Chapter 31

I don't know who it was, but it took a long time to make an indistinct sound. "Well……"

The secretary who was a little more courageous came back to his senses first, and took a few seconds to straighten his skirt and comb his hair with his hands before walking in front of Nangong Chen with a smile that seemed to be the most touching.

"Master Nangong, your coffee." Wait, what's going on?How did it become his coffee?Isn't it a toy for him?
A series of question marks flashed in his mind.

The baby said with a dissatisfied flat mouth, "Bastard! You know I want coffee, but you still want to grab it from me, you big bastard!"

Luo Jiexuan glanced at the three women coldly, and said indifferently: "The Luo Group has never needed employees who disobey orders, do things badly, and are idiots."

He sneered in his heart, as expected, women are all the same, they all want to curry favor with men, and they can't do without men for a day.Oh, all women worship money in the same way!
But, except for his baby...

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry, President... We actually..."

"Needless to say, leave immediately tomorrow, I don't want to see you again." "No, no..."

Without this job at Rockwell, what would they do with their lives in the future?Everyone knows that the salary of the Rock Group is the most favorable among all the groups.

Luo Jiexuan ignored their words, turned around and walked back to the office with her baby in her arms.

But was grabbed by a pair of small hands: "Xuan, maybe they didn't do it on purpose, don't fire them, okay?"

Baby looked at him pitifully.

He couldn't bear to see her like this, thought for a while, and then nodded slightly.

However, he put down a sentence: "In the future, if the situation like today happens again, I will never forgive you lightly."

"Yes yes yes!" The three women nodded hastily.

Then run away like ass on fire.

Nan Gongchen who was left alone lamented again, the power of love is too great!When can Xuan's decision be changed?Even he didn't stop his thoughts.

There was no more coffee to drink, Baby sighed quietly, and was about to make coffee by himself, but suddenly, a shrill female voice stood out in the empty corridor.

Before he had time to see what was going on, a figure flashed past and quickly threw himself into Luo Jiexuan's arms.

"Jiexuan, I miss you so much." After finishing speaking, she did not forget to rub against his arms a few times.

After a while, a faint scent of perfume spread into the air, and the smile on the face of the woman nestled in Luo Jiexuan's arms was as bright and gorgeous as a peacock spreading its tail.

Her complexion is crystal clear, her complexion is like snow, and there is a small dimple on her oval face, she is slightly shy, very delicate and beautiful, her tall body is wearing an emerald green long dress.

Who is she?
Bao Bao looked at the beautiful woman with a look of astonishment.

Turning his head to look at Nangong Chen, he beckoned to him with confused eyes, asking him to tell her who it was?
However, he didn't notice the baby's eyes, and looked at the beautiful woman directly, with the same astonishment on his face.


damn it!Why is she here?Luo Jiexuan cursed in a low voice, he thought she would come to him later, but he never expected that she would come so early!
"Jiexuan, you don't even know how much I missed you during the past few years in Japan..." Yu Ruoqing raised her head, stood on tiptoes, and wanted to kiss him.

Luo Jiexuan turned his head slightly, making her kiss come to nothing.


He didn't speak, but his heart was as uncomfortable as thousands of ants eroded, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

(End of this chapter)

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