Chapter 326
"Stop the carriage in front, and stop shooting arrows!"


More than a dozen arrows scrambled towards Xiaotuanzi's carriage.

Some were attached to the windows of the carriage and stuck to the trees on the side of the road, some were stuck on the roof of the carriage, and some were stuck on the body of the carriage.

The little dumpling in the carriage was pressed by Yan Gui on the small cushion at the bottom of the carriage.

The little head was protected by Yan Gui's hands, and there was only the sound of crossbow arrows whizzing by in his ears, and he couldn't see anything.

She blinked and blinked: "Brother Yangui, the villainous prince's people are very close, you let Tangtang out, Tangtang blocks them, you and Senior Sister Xiaoyun run quickly."

Yan Gui looked at her little eyes and smiled softly: "What are you thinking, silly Ayue? I'm an older brother, so I naturally want to protect you. Don't be afraid."

Seeing Tu Shanyun beside him, whose face turned pale with fright, he immediately yelled: "If you don't get down, you're courting death!"

Tu Shanyun was dumbfounded by his yelling, and was stunned for a long time before he followed their example and lay down on the mat.

An arrow pierced into the carriage and flew past her hairpin, knocking off her hairpin.


Tu Shanyun screamed, hugged his head tightly with both hands, tears kept streaming down: "Little Master, Xiaoyun is afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, Senior Sister Xiaoyun," Xiaotuanzi stretched out his little claws to Tu Shanyun's side, "Tangtang is holding your hand."


Tu Shanyun held the little master's little paw through his sleeve, and he didn't know whether he was crying or because he was shy, the corners of his eyes were flushed.

Yan Gui's eyes moved away from the two blushes, and his expression was very depressed.

Xiaotuanzi, who was listening intently to the whizzing of crossbow arrows, occasionally caught a glimpse of him: "..."

What's wrong with this?

She glanced at her big eyes, walked around twice, sighed helplessly, stretched out her other claw, and held Yan Gui's hand:
"Senior Sister Xiaoyun is an older sister, Tangtang must protect her well."

Yan Gui was very unconvinced, and said softly: "Yan Gui is still an older brother, why doesn't my younger sister protect my older brother?"

Tangtang: "..."

Didn't you say you wanted to protect Tangtang?
It's all like this, and you are still competing with Senior Sister Xiaoyun?
Xiaotuanzi's two little butterfly hair buns are about to come loose, look at the knife in Yangui's hand with a cold light:

"Protect and protect, TangTang also protects Brother Yangui, so how about brother let TangTang go out and fight bad guys?"

Hearing this, Yan Gui smiled, and flicked her little head with his fingers: "Wait!"

He flew out of the window, followed by the sound of tinkling weapons clashing, and the screams of people.

"It's broken!"

Xiaotuanzi climbed up from the small cushion, lowered his head to the back of the carriage, and looked out through the gap pierced by the crossbow.

With a few vertical jumps, Yan Gui had already chopped down the followers of Emperor Zun Palace who were chasing them.

He stopped the galloping horse, and when he was about to jump back into the cart, he stumbled and fell on his back.

The horses behind raised their hooves and were about to step over him——

Xiaotuanzi was terrified, and the Qianlisuo on his wrist flew out, rolled up the man from under the horse's hoof, and dragged him onto the car.

"Catch them, don't let them escape, except for that descendant of the Tu Shan family, life and death are irrelevant!"

Xiao Yanqi and the red-robed envoy had already charged up with the cavalry.

The phoenix was chasing after it in the sky, but there were too many people fleeing in all directions on the ground. It was in a hurry, but it couldn't spray the phoenix fire to stop them.

Xiao Tuanzi dragged Yan Gui back to the carriage with all his strength.

The effect of the dewdrops passed, and Yan Gui fell into a coma again, and those hideous red bloodshots on his neck reappeared.

Such a scene directly frightened Tu Shanyun, she hid behind Xiaotuanzi: "Little Master, Young Master Xiao, why is he like this..."

Xiao Tuanzi settled Yan Gui down, covered him with a small blanket, and piled things around his head to prevent Liu Ya from hurting him.

Then she turned her round face and stared at Tu Shanyun with her big eyes: "Senior Sister Xiaoyun, how do you know the identity of brother Yan Gui?"

Tu Shanyun quickly waved his hand: "Little Master, don't misunderstand!"

"Before the Tu Meng clan wiped out the Xiaoyun clan, most of the Tu Shan clan was captured by the emperor. Everyone in the Tu Shan clan remembered the portrait of the emperor. Young Master Xiao is the prince who most resembles the emperor."

She hid behind Xiao Tuanzi again, not daring to look at Yan Gui at all:
"Xiaoyun recognized him at a glance, thought, thought it was the emperor who came to the world, and wanted to kill Xiaoyun."

Xiaotuanzi's paw touched her hand: "Don't be afraid, Brother Yangui is the best brother to Tangtang, and will not hurt you."

Tu Shanyun grabbed her sleeve and nodded vigorously: "Xiaoyun knows."

The carriage kept running forward, Xiao Yanqi and his party behind were about to catch up soon, Xiao Tuanzi fumbled around and took out a box of pastries.

Just use cakes to set up a magic circle, and move Tangtang, brother Yangui and senior sister Xiaoyun to the small workshop.

She was concentrating on setting up the formation, when suddenly four or five carriages ran out of the alley on the side of the road behind her, blocking the way of Xiao Yanqi and others.

There are more and more carriages blocking the road.

A large number of men in black also appeared on the roofs of the surrounding people's houses. They threw out the horses that had tied the ropes in their hands and dragged them all down.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the red-robed envoy shouted: "Go to the room and chase them from a high place!"

Who knew that those men in black were holding the ropes in their hands, jumping back and forth non-stop, weaving a big net in mid-air and pressing it down.

The entourage had just jumped halfway before being beaten back to the ground, and fell together in a mess, wailing incessantly.

Xiao Tuanzi leaned on the car window, watched the villains chasing them get thrown farther and farther, and jumped up and down a few times excitedly:
"Bad prince, if you bully people again, will you be beaten into a little bastard?"

She just breathed a sigh of relief when her eyes suddenly went dark, her little head was suddenly covered by something, and the whole dumpling was taken out of the carriage.

"Cunning little girl, was caught by the old man?"

There was the whistling of the wind in my ears, and the strange smile of the black-robed national teacher.

Xiaotuanzi flapped his claws a few times, but he couldn't touch the carriage at all, it was broken, Brother Yangui and Senior Sister Xiaoyun were still on the carriage!
One is in a coma, the other doesn't know how to kung fu, what if they are caught?
A box of pastries is all in the carriage, and there is nothing now, how can I set up a magic circle?

She kept struggling, which made the black robe national teacher even happier:

"What, you still want to set up a magic circle to send the old man away? Give up, little girl, the old man will abolish your magic skills!"

The black-robed national teacher stretched out his hand, aimed at the top of Xiaotuanzi's head and patted it down, calling——

In an instant, two cold lights flew out from Xiaotuanzi's wrists, hitting the palm of the black-robed national teacher directly.


The black-robed national teacher screamed, covered his arms, and fell directly from mid-air to the ground, and the dumpling in his hand also fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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