Chapter 117

"How, how, did you ask?"

"Where did the child come from, who is her mother, and what role does the emperor want to give her?"

"Apart from the child, is her mother also by the emperor's side? It's so late, is she serving the emperor tonight?"

As soon as Feng Weilan came out, she was surrounded by a large group of concubines, headed by her mother and concubine, asking questions in a hurry.

That is to say, the queen is more stable, standing at the end of the crowd, but her eyes are fixed on Feng Weilan.

Originally, Feng Weilan felt that she had suffered a great humiliation, but when asked by so many people, she just let out a wow and burst into tears.

The concubines were all terrified.

Concubine Gao quickly stepped forward and hugged her: "Weilan, tell Concubine Mother, did that wild girl bully you?"

Feng Weilan cried and said: "Father kicked out my son, woo woo woo..."

Concubines: "..."

It's over, it's over, even Feng Weilan can't compete with such a favored princess, the others should hurry back to the palace to wash and sleep.

A trace of hatred flashed across Concubine Gao's glamorous face: "I insist on looking at this woman today, what kind of scumbag is she, who has fascinated the emperor like this!"


The queen put her hand on the maid's hand and walked over gracefully: "Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you kill with one blow. If you go to see the emperor so recklessly, you will only lose your favor."

Concubine Gao said dismissively: "The Empress taught me that."

The queen said again: "It's too late today, let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Yes, yes, the concubines exchanged glances in unison.

Quickly inquire about the origins of the mother and daughter, and go to the Queen's Palace tomorrow morning to discuss countermeasures.

A glutinous rice dumpling that suddenly appeared brought a high degree of unity in the harem.

Xiao Tuanzi, who was watched by people from all walks of life, was lying under the curtain of the imperial study room, looking for the fairy father one after another.

I searched all over the imperial study room, why is there still no trace of the fairy father?

She arched and arched, from one curtain to under the other curtain, 噗——

A small head popped out from under the fringe, staring into big black eyes: So Daddy Daddy went outside and was talking to Daddy Beautiful and Daddy Rich.

See how Tangtang catches you!
A lump stuck to the wall, followed the open window and then slowly slid down, getting closer, closer, and closer——

I heard my daddy talking.

"...Xuan Mo is still guarding the gate of the palace, and those old men even hit their heads against the pillars to make you take back your will."

"Presumptuous, how can my daughter tolerate... Hey, little pastry, where did you come from?"

Feng Hanchu grabbed hold of him, trying to catch Buchen's Xiaotuanzi.

Hearing the sound, Bu Chen knelt down and patted her little head: "Look for daddy, it's too late, can daddy coax you to sleep?"

Xiaotuanzi hugged Buchen's big hand: "Okay, Tangtang is sleepy."

Bu Chen was about to carry his daughter back to the house, but Feng Hanchu immediately stopped him: "In the palace, I will coax my daughter to let go."

"Don't let it go!"

Feng Han picked up the knife at the beginning: "You want to resist the edict?"

Bu Chen raised the needle: "Do you want to be poisoned?"

Just as the two fathers were crackling and sparks were flying, Gong Ziyun saw the opportunity, picked up his daughter and ran away.

Xiaotuanzi was carried flying in mid-air, and excitedly raised his claws to pat: "Tangtang is flying, rich daddy, run away."

Gong Ziyun speeded up triumphantly, his handsome face was deformed by the wind.

Feng Han was trembling with anger at the beginning, and ordered the Ouchi guards to prepare:
"Shoot that golden thing flying around for me...don't use the arrow to hurt my little pastry."

Ouchi's guard looked confused: "..."

What is the difference between a bow and an arrow without an arrow?
Does the emperor want us to beat Mr. Su down with a stick?
All right, what the emperor said is the imperial decree, smash it!

So dozens of Ouchi guards raised their long poles, lined up, shouted slogans, and chased Su Qingyun around.

Because they were on flat ground and Su Qingyun was on the roof, the long pole couldn't control the direction, so it didn't knock Su Qingyun down, but it knocked down a lot of glazed tiles.

Wherever it went, it was like demolition, crackling, and all the tiles smashed to the ground.

Feng Hanchu didn't even notice: "I told you to beat him down, a bunch of idiots!"

The Ouchi guard gasped as he ran away, and heard the imperial decree: "...What, use an iron pot? Come, someone, go to the imperial dining room to carry the iron pot and smash it."

As soon as Su Qingyun dodged the bamboo pole, he saw mouthfuls of iron pans falling from the sky, and he was dazzled by the impact.

Feng Hanchu, did you forget to take your medicine?

I just took my daughter to rest, why are you throwing an iron pan?
Su Qingyun tightly protected Xiao Tuanzi in her arms, and shouted while running: "Your uncle, Feng Hanchu!"

The Ouchi guards also kindly sent a message: "Your Majesty, Mr. Su scolded you!"


Feng Hanchu was so angry that he didn't want to talk anymore, so he flew to the roof to arrest people himself.

In the end, I don't know who threw the iron pot, so Bang Ji hit it on the head.

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Without stepping on it firmly, Ji Li Gu Lu fell off the roof.

"Beautiful dad--"


After a series of exclamations, when Feng Hanchu was hurriedly carried back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation by the guards, his forehead was swollen like a peach.

Su Qingyun laughed and fell to the ground, unable to get up, bah, it deserves it.

When Bu Chen came to treat the wound, he laughed so hard that his hands were shaking.

Feng Hanchu had already given up struggling and became a salted fish: "Laugh, laugh."

After laughing, let me die.

Bu Chen also specially praised: "The emperor's bodyguard is very skilled."

Feng Han's teeth were about to be ground into pieces: "Do you think you are very humorous?"

"The minister is not, the minister is not."

Sitting on a small cushion, Xiao Tuanzi looked at his fairy-like father, and then at his glamorous father——

Well, it's not bad, the fathers don't mean to quarrel, they are all very good fathers.

She crawled over with both hands and feet, and took Feng Hanchu's big hand:

"Beautiful Daddy, it doesn't hurt, Tangtang will give you Huhu. Huhu the big peach on your head, it will be fine."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

I was very touched at first, what kind of hammer is Da Taozi?
He felt that the little pastry was staring at the bag that was thrown out of his head.

That look is exactly the same as looking at the pastry, with eyes full of words can you eat it, is it delicious, just take a bite.

Feng Han shrank into a ball at the beginning: "Stay away from me."

"Oh." Xiao Tuantuan crawled back obediently.

Su Qingyun hugged her tightly, and took the opportunity to sow discord: "Your beautiful daddy despises you, so let's live with your rich daddy from now on."

Bu Chen fanned the flames: "Tomorrow we will be kicked out, so go back to the Valley of Immortal Doctors, okay?"


Xiaotuanzi didn't miss it, and waved his fists: "Wait for Tangtang to finish school."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

I don't feel any joy in being a father.

(End of this chapter)

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