The host of fast wear is super cute

Chapter 300 The Dangerous Ghost King Chases His Wife Online

Chapter 300 The Dangerous Ghost King Chases His Wife Online (5)

"Don't worry, tell me slowly." She asked in a steady voice.

"I was just eating snacks in the room, and I just finished eating a package, and I saw that it was sunny outside the window, but it suddenly turned cloudy. There seemed to be something barking outside the window, and there was the sound of nails scraping the glass. The host , I'm so scared woo woo woo~"

An Munuan frowned, glanced at the third child, and thought that the filming was over for today, so she dragged the third child downstairs.

The third child is still lamenting that today's shooting task turned out to be very smooth.

She still feels a little unbelievable.

Is this money so easy to earn?

Anyway, the youngest was very happy, as if she had seen the 100 million yuan beckoning to her!

When An Munuan saw that she was completely relaxed, she suddenly felt a little worried, so she told her, "Don't go back and look at the photos after you take these few days, do you understand?"

It was written like this in the plot, although not looking at the photos does not mean they are completely safe, but it is better than if the third child looks at the photos by himself, she cannot protect her without her being around.

The third child is really not afraid of these things, but she still wants to listen to what the younger sister says!
When An Munuan and the third child returned to the room, she saw that Xiao Mengmeng's whole body was hidden under the quilt.

But the third child hadn't noticed yet, she opened the backpack on her own, took out the snacks she had prepared before, and was suddenly surprised to find that two packs of snacks were missing!

"Little sister, have you seen the other two packs of snacks? It's just the red one."

It's really weird.

An Munuan was taken aback, subconsciously looked in Xiaomengmeng's direction, and asked secretly: "Didn't you only eat one bag?"

At this time, Xiao Mengmeng suddenly remembered to be invisible. After being invisible, she sneaked out and looked at An Munuan, "Just now. I was too scared, so I ate another bag."

An Mu Nuan:
An Munuan turned her head and said to the third child: "I was too hungry just now, so I ate two packs of pads first."

Moist eyes silently stared at the third child.

Third child: Hey, I'll go!Suddenly understand the fun of ancient kings.

"Are you hungry? Come, come, I still have a lot, you eat more! Don't starve my little sister!"

It was already meal time, so An Munuan didn't refuse, and started to eat with a bag of bread.

The third child sat on the bed to eat, while An Munuan stood with the bread, but she refused when the third child asked her to sit, and walked slowly towards the window while nibbling on the bread.

Xiao Mengmeng was shocked, and wanted to stop her in horror, but An Munuan reassured her instead.
The third child didn't think much about An Munuan's behavior, thinking that she just wanted to see the scenery, so she continued to lower her head while playing with her mobile phone while eating.

An Munuan walked to the window, pinched a corner of the curtain, and opened it a little. She squinted her eyes and looked over.

Some minor scratches can indeed be seen.

She was sure that there were no such scratches at noon, but there were now, which showed that it was not Xiaomengmeng's illusion.

But now, An Munuan did not see any ghosts appearing.

Moreover, it was only five o'clock, and it was already completely dark outside.

Normally, it should be around seven o'clock in summer before it will be completely dark.

An Munuan suddenly lowered the curtains, and continued to eat bread expressionlessly.

Just in the last few seconds, a dark and soft thing suddenly crawled outside, it seems to be a kind of ghost.

The real castle life has just begun.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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