Two-dimensional Daily Stories

Chapter 736 Tian Suohui's Well-behaved

Chapter 736 Tian Suohui's Well-behaved
In the end, because Mito Yumei couldn't stand Su Yu's gaze, she found an excuse and went back to her room to change.

Yoshino Yuki looked at the closed door, and then at Su Yu.

"Let's go, take me to meet another new member."

Su Yu walked forward.

Yoshino Yuki hurriedly followed, and led Su Yu to the door of another room.

Su Yu likes this new member more than Mito Yumei.

Yoshino Yuki stepped forward and knocked on the door.


The door of the room opened.

Miyoko Hojo appeared to have just taken a shower and was wearing loose clothing.

When she saw the two people standing in front of the door, she froze for a moment.

Afterwards, he quickly saluted Su Yu.

"Sir Su Yu, good evening."

"Good evening, if you don't mind, can you let me in?" Su Yu smiled.

The situation of Kitajo Miyoko is different from that of Mito Ikumi. Her family runs a Chinese restaurant.

After the expansion of Yuanyue Resort, because Su Yu likes Chinese cuisine, Hojo's restaurant successfully won a store.

In addition, Tian Suohui helped to taste and adjust the taste of the dishes.

These are all because Su Yu likes Chinese food.

The Hojo family now owns two restaurants, which can be said to be due to Su Yu.

Without Su Yu's affirmation, there would be no current Hojo family.

"Please come in." Miyoko Hojo stepped aside and let Su Yu walk into the room.

Su Yu walked into the room, saw the unpacked clothes beside the bed, and couldn't help but glance at Miyoko Kitajo.

Kitajo Miyoko blushed, and hurried forward to pack her clothes.

When she was at home, she was used to it. After taking a bath, she usually only wore a loose T-shirt.

After coming here, because they are all girls, they have no more scruples.

Now, when Su Yu saw her clothes, how could Kitajo Miyoko not be shy?
"I always thought you were handsome, but I didn't expect you to wear cute clothes like ordinary girls." Su Yu said with a smile.

Kitajo Miyoko's face burned, and she didn't know what to say.

She spends most of her time in the kitchen researching new dishes, and never has time to talk to boys. Even at home, she is also a majestic chef, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

But facing Su Yu, she couldn't show her majesty, on the contrary, she looked a little like a girl.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to your restaurant in person, and I feel a little regretful." Su Yu sat on the chair and sighed.

"If Master Su Yu doesn't mind, I can make a Chinese dinner for you. What kind of cuisine do you like?" Kitajo Miyoko put away her clothes, turned around and asked.

"Home cooking is enough." Su Yu was not polite.

"No problem, I'll just..."

"You should change your clothes first." Su Yu looked at Miyoko Hojo's T-shirt.

Kitajo Miyoko looked down subconsciously, and suddenly, her face was flushed.


In Yoshino Yuuhime's room.

When Su Yu walked into the room, he saw the hamster cage on the table. He was slightly taken aback, and looked at Yoshino Yuki.

"Is this also an ingredient?"

"This is just my pet." Yoshino Yuki said with a blushing face.

In the previous dormitory, she had raised animals in the room, Su Yu must have known about this kind of thing.

Therefore, he will ask this question.

"A pet? I thought you had researched a new dish." Su Yu smiled and said.

Yoshino Yuki looked at Su Yu, wondering what Su Yu thought about her raising animals in the room before.

"The last time I came to your room, I didn't take a good look at it. Today, I saw that your room is very tidy, not bad." Su Yu sat by the bed and said.

"After all, this is Xiaohui's place. If the room is messed up, people outside will definitely feel that the environment of the Autumn Garden is not clean." Yoshino Yuki whispered.

"So that's it. You are thinking of Xiaohui, but you are wrong about one thing." Su Yu looked at Yoshino Yuki.

Yoshino Yuki was taken aback, could it be that what she said was wrong?
"The Autumn Court not only belongs to Xiaohui, but also to you. Without you, this place is incomplete. The reason why you can live here is not only because you are her friends, but also because of your strength. If you don't have the strength, I'm afraid you won't live here at all?" Su Yu said meaningfully.

Yoshino Yuki was stunned.

Su Yu's words are actually easy to understand.

If their cooking skills were average, I'm afraid they wouldn't live here even if Xiaohui invited them to live here.

After all, if ordinary people live here and fail to achieve any results, people outside will think they are useless cooks.

Although Yuanyue Academy is known as the most famous culinary academy, there are quite a few young ladies and young masters who come in only by virtue of their connections.

After all, as a graduate of Yuanyue Academy, this title sounds very powerful.

Even for a chef with average cooking skills, as long as he has this title, it is considered an honor.

Also, there are contacts and networks.

Some young ladies came here with the idea of ​​attracting contacts.

What's more, for example, the emcee Rei Kawashima, who presides over the autumn trials, has a fan club on campus.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the eldest ladies are weak. Students who can enter the advanced department of Yuanyue Academy can be put outside and honed for a few years, and they can completely serve as chefs in ordinary restaurants.

Yoshino Yuuhime, Sakaki Ryoko, Mito Yumei, Hojo Miyoko, they are not ordinary girls.

Yoshino Yuuhime's family owned several large farms and several mountains, and belonged to a wealthy family in the local area.

Ryoko Sakaki has a good family background, she is also very beautiful, and she behaves elegantly. This is not a girl that ordinary families can teach.

Mito Yumei, let alone, the Mito Group can be said to be the top of the industry, specializing in all kinds of meat, A5 grade beef, she can eat it as a normal dish.

Miyoko Kitajo, who runs two good restaurants at home.

"You and Ryoko both have the potential to become super chefs. If you want to become a master chef, I can help you too." Su Yu looked at Yoshino Yuki who was thinking, stood up, and patted her on the head .

"Thank you, Su Yu-jun." Yoshino Yuki said gratefully.

"You're welcome, helping you guys is equivalent to helping myself. After all, maybe, every day in the future, I can taste the miso soup you made for me." Su Yu joked.

Yoshino Yuki's pretty face flushed, and she instantly understood what Su Yu meant.

"Hojo Miyoko still needs some time to prepare dinner. Megumi and Ryoko, who are learning desserts from Akakubo Momo, should come back later." Su Yu gently hugged Yoshino Yuki, hinting at her.

Yoshino Yuki's face was flushed, and she slowly leaned into Su Yu's embrace.

Seeing her cute appearance, Su Yu slowly lowered his head.


Mito Yumei changed her clothes in the room, came to the kitchen, found Miyoko Kitajo who was making Chinese food, and was taken aback for a moment.

She has prepared so many dishes, is there any guest coming?
Suddenly, she remembered Su Yu.

Immediately, Mito Yumei understood that this was the dish Miyoko Hojo had prepared for Su Yu.

She thought for a while, and left silently without disturbing Miyoko Hojo.

On the way back to the room.

Mito Yumei couldn't help but stop when she passed the door of Yoshino Yuki's room.

She felt as if she heard a small voice coming from the room.

"Could it be..."

Mito Yumei blushed, stuck to the door, and began to listen carefully.

After a few minutes.

Her little face turned red at a visible speed.

The voice in the room came out clearly. She had heard this kind of voice many times before, but she was not sensible at that time.

Later, when she became sensible, she no longer dared to listen secretly.

Now, hearing Yoshino Yuki's voice, a somewhat terrible picture seemed to emerge in her mind.

"It seems that the rumors are true. This Master Su Yu is really a playful guy." Mito Yumei thought in his heart, a blush appeared on his face.

Why Yoshino Yuki was with Su Yu, she didn't know the reason, but she could roughly guess that it should be related to the artistic conception.

To become a master chef, one needs to comprehend the so-called artistic conception. This kind of thing can be described as illusory, but Tian Suohui comprehended it.

And Tian Suohui was able to comprehend it because Su Yu taught her well, and the master chef of the gourmet club taught her every day. Even Nakiri Erina did not have such treatment.

Mito Yumei once also felt that if she had this kind of treatment, she would definitely be able to comprehend the artistic conception easily.

However, after she tasted Tian Suohui's cuisine once, this idea changed.

The so-called artistic conception is not a simple thing at all. It can be understood only by one's own efforts and experience.

If there is no corresponding experience, how can it be possible to comprehend the artistic conception from these experiences?
However, Tian Suohui told them that Su Yu can help others understand the artistic conception.

He has the strength of a master chef or above.

At that time, Mito Yumei was still looking forward to it, and wanted to ask Su Yu for advice after she saw Su Yu.

After learning about Su Yu's rumors, she kept her distance from him a little bit, thinking that comprehending the artistic conception must rely on her own efforts, and she should not pay the price just because she wants to become a master chef.

But now, listening to the voices in the room, she began to fantasize unconsciously again, if she paid a little price, could she also be taught by Su Yu, comprehend the artistic conception, and become a master chef?

"Mito-san, what are you doing?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Mito Yumei's face froze, looking at Tian Suohui and Sakaki Ryoko who came back.

Ryoko Sakaki looked at Mito Yumei, then at Yoshino Yuki's room, and instantly understood what Mito Yumei was doing.

"I... I just suddenly felt a little uncomfortable." Mito Yumei clutched her stomach and smiled awkwardly.

"I see." Tian Suohui didn't think much about it.

"I'm going back to my room first." Mito Yumei breathed a sigh of relief, and ran towards her room.

Ryoko Sakaki covered her mouth and smiled, she knew that Mito Yumei must have heard the strange noise in the room and felt shy.

But, when did Yoshino Yuki have a boyfriend?Why doesn't she know?
While Ryoko Sakaki was thinking about something.

Miyoko Kitajo came over, she came to Yoshino Yuki's door, and knocked on the door.

"Lord Su Yu, dinner is ready."

Ryoko Sakaki was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression became a little unbelievable.

Su Yu is in Yoshino Yuki's room?Doesn't that mean that Yoshino Yuki made exactly the same choice as herself?

She glanced at Tian Suohui beside her, and found that her face turned red.

Suddenly, Sakaki Ryoko's heart skipped a beat.

If Tian Suohui knew about their relationship with Su Yu, he would definitely be very sad, right?
However, looking at Tian Suohui's expression, she should have already guessed it.

Ryoko Sakaki glanced at Miyoko Kitajo who didn't know what happened, and for a moment, she didn't know what to do.

"Liangzi, shall we go back to the room first?" Tian Suohui said.

"Yeah." Sakaki Ryoko forced a smile.

Miyoko Kitajo watched the two leave, feeling that something was wrong.

She looked at the door in front of her, and a bold guess came to her mind.

Could it be that Yoshino Yuuhime and Su Yu...

Kitajo Miyoko blushed, and slowly put her ear to the door.

When she heard the voice in the room, her face turned red instantly, and she took a few steps back.

She looked around the corridor and fled towards the kitchen.


dinner time.

Su Yu tasted the dishes in front of him, all of which were common Chinese food, which made him very satisfied.

After a full meal.

Su Yu looked at Miyoko Kitajo with a blush on her face.

"I am very satisfied with this dinner. Regarding the artistic conception you can understand, I think you can try to make dishes with a sense of contrast..."

Kitajo Miyoko listened to Su Yu's words, the blush on her face disappeared, and she listened carefully.

After giving some pointers, Su Yu stood up.

He walked a few steps, stopped again, and turned to look at Miyoko Kitajo.

"You look beautiful in a cheongsam, next time, let me see."

Miyoko Hojo was stunned.

By the time she realized it, Su Yu had disappeared.

Kitajo Miyoko looked down at the chef uniform on her body, remembering how she was wearing a cheongsam, her face felt a little hot.


In front of Tian Suohui's room.

Su Yu gently opened the door.

Tian Suohui, who was looking at the notes, blushed slightly when he saw Su Yu's arrival.

"Xiaohui, what are you looking at?" Su Yu came to her side and gently hugged Tian Suohui.

"I...I'm looking at the dessert knowledge I learned from Akakubo Momo-senpai." Tian Suohui's voice was very low.

"Xiaohui, there is one thing, I feel very sorry for you." Su Yu was silent for a while.

"I...I know." Tian Suohui said with his head down.

"Since you know, don't you feel angry?" Su Yu was not surprised.

"There are many girls around Su Yujun. It's normal for Youji to like you. You shouldn't bully Youji, so I think it's acceptable..."

"Xiaohui, with a cute girlfriend like you, I'm afraid I can't help but find more girls. In that case, don't you think it doesn't matter?" Su Yu patted Tian Suohui's little head.

"Well, I have checked some information and found that too many girlfriends are not good for your health. So, I will work hard to study the knowledge of medicinal diet so that you will always have a good body." Tian Suohui raised his head and said in a low voice.

"Stupid Xiaohui." Hearing what she said, Su Yu held her in his arms with some pity.

Tian Suohui's little head leaned against Su Yu's arms, holding Su Yu tightly, for fear that he would leave.

(End of this chapter)

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