
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The curtain was finally opened slowly, and the lighting engineer seemed much more experienced than before, and the appropriate lighting hit the center of the stage.The sound engineer also sent out the sound of the storm in the desert.Luo Zhou was sitting in the first row, but most of his body was still shrouded in darkness. He was a little nervous, because sitting on his left and right were all investors of the troupe. The full rehearsal of this first play is also a preview before the official performance. If it fails this time, the troupe's follow-up investment may be over.

The first scene is the Valley of the Tombs. The background is all desert valleys and tombs. The young King of Loulan appears on the stage. He returns from Loulan and looks for the woman in the Valley of the Tombs with whom he has a private life.In the original plan, this section should be placed in the middle of the whole play, but now Luo Zhou has made a big change and made this part the beginning of the whole play.In the process of looking for his lover, the young king explained through self-questioning and self-answering that he was separated in the war and wandered here a year ago. He was rescued by a mysterious woman and made a private life with her.But now, the king found that the person he loved was dead, leaving only one daughter.So the king swore that he would make his daughter happy forever.

Luo Zhou has always been dissatisfied with the first act, perhaps because the image of the actor playing the king is too "creamy", but he really doesn't have the financial resources and time to replace it.The second scene is the night when Lanna meets Prince Khotan for the first time.Luo Zhou is still satisfied with this scene, he likes the feeling that Lan Yue brought to the stage when he first appeared on the stage, he needs this feeling.

Looking at Lan Yue's first line slowly uttered on stage, he suddenly thought of what Lan Yue said at his home that night.His ears seemed to be filled with these words immediately, which made him a little upset, and it was almost impossible to watch those plays without Lan Yue on stage.He remembered that after Lan Yue left that night, he spent the whole night revising the script, almost completely tearing it down and starting over.The next day, he spent the whole day sorting out and polishing. During those times, his fingers kept typing and typing on the keyboard, and he actually felt a sense of pleasure.Luo Zhou hasn't had this kind of pleasure for a long time. He originally thought that only writing novels could give him this kind of pleasure, and writing scripts would be a pain in the ass.Now he feels that he was wrong, he just didn't get started, and he didn't find the tricks and feelings on the stage. Once he got into that feeling, he can also find happiness in the script.When he brought the revised script to the theater troupe to show to the actors, almost all of them said that the plot was very attractive and might become popular.But the actors felt that there seemed to be a terrible atmosphere hidden in the plot, which would make the audience feel scared.Luo Zhou said contemptuously that what he needs is the fear of the audience.He immediately decided on this revised script, and started all over again, so he has been working overtime and rehearsing these days. Until now, his biggest fear is that there is not enough time and preparations are too hasty. If he is given more time and funds , he believes that he may create a classic historical drama.

The third and fourth acts were very ordinary, but whenever Lan Yue appeared on stage, he could notice that the investors of the nearby troupe were all attracted by her.In the fifth act, the prince of Khotan leads the army to resist the invasion of Rouran. Lanna stands at the front of the stage, thinking of the prince alone. There is a long monologue, which almost becomes a one-man drama.At the same time, the prince is in the second half of the stage, symbolically leading several soldiers to indicate that the army is fighting.The front and back of the stage become two parts, appearing in front of the audience at the same time, one side is the inner monologue, and the other side is the war.The sixth act is the bridal night between Prince Khotan and Princess Loulan. Luo Zhou must admit that the princess played by Xiao Se is also an important role.When Prince Khotan lifted her veil, he was shocked to find that she was not the one he loved, and asked the princess: "You are not the princess, who are you?" The two princes were suffering psychological torment at the same time. Luo Zhou asked them to stand on the half of the stage and monologue respectively, expressing their inner pain.In the end, the prince walked away, and the princess could only stay in the vacant room, and then Xiao Se gave a long monologue. She changed from loving the prince extremely to hating the prince extremely.Luo Zhou knows that it is not good to have too many personal monologues in modern dramas, and it is also a great test for the performance of the actors, but he likes this, so that the actors will complain a lot, except of course, Lanyue.

In the seventh act, the prince finds out the truth from Lanna and expresses his willingness to be together forever.In the eighth act, the princess lied to the prince that Lanna had been executed and her body was transported to the valley of the tomb, so the prince chased him to the valley of the tomb and committed suicide by suicide.Luo Zhou wrote this scene quite emotionally, and the actor who played the role of the prince was also exaggerated. Luo Zhou could even hear the people next to him laughing a little. He saw the laughter in the tragic scene, which really made Luo Zhou a little embarrassed.The ninth act is the most exciting scene arranged by Luo Zhou in the whole script, and it is also the only rival scene between Xiao Se and Lan Yue. One scene also died in love.

The background of the tenth and last scene is the valley of the tomb. At this time, Loulan has been destroyed in the drought. The princess came here with a haggard face, met the mother in her dream, learned the whole truth, and finally died in pain. .After the curtain ended, the investors of the troupe felt pretty good, and they said they would continue to invest.This finally relieved Luo Zhou's hanging heart.

Luo Zhou was in a good mood. He didn't care about the people at the front desk who were busy cleaning up, but went directly to the backstage.Lanyue had already finished removing her makeup and walked out of the dressing room. He said gently, "Lanyue, you acted very well. If you act like that on the day of the performance, I don't think you will be popular in a long time."

"Really? But I'm not interested in being famous." Lan Yue said lazily.

"No, you will definitely become a very famous actor. You will act in movies and TV, and you will become famous. Don't forget me when the time comes." Luo Zhou said with a smile.

Lan Yue shook her head: "You don't understand me. I'm sorry, I'm leaving first."

Luo Zhou watched her walking towards the door, and suddenly said, "Lan Yue, I invite you to dinner today."

"I'm sorry, I'm not free today." Lan Yue said coldly, and quickly disappeared.

She is so elusive, Luo Zhou shook his head helplessly.

"You like her, don't you?" A female voice came from behind.

"Who?" Luo Zhou turned around and found that it was Xiao Se.

Xiao Se's face was ugly, it seemed that Xiao Se was a person with expressions of joy and anger, she said meanly: "People don't want to go out with you, so don't force it."

"what do you mean?"

"Don't pretend, it was agreed that I would be the heroine, but now you have changed the script and the princess has become a supporting role, which is really unfair. I know, she is prettier than me, so you protect her everywhere, yes No? She is a shameless woman, have you slept with her?" Xiao Se couldn't control himself anymore, especially the last sentence.She understood that all her efforts in the past were in vain, she had always been obedient to Luo Zhou, and even had some illusions about him, but at this moment, jealousy ignited like a raging fire, replacing all reason , like the character she played.

"Xiao Se, my patience is limited." Luo Zhou was also a little angry, and he said loudly to Xiao Se.

The corners of Xiao Se's mouth were pulled down, and he said coldly: "You will definitely regret it."

Then, she quickly walked out of the theater, and when she reached the door, she saw her best friend Bai Bi, and she buried her head deeply in Bai Bi's shoulder.Bai Bi stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and said softly: "This is destiny, my friend."

A gust of autumn wind blew past, Xiao Se trembled all over, she raised her head and said softly to Bai Bi, "Fuck fate."

(End of this chapter)

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