I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 361 Returning Yan to Brother

Chapter 361 Returning Yan to Brother

Has it been discovered?
Yu Ji imitated the appearance of a palace lady, lowered her head hard, even learned to breathe perfectly, trying to make herself appear inconspicuous.

The convoy and the crowd were silent, only the whistling draft and the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard.

Yu Ji felt that her back was a bit cold, and she was wondering who was here, who found out that something was wrong with him to deal with him?
Where should he run, in short, he can't get close to where the master is, but run far away to avoid all dangers.

The footsteps were getting closer, and there was the sound of weapons being dragged on the ground, huh huh huh——

Yu Ji's heart was in her throat: It's over.

I haven't had time to say goodbye to the owner, but I got a hug from the owner before I died. The 200-year-old fish is not in vain.

Worth it!

His heart froze, his eyes closed——

The sound of footsteps and squeaks actually passed by him, heading towards the car, didn't they come to arrest him?
Look at that back like the moon, the badass emperor Xiao Yanqi?
Shouldn't he be in the third last carriage, why did he come here?

Xiao Yanqi, who was walking around with his hands behind his back, ran to the side of the first carriage, helped the young master down, and then walked back to the second carriage after saluting:
"Second sister..."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing a strange face with a playful smile: "Brother Seventeen, who are you calling?"

When Xiao Yanqi saw Yan Gui, he immediately felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly, and quickly took a step back:
"Why are you here? Little Nineteen, you are really brave. Don't think that Emperor Zun indulges you, so you are bold enough to take the position of Huangjie."

Yan Gui smiled slightly: "I also received the emperor's order before I set off, and I changed cars temporarily with my second sister. Is it dissatisfied with the emperor's arrangement?"

Xiao Yanqi's face turned pale slightly: "My prince is dissatisfied with you, if you talk nonsense again, this prince will beat you to death."

Yan Gui looked at Emperor Zun's Palace not far away, wondering if it was intentional: "Then I will relay what Brother Seventeen said to Emperor Zun in a while."

"Xiao Yan is your lowly bastard, and now he has climbed onto my prince's head, looking for death!"

Xiao Yanqi was furious, grabbed Yan Gui by the collar, and wanted to drag him out of the car.

Yan Gui was not afraid, he let him grab him so rudely, and even smiled and whispered something in his ear, Xiao Yanqi was so angry that the top of his head was about to smoke.

The palace people next to them saw it, and hurried forward to stop it. For a while, the road that was not very wide was blocked, and other princes and princesses also stretched out their heads to watch the excitement.

"Okay, my brother, what are you doing?"

The young master who had paid homage to Emperor Zun, walked over with a sullen face, and separated the two brothers who were entangled at once.

After a few words of reprimand, he said to Yan Gui: "The emperor wants you to go in, what to say and what not to say, Xiao Nineteen, you are a smart boy."

"Young Master, you are too worried." Yan Gui was sent out of the car, summoned the little eunuch to push the wheelchair and left
Xiao Yanqi was full of anger, and muttered: "Brother, what are you doing to protect that bastard?"

Shao Zun snorted coldly: "Idiot, you really don't know? You are still making jokes under the eyes of Emperor Zun."

"I'm also not convinced that he took the position of the second sister. Next time, will he dare to occupy the position of the eldest brother?"

The Young Master's gaze flashed, and looking around, Yan Gui led sixteen palace servants slowly up the steps of Emperor Zun Palace.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

The only thing wrong is the little eunuch pushing the wheelchair, that is a dumpling with high boots.

It was easy to mix into the palace team, but Tuanzi's short legs were easily exposed, so he put on stilt-like boots.

Although the walk was a little sloppy, people who didn't know the inside story couldn't tell it at all, so they sneaked into the emperor's palace with Tang Jiao Yuji.

According to the plan, Yan Gui was the last one to meet Emperor Zun.

After he finished meeting, he could use words to delay the time, but now the situation has changed, they must leave before the third princess comes in.

That way, the chances of finding the charms, let alone taking them away, are much smaller.

Xiaotuanzi drooped his little head to think about his ideas, his big eyes glanced left and right, hey, is Daddy Meiyan not kneeling in front of the hall?
This is really good.

Her thoughts wandered, her little feet didn't step on her high boots, and she swayed forward——

With a muffled sound, Xiaoyuan's face hit the back of Yangui's head.

This is a powerful dumpling, it is easy to hit a small head against a stone or a magic circle, Yan Gui was immediately ejected from the wooden wheelchair and hit the floor tiles in the palace.


The rest of the accompanying people knelt down on the ground in despair: "Your Highness Nineteen, calm down!"

Tuanzi was so frightened that he covered his face and said silently: Tangtang doesn't know, Tangtang doesn't know...

Yan Gui shook his head with a half-smile, and pointed at her after sitting back in the wheelchair: "Drag it down, bury it."

The palace people seemed to be used to this result, and several palace people walked out immediately, and disappeared near the side hall of Emperor Zun Palace in an instant.

By the time Tuanzi realized it, she was already in the hot medicine refining prison, and the two palace servants who sent her and Tang Jiao Yuji had already left.

There was still a note in her paw: quarter of an hour.

On the back of the note is a simple topographic map.

The picture in the middle is the throne, and they are now located in the center of the secret passage connecting the side halls to the apse, northeast of the basement of the throne.

Going further down is where the refining furnace is located. It is already much hotter than outside the emperor's palace, and it will be unbearably hot if you stand for a while.

Xiaotuanzi pawed at the hot stone wall, and pointed to the left with his little paw: "Sister Tang Jiao—"

Then point to the right: "Brother Yuji, Tangtang will look for it from the middle."

This time Tang Jiao and Yu Ji didn't have any quarrel, but looked at Tuanzi worriedly: "His Royal Highness/Master, be careful, you must come back here in a quarter of an hour at the latest."

Two big palms and a small paw touched each other, and then they spread apart.

Holding the shark bead, Tuanzi walked down the steps, and soon a monolithic bridge appeared in front of him, connecting the two ends of the Purification Prison.

There are so many alchemists coming and going, as long as they step on the bridge, they will be noticed, and the emperor sitting on it will also find something abnormal.

Tuanzi immediately ran into a stone cave.

The smell of medicine and blood is very strong here. There are hundreds of palm-sized medicine boxes in the stone wall holes on both sides. Xiaotuanzi randomly opened a box, and there was a gold ingot inside.

Isn't this blood coagulation gold? Emperor Zun is also collecting forbidden techniques?
Could it be that Tangtang found those forbidden spells and gave them to Emperor Zun, a villain?
Tuanzi was so angry that she wanted to find all the medicine boxes here, but time didn't allow, so she had to go around to another hole.

There are common herbs in several holes, nothing unusual.

Seeing that the time was coming, she had no choice but to turn around and walk back the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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