I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 124 The Mysterious Masked Brother

Chapter 124 The Mysterious Masked Brother

Xiaotuanzi shook his little head vigorously, then stretched out his claws to touch Buchen's face:
"Dads, don't worry, Tangtang is protected by the sword of the beautiful daddy, and she is not injured."

Feng Hanchu's face was full of ice: "Decree, no one is allowed to approach Chenyue Hall before the congratulations."

Ji Xiang hurriedly went to the Sixth Palace to deliver the decree, and by the way dragged away Li Fei, who was so angry:
"Your Highness the Seventh Prince is the emperor's eyeball, the lifeblood of our Daliang, you have to think about it carefully."

Because of Concubine Li's matter, everyone who wanted to play Xiaotuanzi's idea was honest.

Even Feng Weilan was ordered by Concubine Gao non-stop, and had to go around when she met Tangtang.

The last time he offended Shengyan and lost the top position in the exam, the emperor was already very unhappy. Until he returns to the top of the list next time, he will have to behave with his tail between his legs.

Feng Weilan was angry and wronged in her heart, she clenched her small fists tightly, determined to defeat that wild child.

Finally no one bothered, Xiao Tuanzi was super excited every day, studied with Master Xun, and was mischievous everywhere after returning to the palace.

When it's time for dinner, he can still eat with the four fathers and become the cutest salted fish in the palace.

As soon as I lay down, I went to the second palace school and child school exams.

This time the young scholars gathered in Gongxue, and after the exam, Xiaotuanzi rushed out of the exam room holding Mingwu Ci and Xie Jingyun's hand:
"Tangtang is going to participate in the court celebration tomorrow, sister Wuci and brother Jingyun must come."


Daddy is a general in front of the palace, and Ming Wuci knew Chaohe early in the morning, and she had prepared beautiful clothes in advance, as well as a gift for Shizun's younger sister.

Compared with Mingwu Ci, Xie Jingyun seemed a little lonely:
"After I became a guilty minister, I couldn't participate in the congratulations, so I'm sorry, sister master."

Xiao Tuantuan drooped his little brows, but soon his eyes lit up, and he stood on tiptoe and leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Tangtang asked Sister Qianshuang to take you quietly to Tangtang's palace. You can listen in the room. We will play together after attending the court ceremony."

Xie Jingyun raised her head in surprise: "Really, is it okay?"

Tangtang patted her chest proudly: "Sister Qianshuang listens to Tangtang the most."

Even if it doesn't work, you can act like a baby, Tangtang is so cute, sister Qian Shuang will definitely agree.

The small heads of the three regiments were next to each other, and they finished plotting with smiles.

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly climbed into the carriage, and deliberately opened the curtains and shouted, "Brother Jingyun, wait for the good news from Tangtang."

Ok?What are you going to do?
Thousands of squinting eyes.

The emperor and general Xuan Bu, the genius doctor, specially ordered them to pay attention to every move of the princess and this man named Xie Jingyun.

As a result, before she could think about it for a while, Princess Tuanzi stuffed a particularly sweet fruit into her mouth:
"Sister Qianshuang, in Tangtang's heart, you are as sweet as Tanguozi."

Qian Shuang: "..."

It sounds like there is a conspiracy, but who can resist the voice of Seventh Princess?

Being coaxed and acted like a baby by her, and with two big mouthfuls of Xiangxiang, Qian Shuang agrees almost dizzily.

Tomorrow, I will help His Highness steal Xie Jingyun to Chenyue Hall.

Xiaotuanzi, who was done, raised his paw excitedly: "Tangtang loves Sister Qianshuang the most, thick hair!"

Qian Shuang secretly clenched his fist, just for this sentence, he fought hard!

At worst, the emperor will find out and beat him up.

She turned the horse's head and was about to take the dumpling back to the palace when she saw a large group of people coming up ahead.

These people wore black and red-edged robes and capes of the same color.

Everyone held a big banner with black letters on a red background, and lined up in a long, long line, almost covering the road from the palace to the palace.

Regal's people!

Qian Shuang Dixin couldn't help but panicked, raised his sword and said, "Protect the princess."


The accompanying guards immediately surrounded Xiaotuanzi, drew their swords, and stared at the envoys of Emperor Zun in front of them.

Soon there was a man bent over in the messenger group, stepping on the backs of several people, and walked to the front of the team:

"Is the Princess of Liang, Feng Chenyue, in front?"

The man's voice was like wind blowing through rotten wood, and it was disgusting to hear.

Xiao Tuanzi held up his paws and tried his best to dig out his ears. Just as he was about to get out of the carriage, he was stopped by Qian Shuang:

"It's the Seventh Princess' car, Your Excellency."

The man laughed a few times, took out a black flag and raised it high:
"I am the envoy of Emperor Zun, and I came here specially to attend the congratulatory ceremony held by Emperor Liang for the princess."

"This is Emperor Zun's black soul order. Princess Liang is summoned to go to Emperor Zun Palace on the Mid-Yuan Festival. Emperor Zun will personally hold a birthday banquet for the princess."

Emperor Zun's Black Soul Token is like Emperor Zun himself descending in person.

As soon as the Black Soul Order came out, the whole world knelt down, and even the emperors of the six countries could not resist the order.

Qian Shuang clenched her fists tightly, Your Highness is still being targeted by Emperor Zun.

Xiaotuanzi felt the uneasiness in the outside world, and gently patted the car door with his claws:
"Sister Qianshuang, if Tangtang doesn't accept the order flag, will Emperor Zun hurt the parents?"

Qian Shuang: "..."


Xiaotuanzi opened the door, stepped out of the carriage, raised his head and looked at Qian Shuang seriously:

"Don't make things difficult, Sister Qianshuang, just take it with Tangtang. Tangtang has daddies, so Tangtang is not afraid."

"Your Highness—"

Tangtang be brave.

Xiao Tuantuan clenched his small fists, jumped off the carriage with both hands and feet, took a breath, and walked towards the Black Soul Ling with his short legs.

Just when she was about to get close to that hideous man, hehe—

A machete flew over.


The black soul made the flag broken.

The scimitar flew back into the master's hand under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by that person.

He was sitting on the roof by the side of the street, wearing a black cloak, with a silver unicorn mask on his face, and holding the cold silver scimitar in his hand.


The emperor's envoy looked at him fiercely, and ordered his subordinates: "Kill him..."

Before he could speak, he stared wide-eyed and held his neck firmly.

Blood kept coming out from between the fingers, and then fell to the ground all of a sudden.
The rest of Emperor Zun's envoys started to get scared, they looked at each other, they didn't know what to do.

A group of people from a distant brigade rushed over, and someone shouted: "General Zhenxi drives, idlers avoid."

The Xuanwu army immediately surrounded the scene.

Xuan Mo flicked his cloak, jumped off the horse, and hugged Xiaotuanzi: "Have you received the command flag?"

Xiaotuanzi shook his little head: "Don't be afraid, General Daddy, Tangtang didn't pick it up, a masked brother cut off the command flag, look—"

Her little hand pointed to the roof: "Hey, why is Brother Mask missing? He was still here just now?"

Xuan Mo's phoenix pupils were cloudy: "Daddy will send you back to the palace first."

The emperor's envoy was driven aside, and the chariots and horses started moving again.

Behind the crowd of onlookers, a silver mask was revealed.

Behind the mask, there is a pair of foggy eyes, quietly looking at the direction they are going away.

(End of this chapter)

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