I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 108 The ostentatious Xiaotuantuan

Chapter 108 The ostentatious Xiaotuantuan
Buchen caught the restless Xiao Tuantuan and hugged her into his arms:
"Daddy's Xiaotangtang is the best, let's not watch such a violent scene, daddy will accompany you to catch dandelions?"

"There is a [-]-year-old tortoise in Medicine Valley, can Xiaotangtang go and find it?"


Xiao Tuantuan's thoughts were instantly attracted by the old turtle, and he jumped up and down with his paws up: "Father Immortal brought Tangtang to see."

Bu Chen picked her up, his whole body was as gentle as Kunlun's beautiful jade: "Okay, Daddy will take us Xiaotangtang to play."

But Xiao Tuantuan was still worried about the rich daddy. He hugged Bu Chen's neck and stretched his head to see:

"Will the rich daddy be beaten into a pig's head by the general daddy?"

Bu Chen smiled: "It doesn't matter, the general's father beat him into a pig, and he can cure him well."

It depends on whether he is willing to save him or not, and how much Su Qingyun is willing to pay.

Only then did Xiao Tuantuan pat his small chest reassuringly: "That's good, rich daddy looks really good-looking, he can't turn into a pig's head."

Bu Chen's tone was a little low: "Is Rich Daddy good-looking?"

Xiao Tuantuan hugged his little head, shaking his head, shaking his head:

"The rich dad is suave and suave, and the fairy dad looks like a celestial being. They are different and beautiful."

Doctor Bu was satisfied, and gave his daughter a heavenly smile.

Xiao Tuantuan turned her round face, and sighed silently: "It's so difficult to make dumplings. In front of the fathers, I need a bowl of water."

Being able to be alone with his daughter, Bu Chen is not satisfied.

Once you enter the Spirit Valley, no one is allowed to disturb you.

All kinds of strange animals are raised here, some are used as medicine, and some are used to nourish the spirit grass in the Valley of Immortal Doctors.

The [-]-year-old tortoise, hidden in a huge tortoise shell, was lying on the edge of the water, with its wooden head slowly turning around.

Xiao Tuantuan's eyes lit up, and he ran over and lay down in the same position as it:
"My name is Tangtang, what's your name?"

"You don't have a name. Tangtang will give you one, so you can call it Gui Slowly, okay?"

"You don't like this name, Tangtang can't think of anything else, you just call it Baba, next time Tangtang comes to give the turtle a new name slowly."

Bu Chen: "..."

Why does the girl insist on playing with the turtle?

Is it because he is not good-looking, or the pastries he brought are not delicious?
After thinking for a long time, I realized that he brought his daughter to play with the turtle.

So angry.

Xiao Tuantuan has successfully sat on the old turtle's shell, like a white and glutinous Maitreya Buddha, being carried around by the old turtle.

Swinging in front of him, she stretched out her claws and grabbed his big hand: "Father Daddy and Tangtang are together, the turtle crawls so slowly."

Bu Chen silently held her little soft paw, and suddenly felt like he was walking a pet.


An endless smile floated on his lips.

After a while, a disciple came to report that General Zhenxi and Gong Ziyun had finished fighting, and they wanted to discuss with him.

Xiao Tuantuan let go of his big hand: "TangTang is back to endorse, Daddy God, Daddy General, and rich daddy don't fight."

Bu Chen: "...OK."

Xiao Tuantuan hugged his leg, rubbed it happily, then patted the old turtle on the head: "Turtle slowly, let's go."

The old turtle carried her on his back, and Tang Jiao was beside him to protect her all the way.

Buchen watched them go back to Xiaotangtang's room, and then turned to look for the two juniors.

Su Qingyun was beaten so badly by Xuan Mo, she lay on the chair and kept humming.

Bu Chen came over and dealt with it briefly: "500 taels of silver, silver notes, silver ingots, whatever."

Su Qingyun: "...on credit."

Bu Chen took out the small hammer in the medicine box: "Which leg, choose by yourself?"

Su Qingyun patted a few banknotes in front of him: "...you are cruel."

Xuan Mo stopped laughing coldly: "Feng Hanchu doubted Tangtang's identity."

Bu Chen thinks so too.

Feng Hanchu was already suspicious, but what Su Qingyun said would only make him more suspicious.

"I will accompany him back to the palace, and you all leave the Valley of Immortal Doctors today."

Su Qingyun said: "In the palace, you are in charge of taking care of her. Don't let him know that Tang Xiaoguai is his daughter."

Bu Chen nodded: "Don't worry."

After saying this, she felt relieved. Su Qingyun looked to the left and then to the right: "From now on, Tang Xiaoguai will live in Qinyuan, and I will be responsible for taking her to and from the kindergarten."


The two fathers objected in unison.

Complacent, Su Qingyun pointed at Xuan Mo: "You, either go to the court or the military camp, do you have time?"

Pointing to Bu Chen again: "You want to take care of Feng Hanchu, can you get out of the palace? Tang Xiaoguai will take care of you, sooner or later you will end up on the street."

Xuan Mo gritted his teeth: "I'm resting and going home, so I pick up Tangtang when I'm at home."

Su Qingyun thought about the injury on her face, and gave in a little: "I'll deliver it in the morning, you pick it up at noon, and change it the next day. If you're not at home, I'll take full responsibility."

"make a deal."

Bu Chen: "...Have you two considered my feelings?"

It is rare for Xuan Mo and Su Qingyun to stand on the same front: "What do you want to feel?"

Bu Chen: "..."

One needle at a time, stabbing you to death, okay?
Su Qingyun said: "You still plan to take Tang Xiaoguai to live in the palace, isn't that just under Feng Hanchu's nose?"

Bu Chen smiled softly: "I also have a medicine garden in the capital."

Xuan Mo and Su Qingyun looked at each other and secretly reached a consensus, then don't let him come out of the palace.

Bu Chen felt the strange atmosphere between the two of them: "Don't think that I can't see, so you can do small tricks. As a brother, you are not an imperial doctor, so you don't need to be in the palace every day."

Xuan Mo: "The three of us, one of us will take care of Tangtang for a day."

Reluctantly agree.

Bu Chen asked again: "Who will take care of you on the first day out of the valley?"


The two fathers spoke in unison again.

Su Qingyun: "Tang Xiaoguai will go back to the end of the month exam, it is very important, and I, the father, must pick him up."

Xuan Mo sneered: "Coincidentally."

Bu Chen smiled slowly: "This is the first time I pick up my daughter. The most important thing is that I can't be absent."

Xuan Mo: "..."

Su Qingyun: "..."

The two fathers rallied and attacked Buchen: "We'll talk about it after you make arrangements for Feng Hanchu."

Bu Chen smiled like a breeze and bright moon: "That's not easy, just let him sleep more?"

Xuan Mo: "..."

Su Qingyun: "..."

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

So Xiaotuanzi's first end-of-month exam when he entered the kindergarten was escorted by three fathers to the outside of Chongwen Hall.

The passing Master and the little scholar all looked straight: "Isn't that the little master's carriage?"

"Yes, General Zhenxi is also here."

"Look, look, Young Master Yun."

"There is also Bu Miracle Physician. He seldom shows up, and it is said that he only treats the emperor."

"If you're not mistaken, that's the princess of the Yuren Kingdom, right?"

Xuan Mo was riding on the horse, the door of the carriage behind opened, Su Qingyun jumped down first, and knocked on the curtain of the carriage, Bu Chen finally came out with Xiao Tuantuan in his arms.

Tang Jiao stood by the car holding her little book.

At a glance, the ostentation is simply against the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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