Chapter 358 What a Bad Boy
Is this Emperor Zun?

He is not sixty years old, but he looks about the same age as his father, much younger than the wrinkled bearded Shaozun.

Those who don't know think that Shao Zun is the father!
Xiaotuanzi blinked and watched with big eyes, facing the paw, carefully thinking about this question that made Tuansheng puzzled: Can a son be older than his father?

Her gaze caught Emperor Zun's gaze, he played with the gold cup and slowly turned his face away.

I don't know if he's drunk or if he just looks hazy like this, but his smile is very beautiful, like a peony in full bloom.

"Your name is Tangtang?"

Tuanzi nodded and squeezed his fists: "Yes."

Emperor Zun smiled again: "I met you six years ago. You were in a baby. Back then, your little head was as big as a fruit. It was round. I really wanted to take a bite."

Tuanzi pursed his small mouth, and asked disdainfully, "Is it because your shadow guard eats a doll like Tangtang that you are so young?"

The word "young" made Emperor Zun feel elated instantly, and suddenly he came to Tuanzi with a soft and charming smile:

"Is the deity really young?"

His eyes shone with joy, and he couldn't help stretching out his slender, white fingers to caress Tuanzi's round face.

Suddenly, his hand was blocked by a smaller and younger hand.

Emperor Zun became irritable in an instant, like a furious lion whose fur had exploded, and was about to roar and rush over in the next instant, tearing the daring people apart.

But when he saw the person's face, his anger dissipated in an instant, he was a little unwilling and complained.

In the blink of an eye, Emperor Zun lay back on the throne again, someone refilled his wine, his eyes drooped, and he looked weak:

"The deity didn't ask you to come, Xiao Nineteen, you will always make the deity unhappy, what a bad boy."

Yan Gui pulled Tuanzi behind him and stood there: "I came with my sister, father can pretend that I don't exist."

"younger sister?"

Emperor Zun laughed again, his voice sounded like water drops falling into a deep pool: "This is your sister who has made a life contract? Little Nineteen, you are really annoying."

After listening to Brother Yan Gui's words, and then Emperor Zun's words, the student of Tuanzi was even more puzzled, and asked in a low voice:
"Brother Yangui, what is a life contract?"

"It's a contract technique where you live another life, you die another death, and you hurt another."

"Because you came to the palace for the first time, and the deity didn't kill him because of you, so he felt that you let him survive, which is a kind of repayment."

Emperor Zun changed his posture and continued to lie down, shaking his head with some regret:
"Oh, my little nineteen, the more I think about it, the more I hate it. Now I can't do it if I want to take your sister's phoenix bone."

Xiaotuanzi doesn't care about the phoenix bone now, he stares at Yangui with wide eyes:

"Brother, you have made a life contract with Tangtang, it's... oh, it's you, how wronged you are."

It's also very unfair, if Tangtang feels uncomfortable somewhere, wouldn't Brother Yangui be unlucky too?
Yan Gui shook his head: "My brother is not wronged, my brother's life belongs to my younger sister, and I should help my younger sister to bear all the pain."

Xiaotuanzi stretched out his claws and firmly clenched his small fist: "That's good. From today on, Tangtang will train his body well, so that he will not get sick or injured, and protect Brother Yangui well."

"Bad kids just like to have weird dreams."

Emperor Zun changed his posture again, looking at the innocent and ignorant child, he sighed:

"How can a person not be hurt in life? For example, when you marry and have children in the future, it will always hurt, little Phoenix ball."

Yan Gui: "..."

Tangtang: "..."

Well, that's right, the wives who are about to give birth in the Valley of Immortal Doctors are indeed crying out for pain, nah...

An innocent dumpling looked at Yan Gui and blinked: What should I do then?

Yan Gui's face blushed inexplicably for some reason: "Cough, do father and sister have anything else to say? If not, I'll take my sister away first."

Emperor Zun floated over and smiled at Tuanzi:
"What's the rush, I haven't seen the phoenix ball for six years, so naturally I have to talk about it, for example, the phoenix ball, are you willing to dedicate the phoenix bone to this deity?"

"There are many benefits. For example, you can protect Xiao Jiu, and he will never be hurt."

Tuanzi held Yan Gui's little robe tightly: "You lie, Tangtang will die, and brother Yan Gui will die too."

"how could be?"

Emperor Zun smiled even more softly: "Give your phoenix bone to this deity, and you can share this immortal body and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with this deity, and be honored forever, isn't it good?"

Tuanzi desperately shook his head: "Don't want Tangtang, Tangtang wants to be with his father and friends all the time, why do you want Tangtang to help you realize your wish?"

"Your fathers and friends will die one day and turn into dust, leaving nothing, but it will be different if you give me the phoenix bone."

Tuanzi shook his head: "Tangtang wants to teach you a truth today."

Emperor Zun smiled: "You say."

"To grow old and not die is to be a thief!"

Emperor Zun: "..."

Yan Gui on the side also smiled: "Father, do you want to continue asking?"

Emperor Zun lay back on the throne angrily, and drank several glasses of wine in a row: "Bad boys really like to get together. I don't like you anymore, Phoenix ball."

Tuanzi was very happy: "Hey, daddies, can you take Tangtang and leave?"


Emperor Zun raised his glass, as if to toast:

"Although I don't like you, I like to torture you. For example, I want your beautiful father to kneel for seven days and seven nights, and I feel much more comfortable."

"If you are unhappy one day and kill your fathers one by one, you will be happier."

Xiaotuanzi's eyes were red, and his fists were clenched tightly: "You want a phoenix bone, why are you bullying Tangtang's father?"

"The deity didn't bully him, but he was dishonest and wanted to occupy the Qiang country as a vassal state. Does your beautiful father want to rebel?"

Xiaotuanzi's Golden Doudou fell with a patter: "It was the Qiang Kingdom who trapped Tangtang first, and Daddy went to rescue Tangtang. Lord Qiang is incompetent."

Emperor Zun nodded: "Sounds reasonable, but this deity has never been unreasonable. Everyone in the world is just a slave of this deity, so punishment will be punished."

Tuanzi wanted to say something more, but Yan Gui had already silently shook his head.

She moved her little feet back a step with difficulty, lowered her little head, and wiped away her tears.

Emperor Zun smiled: "Whether you want the phoenix bone or your father and friends, you can go back and think about it. There are two days before New Year's Eve. After the New Year, I want to hear a satisfactory answer."

Shark silk danced lightly, and he suddenly disappeared.

Xiaotuanzi dashed towards the throne, but despite being so close, he could never touch it.

"Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, this is Emperor Zun's technique."

Yan Gui pushed the wheelchair and followed, holding onto Tuanzi's little claw: "Brother, will you take me back?"

(End of this chapter)

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