I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 317 Such a brazen person

Chapter 317 Such a brazen person

"Don't bully brother Yangui!"

Xiaotuanzi anxiously struggled in Feng Hanchu's arms, scratching with his little hands and feet:

"Bad prince, don't take Yan back to brother."

The more she stopped, the more ruthless Xiao Yanqi's strikes became, with a ferocious smile:

"Xiao Yangui is the younger brother of the prince. This is the housework of Emperor Zun Palace. Does Princess Liang also need to take care of it?"

"Princess Liang Guo really wants to save Xiao Yangui, that's okay, why don't you tell me honestly, what happened in Chongwen Hall just now?"

"Crack", "crack", two more loud whips.

Xiaotuanzi's tears rolled down in an instant, her little mouth was tightly closed, her little claws were clenched into fists, she couldn't say anything, it was over after talking about Chongwenkan.

But don't tell me, Brother Yangui will be beaten to death by the scoundrel prince!

Feng Hanchu covered her eyes, and stuffed the dumpling into Qian Shuang's arms: "Take the princess into Chenyue Hall, and don't come out without my order."

"No, no, Tangtang wants to accompany Brother Yangui, Sister Qianshuang, let Tangtang go!"

The cry of the little baby's voice will break the hearts of those who hear it.

Qian Shuang's eyes also turned red, but for the sake of Xiaotuanzi, she gritted her teeth and carried the child into the palace:

"Close the door, no one is allowed to go out!"

Chenyue Hall was extremely quiet, and the sound of whipping outside came in more clearly.

Xiaotuanzi was crying, climbing the doors and windows just to run out:

"Sister Qianshuang, let Tangtang go out, brother Yangui will be beaten to death by the scoundrel prince, Tangtang is going to save him!"

Qian Shuang felt uncomfortable, no matter how much she made a fuss, she just turned her head away and ignored her.

Xiaotuanzi leaned on the window, looked out along the gap, tears streaming down uncontrollably: Brother Yangui...

Yu Ji directly took her out of the window: "Don't look, master, Xiaoyan is very smart, nothing will happen, be good."

Xiaotuanzi cried until his little nose turned red, and choked, "No matter how smart Brother Yangui is, he's still a child, he can't stand the beating..."

Yu Ji hugged her in the fins and rubbed her small head: "Then, master, do you regret it?"

Xiaotuanzi shook his head firmly: "No regrets, Tangtang can't let the Confucian students bully the disciples and grandchildren for nothing, and can't let the disciples and grandchildren be snatched away!"

Yu Ji continued to coax her: "So you must stick to what the master is looking for, no matter who comes to hurt you or stop you."

"Protecting you is something that Xiaoyangui is sure about. Do you remember what he said in the carriage just now?"

Xiaotuanzi covered Xiaoyuan's face and nodded seriously: "Tangtang knows."

She curled up into a ball and waited slowly, waiting for the sound of beating and cursing outside to subside gradually.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Yanqi left, and there was no sound outside the hall.

Xiaotuanzi seemed to wake up suddenly, jumped up and opened the door of the palace: "Brother Yangui——"

She flew down the steps like flying, her short legs ran out of the shadows, and rushed in front of Yan Gui.

The wooden wheelchair fell over, and Yan Gui lay on the ground.

His hair was in a mess, the little robe behind him had been whipped and disappeared, and his back was a bloody mess.

His eyes were tightly shut, and his face was pale.

Xiaotuanzi was terrified, and ran into the hall as soon as he picked up Yangui: "Sister Qianshuang, hurry up and invite Daddy Daddy, brother Yangui is going to die!"

With all her strength, she carried Yan Gui to the bed and lay down on the bed, while wiping her tears, she muttered:
"Brother Yangui, don't be afraid, Tangtang asked the fairy daddy to save you, Tangtang cleans up your wounds first."


A period of operation is as fierce as a tiger.

When Feng Han first came in, he saw his daughter stripped the man's doll clean, so she left a pair of underpants.

His Majesty the Emperor was impatient at the time, and came up to catch the frisky Tuanzi:
"What are you doing, little pastry, you are a girl, you, you little rascal, come here for daddy!"

The sad Tuanzi is hardened, and Xiaojiu is stubborn:

"No Tangtang, Tangtang has to take care of Brother Yangui, Meiyan Daddy, you can help too!"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Hey, you heartless little pastry, is that your brother, not your father's brother?

He strode over, holding her stubborn little toe:
"Take care of something, stand up, and tell me how mischievous you are today, and let people come to your door!"

Xiao Tuanzi groaned and chirped, baring his teeth and claws to clean Yan Gui's wound:

"Meiyan Daddy, let Tangtang go, Brother Yangui's injuries are serious, if you don't save him... Hey, why is this blood so weird?"

How come the color is still fading when the blood touches the claws?

Xiao Tuanzi, who had reacted, bounced and landed directly beside Yan Gui, and his big eyes almost stuck to his back.

Su Qingyun who just entered the door: "...What are you doing? Feng Hanchu, what do you think of my daughter? If you can't be a father, get out!"

Feng Hanchu sneered: "Get lost and be your father?"

Su Qingyun was so angry that she almost didn't come up:
"Your daughter stripped off the little bastard and put her face on it, so you just look at it, is it human?"

Bu Chen next to him came over with a needle in one hand, and then heard a "stab".

He froze on the spot, and asked in disbelief, "Did Xiao Tangtang completely tear off Yan Gui's clothes?"

Su Qingyun swallowed: "If the skin is torn off, is it considered clean?"

Bu Chen: "..."

What kind of tiger wolf operation is this?
Xiao Tuanzi lying on the bed tore off a very realistic human skin back from Yan Gui's back, even the bloodstains on it were exactly the same as the real one.

Xiao Tuanzi squinted his eyes, his mouth was puffed out, and he stretched out his little feet and kicked Yan Gui hard:
"Xiao Yangui, you lied to Tangtang again!"

Shouting his name and surname made Yan Gui startled, slowly opened his weak eyes, and forcibly explained:
"Sister, my brother's health is not good. Although the whip didn't touch the meat, Xiao Yanqi hit it hard, and after so many hits, my brother suffered internal injuries."

Xiaotuanzi swayed in front of him with his disguise, and squeezed his fists fiercely:
"That's right, after a while Daddy Daddy finds out that you have no internal injuries, you can accept the critical blow from Tangtang Fist!"

The very upright Bu Chen came over, didn't even know his pulse, felt casually: "There is no internal injury, beat to death!"

Yan Gui: "..."

I suspect you are taking revenge on me!

Xiao Tuanzi's bulging cheeks became more like a puffer fish, and he raised his small fist and took two breaths near his small mouth:

"Xiao Yangui, are you ready, Tangtang is going to beat you to the ground!"

With nothing to do, Young Master Xiao turned his head and shyly gave Tuanzi a beautiful smile: "Okay."

Xiao Tuanzi, who was about to explode in anger, instantly looked like a puffer fish that had been poked out, his little fists became limp, and Xiao Yuan's face turned suspiciously red.

The excitement that changed like a whirlwind was slapped on the face, and everyone was stunned: there are such brazen people in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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