
Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Ye Xiao came home very late, and quickly fell asleep, but he never fell asleep, and he didn't fall asleep until three or four in the morning.He had a dream, dreaming that Bai Bi came to him, stretched out his arms and put his arms around his shoulders, and then he hugged Bai Bi tightly in his arms.The hot air from Bai Bi's mouth stimulated his desire and made him lose control, so he kissed her somewhat roughly.Then, he heard Bai Bi's laughter, the laughter was creepy, when he looked at Bai Bi's face again, he found that the woman in his arms was not Bai Bi, but Lan Yue.Lan Yue kept smiling at him, and then he felt his heart go cold, and a piece of sharp metal had pierced his heart.At this moment, Ye Xiao suddenly woke up from his dream.

It was the phone that rang, and the ghostly ringing brought Ye Xiao back from the almost desperate dream.Trembling all over, he opened his eyes and picked up the phone.

"Hi." He said lazily.There was no response from the other end of the phone, and no sound could be heard.

Ye Xiao was a little strange, maybe he made a wrong call, but he asked again: "Hello, I'm Ye Xiao, who are you looking for?"

A strange voice suddenly appeared on the phone. That voice made people shudder, as if it came directly from the windpipe without passing through the vocal cords, carrying the deep fear in the human body.Then, the other party hung up the phone suddenly.

At this moment, Ye Xiao has completely walked out of the dream just now, his back is covered with cold sweat, and his limbs are also cold.He looked out of the window, it was already dawn, and he immediately got up from the bed, but felt his muscles and bones all over his body ache violently.Thinking about the inexplicable phone call just now, Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a little hairy.

His phone has a caller ID function, so he looked at the phone number he called just now, and then made a call to the bureau, asking the colleague on duty in the bureau to look up the address of the phone number, his colleague was very excited. He quickly found out the address and reported it to him.After Ye Xiao heard it, his heart sank suddenly, because it was Bai Bi's address.

In other words, the call just now was actually made from Bai Bi's house, but he didn't say a word, could it be?Ye Xiao didn't dare to think too much, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, he quickly got dressed, and even ran out before he had time to eat breakfast.He rushed to the road, stopped a taxi casually, took out his work card, and asked the driver to take a shortcut to Bai Bi's house.

Soon he arrived at the downstairs of Bai Bi's house. It was only early morning, and there were few pedestrians on the side of the road. Ye Xiao looked upstairs and nearby, and there was nothing unusual.Just seven or eight hours ago last night, he walked up with Bai Bi.He didn't want to see what happened to Luo Zhou again, so he rushed into the building and ran up the stairs in three steps at a time.

When he finally came to the door of Baibi's house on the top floor out of breath, he found a piece of white paper pasted on the door, with a few words written on it: Come to the rooftop.

"Come to the roof"?Who wrote this?Ye Xiao didn't have time to think about it, he quickly ran up to the roof of the building.

It was very cold on the roof of the building in the morning, and the wind was much stronger than on the flat ground. The cold wind messed up Ye Xiao's hair, and even made him a little unsteady.This 6-storey building is already considered short in this city, but looking at the wide concrete floor around it and the many tall buildings around it still makes people feel a bit overwhelmed by the heights.

On the edge of the rooftop, Ye Xiao saw the back of a woman.He walked quickly towards the woman, and shouted as he walked, "Bai Bi, why did you come up here?"

The woman suddenly turned her head, Ye Xiao finally saw her face clearly in the morning wind, she was not Bai Bi, but Lan Yue.

Ye Xiao's footsteps stopped immediately, as if he was suddenly fixed by some magic, his expression was a little stiff, like a sculpture, only the hair that was blown by the wind kept shaking to give him some movement.He said to her in a daze: "Lan Yue. No, Nie Xiaoqing."

Lan Yue smiled slightly, her hair was also blown by the wind, and it fluttered in the wind, almost covering half of her face.Ye Xiao could only see her face and eyes on the other side clearly, but that gaze still made him tremble a little.Ye Xiao didn't want to show his fear in front of a woman, so he boldly approached her.

"Hello, Police Officer Ye, I'm glad to see you again, so you know my real name." Lan Yue said to Ye Xiao who walked in front of her.

"Where is Baibi?"

Lan Yue just smiled, but didn't answer.

Looking at Lan Yue's expression, Ye Xiao suddenly had an ominous sign, and he asked eagerly, "You made that call, right? What did you do to Bai Bi? Tell me quickly."

"Officer, are you interrogating me? Ah, you seem to care about her very much." Lan Yue looked into his eyes carefully, as if she was studying Ye Xiao's mind, and she said in an ambiguous tone, "You are very concerned." Like her, don't you?"

"Yes, I admit that I like her. If you dare to hurt her, I will never let you go." Ye Xiao felt that he had lost control, and the wind on the roof had blown away all his sanity.

"Ah, Bai Bi is a good girl, what a good girl." She suddenly smiled slightly, which made Ye Xiao even more uneasy.Lan Yue suddenly looked at Ye Xiao again with a strange expression and said, "It's really similar, it's really very similar."

"what are you saying?"

"I'm saying, you look like a person, so Bai Bi may be attracted to you." She nodded and said.

"You mean I'm like Jiang He?"

She suddenly sighed and said: "Yes, although I haven't been in contact with him for a long time. He really shouldn't die, but no one can escape the curse."

"It's all because of you, right?"

"Me? No, no, no, what am I? I'm just a little weak woman. What I'm talking about is this—" She pointed to the sky above her head.

Ye Xiao also raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky above him, a vast sky.

"This is fate." She continued loudly, "No one can escape fate. Including me, just today. Yes, you won't understand now, but one day, you will understand, and, also in This place, please remember this sentence firmly."

"I don't know what you're talking about." At this moment, Ye Xiao was thinking about how to catch her and bring her back for interrogation.

The wind continued to howl, and Lanyue smiled again and said: "You want to take me away, don't you? No, you are wrong. I have completed all my missions and all the things I should do. This is fate, I followed the trajectory of fate to the place I should have reached. But you have not reached that place yet, so you will continue to trek."

"Lan Yue, come here quickly, listen to me, and go back with me, we will investigate the case clearly, we will not wrong you, if you are innocent, you can continue your life trajectory."

Lan Yue shook her head, her eyes showed a kind of despair and helplessness, she took a step back.

"Be careful, take another step back and you will fall." Ye Xiao suddenly called out loudly, and he saw the abyss behind Lanyue.

Lan Yue didn't look back and continued to look into his eyes.

He lunged forward, trying to pull her back from the ledge.

"Don't come over." Lan Yue stopped him immediately.

"Lan Yue, come back quickly, you are very dangerous." Ye Xiao stretched out his hand to her, "Look, this is the hand of life, give me your hand, give me."

Lan Yue suddenly smiled, and the slightly upturned corners of her mouth seemed to be a symbol of happiness.And her eyes are full of seductive brilliance, the wind on the roof shakes her clothes, and behind her is the concrete forest of the city with thousands of poses.She then raised her arms and straightened them, parallel to her shoulders, in what appeared to be a cross.

"Blue Moon!" Ye Xiao shouted.

Lanyue raised her head, looked at the sky, and said loudly, "Listen, she's calling me: death—it's just the beginning."

The wind carried her voice far away, and Ye Xiao felt that her voice was resounding in the sky above the whole city.

Lanyue's cross-like body began to fall backwards slowly.


Ye Xiao screamed and rushed towards her, trying to grab her clothes.However, when his hand reached the original position of Lanyue, Lanyue was slowly falling backwards, and her feet had left the roof in a blink of an eye.

She flew up—

His hands are stretched out like a pair of wings, like an eagle hovering over Lop Nur forever.Then, looking up at the mysterious sky, she quickly fell downwards.

Ye Xiao threw his body to the edge of the roof, and he stretched out his head and hands.His hands were hanging in the air and waving, as if he wanted to grab Lan Yue's body, but what he grabbed was only an ethereal wind.He watched Lan Yue's body fall rapidly, and his eyes were full of Lan Yue's mysterious smile.In the end, only Lanyue's black hair covered her face.

From heaven to hell, there is only one step away.

At this moment, Lan Yue was already lying on her back on the road downstairs, and the traffic was already blocked.

Ye Xiao's hand was still waving in the air, he closed his eyes, not daring to look at the ground below the 6th floor.

The wind continued to blow.

He was lying on the edge of the roof, his head and face still hanging in the air, as if he had entered another world with the blue moon.

(End of this chapter)

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