Chapter 287
"Hee hee, Mr. Changling, can Tangtang take a look?"

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes were shining, his mouth was grinning, and he rushed over with his little paws outstretched.

Chang Lingjun was so frightened that he quickly hid the food box behind him, and kept shrinking back:

"What are you doing, do you want to eat the cake I prepared for Aning, don't come here, or I will beat you!"

Xiaotuanzi stretched out her pink and tender tongue and licked her little mouth, pretending to be reserved:
"No, just take a look at Tangtang, don't eat it."

In Zhang Lingjun's heart, this dumpling is a little devil, how can the devil's words be believed?

He kept hiding around the yard with the food box in his arms, and threatened:

"If you annoy me, I'll knock out your other front tooth as well."

Xiaotuanzi stopped running, and stood there aggrieved, looking behind him... with his small eyes:

"Aunt Ning, look, Big Pig doesn't give Tangtang to eat cakes, and even wants to knock out Tangtang's teeth."

Chang Lingjun, who was completely unprepared, turned petrified on the spot, turned around like a goose, and stammered to explain:
"A-Ning, I, I, I..."

Not even a ghost behind him!
When Chang Lingjun reacted, Xiaotuanzi had already snatched his food box, turned around and ran away with his short legs.

"Give me back the pastry!"

Chang Lingjun followed behind and chased after him, his face flushed red with anxiety.

Xiaotuanzi ran like a gust of wind, and Da Da Da turned around to provoke him:
"If you catch up with Tangtang, Tangtang will pay you back. If you can't catch up, it's Tangtang. Then tell Aunt Ning that you bullied Tangtang!"

"If Aunt Ning gets angry, she won't be your queen. Tangtang will snatch Aunt away, slightly."

Chang Lingjun: "..."

A little devil is a little devil, always a little devil!

"Stop for me, and see if I don't break your leg!"

Xiaotuanzi ran even faster: "If you don't stand, don't stand, Tangtang is not stupid, you stupid big pig."

She turned her head and ran, turned her round face, and bumped into a warm embrace: "Oh... Aunt Ning?"

"Ning what Ning, bravado little bastard...A'aning..."

Hengmu glared at General Xuan Ning who was standing at the door, picked up Tang Bao'er, rubbed her little head, and then stared at Chang Lingjun:
"My aunt heard you want to hit my Tang Baoer when she was far away, it's against you!"

Chang Lingjun lowered his head pitifully, the strong man looked like a child of two hundred catties wronged, and muttered in a low voice:

"Little devil, she bullies people and even steals things..."

Xuan Ning stared: "What did you say?"

Chang Lingjun jumped up in fright, and quickly waved his hands: "It's nothing, it's nothing, I'm gone, I'm gone."

The unkind Xiaotuanzi grinned and yelled childishly:

"Jun Changling is here to bring Aunt Ning pastries, he loves Aunt Ning very much, he thinks about Aunt Ning all the time."


She jumped from Xuan Ning's arms to the ground, stuffed the food box into the red-eared aunt's hand, and ran over to lead Chang Lingjun back:
"Aunt Ning and Chang Lingjun are eating sweet cakes in the house. Tangtang will close the door for you and don't tell others."


Chang Lingjun wanted to dig a crack in the ground to get in, and now he didn't even dare to look at Xuan Ning.

Xuan Ning was also red from ears to neck.

The mischievous Xiaotuanzi waved his claws triumphantly, and ran away in a hop.

Since then, every time she came back to try Xuan Ning's bow and crossbow, she almost always met Chang Ling Jun, and he always came secretly.

Send some food, some flowers, and the little squirrel and little hare he caught on the side of the road.

Occasionally, he would ask Xiaotuanzi what Xuanning likes and dislikes, looking blankly, Xiaotuanzi doesn't reject him as much as before.

On the day when Chang Lingjun was about to return home to prepare for his wedding, Xiaotuanzi purposely squatted in Liuting outside the Valley of Immortal Doctors and waited for him:
"Changling Jun, will you treat Tangtang's Aunt Ning well for the rest of your life?"

Chang Lingjun nodded solemnly: "Yes, men keep what they say."

Xiaotuanzi jumped down from the tree, wrapped his sleeves around him and gave him a big bow: "Then please come and pick up Auntie Ning, Uncle Changling."

Chang Lingjun's face was red again, and he reached out to touch her little head: "Got it."

Xiao Tuanzi waved his claws at his back, and when he turned around, he saw Su Qingyun standing behind the pavilion: "Rich dad?"

It took Su Qingyun a long time to come back to her senses, she walked over shaking her fan, and grabbed her little face:
"Tang Xiaoguai, your little elbow has gone to Qi State, can you be Chang Lingjun's daughter?"

Xiaotuanzi twisted his body, as if he thought about it seriously for a long time: "It's not impossible."

Su Qingyun, who was already furious when she was pretending to think, said, "..."

You are about to lose your dear father!
Without a word, turn around and leave.

Xiaotuanzi bent his moon eyes and chased after him: "Rich Daddy, wait for Tangtang."

"No wait."

"Rich dad, are you angry?"


Xiaotuanzi poked his big hand with his claws: "Tangtang is joking, I like rich daddy the most."

"……Do not believe."

Hey, there is no daddy who can't coax well, only dumpling who doesn't work hard.

Xiaotuanzi leaped into Su Qingyun's arms as soon as he jumped high, hugged his neck, and slapped his left cheek:


He slapped on his right cheek again: "Xinxin."

Gong Ziyun was attacked by his cute daughter who acted like a baby, and he surrendered a long time ago. He pinched her little nose:
"You can coax dad with sweet words, you little rascal!"

Xiaotuanzi danced and danced: "That's not true, Tangtang is sincere to Rich Daddy."

Su Qingyun hehe: "You have learned [-]% of the tricks of the Qinglou Chuguan's tricks to deceive women, so you are a fickle girl."

Xiaotuanzi curled his lips and touched his face:

"How does the rich daddy know the tricks in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion? Do you often go there? Tangtang wants to tell the daddies, as well as the grandparents."

The son who dug a hole and buried himself said: "..."

My niece is awesome!

"I'll give you Guan Xianyi Valley, where can I file a complaint, Tang Xiaobai!"

Xiaotuanzi shook his head and said, "I can't keep it shut, Tangtang is going back to the General's Mansion with the General's father."

"Also, Brother Nie Fu'an and Xiao Jinqiu have found a new place to build a small workshop, Tangtang wants to go back and have a look."


Bu Chen was the first to object: "Xiao Tangtang hasn't lived in Xianyi Valley for a full month yet."

Xuan Mo snorted coldly: "There is a happy event in my family, Tangtang must be there."

Feng Hanchu also chimed in: "If you want to make a bow for Ah Ning, you have to go to the Si Baosi in the palace to pick the rhinoceros horn from wood."

Su Qingyun looked at Bu Chen and said triumphantly: "Three against one, you lose, we will take our daughter away, you stay!"

Bu Chen lowered his head and smiled, raised his hand to touch the needle: "Really?"

The three fathers: "...have something to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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