Chapter 329
Hey, where did I hear this sentence?

So where is it?
Xiaotuanzi held his little head and thought for a long time, but couldn't remember, so forget it, let's make a burning arrow.

The Xuantie gate closed slowly behind him, and Xiaotuanzi rushed to the tool table in the small workshop.

Near the table were placed two long iron boxes, inside which were prepared arrow crossbows.

Xiao Tuanzi improved the appearance of the usual arrow crossbow, and took out a finger-length empty bag at the position of the arrow, and kept it for burning powder.

The artisans have recently made crossbows in the underground workshop based on the drawings drawn by her.

Due to the complicated process and the scarcity of reliable craftsmen, the latest batch of arrows and crossbows only have these two boxes in front of them.

What Xiaotuanzi had to do was to refine the combustion powder, mix it with the medicinal powder, and put them into empty capsules.

Before starting work, she took off the bracelet with only two bamboo flowers left, and put it in the sun to dry:

"Brother Xitong smashed two more flowers in order to save Tangtang, so there must be no more accidents."

Otherwise, if I found the spell on New Year's Eve, I wouldn't be able to rescue brother Xitong.

Xiaotuanzi touched the bracelet distressedly, and then returned to the tool table, and poured out the burning powder that was refined in the utensil the day before yesterday.

According to the weight recorded in the small book, mix the medicinal powder and burning powder, and put it into the arrow crossbow.

There were a hundred arrows and crossbows in a box, and by the time she finished loading them, it was already dark, and her belly had already started to gurgle.

Xiaotuanzi took off the little robe that covered the skirt, put it in the potion together with the claws, and cleaned it up:

"Okay, you can take Brother Xitong to dinner... Hey, Brother Xitong?"

The bamboo flower bracelets on the windowsill were gone.

Xiaotuanzi pouted his butt and looked around: "The window is open, is it blown away by the wind? There is nothing on the ground."

Then she turned the small workshop upside down, and even pulled out the box around the tool table and the arrow crossbow, but there was nothing there.

She was the only one who could go in and out of the small workshop, so where did the bracelet go?

Xiaotuanzi ran into the yard with a small lantern, and searched for every hidden corner: "Brother Xitong, are you there, are you asleep?"

The little ants in the grass nest were pulled out by her, and everyone lined up in dozens of columns and began to turn over the yard.


A scream came from a nearby bamboo forest.

Lugulu, who was climbing a tree, rolled down from the trunk, grabbed the little lantern and rushed over:

"Let Tangtang see, which little thief is it... Senior Sister Xiaoyun?"

Tu Shanyun was surrounded by a group of big ants on a big rock, his eyes were red from crying, holding the bunch of bamboo flowers in his hand:
"Little, little master, save Xiaoyun..."

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly drove the ants away, and helped her get off the rock: "Senior Sister Xiaoyun, why are you here?"

Tu Shanyun was still trembling uncontrollably, but he tried his best to hand the bamboo flowers to Xiaotuanzi:
"Xiaoyun has been following the little master, the door is closed, Xiaoyun can't get out, so he is waiting for the little master here."

"Just now, I suddenly saw a figure come in. While the little master was cleaning his hands, he stole this bracelet."

Xiaotuanzi took the bracelet, checked it, and brought it back to his hand: "Then, why don't you go after him, did he hurt you?"

Tu Shanyun shook his head: "That man seemed to be unable to see the way, so he ran around and ran into this bamboo forest. After finding Xiaoyun, he threw the bracelet and disappeared."

Xiaotuanzi blinked and blinked: "I found the bracelet, Senior Sister Xiaoyun is fine, let's go have dinner with Tangtang."

Tu Shanyun nodded obediently, still holding her sleeve carefully, and followed slowly.

The moment they came out, Nie Fu'an's eyes turned cold: "Why is Miss Tu Shan here?"

Tu Shanyun was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Tuanzi: "Xiaoyun, yes, he entered with the little master."

"Impossible, Fu'an sent Miss Tangtang over here personally, and didn't see you at all. Say, when did you go in?"

Nie Fu'an's usually gentle face showed a rare murderous look.

Tu Shanyun's eyes turned red, and he began to cry again: "Really, I entered the workshop with my little master..."

Nie Fuan felt the soft sword wrapped around his waist——

Xiaotuanzi patted his big hand: "Tangtang is hungry, brother Nie Fuan."

Nie Fuan's hostility disappeared in an instant, and she pulled her little paw: "Okay."

Someone was there, so Tu Shanyun didn't dare to approach Xiao Tuanzi anymore.

Nie Fu'an took the opportunity to whisper: "Fu'an sent people to keep an eye on her house, she never left the room, Miss Tangtang doesn't think it's suspicious?"

Xiaotuanzi nodded his head: "So Tangtang is going to take Brother Yangui with him, and he is leaving for the Qiang Kingdom tomorrow. Senior sister Xiaoyun can't be left here anymore."

"That's right, a box of incendiary arrows is ready, please send someone to deliver it to Father General."

"it is good."

Because of Tu Shanyun's sudden appearance, the atmosphere at the dinner table was very tense, and she felt it herself, so she huddled at the end of the table, not daring to make any movement.

The dining room was extremely quiet, and the wind and grass outside seemed particularly harsh, not to mention a mouthful of phoenix fire burning down from mid-air, illuminating the entire lake.

In the bright light, a golden figure can be seen jumping and jumping on the lake.

I don't know which mechanism he encountered at the bottom of the lake, several short arrows flew out directly from the bottom of the water.

The man ran extremely fast, and with the power of an arrow, he flew directly into the night.

But Fenghuang refused to let him go at all, and spit out mouthfuls of Phoenix Fire. Although no one was burned, the golden robe was roasted into charcoal balls in the blink of an eye.

Xiaotuanzi was so surprised that he dropped the little spoon: Is it the rich dad who was chased like this by Brother Fenghuang?

Seeing the half-gold and half-black Gongzi Yun flying around on the lake, he finally panicked and bumped into the big sycamore tree by the lake.

In an instant, a large net was thrown up from the lake, covering him and hanging him up!

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly took a bite of the pastry: "Rich dad——"

When she jumped out, the phoenix also landed on the sycamore tree, opening its mouth to breathe fire again——

"Brother Fenghuang, calm down! This is Tangtang's father, don't burn him."

Fenghuang was furious. Although he closed his mouth, his feathers all exploded, staring at Su Qingyun.

Gong Ziyun, who was wrapped up in a bag, circled in the net bag with a mournful face: "Little Tang, save Dad, Dad doesn't want to become a baked dad!"

The nearby shadow guards were about to laugh, and held back forcefully, and opened the mechanism to put him down.

Xiaotuanzi rushed to the front to see that the whole group was not well: Is this dark, crying creature daddy?

It's too miserable?
Reluctantly, she stretched out a little finger and poked on the living creature's shoulder: "Rich dad, why are you messing with Brother Fenghuang?"

(End of this chapter)

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