I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 315 Life is full of surprises

Chapter 315 Life is full of surprises

Xiaotuanzi flew all the way into the carriage, did not let Qianshuang leave immediately, but poked his head out of the car window, and waited and waited——

Until Yu Ji came out gracefully, brushing her hair and winking at the scholars in Chongwen Hall.

Both men and women blushed when he teased them, and some with poor concentration fainted on the spot.

Xiaotuanzi, who stretched out his claws, retracted his claws at that time: "Sister Qianshuang, let's go."

When Yu Ji found out that the little golden carriage was galloping away at a speed that he couldn't catch up with, the whole fish was in trouble.

He didn't dare to flirt with the little scholar any more, and ran after him all the way: "Master, wait for Yu Ji—"

A dazzling figure was as fast as lightning, hopping around in a hurry, and barely grabbed the edge of the carriage when it reached the gate of Wugu Restaurant.

Yu Ji was so tired that she almost rolled her eyes, and Tang Jiao was still yelling at the waiter:

"Let your chefs come out quickly, this fish has turned its belly, if it is later, the taste will not be fresh."

The guy was stupid: "Isn't this the king... Ah, this fish is so big, it can't be stewed in one pot, right?"

Xiaotuanzi jumped out of the carriage and snorted, "Then eat grilled fish, pickled fish, or big dried fish!"

Yu Ji threw herself on the ground and said, "Master, do you really want to eat Yu Ji? Yu Ji is already two hundred years old, old fish are poisonous!"

Everyone: "..."

You are indeed poisonous!
"Why is the king lying on the ground crying, did he fall down?"

Nie Fu'an came out to greet her, and hurriedly helped Yu Ji up: "Could you please take a look at it, is it broken somewhere?"

Xiaotuanzi stuck out his tongue: "Please ask a butcher, the kind who can wield two big knives and can make fish fillets quickly!"


The shivering Yu Ji hugged herself distressedly.

Mischievous and mischievous, he jumped to the private room where he often came, and asked about the workshop while having lunch:
"Brother Nie Fuan, Tangtang has been back for ten days, when can I go to the new workshop?"

Nie Fu'an brought her some food and said with a smile:
"After the workshop exploded last time, Fu An and Mr. Su learned their lesson, strengthened the building of the workshop, and dug isolation ditches around the periphery, so the construction period was very long."

Xiaotuanzi pursed his lips: "That's great, Tangtang originally wanted to bring the medicine powder prepared by Daddy Daddy there."

Nie Fuan was curious: "What powder?"

"It's the powder that can make the burning arrow more stable."

Xiaotuanzi put down his chopsticks, and excitedly widened his black eyes:
"Brother Nie Fu'an, do you know that Immortal Daddy is super powerful. Adding medicinal powder to the burning powder can make the arrow crossbow transport on the way and reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion."

Speaking of the burning arrow, she looked excited and moved the small chair, almost pushing Nie Fuan out of the private room.

"Tangtang tried it. After adding the powder, it won't burn no matter whether it's thrown or stepped on or dropped from the roof."

Nie Fu'an thought about the scene of her trying out the crossbow, and silently brought her another bowl of food: "Miss Tangtang has worked hard."

Xiaotuanzi was still squeezing towards him: "It's not hard, so when can Tangtang go to the new workshop?"

While speaking, the big eyes are still blinking with hope, as if they are full of shining stars.

Nie Fu'an couldn't say no, and sighed helplessly: "Fu'an arrange it as soon as possible, as soon as possible..."


Xiaotuanzi excitedly jumped onto the small chair, pouted his buttocks and was about to hug Nie Fuan's neck:
"Brother Nie Fu'an, you are so kind... oh-"

The little paw was about to touch Nie Fuan's shoulder, suddenly he couldn't use his strength, and the little scholar's clothes seemed to be caught by something.

She twisted her body, hey wow, why can't she break free, it seems that something soft has been pulled.

Xiaotuanzi turned his head back, his eyes widened: "Brother Yangui, Tangtang is pulling your hair!"

Yan Gui's hair was caught in a lock by the iron ring on her small belt.

She stretched her little head just now to reach Nie Fuan, and that strand of hair was straightened just like that, her scalp felt tight just thinking about it.

Yan Gui drooped his head, letting her mess around without making a sound.

Xiaotuanzi was so distressed that he quickly and carefully squatted on the chair, then took off the small belt and held it high:
"I'm sorry, brother Yangui, Tangtang will help you remove your hair, wait a minute, it doesn't hurt."

Xiao Tuanzi stretched out his claws, gently touched Yan Gui's head, then buried his head down and untied the hair that was entangled by the iron ring one by one.

Yan Gui still looked at her very gently.

The onlookers began to whisper.

Qian Shuang asked Tang Jiao: "Was Young Master Xiao sitting there in the beginning? Why did I remember that he was quite far away from His Highness, did I remember wrong?"

Tang Jiao shook her head: "You remember correctly, when His Highness was talking to Nie Fu'an, Young Master Xiao quietly moved the chair to His Highness's side."

Qian Shuang: "...Ah."

Tang Jiao asked Yan Ling again: "I only saw the young master move over, what happened to the hair?"

Yan Ling didn't notice: "The young master loosened his hair, and the moment he picked up the vegetables, the hair was covered by the sleeves, ah, it flew to His Highness's belt."

Tang Jiao: "...Ah, is it so smooth?"

Yan Ling: "If you have the heart, it will naturally follow, why don't we try it too?"

Tang Jiao and Qian Shuang: "No, no, no need."

The three of them looked at each other together, one was innocent and cute, and the other was black-bellied and contrived.

Yu Ji, who was isolated, chewed the small dried fish desolately.

Nie Fuan who reacted had a lot of meaning: "Master Yangui is really brave and resourceful."

The courageous and scheming Young Master Yangui opened his innocent eyes: "Huh?"

Nie Fuan: "..."

I was wrong, I shouldn't be there, I should be under the table.

The last hair was untied, and Xiaotuanzi made a small mouth with all his heart: "Huh, okay, Tangtang has a look, is Brother Yangui's hair broken?"

She curled her paws, supported the strands of hair, and stroked them one by one: "It's all good, Tangtang will tie it up for you."

Nie Fu'an really couldn't hold back: "Miss Tangtang, don't be busy, maybe I have to hang up again later."

Xiaotuanzi couldn't figure it out even though he wanted to break his head: "Ah? Why, wow, do you have long hair and feet?"

Nie Fu'an avoided Yan Gui's gaze: "There are surprises everywhere in life."

Yan Gui: "..."

The rest of the audience: "Goose goose goose..."

I didn't know what a surprise was after I finished eating a ball.

After coming out of the restaurant, she stretched her waist and climbed into the carriage with both hands and feet, her eyes immediately lit up:
"Sister in white—"

The girl in white was no longer a mist this time, and directly hugged Xiaotuanzi: "It's me, little beauty Nuomituan, you really..."

Then she met a pair of cold eyes, which made her almost fly away in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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