I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 148 The Deceitful Prince

Chapter 148 The Deceitful Prince
Ever since she heard Feng Hanchu's words, Feng Feiran was very disturbed.

It is not that there are no women in Daliang who have been the head of the country, but that was more than 100 years ago.

At that time, the empress of the Liang Kingdom was the emperor's empress, so no one dared to underestimate her.

But what about the seventh sister of unknown origin?
Sometimes he was called General Zhenxi's father, and later he was called Gong Ziyun and Bu Shenyi's father. Seeing that his blood was not pure, how could he inherit the throne of Liang Kingdom?

When Feng Chenyue first entered the palace, no one cared about her until her title and name were announced to the world.

From that moment on, no one in the whole palace dared to despise her.

The queen mother once got drunk and said something she shouldn't have said to him: I'm afraid your father is going to make Feng Chenyue the crown prince.

Feng Feiran didn't take it to heart at all at the time, but as soon as Feng Han Chu said something today, he shuddered.

Is it true that Feng Chenyue will take away his crown prince position?
What will he do?
What about the queen mother?
What about the father of the country, the uncle of the country, and the family of the queen mother?
They are all prosperous and all are lost. If he fails to become the crown prince, all the glory of the queen mother and grandfather's family will be lost.

Feng Feiran was terrified, but he didn't dare to ask Feng Hanchu, so he kept pacing outside the palace.

The sound of the creaking wheelchair came from behind.

Feng Feiran turned her head impatiently, isn't this Feng Chenyue's book boy?
As a prince, how can you stay in the same place with such a person, he turned around and was about to leave——

"His Royal Highness, Yan Gui just came from the Emperor, and the Emperor was talking about His Highness with the Queen, what a coincidence."

Feng Feiran suddenly felt unable to walk: "What did the father say about this palace?"

Yan Gui smiled and said: "It is impossible for the emperor to let Yan Gui know, Yan Gui didn't dare to listen, so he left."

Feng Feiran glanced at him, then walked away dismissively.

The direction to go is exactly the hall where things are discussed.

The corners of Yan Gui's lips curled up suddenly, it's so foolish.


Tang Jiao came out from the corner of the corridor at some point, and bowed respectfully to him.

Yan Gui raised his hand: "Where's Feng Tinglie?"

"Already on the way to the meeting hall."

Yan returned interested: "Let's go and watch the fun."

Tang Jiao didn't dare to touch his wheelchair, but carefully protected it beside him.

The meeting hall is not far from here, walk along the corridor to the end, turn a corner and you will be there.

Yan Gui stopped at the corner of the corridor, because Feng Feiran was talking to Feng Tinglie in front of him:
"...Father brought you to the Shark Kingdom to use you as a hostage in exchange for the Shark King's bone to save Feng Chenyue's life."

Feng Tinglie said angrily, "Impossible."

Feng Feiran sneered: "You only think about how to make your father notice your existence. Now that your goal has been achieved, why are you unhappy, waste."

Feng Tinglie yelled heartbreakingly: "You lied to me!"

Feng Feiran didn't care about it: "Then you just wait and see, but I advise you, one day with Feng Chenyue around, you will always be just a pawn."

After all, Feng Tinglie was a child, he slumped down on the ground, covered his face and burst into tears.

A hand reached out and handed him a handkerchief, and he slammed it away: "Get lost... little cripple?"

When he saw him, he remembered that wild boy, Feng Tinglie jumped up in anger, and raised his fist to hit him.

Yan Gui instead smiled and said, "Not everyone can be a pawn in the emperor's hands, can they, Fourth Highness?"

"What do you mean?"

Yan Gui: "There are so many princes and daughters, why did the emperor bring you out alone? Isn't that why he values ​​you?"

Feng Tinglie was at a loss: "If you value me, let me be a hostage in the Yuren Kingdom?"

"Fourth Highness, have you forgotten that the emperor was a hostage in front of Emperor Zun for four years."

Feng Tinglie looked at him strangely: "What do you mean by that?"

Yan Gui's eyes were covered with a thin black mist: "I, can help you, is the crown prince destined to belong to the crown prince?"

"Just because you're a little cripple, haha, you're so ridiculous!"

Yan Gui said, "Of course it can't just because I'm a little disabled, it's because my surname is Xiao."

Feng Tinglie's face became stiff: "You and Emperor Zun, you, you..."

"You are an unfavored child, and so am I, so the only one who can help me is you, and the only one who can help you is me."

After Yan Gui finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but asked an irrelevant question:
"Your Highness, have you seen Princess Liang?"

Feng Tinglie's mind was still stuck on the things he could help him with, and he said blankly:

"She followed Young Master Yun out of the palace to play."

Xiaotuanzi sneaked out of the palace.

While Daddy Meiyan was leading Daddy General to talk with Sister Meiren, Daddy Immortal was discussing medical skills with Yuren Chinese medicine doctor, so she left a letter and ran away with Yuji.

The rich daddy is going to do business in the market of the Sharkland, and exchange the silk, porcelain and beautiful jewelry he brought with him for shark pearls.

Xiao Tuanzi was quite curious about everything in the Yuren Kingdom, and asked Yu Ji to slide around in the market with her on her back.

After a while, I saw the rich daddy's Jinbao boat docked at the pier of the market.

The ropes and springboards were lowered on the boat, and the boatmen came out of the cabin in an endless stream, carrying many, many large boxes.

Su Changan, the little golden ball, stood at the front of the springboard and shouted, "Exchange."

In an instant, all the sharks in the market rushed to the shore: "It's the merchant ship of the Su family of Liang State, and they are all good things. Hurry up!"

Everyone rushed to grab it.

They took the special products and treasures of the Yuren Kingdom in exchange for goods.

They were too far away to see clearly, so Yu Ji carried her master into the water and ran along the gangway to the boat.

At this time, there were so many people exchanging goods, no one noticed them.

Xiaotuanzi jumped into the cargo hold, looking here and there, ready to help.

Picking out a box that was about the same size, he raised his claws and carried it out.

There was someone carrying fabrics nearby, who was too anxious and fell to the ground, and all the piles of fabrics fell down, tripping everyone around.

Xiaotuanzi was wrapped in a pile of fabrics and was frantically pulling.

I suddenly felt my body lighten, and was lifted together with the cloth, and then entered a dark place.

Damn, it seems that the head is still covered.

Immediately afterwards, the dark place started to move, jolting and jolting, making people drowsy.

When Xiaotuanzi woke up again, the surroundings did not move, and it was extremely quiet.

She stretched out her claws, pushed something on her head, bang——

A piece of wood flew out, and a small head popped out.

Where is this?
Xiao Tuantuan stared wide-eyed, watching carefully.

The place where rich dad does business is really beautiful and mysterious.

There are bamboo forests and mountain springs everywhere.

The sound of the flute in the ears stopped abruptly.

A big round moon hangs behind a high tower. On the top of the tower, the one with the flute is a white-haired brother?
(End of this chapter)

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