the car door, threw the cigarette on the ground, eight centimeter high-score shoes, but she died He kicked the cigarette that had turned into minced meat.

This series of actions was seen by him, but when there was such a trace of sadness in his eyes, and that crystal, brighter than gemstones, he couldn't stand it any longer, closed the car door, and then threw Get off her, drive the car past her, and leave.

Then she stopped and looked at the back of his car together with tears.

He saw, saw her tears and sadness, but he was also thinking, or, everything really just passed away.

has it ended?

She was still standing there, looking at the place where he left, thinking that everything was over, because of what she said just now, she was no longer his, and had been owned by another man, so everything was over.

At this time, no one would think about who is stingy, because the betrayal of the body seems to be accompanied by the betrayal of the heart.

So, the two of them have already, everything, has passed like this...

When he got home, his exhausted face suddenly became tense, because there was a woman lying on the floor in the hall, and then he didn't think about anything, rushed forward to hug her and ran outside.

Yes, Shen Lan is about to give birth.

It was a caesarean section because she was in a coma at that time, and the doctor said that it was necessary to have a caesarean section, but there was nothing he could do. Fortunately, medicine is better now, and caesarean section is a common thing, and many people choose caesarean section because they are afraid of pain.

However, outside the operating room, he waited anxiously, because at this moment, he suddenly thought of the woman who was waiting for him to come back at the window every night, and the child in her belly.

Feeling guilty for a moment, because, thinking of their past love, thinking of her pregnant with his child, it's just——.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tong, you are a big fat boy!"

Then, he turned his head and heard the nurse who came out say this to him, and then he smiled, a smile after a narrow escape, and then ran in, looking at the woman who was still in a coma.

He held her hand tightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes, looking at the man in front of her, she was very relieved, fortunately, she felt that he was by her side, when she fainted, she thought That was the end of her life.

"It's a son!"

He smiled happily and told her excitedly that she gave birth to a son, but she cried. Although she was smiling, she cried. She was also very excited. It can be said that at this moment, she is the most excited person. Because the suffering of being pregnant in October is beyond the comprehension of these men.

He thought that it would be like this from now on, Yu Ruobing followed Cheng Yu, and he, and the woman he' once loved the most, and their children, he thought, in the future, he would fall in love slowly again, So, he's trying hard.

"We'll get married when you get out of the hospital, okay?"


She was touched by his name, and wanted to tell him that the child was not his, but she didn't have the courage, but she was reluctant. She had loved and complained before, but now, she finally hoped that he would propose marriage , but her heart ached, just because he carried her to the hospital and let her give birth to the baby safely, there was no resentment at all.

"Hey, take a good rest, okay?"

He kissed her lightly on the forehead. He never forgot his first love back then.


She echoed softly, crying and laughing, proving that she was moved.

Then he went out, to the doctor's office.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

He thanked people as soon as he entered, although he was not sincere, because he sat down as soon as he entered, and he didn't wait for his friend to let him go.

In fact, they are all old friends. In fact, Xiaoxuan was checked out by this man.

"I really didn't expect you two to be together again, but are you type B blood?"

He clearly remembered that Tong Che was type O, but even though he was a friend, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he asked cautiously.

Then Tong Che frowned, squinted at the doctor, and waited for the next sentence.

"The baby has type B blood!"

He continued to speak sincerely, and seeing Tong Che's expression, he knew the truth.

Type B?

He is type O, she has been abnormal lately, and now she recalls so many days, she wanted to say something to him several times, and her face was not good, but he didn't care because of Yu Ruobing and Cheng Yu's marriage , I just remembered now, maybe, she wanted to tell him that the child wasn't his at all.

Then, shortly after he left the office, he called the assistant, and when he came back not long after, she had already put on the salt water, and the baby was beside her, and she was watching the baby crying and laughing.

He stood at the door but didn't go in. He wanted to know the result as soon as possible.

He wouldn't blame her for anything, because he didn't have any strength anymore, but he still smiled, very sadly, because all the ridiculous things happened to him, and the person who thought he could be superior to him in his previous life suddenly felt like Like a clown being punished again and again.

Yu Ruobing has already betrayed him, even Shen Lan, he will know in a few days, it turns out that after Shen Lan left him, she met another man, and the two stayed together for a long time, and that man didn't abandon her until she became pregnant. She, and she, after being abandoned, found him helplessly.

Suddenly, he complained again, because if it wasn't for her, maybe he and Yu Ruobing wouldn't have divorced at all. He fell in love with that woman so damn, but——.

I still remember what she said on the day of the divorce, saying that he would never have another chance in this life, so the more he laughed, the more he laughed, the heart hurts, the cold, what a ridiculous, ridiculous story.

"I won't let you go, you are mine, I won't let you go!"

In one ward, a woman hugged the man's waist tightly, refusing to let him leave no matter what.

"Cheng Xuan, if you mess around again, I will never come to see you again!"

He got angry and worried that Ruobing was alone, so he yelled at her.

"You dare, if you dare, I will die in front of you, and I want you to have a restless conscience for the rest of your life!"

She was crying and shouting resentfully, whoever is afraid of whom, the threatening move has no effect on her at all.

"Girl, can you stop making trouble, brother is just brother, huh?"

He sits helplessly by the bed, really has a headache, it's not that he doesn't have any affection at all, and it's not that they haven't had a relationship before, he loves her, no matter what time it is, whether it's a lover or a sister.

However, ever since he fell in love with Yu Ruobing, he never thought of getting married with women other than Yu Ruobing, so he let go. For this sister, he just wanted to get on the right track with the ridiculous relationship between them, but , but she held him tightly, refusing to let him leave no matter what.

"No, brother is brother, but he is also my man!"

She couldn't forget the days and nights they had been together, she didn't care that he was married, she didn't care about anything, in this case, she just begged him not to leave her so ruthlessly.

The cold was also intentional. She poured a basin of cold water on her head on purpose, and then she didn't change her clothes. The temperature called him, and then he called the hospital first.

It's really for him that she can do anything. It's not that she has a problem with self-torture, it's just because she can't think of anything else except this method.

Tong Che happened to pass by the door of that ward, only to find out that Cheng Yu and his later sister still had such an ambiguous relationship, he laughed again, the world is full of wonders.

Soon, he returned to his previous appearance as a master in love, wandering among the flowers, but, a month later, he still chose to get married because he agreed, he didn't care who the child belonged to, and he didn't care about Shen Whether Lan still loves him or not, it's just that, the night before the wedding, when the two of them sat together, they couldn't see their relationship at all.

"If you remarry me, you will regret it, if I am still the same as before."


"Shen Lan, our love has ended, a long time ago...!"

Then Shen Lan fell silent, lowered her head, didn't cry, but her heart ached, yes, their love had ended long ago, or it had already ended before he married Yu Ruobing.

"Che, I have to say, I can't hide it from you like this, in fact—!"

"Actually, your child is not mine!"

Then Shen Lan was startled, and looked up at him with surprise on his face.

But he, without any expression, was still so calm.

"You know it all!"

She was disappointed, it turned out that her heart was so sour after being known by him.

"The blood type was tested when the child was born, and the doctor told me that the child was type B and I was type O, so of course it wasn't mine."

Then she continued to nod.

"Then why are you still marrying me?"

"I'm tired. Anyway, that man also ran away, and my wife is with another man. If this is the case, then we will be together in a mess. Anyway, outsiders will not know it. As long as we know it in our hearts, marriage is fine. For me at the moment, it's like an empty shell with nothing in it!"

It hurts so much, but she has no reason to be angry, because, why is she not, two people who no longer love each other, but because they were both hurt too badly, they came together.

A marriage without any love, but none of them refused and accepted it. The next day, the wedding, but no one could see any clues. Their acting was really good.

"Don't you want to go together?"

Cheng Yu was going to attend the wedding. Since the wedding invitation arrived, he didn't feel any inconvenience, but Yu Ruobing immediately rejected it when he received the wedding invitation. Before going to the wedding, he still asked, because everyone knew her Regarding the previous relationship with Tong Che, if he went alone, someone would definitely make irresponsible remarks.

Moreover, he hopes that she can accompany him, no matter where they go, in a city, they will often meet, she must get used to it, if she can pass this test today, he thinks, in the future, there will be no relationship between them Get in the way.

"I'm not going, go by yourself, don't drink too much wine!"

She still cared about him as usual, but she couldn't take that step.

He finally remarried Shen Lan. When she heard the news, she still hid herself and cried secretly all night. However, it was a matter of time. Someone told her about it a long time ago. Tong Che loved her. Yes, it's Shen Lan, and now she has his child again, so everything is more logical.

She would not know that the wedding, in fact, just told people that he was married, and his first love, the first wife, everyone would think that they were in love with each other, but no one would know that, in fact, they had stopped loving each other a long time ago It's just like old friends. They never thought that they would get divorced again, let alone what others would say after divorce, but they just looked at them.

She was afraid of embarrassment, she was not worried that she would not be able to face Tong Che, even if that happened that night, she was just afraid that she would not be able to stand the criticism of everyone.


For some reason, she seemed to have changed her mind, went upstairs, found her most glamorous clothes, and then simply combed her hair...

"Yu!" At the wedding scene, he had just put down his car and passed by, and she also took a taxi and arrived immediately.

When Brick looked at his beautiful wife, he was still surprised, thinking that she really wouldn't come, but in the end——, what does this mean, he didn't have time to think about it yet, but later, he Will take it into consideration.

She smiled and ran to him, taking his arm.

"You know, you are really suitable for water red!"

Lovely as peach blossoms in spring.

And she just smiled charmingly, and then, the two embraced and arrived at the scene.

"The wedding is about to begin, Dong Lin, I heard that this man had a relationship with the woman you like, it seems to be an ex-relationship!"

"Go away, mind your own business, I don't need you to be so kind to inquire!"

He had inquired about everything about her long ago, and Wang Donglin soon saw Cheng Yu leaving with Yu Ruobing in his arms. He didn't care about Guan Qingyun, and walked directly in front of the two of them.

"Sister, your ex-husband got married, why do you still come here, don't you feel very embarrassed?"

He is a different kind of person, and he is not happy when he sees her with any man, but he likes to say that she is useless. See, when we meet, he hurts her so much.

"Where do we not meet again, why are you two again?"

Cheng Yu smiled, feeling bored looking at the two children in front of him, and this brat, he always felt a little different, and only found out today that this kid must have seen his wife's beauty, so he would appear again and again in front of her.

"This uncle is talking to me, hehe, I don't think we meet often, but, you are so old, and marrying such a young woman as your wife, don't you think it is very unsuitable?"


"Hey, forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as a child, let's go there quickly, the newcomer will come out later!"

She has a complete cold for Wang Donglin, and she hates boys like him. She is selfish and doesn't know how to criticize. She knows nonsense all day long, and she doesn't look like a good boy.

Then Cheng Yu stopped, otherwise he would definitely beat him.

"Hey, sister, you don't have to do this, who is a child, we are three years apart, aren't we? Besides, I think you look younger than me!"

"Hey, sister, long time no see!"

Qing Yun also came up to say hello, smiling very cutely, which made Yu Ruobing even more confused.

"Qing Yun, why are you still hanging out with him?"

Yu Ruobing frowned. This little girl is a complete fool. After all, everyone is a fool when it comes to love.

"Sister, there is no way, unless he finds a suitable girl, otherwise, I can't let go, sister, he likes you!"

Qing Yun kindly reminded her that she began to doubt whether this little girl knew what love was, and how she would say such things for the person she liked, she was simply a super fool.

"I really have nothing to say, let's go first, you two can do whatever you want!"

Cheng Yu shook his head straight, such a chaotic life, two really cute people, but when he heard that someone liked his wife, he naturally hugged and ran away.

"Hey, brother...!"

Qing Yun wanted to speak, but Wang Donglin stopped her with a stern look. In front of him, she didn't dare to be presumptuous. Wang Donglin hated her calling Cheng Yu brother when she saw Cheng Yu, because he obviously thought he looked like an uncle.

Yu Ruobing didn't take their words to heart from the beginning to the end, because, hurry up and be like two children who will never grow up, there is nothing to take seriously, do you like it, even if it is, it may just be a temporary infatuation.

The two of them were still chatting and laughing while they were touching up their makeup. Anyway, they talked about it last night. Now, like old friends, they kept chatting about old friends from the past, but everyone took it as a This kind of love relationship, everyone is envious of it.

Then the bride and groom appeared, the wedding march sounded, and then they swore again in front of the priest.

However, he promised that this was the last time he would do such a lovely thing in front of the priest, but Shen Lan did not give up, and was always looking forward to, maybe, one day, the father of the child will come back, right? Seeing their lovely son, how could he bear to avoid her all the time.

And when they put on rings for each other, a certain woman next to her didn't hide it, she was still sad. Suddenly, her stomach hurt so much, she put her hands on her lower abdomen and pressed hard, but her body didn't bend halfway.

"What's the matter, are you alright?"

Only then did Cheng Yu look away from the ridiculous two people, seeing that Yu Ruobing's reaction was not right, he became concerned.


She replied with a smile, looked up at him, still so peaceful, and then looked hard at the couple in front of her, who had been married many times.

Then, the two of them kissed each other, acting on the occasion, they were used to it, so they did it perfectly. After a round of applause, the bride threw the bouquet again, and the one who caught Qing Yun, who had not yet graduated from university, She was stared at by so many people at once, she was stunned, blushing, looking at the bouquet in her hand, her heart was beating wildly.

Then everyone laughed, and she also smiled silly, except that the boy beside her frowned.

She pressed her stomach hard, and they went back at noon, because they had to attend their dance in the evening, but now, she was very tired and just wanted to go back and rest.

"Congratulations, my wife is not feeling well, so let's go back first, see you in the evening!"

Cheng Yu went over to say hello without any envy, and now he only cares about Yu Ruobing's body.

"Then go slowly!"

Shen Lan replied with a smile, but Tong Che didn't speak from the beginning to the end. They fought several times because of Yu Ruobing, and he also forgot.

However, hearing that she was not feeling well, he still couldn't help but worry, and tried his best not to care about it, but, looking at the woman who was being helped away in the distance, he quietly followed her with a heart.


Shen Lan knew what he was thinking when he looked like that, and kindly called him back. The wedding was not over yet, and he came back to his senses after a long time, and then embraced Shen Lan to toast with the guests. Is this kind of thing an ambiguous game?
"How is it, does it hurt?"

In the car, Cheng Yu started chattering non-stop, his lovely little wife, please don't have anything to do.

"It's okay, just go home and take some medicine. It's a problem that happened when I was studying abroad, but it's not very serious. The doctor said that I need to take medicine when I have a stomachache. I didn't pay much attention!"

She replied with a smile, try to speak well, don't scare him.

"You too, how can you hide this kind of thing from me, since you are not feeling well, tell me earlier, how can I force you, you shouldn't go, I'll go by myself at night, you rest at home!"

He thought that she would go because she didn't want to embarrass him. If he knew that it was not the case, what would he do?

And she didn't say anything, some things, she should just say what she understands.

When he got home, he hurriedly found stomach medicine for her. She took it happily and swallowed it in one gulp without even drinking water.

"I can't see it, my wife doesn't need to drink medicine even when she takes medicine, amazing!"

In fact, before drinking medicine and not drinking water, it was only because once the medicine was in her mouth for a long time, she found that there was no water in the house, but later, she suddenly discovered that the taste was like her life, knowing that the previous The road to the road is very rough, but I still have to grit my teeth and keep going.

"No way, it's just that I have held it in my mouth for too long, and it will be bitter later. Why don't you hurry up and pour me water first!"

How could she tell him the reason, because she really hurts today, it's a stomachache, or it can be said to be a heartache, the beloved, he is married again, and it is rumored that she is his fifth wife. It's like drinking cold water.

"Oh, that's still my fault. What should I do? I'll find a way to make up for it——um..., yes, I'll give you something sweet!"

As he spoke, he held her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply.

But she was dumbfounded. In broad daylight, this man is really a man who loves to move. He should kiss her. He did it when he was at work, and he does it now. He loves to kiss her when he is busy.

She accepted it helplessly, but, she didn't expect his kiss to be so long this time, she seemed to feel something, but she couldn't tell, so she just closed her eyes, and then, before the end, she raised her arms and hugged him He grabbed his neck, and then, the two of them hugged each other and fell on the bed.

But he stopped at the last moment, because he suddenly remembered that she had a bad stomach.

"what happened?"

She asked curiously, seeing the depression on his face.

"You are not in good health, let's try another day!"

Since the first time, he would not let her go almost every day, but today, he suddenly felt reluctant, thinking about his own madness these days, he is not like a man who has experienced many women, like a man A man who has never seen a woman is a bit like a man who always dominates her all day long, but today, thinking of her pain, he finally stopped.

"Then don't take a cold bath!"

Of course she was very relieved, but remembering that time when he went to take a cold bath because he couldn't get her, and he had a fever, she couldn't let him get sick because of such a little thing.

"haha okay!"

He tried his best to bear it, even though he was suffering for a long time, he walked around her, deliberately ignored her, then picked up an old newspaper, it took a long time to put out the fire, and she had already gone to the kitchen.

Putting down the newspaper, looking at the woman who was busy in the kitchen. After marriage, she almost occupied the kitchen alone, saying that cooking is not something a man should do, but a wife's duty. He was so heartwarming, looking at that He was a little moved by the beautiful picture, moved himself to have such a beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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