I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 170 Beat the troublemaker to death

Chapter 170 Beat the troublemaker to death

The two dumplings couldn't sit still, and with a sudden roar, they fell to the ground in fright, with a black cat on their heads.

Gong Ziyun relied on his lightness kung fu to fly over and put his hands on his daughter's head.

As for the little thing next to him, he fell to his death.

Because the other two fathers couldn't see, their legs were slow, and they lost the best time to save their daughter, all their anger was directed at Yan Gui's face.

If Tangtang's little arm stretched a little slower, Yan Gui would be turned into a hedgehog by the silver needle:
"It's Tangtang who's bullying Brother Yangui, Daddy General and Daddy Immortal, don't be angry."

Xuan Mo: "..."

Girl, if you are like this, I really want to make up for it.

Bu Chen: "..."

The needles in the entire Immortal Doctor Valley should be moved here.

Gong Ziyun didn't say a word, he caught the gnawing girl and covered her tightly:
"Just now in the carriage, what did the fathers tell you, and how did you agree?"

Xiao Tuan Tuan turned her little feet up, and stepped on the big hand of the rich dad:

"Daddy said that men and women are very defensive, that is, they don't want to get close, but Tangtang didn't promise daddy."

Three fathers: "..."

How did you say that so confidently?
Xiao Tuan Tuan grinned and grinned, and smoothed his rich dad's hair:
"Fathers, don't be jealous, it's like this."

She clattered and explained everything: "...Then Brother Yangui was pinched in the face by Tangtang."

The three fathers glanced at each other and put away their weapons: "It's the black-robed national teacher."

"It seems that Shaozun and his party are not far from the capital."

Xuan Mo: "I have asked for an order to prepare for the battle."

Bu Chen: "I won't go back to the Valley of Immortal Doctors recently, I will follow you to the Xuanwu Camp."

"And Lao Tzu!"

Su Qingyun hugged her daughter and stood up: "Defend Tang Xiaoguai from the knife, why are you missing me, my lord?"

Xiao Tuantuan stretched out his claws, hugged his neck carefully, and touched his little heart:

"Tangtang don't want rich daddy to stand in the way of Tangtang's knife. If rich daddy is injured, Tangtang will hurt here."

Su Qingyun lovingly rubbed her tender little face, rare and serious:
"The fathers brought Tang Xiaoguai into the world, and only hope that you can live a safe and sound life. As long as you are well, the fathers can do anything."

Xuan Mo and Bu Chen did not refute him this time for the first time: "Don't be afraid, the fathers are all here to drive the bad guys away for you."


Xiao Tuantuan clenched her fists vigorously: "The happiest Tangtang in the world will always stand with my father and fight off the bad guys."

The three fathers laughed in unison.

The big fists came together and gently touched her soft little fist: "Chong duck."

Xiao Tuantuan's small face suddenly swept away the gloom, and grinned his small mouth, revealing a mouthful of broken teeth.

Just as he was enjoying himself, the mob on his shoulder suddenly exploded with a whimper.

It arched its waist and stared at the moon gate at the entrance of the garden.

A panting butler came running outside the door: "Patriarch, little Patriarch, someone from the prime minister's residence wants to search the garden."

Xuan Mo sneered: "Wake up quickly!"

After a while, the sword came out of its sheath, and it was held upside down, drawing a stream of flames on the ground.

Bu Chen's blindfolded white gauze raised lightly, his thin lips curled up, and followed him: "I'm not afraid that there will be no return."

Not to be outdone, Gong Ziyun picked up his daughter, the cat, and an oil bottle, and rushed to the gate of Qinyuan in a dignified manner.

It turned out that Prime Minister Zhou was carried into the mansion by his family. After waking up, he remembered all kinds of things and almost passed out again.

Immediately asked the two sons to take the token and rush to Qinyuan to find the princess and sue the imperial court for justice.

Otherwise, he will not be guaranteed at the end of the festival.

One of his two sons is fat and the other is thin.

The fat one is the eldest son, stuck on the gate of Qinyuan, unable to get in or out, blocking the people behind him.

Xuan Mo took a look, just to save trouble: "There's a fart!"

Young Master Zhou couldn't move at first, but he was so excited that he got stuck even tighter, and he screamed for help.

Behind him should be the Second Young Master, who shouted:
"Princess Liang Guo is too deceitful! In the palace, together with monsters, beat my father, what is the law of heaven?"

Bu Chen sneered: "What about the evidence?"

Before they left, even the eunuch carrying the sedan chair gave them injections to make them forget everything, and even sent someone to clean up the scene.

"Evidence, evidence... My father, Prime Minister Zhou, is the evidence!"

Su Qingyun: "Old Mr. Zhou has long disliked Princess Liang, and then wants to use this crooked way to harm the princess. The old man is shameless!"

The servants and maids of Qinyuan stood on the tree on the wall and yelled in unison: "Old man, shameless."


The eldest son was so angry that he led the door and others, and collapsed into the Qinyuan together.

The second son of the thin monkey at the back quickly led someone to help him up, and then waved:

"Tie up that little girl's film and hand it over to the emperor to confront her face to face!"

Xuan Mo's horizontal sword flashed coldly: "Who dares!"

The young master stared at him on Tuesday: "My father is Prime Minister Zhou, and my sister is the queen of the dynasty. Do you want to... umm..."

The mob squatting on Xiaotuanzi's shoulder jumped to the ground, lifted a big rock and smashed it into his mouth.

The two young masters of the Zhou family were furious: "Kill this little bastard, hurry up!"

The guards and servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion rushed over shouting.

There was a commotion here, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su also heard it, and rushed over:
"Who dares to bully my little Xueqiu, take your life!"

Before they arrived, they heard another shout from outside:
"Where did the thief come from? He ran to my dear baby's Qinyuan to make trouble. Keep his head."

A knife, a sword, and a long whip fell from the sky, beating this group of people to pieces,

On the wall of Qinyuan, there was an instant crowd of guards of the General's Mansion with bows and arrows in their hands.

The Zhou family, who were lying on the ground and howling, didn't even dare to roll around, so they all shut up.

Old General Xuan and the old lady took Xuan Ning and stepped over them, and ran to Xiaotuanzi:

"Don't be afraid, baby, grandpa and grandma are here."

"Sugar Baby, you're scared, Aunt Ning kiss—"

Gong Ziyun quit immediately: "What are you doing, you are robbing my daughter again? If you can't hold it back, kiss me!"


A whip came through the air, and Xuan Ning roared: "Go to hell, bitch Su, you put Tang Baoer down for Auntie."

The two ran in circles, their respective parents hid and greeted calmly: "Are you here?"


Xuan Mo and Bu Chen tied up dozens of pig heads lying on the ground respectively, and were thinking about what to do when they heard the sound of carriages and horses outside.

The car door opened, and a red robe flew out first, followed by long legs that were looming.

While everyone was gasping for air, Feng Hanchu leaned on another door that was about to collapse: "Zhenmei..."

Paji, the person was directly hit on the ground by the door panel.

(End of this chapter)

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