Chapter 144
problem occurs.

Qian Shuang knelt down immediately: "Qian Shuang knows his mistake."

"The Fourth Highness and Young Master Su came to find Qian Shuang and said that something happened to General Xuan, so Qian Shuang disembarked and went ashore."

Su Qingyun squinted at Tang Jiao: "What about you?"

Tang Jiao gestured: "I am worried about General Xuan Mo, so..."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Sure enough, the little donkey and the little trash will make excuses.

When the two dumplings were brought over, they knew something had happened.

Feng Tinglie called himself the prince, so he didn't put Su Qingyun in his eyes at all, and didn't say a word.

Su Chang'an was most afraid of Su Qingyun, so he confessed everything: "We stole the shark beads just to frighten the little monster."

Su Qingyun: "...where are the shark beads?"

Su Changan nudged Feng Tinglie with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Hand it over."


Feng Tinglie snorted and said: "Whoever admits will pay, my prince doesn't know anything."

Su Changan's anxious Xiaoyuan's face was covered with sweat, and he stood up from the ground with a puff:

"You said you wanted to scare the little monster, but we were the ones who were scared. That thing looks very important, so give it to me quickly."

Feng Tinglie threw him away: "I don't have anything in my hands. When my father comes back, I will sue your following criminals, so that you can't eat and walk around."

Su Chang'an didn't dare to look at Su Qingyun's face anymore, he jumped up and down anxiously, looking around in Feng Tinglie's sleeve:
"Take it out quickly!"

Feng Tinglie was also angry, took out a bag from his sleeve, and held it high: "If you want it, I won't give it!"

call out--

With a flick of his hand, he rolled around and was thrown into the sea from the dragon boat.

Su Qingyun turned pale with shock, and flew to grab it, just in time to collide with Bu Chen who was rushing down from the second floor.

The two of them fell on the dragon boat together and watched helplessly as the bag containing the shark beads sank into the sea.

"Quick, send someone to send a boat, go down and look for it!"

In an instant, everyone on the boat lit up torches, and the whole dragon boat was brightly lit, and the imperial guards jumped into the sea one by one.

Su Chang'an was terrified by this posture, and sat down on the ground: "It's over, Chang'an got into trouble, my uncle will beat me to death."

Feng Tinglie proudly patted his small chest: "What are you afraid of, my prince is here to keep you safe."

Su Qingyun sneered: "The Fourth Highness has always wanted to use crooked ways to make the emperor notice you. This time, you succeeded."

Feng Tinglie's heart was pounding: "What do you mean?"

"Rich Daddy—"

Xiao Tuanzi ran out of the room at some point, Xiao Tuo drooped, and his big eyes lost their luster:
"Without Qianlisuo, will Tangtang be taken away by Emperor Zun and take out the phoenix bone?"

"will not."

Su Qingyun and Bu Chen were so distressed, they hugged Xiao Tuantuan and put them into their arms to coax them:

"Fathers will protect you even if they die, sweet boy, don't be afraid."

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes were filled with tears, and he shook his little head vigorously:
"No, no, Tangtang doesn't want his father to die, his father can't die, if Emperor Zun wants Tangtang's phoenix bone, just take it, the immortal father will definitely save Tangtang."

Bu Chen touched her small round face and wiped away the tears:

"Hey, Tangtang, don't cry. Let's try our best to find Qianli Suo. Even if there is no Qian Li Suo, the fathers will still find the Shark King's bone."


Su Qingyun also held her little paw and gave her strength: "The fathers still have to watch over the little sweet boy to grow up and bully the little sweet boy. The fathers beat them all away."

Only then did Xiao Tuantuan smile through tears, and Xiao Zhuozhao took the big hands of his fathers and held them high:

"Yeah, Tangtang doesn't cry, you have to be as brave as your father and beat them away."

The more Su Changan listened, the more confused his mind became, until he heard the word death, and his face immediately turned pale:
"It's just a bead, how could it be so serious?"

Xiaotuanzi wiped away his tears, pouted his mouth, and told Su Changan everything about Shark Pearl and Qianlisuo.

Su Changan was completely dumbfounded, looked at Feng Tinglie and said, "You are with my uncle and the others, don't you know that the matter is so serious?"

Feng Tinglie also started to get scared, if he destroyed the shark bead, the wild child would die.

If Royal Father knew that he stole it and threw away the Shark Pearl, then he...

He was so scared that he backed up again and again: "My prince, I just want her to cry and make her anxious. This prince doesn't want her to die..."

Feng Tinglie immediately ran to the side of the boat, took off his boots and was about to jump into the sea: "My prince will go find it himself..."

The accompanying eunuch and maid hurriedly grabbed him and held him firmly, not letting him move.

Feng Tinglie's eyes were red and he kept struggling. He only had one thought in his mind now:
Get back that shark bead before father comes back.

But Yu Ji had already quarreled with Su Qingyun, Feng Hanchu Xuanmo and the others had already returned to the boat.

At this time, just heard the sound and arrived.

There are only two words in Feng Tinglie's mind: it's over.

Feng Hanchu went directly to Xiao Tuantuan's side, hugged her, and smiled magnificently:
"It's still dripping with golden beans, the little pastry is a merman saint, cry a pearl to show daddy?"


The crying nose was ridiculed by Meiyan's father, Xiaotuanzi raised his claws to cover his little face, and buried his little head in Feng Hanchu's arms:
"Oh, Tangtang is asleep, I can't hear Daddy Meiyan's words!"

Xuan Mo pinched her little ears: "Naughty brat."

After finishing speaking, he and Su Qingyun jumped into the sea one after another, and worked hard to salvage it with the soldiers.

But here is the sea, the wind and waves are extremely strong, people will be swept away if they are not careful, they can only search near the dragon boat and treasure boat.

Yu Ji jumped up from the sea, wiped the water from her face, panting:
"All the shark monsters are looking for in the sea, master don't be afraid!"

Xiao Tuantuan clenched his fists: "Thank you Brother Yu Ji, Tangtang is not afraid."

Hey, the master thanked me!
Yu Ji was so beautiful that she vomited two bubbles, and her body was filled with strength in an instant. She plunged into the sea again and continued to search.

More and more shark demons and soldiers join in the search for the shark beads. As the waves keep churning, the search becomes more and more difficult.

In the end, all the forbidden troops withdrew to the ship, waiting for the news from the Shark Demon.

But this sea area is really too big, if you want to find a bead, you are looking for a needle in a haystack.

Until dawn, the first wave of sharks who came ashore shook their heads to express that they hadn't found it.

When all the shark demons returned to the caves on land, none of them saw the shark beads.

The last ones to come up were Xuan Mo and Su Qingyun. The two of them were paralyzed on the boat, their faces pale.

The atmosphere became more and more serious, until a boatman shouted: "Look, there are people in the sea, there are people!"

The wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger, and between the ups and downs of the sea, a person can be seen slowly floating over.

Between ups and downs, one can probably tell that the person is exhausted.

"Hurry up, he's dying, save him quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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