I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 282 Brother Yangui Can't Be Stimulated

Chapter 282 Brother Yangui Can't Be Stimulated
Xiao Tuanzi even rubbed his head and pinched someone, but failed to save Yan Gui from his coma, so he had to push the wooden wheelchair back to the small courtyard.

"What's the matter, young master?"

Yan Ling was practicing swords in the yard, when she saw the small tuanzi pushing the big tuanzi in as if she had caught fire, she hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

Xiaotuanzi felt that he had done something wrong, so he lowered his head and told everything that happened just now.

Yan Ling: "..."

If His Highness said a few more words, the young master's coffin might be ready.

She felt a headache, but for the sake of the young master, she had no choice but to continue performing the trick shamelessly:

"Young master, he has a heart disease, and it will attack from time to time. His Highness happened to catch up. Don't be afraid, it will be fine in a while."

Xiaotuanzi scratched Xiaochao: "Is that so? Brother Yangui still has heart disease, Tangtang has never heard of brother Yangui talking about it."

Yan Ling: "..."

No, I just made it up.

Xiao Tuanzi rolled Yan Gui's eyelids, felt his pulse, and said sadly:
"Brother Yangui's heartbeat is so fast, but his breath is very weak, he must have been gasped by Tangtang just now. Sister Yanling, brother Yangui can't be stimulated by anything?"

Yan Ling: "..."

He can't bear any stimulation, the lonely ghost who broke out of the blood mountain corpse sea, let's continue to make up.

Who would have thought that being a secret guard would have to take on the role of the young master, Yan Ling was about to cry:

"Don't mention irrelevant people in front of the young master, such as brothers, brothers, sisters and sisters..."

As Xiaotuanzi listened, he felt that something was wrong, and Xiaoyuan's face wrinkled.

She lay down next to Yan Gui, pouted her small mouth, and blew at his eyelashes, calling——

The eyelashes moved uncontrollably.

Xiaotuanzi snorted: "Brother Yangui, you are not sick at all, you don't want to hear Tangtang mention Brother Jingyun and Brother Nie Fuan?"

Yan Gui: "Sister, sister..."

"Who is your sister!"

"You actually lied to Tangtang and ignored you." Xiaotuanzi turned his head aside proudly.

Even the little tugging stubbornly stood upright, like two small hammers, knocking on Yan Gui's head repeatedly, until he was dumbfounded.

Yan Gui panicked, and stretched out her hand to hold her little claw: "Sister, brother knows it's wrong."

Xiaotuanzi didn't look at him at all, pulled his claws back suddenly, and bit him back: "Ignore you, slightly!"

Leaving an imprint on the back of Yan Gui's hand, Xiao Tuanzi stepped forward with his short legs, and ran away like a gust of wind.

Yan Ling, who was watching the excitement, went to see Yan Gui with great interest: Did you mess it up?

It turned out that Da Tuanzi was not unhappy at all. Seeing the small tooth marks on the back of his hand, he smiled sweetly.

It seems to be saying to her: Look, my sister bit it.

Yan Ling: "..."


Xiaotuanzi ran out of Yangui's small yard, and after running for a while, he was still angry and kicked a small stone on the side of the road:
"Brother Yan Gui, the big villain!"

The small rock fell on the passing brothers and sisters, they came over and patted her on the head, and gave her a bagful of food:
"Young junior sister, why are you playing here? General Xuan Ning and Chang Lingjun are engaged to be married. I am overjoyed."

Is Aunt Ning really going to get married?

Xiaotuanzi blinked his big eyes, and instantly left the villain behind, jumping up and down to see the bride's aunt.

In the yard, the people discussing matters have almost left.

Xuan Mo gave a few instructions, patted Xuan Ning on the shoulder and wanted to turn around to leave, but was hugged by the group who rushed up suddenly:
"Daddy General—"

Xuan Mo picked her up: "Where did you go to be mischievous again?"

"Mushroom slope, bask in the sun."

She turned her small head to look at Xuan Ning, and asked in a low voice, "Is Aunt Ning really going to Qi State to be Chang Lingjun's wife?"

Xuan Mo raised his eyebrows: "Do you disagree?"

Xiaotuanzi looked at Zhuo'er in embarrassment: "Can Tangtang marry Aunt Ning together, marry and play in Qi State for a few days, and then come back to see Daddy?"

Xuan Mo: "..."

"Children's words are free, children's words are free."

Xuan Ning took the opportunity to grab Xiao Tuanzi and say a few words: "If you are married, you are not allowed to run away. I will be your aunt's daughter, and I don't want you as a general father."

Xuan Mo gave her a gloomy look.

Xuan Ning stuck out her tongue: "When my aunt gets married, if you look at me like this again, it will beat you to the teeth."

Xuan Mo snorted coldly: "Who are you marrying, go to heaven!"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Xuan Mo didn't bother to pay attention to her, and stretched out his arms to hug his daughter: "Go with Daddy."

Xiaotuanzi lay on Xuan Ning's body, "No, Tangtang wants to stay with Aunt Ning."

Xuan Ning proudly rolled her eyes at her brother: "Tang Baoer, mine is mine, you, go!"

Xuan Mo: "..."

Let's get married together, I don't want to raise it anymore!
Xuan Ning, who snatched Tang Bao'er, carried the dumpling happily back to the room.


As soon as he entered the room, Tuanzi was stunned by the mountain of gifts: "Are these gifts from Mr. Chang Ling?"

All kinds of boxes and boxes were piled up on the roof, and it was almost impossible to stand.

Xuan Ning shook his head: "It was sent by your glamorous father and immortal father, and they will be brought home in two days as a dowry."

Xiaotuanzi raised his paw excitedly: "Tangtang also prepares a dowry for aunt, especially big ones."

As soon as the news that Xuan Ning was going to get married spread, people kept coming to congratulate her, until dinner time, Chang Ling Jun also came over among the crowd.

At one point, he gave Xuan Ning a dog's tail flower, at another point, he gave some pastry that he made himself, and he didn't know what kind of pastry it was, and at another point, he even ground a small bamboo hairpin.

Although Xiaotuanzi was very upset to see the big pigs robbing her aunt, but for Aunt Ning, she endured and carried gifts to the house one after another.

She secretly looked at Xuan Ning, then covered her small mouth and giggled, actually Aunt Ning still likes it very much, her ears are red.

dong dong dong-

Xiaotuanzi had just put the gift box away when he heard a knock on the door:

"Tangtang is here, what kind of gift is this time, big... Huh, rich daddy?"

Standing at the door of the room, Gong Ziyun's footsteps were flimsy, his face was flushed, his eyes were almost blurred, he was holding a fan in one hand and a jug in the other:

"A-Ning, how did you become so small?"

Xiaotuanzi pinched his little nose, avoiding his smelly father, and flapped his paws:
"Rich Daddy, it's Tangtang, not Aunt Ning, look, Tangtang!"


Su Qingyun fell directly to the ground, grabbed her daughter's little paw with her big hand and put it on her face:

"A-Ning, look at me, don't I look very handsome today?"

Tangtang: "..."

Rich Daddy, Tangtang doesn't know about this problem.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Su Qingyun burst into tears: "A Ning, why are you ignoring me? Don't you like me the most?"

Xiaotuanzi was dragged by him, almost fell to the ground, and had to coax his father:

"I like it, Tangtang likes rich daddy."

Young Master Yun burst into tears: "You lied, woo woo woo—"

Tangtang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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