Chapter 14

He stared at her for a long time before he could barely suppress his anger, and he was a little relieved when he saw her standing in front of her safe and sound.

"You shouldn't be here." He said quietly.

"Yeah! Of course I shouldn't be here!" She deliberately twisted his meaning.

The deep eyes locked her tightly: "From now on, you must be with me every day."

"Every day?!" It's better to let her die!

Luo Jiexuan remained silent, staring at her with a fiery gaze that seemed to be able to burn through her, but his brows were suddenly frowned, and he looked sullenly at her thin clothes.

He took off his coat, leaned forward, and hugged her petite and excessive body into his arms.

"Hey, hey, the clothes are too big!" She was almost out of breath.

"Put it on."

"No! Bastard Xuan, I'm hot!"


"Hey, do you know that you are vicious? Wow - I can't breathe!"

Only then did he carefully reveal a little space for her to breathe.

She glared at him, "Bastard Xuan, I'm leaving here tomorrow!"

"Don't even think about it."

Seeing that he couldn't do it by force, she had no choice but to look at him pitifully, "Xuan... I really don't want to stay here anymore, please, let me go out, okay?"

He glanced at her with gloomy eyes, this time he didn't even answer, and walked away with a "big burden".

Yuan Baobao almost clung her entire body on his arm.

A pair of small feet were dragged off the ground, and a puppet was dragged by the slender hands... What a huge "food chain"!
Yuan Baobao bowed his head remorsefully, not reconciled to failing at home after fleeing for the first time.She didn't understand, she had already compensated him, why he still wouldn't let her go?

She wanted to leave very much. Now that she was penniless, how could she contact Daddy and Mommy?
Alas, with a helpless sigh, he lingered on the two questions for a long time, and finally obediently followed him back to the Luo residence!

Luo Jiexuan's cold eyes narrowed, and a slight displeasure flashed out. Are you so unwilling to go home with him?

He didn't know why, when he saw those cunning and childlike eyes when they first met, his heart was tightly locked.The originally calm surface of the lake instantly became rippled.

This was the first time for him, his heart had a strange beating, as if her existence was only for him.That kind of mood made him throbbing and at a loss, and he didn't know how to catch her heart for the first time.

However, he knew very clearly that he wanted her and wanted her to stay by his side forever!

No matter what happens, she is not allowed to leave!

With this realization, his dark eyes began to soften, and he couldn't help chuckling.

"Wow, you laughed!"

Yuan Baobao let go of his arm, pointed at him, and jumped up and down as if he had discovered something strange.

He smiled so nicely, she couldn't help but smile when she saw it.

A ray of sunlight was thrown into the gap in the curtains, and it shone across the bed, and the fine dust trembled in the snow-white beam of light.

The little person on the bed moved, groaned, then turned around again, and continued to accompany her Duke Zhou, chatting and drinking tea.


It seemed that someone was specifically against her.

"Bang bang! Miss Yuan, wake up."

I hate it, it's early in the morning, can you let her sleep?Phew——a big pillow smashed past.

However, the knock on the door still came, which made it clear that she couldn't sleep well.

"Honey, it's time to wake up."

Huh, Huh?When did Mrs. Lin's voice become so deep and magnetic?

Rubbing his eyes with his little hands and shaking his head, after five seconds, his little head finally figured it out.It wasn't Mrs. Lin's voice just now, but——

(End of this chapter)

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