Chapter 45

You just want to know that I am Tong Che, so what if I am him, can you go back to the past? "

Back when they first met, if everything could be done again, he vowed to cherish the happiness bestowed by God.

"Even if you are Tong Che, we can't go back to the beginning, so what if we go back to the beginning, our beginning was not happy."

Yes, in fact, have they ever had real happiness?

But, obviously never had happiness, why did he still love so deeply and hurt so badly.

Then, he was looking at her, with an indescribable heartache in his eyes, and she, too, was obviously sad, but she tried her best to cover it up.

I can't go back, there is no regret medicine in the world, what should I do?
"Then don't mention this person's name to me again. Remember, I am Shangguan Xunchi, a devil who will never escape once I get provoked!"

He said that he is a devil, yes, she agrees with this very much, if he is not a devil, how could her heart be hurt so much, if he is just an ordinary man, how could he have such strong power to make her scarred.

"Don't mention it again, why don't you let me say, if you are not him, you don't care how many times I say him, if you are not him, why are you still so angry that I mentioned the word Tong Che?"

She was not convinced.

"You are a devil, a devil who can suck human blood. Even if you change your name, the nature in your blood will never change... In fact, you are a fool!"

Suddenly, she felt that he was so stupid, thinking that a name could cover up everything, how could she not understand what he wanted to do.

"Listen, stop talking nonsense. If I hear those two words again, maybe a doctor from the madhouse will come to help...!" He threatened her, not because he mentioned the madhouse, but because she saw To his heart, the tormented heart.

"Stay here well, I won't let anyone take you away, listen, in this world, there are only things I don't want, but nothing I can't get!"

He left, walking so gracefully, and she was left behind again after being hurt badly, he locked the door, he went to another room, he needed to calm down, when she talked about her son, when her deep The deep pain hurt his eyes, and he only felt that his heart was constantly being pricked by embroidery needles, an indescribable pain.

They already have children, but...

The big bed was messy. A woman put her hands in her hair and buried her head between her legs. It was so stuffy, her heart seemed to be slowly rotting.

"Chi, Chi... Chi, are you there...?"

At noon the next day, Liu Yuanyuan stepped into his newly bought villa. Yes, it was indeed Luo Li's idea. Luo Li called her over, and then he himself followed. mess.

Yes, he would not mess around in front of Liu Yuanyuan, because he is an imposter, he is not Tong Che, he is Liu Yuanyuan's good husband, her good husband.

When he heard Liu Yuanyuan's voice, he immediately got up from the bed. When he went out and saw Liu Yuanyuan in the hall, he frowned. When he was thinking about why she came back, he found Luo Li following closely behind. It was his idea to understand.

"Chi, I miss you so much!"

It's only been a few days, but she hugged him so tightly.

And he, let his wife hug him, and then his eyes were fixed on the man over there.

Luo Liquan didn't know anything, just looked here and there.

"Oh, I'll go and see Ruobing!"

Luo Li walked towards Ruo Bing's room as he said that. He was glad that Tong Che didn't come out of that room.

However, when he was about to open the door and found that the door was still locked, his face still sank, but, after a while...

"Damn it, it broke down yesterday, why hasn't it been repaired today, Chi, give me the key quickly, Bing's health is not good recently, I haven't come back for a day, something must have happened!"

He made up a weird reason, but Tong Che had no choice but to give him the key, because if he didn't give it to him, it would prove that he had a problem, and he had no choice. This was also a reminder from Luo Li. If you don't obediently take out the key, something will happen.

"Bing, Bing, are you okay?"

When he opened the door, Liu Yuanyuan also looked in curiously, but Luo Li closed the door, Liu Yuanyuan pouted a little dissatisfied, maybe she should be content with her husband.

She was in a coma and her body had no strength. When she heard someone calling her continuously, she opened her eyes and vaguely saw Luo Li's face, but she wept. The person she was looking forward to all along did not come. , I don't know why, at this moment, she just wants to cry, so sad, is her love worthless after being trampled on?
"Are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital?"

He asked anxiously, the hands holding her were a little stiff.

"Need not!"

She tried her best to squeeze out a little smile, seeing his anxious face was somewhat moved, a stranger could care about her like this, why would a man who has been involved with her for so many years refuse to do anything.

Then, slender hands stretched out to her chest, holding the pair of rings picked up in the ruins, and tears ruthlessly hit her already sad little face.

And he also saw that pair of wedding rings, which she wore around her neck the last time they met. He was thinking about something in his heart, wanting to discuss her and understand her.

"What's the point of keeping things that have passed away like this?"

Yes, it's all over, what's the use of cherishing it so much, she shed tears silently, letting him hold her in her arms, letting his sentimental drive her mood.

"Bing, he's dead, but you're still alive, even if it's——, for the sake of the child, you have to live well!"

She thought of her lovely son, but how did he know this, and then, thinking of Shangguan Xunchi's evil face, she could guess that his friends were all similar.

When we first met, he was just for fun.

Although now, he is trying to help her...

When eating at night, the four of them sat together, but their moods were different.

Bing really had a fever, his face was always hot, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. He tried his best just because he didn't want to fall pitifully in front of him.

And Liu Yuanyuan has been waiting for the man she called her husband to cut the meat for her and put it on her plate.

And Luo Li has been helping her cut.

"Mr. Cheng, don't come to this place to eat in the future, the waiters here are super tasteless!"

"Really, I think it's not bad!"

After Cheng Yu had dinner with a woman, he came down from upstairs, and then, the four people by the wall were particularly conspicuous.

When he saw the woman he hadn't seen for a long time, his face lost all expression in an instant.

And Ruo Bing raised his head when he heard Mr. Cheng.

At this moment, my heart is being pulled hard, it hurts so much.

"My God, this is not President Tong, my God, this is not true, is it?"

This woman ran to the four tables with more chest tightness than Cheng Yu, and was amazed to see Tong Che's face.

And he has been helping his wife cut the meat without saying anything.

"I'm sorry, miss. This is Mr. Shangguan Xunchi who just bought Tong's Group, not the President Tong you mentioned, OK?"

Luo Li spoke very dissatisfied, and hated that Tong Che was mentioned in front of him the most, because the woman beside him had such a man in her heart.

"Uh, who are you? You are President Tong. Even if I don't know, how can Miss Yu not know?"

Tong Che felt a little aggrieved, how could such a nosy woman come from.

Liu Yuanyuan's face was not very good-looking, and Luo Li was even more angry.

But Ruo Bing just sat quietly, it was so hot, he picked up the red wine in front of him, and drank it in one gulp, it instantly cooled down and became hot again.

"Miss, please open your eyes and see clearly. Apart from his face being somewhat similar to Mr. Tong, this Mr. Shangguan Xunchi has other similarities? Tong Che, how could he not know me, even if he doesn't recognize me?" I should know you too, right?"

She was in a bad mood, these three men made her want to hit the wall to death today, so she stood up and walked to Shangguan Xunchi on the opposite side, so that the woman could take a good look.

"Uh, could it be that I misidentified the person, but that's right, Tong Che is indeed dead, hehe, then I'll flash away first, you guys enjoy it... Oh, Miss Yu, with someone like this Wouldn't it be awkward to dine together?"

He had already walked a few steps, but he turned his head back, asked a question, and then looked at them with goosebumps all over his body. The four of them were out of coordination.

"Chi, what is that woman talking about?"

Liu Yuanyuan is also in a bad mood. It was weird to be angry at first, but now, she can't stand it anymore. It's so strange that she doesn't understand anything, like an idiot, but she doesn't know, even if she is an idiot, Some things can't be asked.

"I don't know, let's eat quickly and go to the movies later!"

Then Liu Yuanyuan was happy again, while Tong Che was very unhappy while drinking, and Cheng Yu just stood there, looking at his ex-wife's thin body, feeling distressed, it didn't happen just for a moment.

"Bing, come here and sit down to eat, it's bad if it gets cold!"


Luo Li yelled, and she agreed to a word, but just as she was about to take a step, she found that she was unable to go on at all, her mind became dizzy for a moment, and then passed out beside the man.

The moment she fell down, there was still only one face in her mind. Whether it was love or hate, even if it was a lifetime of entanglement, she was destined not to forget it.




The three men were all startled at the same time, of course Tong Che who was closest hugged her first, looking at the fainted person, he was in a tragic mood, what did she do, when she put her arms around her hot body, she realized that she was sick Yes, I saw that her complexion was not right today, but I never expected it to be so hot.

Luo Li also immediately ran over and squatted in front of her, but he didn't have time to take the first step, and Cheng Yu didn't care about them.

"Mr. Shangguan, please give her to me. Just continue eating. I will take good care of her!"

That's right, since he is not Tong Che, what else is there for him to give way to? Since he is Shangguan Xunchi, then there is no reason to give way anymore. As for Luo Li, a later stranger, he doesn't care even more .

So, he snatched Ruo Bing from Tong Che's arms, hugged her, and strode away in front of everyone.

The woman was left just like that, distraught.

"Hey, they are all ex-wives, why are you so anxious, wait for me...!"

He snatched Bing from Tong Che's arms so easily. The moment his arms were empty, his heart was also empty, but he didn't refute. Cheng Yu's eyes were clear to him, When the two men looked at each other, in fact, they both knew that they had been familiar with each other for so many years.

It's just that if you let go of your hands, your heart will still be gripped and sad, and then, follow her all the time, no matter where she goes, he will always follow her.

Running in ten centimeter high heels was a bit awkward, but the woman followed her anyway, but when she ran to the entrance of the hotel, Cheng Yu had already carried Ruo Bing into the car, and then went to the hospital.

"Is he Cheng Yu?"

Luo Li put his hands in his pockets, looking at the distant shadow was very unhappy, and he was even more unhappy when he heard that he had a certain status in Ruo Bing's heart.

As for Tong Che, he sat back and continued eating. It didn't matter if he was in a good mood or not. Anyway, she had already left. I believe it would be difficult to let her come back. However, there is always a way.


Liu Yuanyuan really wanted an explanation, and the person who explained it to her was her husband the best, but——.

"Let's eat, let Li take you back later, I'm leaving a little earlier!"

He never liked to put himself in such an embarrassing situation. Moreover, he wanted to know what happened to that woman, so he followed him. Because he was worried, she fell down like that, and fell in front of him. She vividly remembered the excited look in her eyes when he hugged her, as if she had been looking forward to it all along.

Then, Liu Yuanyuan could only watch her man leave without being able to stop her. In the past two years, she has gradually gotten used to his personality, but no one is willing to develop this kind of habit.

As for Luo Li, he sat back very upset. He was always kind to Liu Yuanyuan, even if he didn't catch her, but he never hated her.

He seemed to be used to being behind her, even if Ruo Bing lived in his heart, he still sat back and waited for her to eat.

"Don't eat, let's go back!"

"Aren't you going to eat it? That's what your dear husband cut up for you. Don't you just like the food he cuts?"

"Li, can you stop making fun of me?"

She is not happy anymore, but no matter when, no matter how much she loses her temper, this man will always laugh it off, and he will follow her in everything, as long as she is happy. In the past two years, she has also gotten used to such a tone and He spoke, and he just smiled and shook his head to express his helplessness.

"Okay, let's go!"

Then, he got up first and walked ahead. Today, he was in a very bad mood, and no one wanted to care about it.

"Li, I feel Chi has changed!"

On the way home, the two of them were strolling, Yuanyuan suddenly opened her mouth and finally admitted...

Has it changed?

Or, although he has worked hard to play that role well in the past two years, he is not alone after all, and he is not a professional actor either.

"No, I think it's still the same as before."

And he pretended not to know anything, he didn't want to make her sad, and he didn't want her to have nothing to grasp.

"Liar, how can you not feel things that I can feel, how can I not understand you?"

That's right, the relationship between the three of them has been different for a long time, and she has already known the two men beside her very well.

"If he really changed, would you stop loving him, and if he really changed, would you divorce him?"

Then, he explained to her helplessly, and her brain suddenly became hot, yes, even if it changed, she still couldn't let it go.

I bowed my head, before the tears fell, I didn't know why, I leaned into his arms, sad, hurt, I didn't want to admit it, but sometimes, if I didn't want to admit it, I still had to admit it.

Where did her man go... She would think so too.

"I have a fever of [-] degrees. Fortunately, it was delivered in time. If I play for another two hours, it will cause acute pneumonia. It has been hung with salt water. It will be fine soon. Don't worry."

"That's good, thank you!"

The old classmate is gone, and there is nothing to say. The doctor disappeared after a few words after the examination. After all, there is still a lot to say when we meet again after a long absence.

Turning around, looking at the pale woman with flushed face on the hospital bed, I couldn't help but feel pain in my heart.

"Fool, how could he not know that he was sick, how could he go to dinner with him when he was burnt like that, he is already dead!"

do you died?
They were classmates and old friends. He knew very well what happened to Tong Che and Shangguan Xunchi. He would find out, but he walked over slowly and sat beside her.

The delicate big hand stopped in front of her face, and it was not known for a long time whether he could touch it to comfort and care.

However, when the eyes were dry and painful, he still let himself touch them, and the hot little face burned his heart.

"Bing, why did you hurt yourself so much?"

Ever since Tong Che's house exploded, she has made herself look like a lonely ghost. It's been two years and she hasn't changed at all.

He still remembered that when the house exploded, they originally planned to remarry, but because of Tong Che's death, she stopped deceiving him and threw him away. She blamed him, saying that if it wasn't for the remarriage, that incident would not have happened.

Because she told Tong Che such hurtful things before the explosion, she kept blaming herself, even the man who wanted to remarry her.

Even blame Tong Bo, blame Tong Bo for holding her and not letting her die with him.

However, even if she blames everyone in the world, he still loves her so much. From the beginning of falling in love, from that wedding when she was taken away and ran back, from their sweet honeymoon, he can no longer let himself not care about her .

Love will always get deeper and deeper, when Da Da grasped her weak and slender hand, kissed the back of her hand lightly, and then looked at her with distress...

"Bing, give me one more chance, let me take good care of you..., and Xiaoxuan, okay?"

Affectionate, heartbroken, those words flowed out of his mouth slowly, he didn't know if he would be able to say these words if she opened her eyes at this moment, thinking of the time when she played with Xiaoxuan in the past So happy, even if Xiaoxuan is not his biological son, so what.

As long as she can be happy, her happiness, why only that man can give it, he is not convinced, he is no worse than him, and he has a heart that loves her very much.

He doesn't understand, doesn't understand why she fell in love with that man so foolishly, and still loves her all the time, just like, he doesn't understand why he loves her foolishly all the time and can't extricate himself.

Outside the ward, a man was leaning against the cold wall with a headache, looking at Cheng Yu's sincere heart. In fact, he also wanted to guard her like that, love her, and take care of her as a matter of course.

Thinking of how he hurt her, he couldn't even forgive himself, let alone Bing Xin, Cheng Yu was qualified to compete with him, no, he even felt that he had lost the right to compete long ago.

However, every time I see her, I can't help but want to grab her and hurt her severely. In fact, he didn't mean it, and he loves her very much, but their relationship..., yes , When did their relationship start and become so terrible, they have to face each other in this way...

He didn't know anymore, and he even forgot when it started to become like this. Thinking of the humiliation to her that month,..., how could she think of blowing him up?

Why do I think of her as such a hateful person, knowing that it has nothing to do with her, but still hurting her again and again, going crazy to misunderstand her, knowing that it is a misunderstanding, but still continue.

She finally opened her eyes slowly, and when she saw the tearful man in front of her, the hand with the needle was lifted vigorously, touched his face, touched his tears, and then he knew she was awake, Looking at her sad face, he raised his hand to hold hers, and kept it on his face.

"sorry that I had you worried!"

He never hurt her, but she hurt him. How could he be so hateful? In fact, what did he have to do with him? How could he be so wronged.

When these words came out of her mouth seriously and weakly, he smiled, although the expression on his face was a little stiff, because he had been sad just now, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he smiled at first.

How could he not accept her serious apology, but, actually, he didn't care, as long as she was happy.

"Are you ok?"

Then, he asked her affectionately, are you okay, just like long-lost lovers, two people who have experienced a lot of torture.

Then she kept nodding, tears rolled down her cheeks, and then the two hugged tightly.

"Yu, I'm sorry, I take back that sentence!"

"Fool, I have long forgotten!"

And he always treats her so tenderly, even if she did everything wrong, when he hears her apology, he doesn't feel any hurt or pain at all.

She laughed too, but the tears didn't stop.

And the man at the door came quietly and left quietly, because she had found the man who took care of her, because she no longer needed him, if it was time to give up, when he figured everything out, he would Give up and let her get the happiness she deserves.

She should also have her own happiness like other women, instead of burying herself in the hands of a ruthless man.

Yes, it's very ruthless, if not, why did it hurt her like that, but if so, why does my heart hurt so much.

"Chi, you're back!"

When the man she loved came back, the woman who was his wife excitedly rushed forward and hugged him tightly. For a moment, she was really worried, worried that she would lose him, but when he came back, she lived again As if coming over, she ran forward and hugged him tightly.

It's been two years, holding a strange woman in his arms. In fact, they are no longer strangers now, but he still can't fall in love with her, and can't keep her in his heart.

But he still hugged her, because he wanted to know if he could have feelings for this woman through hard work, and if he could start over as long as he worked hard.

As for Luo Li, standing in a certain corner, looking at the tired man, he felt more and more suspicious about him.

Or, he is really Tong Che, and his good brother Shangguan Xunchi actually passed away two years ago...

What Liu Yuanyuan said is right, there is a problem, he has changed, although he is working hard to be Shangguan Centrino, but there is always a gap between their eyes.

But at that time, it felt much better to believe that a person was alive than to believe that a person had only changed a little bit.

After all, such a young friend, if his lover died, how many people would be sad for a long time and would not be able to survive, but he only changed slightly, how could anyone not smile and rejoice that she was still alive.

"How about it, hasn't it changed at all?"

Three days later, she was discharged from the hospital and returned to Cheng Yu's house. Then, he greeted her with a smile, and she also accepted it with a smile. Yes, it's still good. After losing her lover, in fact, a simple life , is the truest and most reliable.

"Thank you, Yu!"

She hugged him again, grateful that he could still treat her like this.

"If you thank me, you have to wait, because I still have a surprise for you...!"


When she heard her son's innocent voice, she turned her head and looked at her son who ran in with a basketball in her arms, and wept with excitement.

Yes, what do you still pursue so much, as long as you have a son by your side, a man who loves your son, and this man loves her so much, it is enough. There is a saying that contented people are always happy, since It was impossible for her to bring that man back to life, so she should face the current life.


The mother and son embraced together, Xiaoxuan creaked and smiled, and she also smiled emotionally, Cheng Yu was behind them, smiling emotionally, hoping that they would return to the happy life in the past, and never again What will be separated.

"You want to find Tong Bo?"


"I'll find it for you, but you must tell me the reason."

For that man, Cheng Yu is also hostile, he thinks so, no matter what, Ruobing seems to have a different feeling for Tong Bo, which makes him very disgusted.

"I think there is a secret between him and Tong Che, and Tong Che has been looking for him recently, I...!"

"Who are you talking about...Tong Che...?"

Isn't he already dead, why did she still say Tong Che, and said it so naturally, he remained skeptical, remembering that look, he knew there was something wrong.

"Shangguan Xunchi is Tong Che, right?"

He was still not sure, waiting for Ruo Bing's affirmation, but Ruo Bing suddenly lowered his head, the sadness in his bones was indescribable.

"Sorry, this is just my wishful thinking...!"

She was sad, and didn't know what to say, because no one would believe that he was still alive, the explosion was too terrifying, the whole building was gone, but he was still alive, something changed between his brows, But that's all, the sharpness in his eyes hasn't changed at all.

"If he is Tong Che, what would you do, break up with me, and come back to him?"

Cheng Yu is strong, what is his is his, what is not his, he will not force too much, if Ruobing disagrees, he will not insist on keeping her by his side, but, heart, will be hurt very much deep.

She raised her head to look at him, but her mind went blank, she gave up on him and returned to Tong Che's side... , but, he no longer loves her and has another wife, so she can't fit in at all.

If he cherished her, or if he said a word, she would fly to him, but now, he would definitely not say such a word, and they were no longer possible.

"No more, Yu, don't think in that direction anymore, I will take good care of you and stay by your side all the time."

She got close to his arms, really needed a man for her to rely on, she was so tired, she couldn't tell how she felt, her stomach hurt to death at night, she tried her best to control herself, trying not to struggle, but when she got up early in the morning, She vomited blood.

She was scared, and when she saw the red color in the washbasin, she was really frightened, but when she realized that it was because her disease was getting worse, she didn't want to say anything, just stayed quietly, When he got up, she also straightened up and leaned gently into his arms.

"I'll help you find it, Bing, as long as it's what you want, no matter what, I'll help you find it, let alone just a Tong Bo, as long as he is still in this city, I will definitely help you find it."

She was in tears, how could she not be moved to tears by such a man who has been taking care of her so carefully, knowing that her heart has long been given to another man, but he still accompanied her as always, doing With her strong backing, how could she not be moved to tears.

"Yu, thank you...!"

The hug got tighter, she leaned into his arms in fear, she knew that even if she couldn't tell anyone, at least she should go to the hospital to have a look, at least to know the extent of her condition, at least she should know, Is there any cure for me, and how long can I live...

Her son went to school, her husband went to work, and she was resting at home alone, holding her and Tong Che's wedding ring in her hand, her heart corroded bit by bit, the pain, the pain was hopeless....

It was heartache at first, but slowly, her other hand grabbed her stomach, and then cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

The tears kept flowing out, it was the pain of the body, the pain of the soul, and her love for everything in this world, whether it was good or bad.

"Yu Ruobing, you must persevere. It's not the end yet. You have to see all of them happy. Only then can you give up...!"

A trace of bright red appeared on her dry lips, she fell down on the sofa, twitched, and passed out not long after.

At night, she woke up quietly. He hadn't come home yet. Fortunately, he didn't come back. Otherwise, if he knew she was sick, he would definitely be worried.

So she went to the bathroom and tidied up before she came out. At this time, he hadn't come back, but her cell phone rang.


She softly called the fat man on the phone, thinking that he would say something like working overtime or coming home soon, but when she heard his words, her phone accidentally dropped to the ground, and then she ran out crazily.

don't want,

don't fight

wait for me, wait for me...

Cheng Yu said that they fought in the underground organization in the suburbs. Of course, she would be afraid. The relationship between their uncle and nephew was so harmonious, like brothers, like friends, and it was not worth it for her.

"So, you admit it?"

"I have nothing to admit. She is my lover, but you snatched her away and hurt her like that. She is my woman. Why can't I get her? She was the first to date her." The object is obviously me, and it's all because of you, uncle, and it's all because of you that she separated from me, but I didn't expect that after several killings, you would still be alive, and Ruo Bing would be even more concerned ...!"

Tong Bo was excited. Looking at Tong Che's cold-blooded face as usual, he became even more angry. Why couldn't he succeed in killing him several times? The explosion was clearly under his nose, and he thought it was perfect. However, bad things still happened, which is too incomprehensible.

"Put down the gun..., I will let you put down the gun..., Tong Bo, let me warn you, this is your last chance, otherwise, either I die or you die!"

Tong Che opened his mouth angrily, and roared, his love for this nephew has not changed in any way, no matter what he did, it was because he took away the woman that should belong to him, so he would do it again and again. give him a chance.

"Do you think that I will be afraid if there are too many people? Before I hurt you, I have already made all the preparations, 'Uncle', so what can I do if I die, it is more painful than death if I can't be with Bing."

He pulled the trigger, facing Tong Che's head, eyes full of pain and resentment.

He didn't hate, he just resented, resented his uncle for being so cruel to him, resented that Ruobing had no sympathy for him like that.

"Let me in, let me in,... get out of the way...!"

"Step aside!"

She couldn't resist everyone's obstruction, but Cheng Yu walked in, said two words lightly, everyone retreated to the sides, watched Ruo Bing walk in, while Cheng Yu just guarded the door, the matter of the three of them , he didn't want to interfere, so it was enough to stay by her side and wait for her to finish dealing with the problems between them.

Ruo Bing glanced at him gratefully, then rushed in without thinking.

"Bobo, put the gun down!"

She ran in front of Tong Che and pointed Tong Bo's gun at the top of her head. With a little anger, a little sadness, and a little pain, she asked Tong Bo to put down the gun.

Facing the woman who suddenly ran over, the two men were startled and thought it was an illusion.

"How did you come in, get out of the way, I told you to get out of the way...!"

"No, I don't. If you die, what's the point of me being alive? I won't let him. If he wants to kill, let him kill me first. Everything is my fault and has nothing to do with you!"

She turned her head and said stubbornly to Leng Che's angry and anxious face, she is a food protector, she will not favor the person she doesn't like, she will stand by the person she loves, even if What a harm to another.

Tong Che looked at her with heartache, hurt so much, he thought she hated him to death, but only at the critical moment did he realize that she still loves him as always.

"Ruobing, are you happy to hurt me so much?"

Tong Bo cried sadly, seeing her strong love for Tong Che, his heart seemed to be cut by a knife again and again.

"I'm not happy, I don't want to hurt you, Bobo, you know, I knew it the day I married him, it's impossible for me and you, I knew it a long time ago, so I gave up my heart a long time ago, looking at you Living in such pain, seeing you caring for me as always, I will never forget the three years in a foreign land, but this is no longer love, Bobo, you can only stop here now, if you kill me If you kill him, I will fight you desperately, or you want to kill us both in anger!"

She said sadly, tears kept falling, he cried, how could she not cry, his tears were because of pain, hers were not sorry.

"You already knew he was an uncle, didn't you?"

Tong Bo put down his gun, and asked the woman who was getting closer and closer in front of him, he could see her love.

"Yes, the first time I saw that man named Shangguan Xunchi, I knew that he was still alive. Shangguan Xunchi was Tong Che!"

She answered very seriously, without any concealment, standing between the two of them, facing Tong Bo, even if she was sorry, but it could only be sorry, if you don't love, you don't love, and lying will only make the three of them more serious pain.

"Can you really die with him, regardless of parents, regardless of 'son'?"

He knew her feelings for Xiaoxuan, he didn't believe that she could die with Tong Che, he thought that Xiaoxuan could hold her back.

"Yes, even if it is Xiaoxuan, I am the same. Even if I have regrets, I will still be with him, even if it is death. In the past few years, I have had enough. I love each other, but I have to be so cruel. Hurt each other, keep cheating, lying, and ironic, I obviously love him like that, I don’t want to deceive myself.”

She was so earnest and persistent as she said, no longer cheating, at this moment, she opened her heart, love is love, boldly telling everyone, maybe, she will die soon, before she dies, she Be sure to tell him that she loves him.

Even, they can no longer be a couple.

"That's good, let's die together!"

He raised his gun again, full of complaints. When he was saddest and most in need of encouragement, the woman he loved said that she no longer loved him, but loved his uncle deeply.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"No, I just won't let, don't drive me away, Che, don't drive me away...!"

She turned around and hugged Tong Che tightly, she didn't want to separate, especially at this time, she didn't want to separate.

Damn it, he just watched the woman he likes hugging his uncle so tightly. If Ruo Bing cheated him tonight, he would put down his gun. If Ruo Bing said something nice, he would He wouldn't point a gun at his uncle, and her, but...


"You are the fool!"

He held her face, and tried to wipe away the tiredness pouring out of her face with his thumb, and moved to say two words, but she stubbornly refuted.

Who is the fool? They have hurt each other so deeply, but in the end, it turns out that love has never left them.

"Is it worth it, I've done so many damn things...!"

"Whether it's worth it or not is up to me, I think it's worth it!"

She reached out and gently covered his lips, confessing affectionately.

He was moved, but her body became heavier and heavier...

At first he didn't care, but when her tears became hotter and hotter, and when her eyes gradually became less energetic, he just smiled warmly at him.

Then, his hands fell slowly due to her weight, and she, finally, slipped slowly, finally closed her eyes, and almost fell to the ground.


He knelt beside her, and grabbed her in his arms first. She continued to smile, but her body was already weak.

And Tong Bo, who was about to shoot, was also terrified when he saw this scene. The gun fell to the ground, and he ran over with big strides, hugging the woman who made his heart hurt countless times with his uncle.

"Don't fight anymore, if I die, you don't fight anymore, okay?"

Her voice became empty, weak and pale, and she held the hands of the two of them, weak but wanted to hold them very hard.

I don't want to see the two of them fight. The two people who love each other so much are not worth it for her.

"Bing, what's wrong with you, Bing...?"

Tong Bo looked at her pale face and trembling body, and was frightened. She must be fine.

"Go to the hospital!"

As for Tong Che, after feeling the trembling body in his arms, he couldn't care about anything else, he just wanted to rush to the hospital as soon as possible and make sure she was okay.

"What's wrong……!"

Tong Che ran out from inside holding Ruo Bing, Cheng Yu was also dumbfounded outside, and hurriedly followed, thinking he had been shot.

In the car, there were three men and one woman. There was a tear in the corner of her eye, which seemed to be dry. Tong Che hugged her tightly, and Tong Bo also tightly held her hand. With a sad and blessed expression, eyes closed, quietly waiting, waiting for the fate of death or survival.

"Doctor, her body has been shaking, show her quickly!"

"Okay, don't worry, check her right away!"

Speaking of which, she has been pushed by the medical staff for examination, but the three of them are all anxious.

"The patient's condition is very bad. Has anything bad happened recently? Did you vomit blood, faint or something like that?"

The doctor came out of the ward, and the three men were all dumbfounded.

"Her stomach has been bad for several years, is this?"

"Sometimes my forehead hurts and I sweat, and I almost fainted again...!"

This was the only thing Cheng Yu knew, and Tong Che was the most powerless person in it. Only then did he realize that he was such a sad person, such a loved one, yet so ignorant.

Tong Bo knew that she had a bad stomach... After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly grabbed Tong Che's collar fiercely and glared at him angrily.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault that you hurt her so badly that she got stomach problems. If anything happens to her, you must die!"

Tong Bo grabbed him and threatened, or should I say cursed, that he couldn't forget the first year abroad. After giving birth, she didn't like to eat or sleep even more, and couldn't sleep all night. , But at that time, the doctor just said it was an ordinary stomach problem, when did it start to be so serious?

And Tong Che pushed Tong Bo aside very moodily, then went to the doctor and asked him seriously, "Then what's the situation with her now, does she need surgery?"

I don't know why I said that, I seem to be afraid of something.

"Even if it's an operation, it's...!"

The doctor lowered his head, not knowing what to say. In fact, he had seen this kind of thing too many times, but the three in front of him had more or less friendship with him, so he didn't know how to continue.

"It's nothing, let me tell you, Wang Zhi, if you can't treat her well, I will make it impossible for your entire hospital to survive."

Tong Che angrily hit the doctor's shoulder with one hand, and the other hand in front of the doctor's face. The result he wanted was not a possibility, but an absolute one. The person he loved had to live a good life with him. Together, they haven't had time to be happy, and they haven't had time to say "I love you" to each other properly.

"Miss Yu is already in her late stage. Che, Yu, I can only say that I will do my best. As for what will happen to her in the end, we are not sure."

"You guys discuss it and give me the result in three days, up to three days!"

Wang Zhi left, he didn't want to be beaten again, and he also knew that staying longer would only increase their troubles.

The three men finally stopped fighting. Looking at the sleeping woman on the hospital bed, Tong Che sat beside her, Tong Bo guarded the door, and Cheng Yu hid.

Don't blame him for being unable to accept such a strange thing happening suddenly, it would be difficult for anyone else to accept it.

They are just about to reconcile, and then they are going to separate again, and, is it still this kind of separation between heaven and man?
He held her hand tightly, not daring to let go for a moment.

"Uncle, Ruobing will be handed over to you in the future, love her well and don't hurt her anymore... If you need it, remember to call me!"

Tong Bo also left, leaving such a passage before leaving, and Tong Che also shed sad tears in the end.

"Bing, don't just leave me like this, how will I live without you?"

"Do you still remember the first time we met? In fact, you are brave and strong. You can choose to use your body to fulfill your father's selfish interests. You are a strong girl... Now, our children are already so old, They finally opened their hearts, those people left, and there were only three of us left,, promise me, no matter what, even if it hurts like hell, you will stick to it."

His heart must be suffering at this moment, but no one complained, now he doesn't think about anything anymore, he stays by her side wholeheartedly, and stays with her wholeheartedly until she recovers.

When she slowly opened her eyes and saw the tired face of the man in front of her, she felt distressed, and a tear fell quietly before he woke up.

It's nice to be together quietly like this, without quarreling or suspicion...

But, can she survive until then?

"you're awake?"

He saw her smiling at himself, and his heart suddenly cleared up a lot.

"What's wrong with me?"

And she didn't know that she had been in a coma for several hours.

"It's okay, nothing happened."

At this moment, he couldn't bear to hurt her. Looking at her smiling face, he really wanted to keep watching her laugh like that.

"Are you 'Che'?"

I don't know why, but at this moment, she felt uneasy in her heart. Hearing his gentle voice, she even thought she was delusional.

"Yes, I am the villain Tong Che who hurt you to pieces, the Tong Che who lied to you."

He held her hand tightly, unspeakably sorry.

Then, with a snort, she smiled.

"I knew it was you, yet you still dared to lie to me, uh..., scoundrel... Che... Che...!"

She called his name over and over again, then got up, hugging his neck tightly, she missed that man named Tong Che.

And he finally admitted that when he heard the desperate words from the doctor, he really didn't have the courage to continue lying to her.

"I'm here, Bing, I'm sorry, forgive me!"

He hugged her, let go of her again, looked at her beggingly, and asked her to forgive him for the mistakes he had made before.

"Fool, I never blamed you at all!"

That's right, she never really blamed him at all, those momentary anger, those hurts, couldn't make her forget him, so how could she really hate him.


They hugged each other tightly, and there was no need for that sorry, but when he thought of what he had done to her, he couldn't stop blaming himself.

"Where are you going to take me, hehe, are you still so mysterious?"

He covered her eyes, walking slowly by the sea.

"Lift your feet!"

She raised her feet obediently, and then walked inside, he finally let go, when his hands left her eyes, the heart shape surrounded by candles on the beach, the Chinese sentence Tong Che loves Yu Ruobing, deeply moved her She impresses.

Does she love to cry too much? However, he will do this for her. This should be the most childish thing he thinks.

"Che, thank you!"

In fact, she has always known that she may not have much time. In fact, she understands that his gentleness may also be because of her illness.

She didn't ask the doctor, no one asked, but she saw the disappointed expressions of the three men that day.

"Like it?"

He hugged her from behind. It was the first time he gave her the most favorite surprise of these women. He regretted in his heart and hoped that he could give her more surprises before the operation.

"It's not like, it's a surprise!"

She nestled in his arms, happy like a blooming flower.


He softly called her name in her ear, these years, it was the first time he called her name so tenderly.


She responded gently, her body softened by his voice, if she could go on like this forever, it would be great....

"Promise me, we will spend like this in the future, and we will never be separated again, okay?"

Will it be like this from now on, don't we want to be separated again?
Never part again...

Her body suddenly stopped shaking with him, and the expression on her face gradually became frustrated.

Would God take such good care of them, a couple who just learned how to love?
Will God give them a chance to continue loving?

"I promise!"

Even if they knew, it might be impossible, but on this beautiful night, no one wanted to let the beautiful moment be broken.

Then she turned around, and the two of them kissed in an ocean.

"I'm going to have an operation...!"

In the early morning, he hugged her on the big bed and thought about it for a long time, but finally told her the truth.

And she endured it for a long time, and in the end, one of the teardrops that she had been yearning for so much fell down.

But she didn't speak, she didn't have the courage to do the operation, she was afraid that after lying down, she would never be able to open her eyes again, she was afraid that she would never see the people she wanted to see again, son, man, friend, family, she She was not willing to give up anything, and even last night, she dreamed of the little boy Wang Donglin who had upset her.

"Bing, this is just a minor operation, so you just have to cooperate with the doctor, just think that this is just a minor operation, and after it's done, your illness will be cured, and that's it!"

Minor surgery?

Even though what he said was meek, she still knew deeply in her heart that this operation was definitely not a minor operation, it was definitely a life-and-death operation.


She didn't respond, he helplessly called her name again, but she still didn't make a sound, he sat up, only to see that the woman in his arms was already crying.

"Bing, don't be like this, it's okay, it will be fine!"

He hugged her tightly, knowing her worries, they were all the same, how could he be willing to watch his beloved leave.

"Che, can I not do it?"

It took a long time for her to finish this sentence with only a few words. She was really afraid that an operation would ruin her life, so she might as well not do it, at least she can live for a few more days, and have a good time with her family and friends For a while, maybe, that was the right thing to do.

"No, absolutely not!"

He immediately changed his face and looked at her very seriously, very displeased with her performance.

And she, looking up at the fierce man in front of her in an instant, had no response other than tears.

"Bing, if you are sick, you have to listen to the doctor's advice to recover quickly. Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

He hugged her lightly, and said earnestly, he knew that she was afraid, and he was also afraid, but fear could not solve the problem, and they could only hope for further treatment.

"Stay with me all the time?"


"What if I die?"

She looked at him with expectations and despair in her eyes. She didn't believe that he would die with her. She never believed that he would die with her forever. Even if she believed that there was love in this world, modern girls, Few people believe such old fairy tales anymore.

And he kept looking into her eyes, he saw all the anxiety, anger, expectation, and distrust in her eyes.

"I will accompany you to heaven or hell!"

But what he said caught her off guard and she was not prepared at all. What she never expected was that he could say such a sentence.

Does love really make people unable to extricate themselves from doing stupid things?
She still can't believe it.


"It's a deal, you live and I live, you die, I die!"

His seriousness scares her, can love really be like this?
But his seriousness...

Believe it?

I can't completely believe it. After all, this era is no longer the age when love comes first. Apart from love, people have more things to live on.

I don't know why, but my heart is suddenly in a mess. For a moment, I don't believe in love, family affection, and friendship. For a moment, there is nothing for her to think about except death. When she thinks that she is about to die, it seems that there is nothing. It's real.

"I want to take a break!"

Then, she suddenly left his embrace, and lay down on the other side, slowly closing her eyes. On her face, there was nostalgia for the world, but more, it seemed to be uneasiness in her heart.

Or in the face of death, such a mood is also understandable.

She doesn't want to quarrel, she doesn't want to get angry, she wants to control it hard, and she also knows that she may become like this because of her physical condition, but she has no way to stop her temper from turning bad.

There are thousands of regrets in my heart, but I can't say a single one.

He kissed her lightly on the face, and then got up, after all, work still had to go on.

"I'm going to process some documents and I'll be back right away. Just give me a call if you need anything, okay?"

He whispered in her ear, and then she kept her eyes closed. He knew that she had heard it all, and turned and left sadly, but he couldn't rest assured.

"I'm going to the company. If you have nothing to do, come and help me take care of her!"

"You look for me, don't you worry that I will take her away?"

"If you really want to take her away, you won't wait until today. Go, I'm really worried, she was very abnormal just now!"

After Tong Che finished speaking, he went to the company. No one knows his real identity yet, and he also knows that he may never use Tong Che's identity again for the rest of his life.

However, Yu Ruobing, he will not let go, the promise of life and death will not change, he swears.

Then Cheng Yu strode forward from the villa, and the car was also driving fast on the road.

Perhaps what Tong Che said was too serious, but his heart was getting worse and worse.

In the bathroom, looking at the blood on the back of her hand, her tears pooled heavily on her eyelashes, she kept pressing her stomach hard with one hand, and leaned on the wall with the other hand, and then walked out slowly.

Get dressed, pack your bag, and head outside.

His car quickly stopped at Tong Che's new villa, and then he ran into the house, but the bedroom was still empty.

Then, with a pale face, he continued to rummage in various rooms, and called Tong Che by the way.

"Which room is she in?"

He looked around, but every room was empty.

And Ruobing, hiding in the corner, watched Cheng Yu anxiously looking for her, then she took out a pen and a piece of paper from her bag, quickly wrote a few words and put them next to the TV, and then quickly Flee quickly.

"It's in the bedroom. When I came out, she said she was tired and wanted to rest. What's the matter? What happened?"

Not long after he arrived at the company, when he received a call from Cheng Yu, he didn't think about the serious consequences, he just thought it was a problem between Cheng Yu and him, but——.

"No, I searched all over the house, and I didn't see a single person!"

Then he went into the bathroom, and saw the unwiped blood on the table, and his face became even more embarrassed.

"Something may have happened!"

Cheng Yu thought of something, then immediately hung up the phone and ran downstairs.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, she had already left.

He didn't see her people getting into the car, but her blurry back sitting behind the car, her black hair, made his heart beat wildly.

The car got farther and farther away, and he also got into the car, and then chased frantically.

"Master, please hurry up!"

"Okay, then you sit down!"

The driver was a good talker and indeed ran fast, but Cheng Yu was chasing after him.

"Master, help me get rid of that car behind, I'll give you 1000 yuan!"

In the end, seeing Cheng Yu chasing her so sincerely, she had no choice but to make such a bad move.

"1000 yuan, it's too much, then you have to sit down, I think you look bad, don't worry, it will be done soon."

Within 3 minutes, rows of taxis on the road caught up and crowded in front of Cheng Yu's high-end sports car. Cheng Yu parked the car aside annoyed.


He slammed the steering wheel with his palm, and was stopped by a group of taxis. He had never done this before, what should he do now...

Tong Che quickly returned to the villa. When he felt the coldness of the house, he glanced at the note next to the TV, walked over and picked it up, and then his eyebrows remained closed.

"I'm gone, don't look for me, Yu, I can only say sorry to you, I'm really sorry when I think of how I've used you for so long, in fact, I've always missed it, remember our honeymoon, in this life I will always remember, but if a heart can only hold one man, then I can no longer hold others, I am leaving, Che, thank you for your words, I am very heartwarming, but I can't be so selfish. "

"The stomach cannot be replaced, unlike other organs, but in the later stage, most or all of it has to be removed, and it may not be possible to survive. I used to have a friend who had stomach cancer. He lived for half a year and died after the disease was diagnosed. , Hey, poor, we often played together at that time.”

The driver of the car started talking to himself after hearing what she said about the illness, and recalled his young friend. It was nothing for him to recall like this, but she listened to it. Was it only half a year?
If she can only live for half a year, what should she do? Death is really terrible. She was still very young, and she thought that youth could be squandered, but God didn't give her this chance at all, she was so low After a while, he raised his head to look at the scenery along the way outside the window, and then the driver realized that he had made a mistake, and shut up in embarrassment.

Did you just leave?

Come back, come back to me, how could you leave so irresponsibly, Yu Ruobing, come back to me!
His car was driving fast on the road, and his fingers kept tapping on the steering wheel. No matter how anxious he was, that movement was the best proof, but he had no clue at all.

Cheng Yu was still looking for her, but he heard that she got into a taxi, but he was so anxious that he didn't even write down the license plate number of that taxi.

Tong Che and Cheng Yu searched on two roads respectively. They thought she had left the city. They had already left her. They would never know that she just went to Shibei District.

Therefore, they couldn't find her at the airport, and they couldn't find her at the station. She never thought of leaving this city and being separated from her dearest and most loved ones. She just wanted to think about it quietly. What should I do next, or wait for death foolishly.

Most importantly, she doesn't want people she loves to watch her body fall off day by day.

"Che, Yu, I'm sorry, I don't want you to look for me so everywhere, but I'm really scared, I'm afraid of facing death, I'm not calm enough, I don't have the courage...!"

In the hotel, she stood alone on the balcony on the top floor and watched the prosperity of the city, but in her eyes, she only had the man she loved in her heart.

She smiled, thinking of Cheng Yu, luckily having him, she has one less regret in this life, that honeymoon was unforgettable for her all her life, they used to be husband and wife, and they wanted to reconcile several times, but God didn't seem to Don't plan to give this young couple a chance.

Thinking of Tong Bo, the couple at the beginning ended hastily because of Tong Che, this is fate, they are destined to have nothing to do with each other.

Thinking of Tong Che, the only man she loved deeply in her life, and also the last man, and thinking of how serious and serious his words were before leaving, she was content, even if she was not satisfied, she could only stop here, she I can't give him anything anymore, and I haven't even spent a few days with him properly. If I die and drag him in, I'm afraid I'll be scolded to death by the world.

Since you are in love, don't hurt him, and since you can't give him happiness, don't drag him into pain. Suddenly, there was a feeling of being overwhelmed by the heights. Before she fainted, she turned around and thought about something and left the balcony.

"How did you find out I'm not dead?"

"How can I find out that you forgot to cover up the first time you saw you, worrying about Bing's eyes telling me."

Yeah, he's so good at hiding things when he's eating in a hotel.

Tong Che lowered his head and smiled slightly, yes, some things can't be pretended just by pretending, such as concern for her, the scars on his body, and his purpose of coming back.

Some things are just an open secret.

"What should we do now, where should we find her?"

"We will always find it. Even if we dig three feet, according to her personality, she may still be in this city at all. She can't let go of her concern for us, so she must be around us."

"If this is the case, maybe it will be easier to find, call the brothers to help together?"

Cheng Yu made a suggestion, but he had no choice but to nod helplessly, for her, it was worth doing anything.

"It seems that boy Tong Bo hates you to death."

"That's right, he thinks Bing is very important, and tried to harm me several times, but fortunately, I'm so lucky, brat, to dare to attack my uncle. If I hadn't watched him grow up since I was a child, I would never have tolerated him so much."

Tong Che has a love-hate relationship with Tong Bo. After all, they are related by blood. They belong to the Tong family, especially Tong Bo's brains are good, and he has a place in the Tong family. Confused, but one day, he will definitely hold up a sky like himself, he knows it.

"Found it, it's in the hotel in Shibei District, hurry up...!"

The two men finally found it, and found the place where Ruo Bing hid. In fact, she didn't hide it at all. She thought that if you want to be safe, don't hide it. She thought that everyone would look for her all over the world. Understanding is just superficial, she doesn't know, when they fell in love with her, they also understood her 'heart'.

She was still watching TV, and when she heard the doorbell ring, she thought it was a waiter, but when she opened the door, she was shocked to see that familiar big face, and even more puzzled seeing his hasty appearance.

"Take your things and follow me immediately!"

"What are you doing, hey, what are you doing....?"

Before she could get it by herself, he had already gone to the room, picked up her bag and dragged her out.

"Quick, come with me, it will be too late!"

He wanted to find her before Tong Che and Cheng Yu arrived, and then take her away. He didn't know why he was crazy, but he didn't want them to find her.

"Li, let me go, Li, where are you taking me?"

She wanted to pull him away angrily, but when she was anxious, her stomach hurt again. Then, she couldn't run anymore and stopped slowly. He turned around and looked at her pale face. He had no choice but to He picked her up, but seeing that he couldn't get out, he had no choice but to hide, so he took her to hide by the stairs.

"Don't make a sound, if you don't want to be found, just listen to me obediently."

He stretched his index finger to his mouth, and then told her in a low voice.

Sure enough, in less than 30 seconds, the two men were brought up by the waiter, only to open the door, but it was empty inside.

"What about her, where did you hide her?"

Tong Che angrily grabbed the waiter's collar fiercely, he couldn't find her, so of course he would be anxious.

"It was still there at noon, why...!"

They rushed over as soon as they received the call, and it didn't take more than half an hour before she disappeared. Did she go out for a walk, or ran away again, damn it, the two men were wondering.

"No, we can't wait here anymore, let's go out and look for it. If we just left, we must not have gone far."

As soon as Cheng Yu spoke, Tong Che immediately agreed.

"Remember, if she comes back, lock her up and call me right away!"

Then the two men winked at each other and left in a hurry.

In the corridor, she heard the sound of the door clearly, and she shed a few tears. She knew that she shouldn't make them worry so much.

However, she didn't want them to see her ugly appearance.

The pain had already started, and then it became more and more serious. As long as she was in a bad mood, the pain would get worse. Her hands squeezed her stomach tightly, and then she couldn't hold on and passed out.

"Ice, ice...!"

Damn it, he cursed, then picked her up and ran towards the elevator, and soon arrived at the villa he just rented, where the doctor was already waiting.

"She is at an advanced stage. If she wants to be cured, there is only one way, and that is to remove most of the stomach, or remove it completely."



"What do you mean by cutting off, that she will lose her sense of taste?"

"That's not the most important thing. Now her condition needs to be operated on immediately. If it is later, there is no hope at all. We suggest going abroad for treatment. If it can be settled now, I can call there for help immediately." Get in touch, and the helicopter will come right away, what do you think?"

"That's it, hurry up!"

And he, without any delay, as long as there is a little hope, no one will give up, except the patient himself.

It's just that he was restless, after all, doctors also have concerns, and how could he not have any worries, but, after 10 minutes, his heart was overwhelmed, and he no longer made himself uneasy, but worked hard to let himself I think this is just a bigger operation, and she will be fine after the operation is over.

Soon the helicopter came, and she woke up on the way to the foreign country.

"you're awake?"

There was a bit of surprise on Luo Li's face, looking at her haggard face, he couldn't stop feeling distressed.

"Where are we going?"

She felt weak and felt that she might be running out of time, and she still wanted to see her child.

"Go abroad, Bing, don't be afraid, I will always be by your side, after the operation, you will be fine."

He held her cold hand tightly, trying to give her a sense of security.


She was thinking hard about something, and said those three words calmly, just curious about a question.

"Yes, you have to have an operation, but don't worry, the doctor said, you will recover soon, just hope you don't lose your sense of taste."


Then she snuggled into his arms and continued to sleep, so tired, so sleepy, and then, she didn't think about anything, because there were too many things to consider, she couldn't think clearly at all, so she would rather not think about anything, Then go to sleep, if she just fell asleep like this, then her life will be bad, if she can wake up again, maybe it will really be a sunny day.

He also hugged her gently, and he was worried all the time in his heart. He knew that he was betting, but he had to take a gamble, otherwise, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

Since she was worried that Tong Che would see her in a bad way, she didn't have that kind of worry with him, so he was in charge of operating on her. I hope that after today's operation, she will recover tomorrow.

When she arrived in the United States, she was quickly checked again, and then immediately pushed into the operating room.

"Li, if I die, please tell Che, don't be sad, and take your son to live a good life... I wish him and his wife happiness."

Before going in, she grabbed Luo Li's hand, her face was full of peace.

"Don't be silly, Tong Che will always be yours, and Shangguan Xunchi is Yuanyuan, but he is dead."

Yes, he finally knew that Shangguan Xunchi had already passed away.

"No, I'm dead, he is Shangguan Xunchi, promise me, Li, promise me!"

She almost begged, she didn't want to know that her beloved was living alone, of course, she would use her son to keep him alive.

"You will not die, nothing will change, remember, no matter when, don't give up."

He suddenly regretted it, but the door of the operating room was closed.

In case something happened to her, how would he explain to her family, let alone Tong Che, he knew that kid's temper very well.

"Are you saying you're not Chi?"

"Yes, he died two years ago, I just used his name."

"No, I don't believe it. You are Chi. How could you die if you lived a good life?"

Yuanyuan burst into tears. When her husband told her he wasn't her husband, she couldn't accept it at all. It wasn't because of anything else, it was just because the last blow was a big one. After so long, she knew she was still alive when she was in despair. At that time, her heart suddenly came alive. If someone told her two years later that this was just a hoax, then how could she continue to live.

"Yuanyuan, I know this kind of deception is too much, but today, I have to say, my name is Tong Che, I am a man with a woman and a son, and I just told this big lie for my own selfish desire. You, besides being sorry, are still sorry, but I will be myself, and you have to come out of disappointment, understand?"

He held her shoulder and spoke to her very seriously.

"I don't understand, I don't understand anything, I just know, you are my husband, you are my man, Chi, don't push me away, I don't care how many women you have outside, as long as you don't leave me, please, Chi...!"

She hugged him tightly and didn't let go, she was terrified of being alone, Luo Li would accompany her before, but now...

"You know, she's missing now, I'm worried, she's got a serious illness, I'm afraid she'll have an accident, I have to go find her, Yuanyuan don't do this, one day you'll find your other half, But that person is definitely not me!"

He is infatuated, passionate, or ruthless at all. He has been married so many times, and they are all married and divorced in a hurry, but if he is ruthless, how can he be so painful to Bing.

He fell in love, fell in love with a woman who was ten years younger than him, and he fell in love with a woman whom he could not even look at when he walked on the street before.

"It's considered a success to pass the dangerous period within 24 hours. Besides,...she's pregnant!"

When the doctor said those four words, he was really taken aback on the spot, pregnant?
In the intensive care unit, her face was still bloodless, and even her breathing was so weak that you couldn't feel it. She was carrying oxygen and had an IV drip, which made people feel distressed.

She is pregnant?

Who would that child be, he was really curious about that.

The next morning, when she woke up, he smiled gratefully. You know, how much pressure was in his heart. Although he kept suppressing it to prevent himself from arousing the worries in his heart, when she opened her eyes, he realized that, It turned out that there was such a big stone in my heart.

When she opened her eyes, he was so excited, and his mood was so relaxed.

"I'm not dead?"

Her first feeling was that his face was getting bigger and bigger, and his smile was getting more and more charming.

"Yes, you are alive, I won the bet, Bing, thank you for being alive, thank you!"

He held her hand tightly, and then pulled her up and hugged her in his arms. Her body was still weak, but she also smiled. Although the smile was a little unnatural, it came from the heart.

Then she also hugged him slowly, her eyes were bright and her heart was warm, she couldn't speak how grateful she was to Luo Li, she just smirked.

She is in good health, and in the future, they will never have to separate again.

When a man and a woman appeared at the airport one month later, the man waiting in the terminal slowly stood up from his seat, looked at the thin woman, and when his eyes met, his pace quickened, and he hurried to her. He approached her, held her hand, and looked at her excitedly.

But she smiled comfortingly, then Luo Li let go, and the two hugged tightly.

"Che, where is Xiaoxuan, why haven't I seen Xiaoxuan?"

"He's gone to school. We'll take him home as soon as school is over in the afternoon. Let's go back first. You need to rest!"

Yes, she needs to rest, but she can't wait to see her son, but she obediently obediently, because she doesn't want to see her loved one feel sorry for her body that has not fully recovered.

In the bedroom of the villa, she slowly lay down on his bed, which of course was also hers. Tong Che kissed her lightly on the forehead, and then walked out. In the living room downstairs, Luo Li sat bored, That's how he ended his nostalgia for her. She didn't belong to him, but belonged to that man named Tong Che.


"Come on, don't say thank you. Whether it's Tong Che or Shangguan Xunchi, they have been with me for so long, and they should understand my temper. However, Bing's body is very weak, and you can't hurt her anymore."

I always feel uncomfortable in my heart. The woman I like obviously needs someone else to protect her, but what can I do? Not only is she still alive, she is not only the father of her son, but more importantly, she is everything to her.

"I will definitely explain some things to you in the future, and I believe that you have almost checked it out. Yuanyuan is gone, but she is not in a good mood. Take good care of her!"

"Well, she specified that she was in a bad mood. The person who had been her husband for two years, after eating herself up, said that she was another man. Of course I have to take care of her. That is the girl I have liked since I was a child. Let's go." Alright, let's go out together when you have time."

Luo Li left, for Bing, he knew that he was not suitable to care too much, unless Tiantong Che apologized to her again, otherwise he would never have another chance.

"Che, I want to drink water!"

"Che, I need to go to the toilet!"

"Che, I'm hungry...!"

"Che, my stomach hurts...!"

She was very coquettish and yelled again and again to the man who was preparing dinner for her in the kitchen, feeling very happy.

Ever since he told him that he was pregnant again, he held her even more in his palm. After eight months, he treated her like an ancestor and spoiled her.

However, he still continued to work hard, fearing that his baby would be wronged if he didn't take good care of him.

He couldn't take care of Xiaoxuan last time, and he felt uncomfortable all the time. This time she was pregnant, and he finally got his wish and became a good husband and father.

"Here, here..., don't move there, I'll help you!"

He brought out the dishes first, and then ran to the living room to pick her up. The living room and the dining room were less than 20 meters away, but he was still afraid that he would be tired or that something might happen.

She looked at him happily, not to mention how happy she was.

A month later, she gave birth to a daughter safely, and the family of four was considered a happy ending.

"Why do they both kiss you more than me? Cheng Yu, you're going too far. You always make me play bad."

Cheng Yu went there when his daughter was full moon, and the youngest daughter also liked Cheng Yu's handsome face, not to mention Xiaoxuan, who was bought by Cheng Yu long ago.

"Then what can I do, who made me more attractive than you, hey, you also have to be jealous when I say this, it's so boring!"

Cheng Yu stood up from the stroller with a smile, took the red wine brought by Tong Che, the two men went to the living room and sat down, the servant continued to play with the girl, Ruo Bing also walked over slowly, Although it's already a full moon, she still doesn't feel comfortable because of a small stomach problem. The thin body made the two men who had just sat down stand up, and ran to her to support her left and right.

"Really, you two, I'm not a 80-[-]-year-old old lady, do I need to mobilize people like this?"

"You are not an old lady, but you are a treasure that many people want to steal from me. How dare I make mistakes?"

As Tong Che said, they had already arrived at the sofa, she sat down slowly, and then Cheng Yu also sat on the side.

"I'm going to the kitchen to see how the porridge is doing, you two don't let me find out anything unusual!"

Then Tong Che looked for an opportunity to escape. During these days, because she was pregnant and had a stomach operation, he never recovered, so he never gave Cheng Yu a chance to spend time alone with Bing. Thinking of his past excesses, and now

(End of this chapter)

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