Chapter 291
"Come on, come on, beat the wolf, kill the wolf!" Feng Feiran held his head tightly in both hands, his teeth were chattering.

Hiding in the protective circle of the palace eunuch, he roared like crazy, shaking all over his body.

But the maids and eunuchs are also very scared. Many people have never seen a real wolf in their life, let alone such a big one.

Just looking at its shadow, it is as high as the Prince's Palace. If it ran in to eat people, it would kill ten people with one bite, right?
Not to mention going out to fight wolves, even seeing the shadow of wolves, several timid palace ladies have already fainted from fright.

The wolf kept moving back and forth around the Tai's womb, accompanied by high and low howls, as if it was looking for an opportunity to come in.

The people in the Prince's Palace shrank together because they were too scared, and forgot to close the doors and windows.

Moreover, a window was blocked by a wolf's tail, and a huge wolf's head protruded through the broken window:

This time, even the few remaining eunuchs and court ladies fainted from fright, and lay down on the ground around Feng Feiran.

I don't know if it was because he was frightened by ghosts last time. With experience, Feng Feiran can still stare at Langtou:
"Go away, go away, woo woo woo—"

He cried and howled, clutching his head tightly.

The big wolf howled a few times on the window, then slowly retracted its head, and continued to walk around the uterus, and finally it stopped outside the gate.

A huge shadow was cast on the door of the palace, and the big wolf seemed to start hitting the pillars outside the door, again and again, the whole palace shook slightly.

Feng Feiran was in despair: the four wolves who were poisoned in Rong Kingdom came back to take revenge, and they wanted to smash the Prince's Palace and kill him.

However, the fact is that Yu Ji in wolf skin wanted to enter through the main entrance of the hall, but because she couldn't see the way clearly, she bumped her head against the pillar.

It was so hard, he thought he had reached the front of the temple door, so he bumped and bumped hard, trying to open the door.

After bumping into it for a long time, there was no response. He was still thinking about why Liang Guo's door was so strong.

Tang Jiao, who was in charge of observing the surrounding situation, walked around from the back of the hall. She was shocked when she saw this scene. She grabbed the wolf's ear and asked through gritted teeth:
"Why don't you go in, what are you doing?"

Yu Ji raised her head aggrievedly: "Smelly fish, you came just in time, help me to see, what is the door of this temple made of, why can't it be opened."

Tang Jiao: "..."

Made with your brain!

She rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Why don't you try bumping it a few more times?"


Yu Ji was very obedient and obedient, and bumped into her again, boom——

The entire womb trembled, and Tang Jiao was buzzing, and grabbed his wolf head:
"Here, what you bumped into was a pillar. The leader of the Shark Demon Kingdom was selected from the list of idiots, right?"

Yu Ji was even fooled by Tang Jiao: "Let go, stinky girl, my head hurts from being pulled by you."

"You hit it yourself!" Tang Jiao rolled her eyes, dragged the fish in wolf skin to the door, and threw it directly into the hall.

A huge wolf broke through the door with a bang.

If Yuji hadn't used her hands, feet and fins to put herself in front of Feng Feiran, she would have smashed him into a dried fish.

In this way, Feng Feiran and the grinning Gray Wolf were face to face.

Yu Ji: "..."

I won't be found out, I'm a fish after all.

Feng Feiran: "..."

Sure enough, the ghost of the gray wolf came back to take revenge? This wolf is exactly the same as the dead wolves!
The fish in wolf's clothing and the man with ulterior motives stared at each other with big eyes, both of them felt a little guilty.

Yu Ji: What should I do? It won't spoil the master's plan, right?

Feng Feiran: Is it going to kill me?I'm dead, what will happen to the queen mother, the crown prince will fall into Feng Chenyue's hands!

Yu Ji: How about howling to scare him?
Feng Feiran: How about running away?


With a wolf howling, I don't know where Feng Feiran got an inexplicable courage, got up from the ground and rushed out——

While running, he shouted: "There are ghosts and ghosts, the ghost of the wolf is here, save Bengong—"

Yu Ji was almost pushed down by him, and the whole fish was stunned: Chasing, chasing?
He jumped out of the hall, shouted again, Feng Feiran ran even faster.

Yu Ji shook the wolf skin on her body, and was about to go down the steps, but Tang Jiao grabbed her by the tail:
"Don't chase after me, I will attract the imperial army later, and chop you into fish fillets!"

Yu Ji got out of the wolf fur, wiped the sweat off her brow, looked left and right:
"Where is the master, is the master okay, have you been scared by Yu Ji?"

Tang Jiao rolled her eyes: An idiot like you, who can you scare?

"Tangtang is here."

At the corner of the main hall, a pair of small sticks appeared: "Tangtang is cleaning up the phosphorus powder. Sister Tang Jiao and Brother Yu Ji don't come here, they will burn if they get on their bodies."

Yu Ji nodded obediently, with her chin propped on her fins, she asked cutely, "Is Yu Ji doing well, Master?"

Tang Jiao continued to roll her eyes: Don't you have any points in your heart?

Xiaotuanzi stretched out his claws and gave a thumbs up: "Brother Yuji is amazing, and sister Tang Jiao is also awesome."

Tang Jiao lowered her head in embarrassment, and met Yu Ji's unkind eyes:

"The master is biased, this stinky fish obviously didn't do anything... No, she just called Yu Ji stupid!"

Tang Jiao: "Do you still need to scold me? You are already stupid."

"Do you want to fight again?"

Tang Jiao clenched her fists: "I have wanted to beat you up for a long time."

Yu Ji turned around: "Come."

The busy little dumpling in the corner poked his head out silently: "If the beating is too intense, the phosphorus powder will be ignited and it will turn into grilled fish."

The two fishes were tense, and their tails were quietly clamped.

Xiaotuanzi patted his paws after cleaning up, and called them:
"Okay, now, brother Yu Ji and sister Tang Jiao, please clean up this place and hurry up, don't fight."

She sat in the corridor outside the Prince's Hall, letting Yan Gui wipe her little paws, while watching Yu Ji and Tang Jiao clean the powder from the cracks in the wall.

He turned his head from time to time, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, in less than a while, Qian Shuang ran back:
"Your Highness, now everyone in the palace knows that the crown prince poisoned a wolf to death in the Rong country. The poison was related to the black-robed national teacher. Now the emperor is interrogating the queen and the crown prince in the imperial study."

Feng Feiran seemed to be insane, he yelled loudly in the palace, and everyone knew about it.

The queen also panicked, and hurriedly sent someone to arrest the prince and come back. Unexpectedly, she was a step too late, and the prince had already been brought in front of Feng Hanchu.

When he saw Feng Hanchu's gloomy face, Feng Feiran knew it was over.

Feng Chenyue made a fuss in the palace school in the morning, and gossip spread, but she was too scared just now, so she told the truth again.

Now the way Feng Hanchu looks at him is even more like looking at a dead person.

Feng Feiran sat paralyzed on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Father, my son can explain."

(End of this chapter)

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