Chapter 121
Xiaotuanzi stretched out her claws in a panic, grabbed the rich daddy's fan on the left, and the fairy daddy's wrist on the right:
"Don't fight, Daddy will become a villain."

Su Qingyun immediately raised her fan to fan her daughter: "If you don't hit me, don't hit me, rich daddy fanned Tang Xiaoguai, isn't it hot?"

He even proudly complained to his daughter: "Your fairy father is a scoundrel father. You see, he is going to stab your rich father with a silver needle. It's too bad."

Bu Chen: "I see that you are not in good health, so I can help you with acupuncture."

Su Qingyun hugged her daughter and ran away: "Don't come here, I'll call..."

Xiao Tuanzi's small body was still in Xuan Mo's arms, and when he pulled it, the remaining two fathers joined the group, almost being dragged down.

Bu Chen went over with one needle: "Let go!"

Su Qingyun withdrew her hand: "Hey, I didn't get it... Hey, why is my body numb, I can't move, Buchen, you bastard..."

Bu Chen slowly put away the needle, and held Xiao Tuantuan's paw:
"It's said that your rich father is sick, but he still doesn't believe it, Xiao Tangtang, look at how sick he is now."

Xiaotuanzi frowned, stretched out his claws and touched Su Qingyun's cheek sadly: "Then when will rich daddy get better?"

Bu Chen rubbed her little head tenderly, and snatched the paw back: "Just let him bask in the sun for a day."

"It's been so long, Tangtang is here waiting for rich daddy."

The speechless young master said: "..."

Girl hurts me, save your father quickly!
Bu Chen hugged her and walked back to the carriage: "Xiao Tang Tang is here, rich dad is always worried about you and can't recover quietly."

"Oh, Tangtang and the fathers will go back first."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Bu Chen, do you dare to do a personnel matter?
Xuan Mo passed by and patted him on the shoulder: "Meditate."

Quiet sir!

Xiao Tuan returned to the side of the carriage, and slipped out of Bu Chen's arms: "Father Immortal and Daddy General, wait for Tangtang."

Da da da--

She picked up the little scholar's robe and ran to Ming Wuci and Xie Jingyun, opened her claws and hugged each other, and waved her little hands reluctantly.

Feng Weilan was being helped into the carriage by the maid, and seeing her running past, she shouted angrily: "Next time, I will definitely defeat you."

Xiao Tuantuan stopped running, turned around, and blinked at her with big eyes, very puzzled.

Feng Weilan got excited, and said bitterly: "From now on, I will be the first in every month-end exam, aren't you afraid?"


Xiao Tuantuan twisted her body, opened her claws, grinned and shouted loudly, "Daddy General, Daddy Immortal, Tangtang is at the top of the exam at the end of the month!"

Feng Weilan: "..."


A group rushed back to the carriage, and a clear and cute voice came over: "Tangtang is the top of the list, defeated the bullying princess, isn't Daddy happy?"

The two fathers said in unison: "Why is Xiao Tangtang so good, Daddy is so happy."

Feng Weilan wanted to smash the carriage, and shouted angrily: "Let's go, let me go!"

As soon as the airy little group came back, they met a mighty team of concubines, all of whom came out from the empress' Kunning.

Among them, Concubine Gao has the highest status, so naturally she spoke first: "Isn't this Princess Liang, come back from school?"

Xiao Tuantuan held his paw and saluted Concubine Gao: "Yes, pretty aunt, and other beautiful aunts are also welcome."

The concubines who didn't have children saw such a cute and soft little dumpling, and they also liked it in their hearts, but Concubine Gao didn't speak, and they didn't dare to express anything.

Concubine Gao now feels even more disgusted in her heart, a wild child is a wild child, there are no rules, no distinction is made between superiority and inferiority.

She winked, and a concubine in green palace attire walked out of the line next to her:
"Princess Seven, I am Concubine Wen, and I know how to make a lot of pastries. Would you like to eat pastries with me to fill my belly?"

Xiaotuanzi shook his head: "Meiyan Daddy is still waiting for Tangtang, next time I will go to Aunt Wen's house to eat cakes."

Concubine Wen's face froze: "Princess is going to see the emperor, the princess's mother might as well be a guest in my palace, since we will be a family from now on, move around more."

Xiao Tuantuan scratched his hat in embarrassment: "Tangtang has no mother, only four fathers."

"Princess, stop joking. In this world, there is only one mother and one father. Could it be that your mother didn't come with you this time?"

Really not.

Xiao Tuantuan pursed her mouth, how can she explain this to her aunts?
Concubine Wen covered her lips and smiled: "The princess should leave the palace as soon as possible and bring your mother into the palace, so that you can be justified and not be ridiculed."

Xiao Tuantuan's black eyes stared at Wen Bin without blinking, which made her feel cold all over, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

But if you take a closer look, it's still that cute glutinous rice dumpling, as if it was just an illusion.

She was grinning her petal-like mouth: "Auntie Wen, do you really want Tangtang to bring her into the palace?"

Concubine Wen hurriedly said, "I want to, of course I want to, we will all be sisters in the future."

Xiao Tuantuan tilted his head, facing his claws: "Aunt Wen, you will be spanked for lying."


Xiao Tuan Tuan Tan Xiao Zaw Claw: "If Tang Tang's mother really comes, she will be the beautiful concubine of Daddy just like Aunt Wen, do you still want to be sisters with her?"

Wen Bin's smile stiffened immediately.

The kid spoke too, too directly.

I didn't expect the more direct ones to come.

Xiao Tuantuan blinked her eyes: "Auntie Wen is clearly jealous, but Tangtang really has no mother, so Auntie Wen doesn't have to worry."


Concubine Wen's face turned pale, and her hands were tightly held together, feeling angry and hated in her heart.

Today's embarrassment is completely lost, and I don't know how many people behind her are laughing at her.

This Seventh Princess is just a little devil.

No wonder Concubine Gao didn't show up and let her be cannon fodder.

Gao Guifei watched everything from the sidelines, and couldn't help scolding an idiot in her heart: "Okay, Concubine Wen, what are you fussing about with children?"

She looked noble and generous: "Princess, let's go, don't keep the emperor waiting, let's go."

Xiaotuanzi twisted his body and left too.

Bu Chen walks behind him, chuckling: "I'm so courageous, I don't know who to follow."

Xuan Mo: "Me."

Bu Chen: "..."

I shouldn't have said that.

Miracle Doctor Bu was very upset, General Xuan was very happy, Xiaotuanzi didn't care whether others were happy, but he was always very happy.

So as soon as the two big and one small entered the door, Feng Hanchu had a bad premonition.

Bu Chen said softly: "The thing is, we met one of your daughter-in-laws today."

Xuan Mo immediately said: "She asked Tangtang to go out of the palace to find her mother, otherwise she would be ridiculed."

Then the two fathers said in unison: "So we will take Tangtang out of the palace, when will we find our mother and come back."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

God damn looking for a mother!

Your excuses for abducting your daughter and running away are changing with each passing day!

(End of this chapter)

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