Chapter 337
"What's the matter, man?"

What could be more frightening than a living person disappearing in front of you?

The guards were in a mess, looking back and forth in the cell, but as a result, they found fewer and fewer people. Ten people went out, and only five came back in the end.

The imperial guards were going crazy, they ran to the cell and looked at the father and daughter inside: "Is it you?"

Sitting in Su Qingyun's arms, Xiaotuanzi ate hard, raised his head and shook his head at the same time as his rich father, and then continued to eat.

The forbidden army's eyes were red with anger: "It seems that if you don't fight, you will be dishonest. Open the door and they will catch you."

There is still a sober person in the team, so quickly stop him:
"No, I forgot what I told you above, and you must never get close to them. That princess has practiced spells, and her cultivation is..."

call out--

The one who was talking suddenly disappeared.

The remaining four people looked at each other in blank dismay, and took a big step back in unison, their eyes full of fear.

One after another, four people disappeared one after another.

When the last person disappeared, Xiaotuanzi drank the last sip of broth with a large bowl in his arms:
"Tangtang is full, rich daddy and sister Tang Jiao have finished eating, shall we go with Tangtang?"

On the ground outside the cell door, a few pieces of soil and a few vegetable leaves suddenly formed a natural "sugar candy moving mountains" magic circle.

After eating and drinking, the young master said, hooking the girl's round chin: "Where did you move them?"

Xiaotuanzi replied very sincerely: "The four places that Tangtang doesn't know are all in the capital anyway, and they are their own homes."

Su Qingyun gently retracted her hands and feet, and asked very obediently: "Then where are you going to move your father next?"

Looking at his cowardly father, Tuanzi was puzzled:

"Go to Senior Sister Xiaoyun, rescue her, find ghost pearls for brother Yangui to eat, and then go home, rich daddy, are you scared?"

Su Qingyun: "..."

You know nothing about your father's fears.

Before parting with Tu Shanyun, she put a little butterfly in her palm, and now Xiaotuanzi moves everyone into the circle with confidence.

She still hasn't forgotten the fish that looked at her pitifully in the water, and finally smashed into the palace where Tu Shanyun was imprisoned together with the person and the basin.

Tu Shanyun curled up behind the curtain, hugged the vase tightly, stared at them with red eyes for a long time before putting the vase down:
"Little, little master?"

"It's Tangtang."

Xiaotuanzi slapped the little skirt, put the water basin away, and then ran to her and held her hand:

"Senior Sister Xiaoyun, did they bully you? What's going on?"

Tu Shanyun shook his head, hesitated for a long time before slowly telling his life experience:
"Xiaoyun's mother is a witch of the Tu Shan family. She has all the secret arts of the Qiang Kingdom. Tu Mengyu took her and gave birth to Xiaoyun."

"Tu Mengyu used Xiaoyun to threaten mother to hand over the secret technique, but mother refused to agree, so Tu Mengyu killed her and sealed it in the loess city wall."

"Before mother passed away, she passed all the secret techniques to Xiaoyun, so Xiaoyun was able to survive."

"Master Xun passed through the Qiang Kingdom ten years ago, replaced Xiaoyun with a puppet, and then left here with Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun lived in Qianji Pavilion for a while, and then followed Master to Chongwen Hall."

Tu Shanyun looked at her cautiously: "Xiaoyun didn't hide my little master on purpose, it's just that those past events were too disgusting, Xiaoyun..."

Xiaotuanzi stretched out her claws and wiped her tears:
"Tangtang already knows, senior sister Xiaoyun, don't cry. In the past, you were protected by your mother and wife, and there will be more Tangtang in the future, so don't be afraid."

Tu Shanyun nodded with a blushing face, and held her claws tightly:
"Xiaoyun is not afraid, and is willing to take my little master to find the ghost pearl. In fact, the ghost pearl is..."


The gate of the palace was kicked open with too much force, cracks appeared on the door leaf, behind the crack was Xiao Yanqi's lingering face.

Xiaotuanzi said "Hey": "Why are you here again, villainous prince?"

"Where is Princess Liang going to take the people from Emperor Zun Palace?" He took a step forward and came to catch Xiaotuanzi and Tu Shanyun.

The magic circle was not broken, so Xiaotuanzi pushed everyone in, and even raised his head to provoke him:

"Guess what, Tangtang is going to take a step first, a little bit!"

Xiao Yanqi grabbed the air and ordered viciously: "Damn it, chase after it!"

The place where Xiao Tuanzi landed was on the wall of a... pigsty in the capital, and the fat head and big ears stared at each other in the air.

Before Tang Jiao could stand still, she even threw the basin onto the pig. If it wasn't for Su Qingyun's sharp eyes and sharp eyes, she wouldn't have dared to watch that scene.

Dying Yu Ji: "If you kill me, the fish demon country will not be yours."

Tang Jiao said coldly, "Hands are slippery!"

Yu Ji: "..."

Without water, he could only hide from the sun lying in the small bun of the dumpling. The dry weather in the Qiang country almost dried him out:
"Master, how long do we have to wait?"

"Shh, the villainous prince and the others are looking for everyone, just wait for them to leave."

Xiao Tuanzi lay at the front and watched the wind, watching Xiao Yanqi lead a large group of guards to search from house to house in the street ahead.

When they found them, they probably glanced at the dirty pigsty in the backyard, and walked away in disgust.

Xiaotuanzi waved his claws behind him: "They're leaving."

The moment she stretched out her short legs and jumped outside, Su Qingyun grabbed her back, followed by a loud bang.

Xiao Yanqi went back and forth, waving his arms and roaring: "Search for my prince, they are around here, if they can't find anyone, they will smash this place!"

The crying people were quickly kicked out of their homes, and the imperial guards started throwing and grabbing things everywhere, and the place was in a mess immediately.

Su Qingyun couldn't help rubbing her chin: "Sure enough, likes gather and people are divided into groups. Xiaoyangui's elder brother is really... Tsk tsk tsk!"

Xiao Tuan'er, who was covered under his sleeve, groaned: "Brother Yan Gui is a good guy, and Xiao Yanqi is a bad guy, they are different."

Gong Ziyun was so angry that his heart ached: "I, I am your father, not Yan Gui! Change places quickly!"

The place to move this time is a small forest under the loess city wall.

Su Qingyun looked at Xiao Yanqi who was following closely, feeling very sad:

"Little Tang, Dad has no other intentions. Do you mind working hard and letting us all go out of town?"

Xiaotuanzi spread his paws and pouted, "Something seems to block the city wall. The range of 'Tangtang Moves Mountains' is always within the city. It's not Tangtang's fault."

The pursuers had already crossed the river and were slowly approaching the edge of the forest.

Although she didn't know why they chased so fast and could find the exact location, Su Qingyun had already rolled up her sleeves:
"That can't be helped, it's up to Dad at this time—oh——"

Just as Su Qingyun took a step, her feet went limp and she fell into the river.

(End of this chapter)

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