I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 356 Don't Molest Your Brother

Chapter 356 Don't Molest Your Brother

Tuanzi immediately lost all interest, and brought a large pile of books that he couldn't read completely, lying on the small cushion and flipping through them absent-mindedly.

In this way, the maid also recorded in a small book what books she was reading.

The dumpling found out, and suddenly pouted its small mouth, it could hang oil bottles.

He didn't read the book, pulled a small blanket over his little head, and fell asleep soundly.

When Yangui came back, Tuanzi was soundly asleep, and Xiaoyuan was buried in the blanket with her blushing face, her little mouth was pouting, looking very unhappy.

"Ah Yue was bullied?"

Yan Ling: "...Your Highness would be fine if he didn't bully others. I heard that Princess Jincheng was falling and making noise in the palace all morning, so I sent three people to find the young master."

There was a smile in Yan Gui's eyes, and it was the first time he took the initiative to care about Shao Zun's situation: "What did Shao Zun say?"

Yan Ling also laughed: "The eunuch in charge of the Shaozun Palace didn't let them in, and the Shaozun can't control His Highness's affairs."

"Ah Yue still wants to go back to live?"

"Your Highness thinks so," Yan Ling couldn't help laughing at the thought of Tuanzi's smug dance, "it's so fun to play monkeys every day."

"Monkey, where are monkeys?"

Xiaotuanzi's eyes were still closed, and he sat up from the blanket, kicking his little feet to move his muscles and bones, and he was about to crawl under the bed with his little paws open.

While crawling, he muttered: "Monkey, little fluffy monkey, don't run away, let Tangtang catch you."

Yan Gui hurried to help her: "Sister, wake up, there are no monkeys, don't fall down."

Little Tuanzi grabbed his arm, narrowed his big eyes, and swayed from side to side with his mouth grinning:

"Look, Tangtang has caught you, is it serious... Hey, why is it Brother Yangui?"

Tuanzi's squinted eyes were squinting, still watery from just waking up, his gaze gradually changed from lax to converging, and then a faint blush appeared on the little round face.

"Hee hee, brother Yan Gui looks really good today."

It's still the same black robe as usual, but with a cloud-patterned red fringe, and the copper hair crown has been replaced with a purple gold crown, with long tassels hanging down in the black hair.

The belt is inlaid with beautiful jade and shark beads, and the pattern of wind and fire is embroidered on the knee cover, which is the same as the pattern of the boots.

With just a little embellishment, the whole person looks awe-inspiring.

After watching it for a long time, Xiaotuanzi covered his face in embarrassment, turned his body around, and warned himself very seriously:

"Beautiful beauty mistaken for sugar... oh, you can't molested Brother Yangui..."

Yan Gui lowered his head and smiled.

Yan Ling: "..."

What are you so silly about, young master?

Your Highness praised you for looking good, but just now she also thought the tree wrapped in red silk in the courtyard was beautiful, look at how stable the tree is, it doesn't move at all.

Of course, she didn't dare to say this clearly, after all, the innocent young master was being praised by her younger sister with red eyes.

Tuanzi, who was put off by her beauty, finally put away her dishonest thoughts, sat cross-legged on the blanket, and blah blah blah blah about how to deal with Feng Weilan.

After babbling, he also warmly invited Yan Gui to watch the fun together:
"Brother Yangui, you want to live in the side hall with Tangtang, Tangtang's quilt is fluffy, and the pillow is also fluffy."

Upon hearing this, Yan Ling quickly persuaded: "Your Highness, the young master is already twelve years old, and you are seven years old, so it's not appropriate to live in the same room."

Xiaotuanzi pursed his mouth: "But Tangtang's fathers are almost 30 years old, and they can still coax Tangtang to sleep."

Yan Gui's eyes are full of smiles, it depends on how Yan Ling argues.

Yan Ling: "..."

The gods fight, and the little ghost suffers, why are you watching me?
And young master, you treat her as a younger sister, and they treat you as a father, what's so funny?

"Hey, this dad is different from my brother."

Yan Ling racked her brains to make metaphors, and coaxed a wave by the way:
"Just like a brother who is not related by blood, your highness can recruit a son-in-law and a god-in-law in the future, but you can't do these things to your father, right?"


Xiaotuanzi raised his claws high, and his eyes widened cutely: "Then after Brother Yangui becomes Tangtang's son-in-law, can he live in the same room and watch monkeys play?"

Yan Ling: "..."

Whether this is possible or not depends on how hard His Highness's four fathers are in beating the young master.

Seeing her delay in answering, Xiao Tuanzi thought she disagreed, and immediately patted Yan Gui on the shoulder on his own initiative:

"Brother Yangui, from today onwards, you will be Tangtang's son-in-law!"


The whole place was silent.

Even the palace people in charge of recording were dumbfounded. How could you tell Emperor Zun about this? Princess Liang unilaterally announced that she had brought the nineteenth prince under her command?

No dowry or anything, empty-handed white wolf?

The smile in Yan Gui's eyes deepened, he patted Tuanzi's head, and sighed:
"Little sister, it's still too early to talk about recruiting a son-in-law. Wait until you get to Ji, now it's considered... childish speech."

What did the beauty say, Duanzi nodded foolishly: "I know, let's talk next year, Tangtang."

"Next year will be small."

Tuanzi followed the wooden wheelchair on short legs, ran towards the dining table, and waved his fists:
"It's not young, Tangtang will be eight years old next year, and he can punch ten villains with one punch."

Yan Gui wiped her cat's claws with a handkerchief, and stuffed the chopsticks in: "When my sister can knock down a hundred, I will talk to my brother about the son-in-law."

Yan Ling, who was serving the food, almost put the plate in his face: Did your highness say you want to recruit a son-in-law? Are you talking about growing up?
I don’t know anything, and I just eat hard: eat more meat, will it grow faster?

After the meal, the big dumpling and the small dumpling, head to head, stretched out their paws, gesticulated and whispered.

In Liangdu, in front of the four fathers, they relied on this communication, and it just came in handy now.

Xiaotuanzi: Where do the fathers live? Can Tangtang visit them secretly?
Yan Gui: It takes half an hour to walk from here, and they will come out of the Emperor Hall at night, brother will take you to the gate and wait.

Tuanzi blinked excitedly: Do you have thick hair now?
Yan Gui nodded slightly.

The palace people who were recording their words and deeds were still thinking about what they said, when they saw two dumplings jumping out of the window with a whimper.

There was also a big snow wolf under the window, who hopped and disappeared into the snow with the two regiments on their backs.

"Hurry up, ring the bell to warn, the young master is going out, strengthen your guard—"

When the entire Emperor Palace was in chaos, Snow Wolf had already rushed outside the Emperor Palace with the two children.

Different from other palaces and pavilions, which are as transparent as glazed glass, Emperor Zun Palace is entirely made of black jade, exuding a gloomy atmosphere from the inside to the outside.

Right at the last bright spot where the sun shines, Feng Hanchu is kneeling upright, his robe is soaked through, it looks like he has been kneeling for a long time.

Tuanzi, who was quite happy at first, clenched his little fist.

(End of this chapter)

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