I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 162 The Cursing Bad Mother-in-Law

Chapter 162 The Cursing Bad Mother-in-Law
"will not."

The four fathers spoke in unison.

Xuan Mo picked her up, and tapped the tip of her little nose: "Heal your wounds well, and for other things, there are fathers."

Old General Xuan also came over: "There are also grandparents and your Aunt Ning, don't be afraid, my dear."

Xiaotuanzi hugged the four fathers with one hand, and put his little head next to their big head:

"Yeah, Tangtang is protected by her parents, grandparents and Aunt Ning, so Tangtang is not afraid of anything!"

Just in case, Feng Hanchu doubled the guards of Chenyue Palace before going to court.

This incident soon spread to the Queen's Palace. At that time, the concubines had just greeted the Queen and were about to leave. The Queen left the Concubine Gui and Concubine Hui to talk alone.

"You should keep your hands and feet clean. Although I said that I didn't want to hurt the friendship of the sisters, so I condoned you to do this, but if the emperor blames you, I can't keep you."

Concubine Gao covered her lips and smiled softly: "What is the empress afraid of? Sister Huifei has such means and arrangements, the emperor will definitely not find out."

Concubine Hui was stunned for a moment: "Didn't the imperial concubine do this?"

Concubine Gao immediately became arrogant, and cast a disdainful glance at Concubine Hui: "I thought you were a courageous person, dare to do it but dare not admit it."

Concubine Hui: "The concubine just sent the letter out of the palace to my father this morning, how could I arrange it in time, the concubine thought it was the concubine's trick."

Concubine Gao was also stunned: "I haven't written a letter yet, I think... what's going on here?"

When the queen heard it, she understood in her heart.

Now that the matter is done, the two concubines began to throw the blame away, fearing that the news would leak out and the emperor would ask him to blame.

It doesn't matter who did it, it's done.

Without the Shark King's bone, it is impossible for Emperor Zun to let the Seventh Princess go. At most one month, the child will be taken away.

No matter how much the emperor loves him, can he still ignore the safety of the people of Liang Kingdom?

No one expected that the envoy of Emperor Zun would appear in the early court. He came to propose marriage to Princess Liang on behalf of Young Master.

The young master will arrive at the capital of the Liang Kingdom ten days later, present the betrothal gift, and then bring Princess Liang back to Emperor Zun's Palace, where they will marry when they become adults.

Feng Hanchu turned his face in the early court.

Shao Zun is already 40 years old, he can be a grandfather for Xiao Cake, but he is wishful thinking.

He didn't really want to marry her, it was just for the phoenix bone on Little Pastry.

Little Pastry would not live to be an adult if she went to Emperor Zun Palace, and if the phoenix bone was taken out, the child would be gone in two or three months at most.

Emperor Zun envoy also arrogantly threatened:
"Dizun has already sent a team of [-] to welcome the relatives, and they will set up camp outside Liangdu on the day Youngzun arrives."

"If His Majesty Emperor Liang doesn't want the people to be disturbed, he can cede the twelve states in the west of the Liang Kingdom to Emperor Zun, which can be regarded as the dowry of Princess Liang."

With the twelve prefectures of Liang State and Xiaotuanzi's fiefdom, [-]% of Liang State's wealthiest territory will fall into Emperor Zun's hands.

A princess, a territory, as long as Emperor Liang is not stupid, he should know what choice to make.

Feng Hanchu sneered, neither agreeing to be engaged, nor agreeing to ceding the country, directly blasted the envoy of Emperor Zun out.

After retiring from the court, several powerful officials were recruited to discuss a solution.

This incident spread to the harem, making the empress and concubine restless:

"Is the emperor really willing to go to war in order to keep the seventh princess?"

The more the three women discussed, the more flustered they became.

Finally, the queen said: "Anyway, send someone to Chenyue Hall first, otherwise you won't get any news, so hurry up."

She chose an experienced parenting nun, and sent him to Chenyue Hall under the pretense that the princess was about to get engaged and taught etiquette in advance.

In the hall, Xiao Tuanzi was sitting in a small chair, head to head with Yan Gui, reading three new books that Master Xun had chosen for her.

Bald Mao Mao jumped up and down on the table, and suddenly called out: "The old witch is here, the old witch is here!"

Tangtang: "..."

Yan Gui: "..."

The nurturing mother, Grandma Wang: "..."

It was a bad start, she was angry when she just entered Chenyue Hall, and she had to come over to salute.

Xiao Tuantuan had never heard of such a rule in the palace, and holding his little chin, asked curiously:

"Grandma, what do you do?"

Grandma Wang: "This servant is here to teach the princess how to behave. You must behave properly when you move, sit, and lie down. Otherwise, when the princess marries the young master, she will be ridiculed."

Xiao Tuan Tuan raised her legs and her mouth shriveled:
"Master told Tangtang that the person who will marry Tangtang in the future must be a little brother who loves Tangtang more than his life. Even he would laugh at Tangtang. Tangtang will definitely not marry such a person."

Grandma Wang frowned: "Princess is still young, how can she talk about marriage casually, it's rude."

Scratching the little one, the group was puzzled:

"It's normal for a man to marry a woman. Although Tangtang is a princess, she is also a human being. Since she is a human, why can't she talk about this normal thing?"

Granny Wang: "..."

Xiao Tuantuan also helped out: "Isn't that right, Brother Yan Gui?"


Granny Wang was almost fuming: "Princess is a proud daughter of heaven, how can she sit with a lowly servant, it is extremely rude."

Xiao Tuantuan was also angry, and with her waist crossed, she hopped up in front of her with one foot:
"Brother Yangui is Tangtang's friend, not a slave, a bad mother-in-law who curses, apologize to Brother Yangui!"

Grandma Wang sneered: "The servant is here to teach the princess the rules under the order of the empress empress. The queen said that the servant can act cheaply."

Xiaotuanzi's eyes widened, and his claws hugged his little head: "Do you still want to fight Tangtang?"

"Of course the servants dare not."

Grandma Wang smiled viciously, she was just a child, just need to scare her a little more.

"But if the princess is disobedient, the servant will naturally teach me a lesson..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Tuantuan jumped away, shouting while jumping: "The scolding bad mother-in-law wants to beat Tangtang—"

Grandma Wang was taken aback, and chased after her to catch her back.

Xiaotuanzi circled around the hall.

Chenyue Hall is full of rare and rare treasures, piled up the room so that it is full of golden light.

Xiaotuanzi is small and can run back and forth between various decorations, but Grandma Wang has a larger body and smashed a vase within two steps.

After chasing again, another jade object was smashed to pieces.

Xiaotuanzi jumped onto the small chair, and began to act with a mournful little round face:
"That bottle is a tribute treasure, and it costs 1 taels; the jade carving is Meiyan's favorite, and it costs 2 taels. Bad mother-in-law, you pay for it!"

Qian Shuang watched the excitement and was not afraid of big troubles: "Come here, pack up the things that Grandma Wang broke and send them to the queen. The total is 3 taels of silver. If you don't get the money, don't come back."

Grandma Wang was scared out of her wits: "..."

It's not worth so much money to sell her a hundred times, so why did you fall for this wild girl so quickly?

If the empress knew, she would kill her!
(End of this chapter)

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