Chapter 364

In order to show that he is a serious group who can withstand the temptation of beauty, the group stretched out its claws, and "slapped", pushing Yan Gui's face aside.

The small slap hit Yan Gui's injured face, Yan Ling and Tang Jiao gasped and covered their cheeks.

Yu Ji waved her fins and purred excitedly: "Good job!"

Yan Gui puffed up his face, and came back again, no matter what, this time he grabbed his sister's sleeve, and never let go.

There is a route to enter the palace and an escape route, but I still don't know where the talisman is, so I can only wait until New Year's Eve to try my luck.

After discussing in Yangui's palace, Tang Jiao and Yu Ji had to rush back. Yangui stole them from their respective places of house arrest, which would always arouse suspicion after a long time.

Tuanzi also had to go back to the side hall as soon as possible. I don't know how the snow wolf guarded the door for her.

Fortunately, Snow Wolf frightened Feng Weilan into unconsciousness twice, no one in the palace dared to take a step closer to the side hall, Tuanzi jumped down from the roof, and listened for a long time with his little ears on the door.

The hall was quiet, so she felt relieved, secretly put Xiao Xuexue in the door, and went to sleep happily.

The next day when she came back riding a wolf after practicing boxing and kicking, she saw Yan Gui waiting in the hall.

He was sitting in a wheelchair and wearing a big black veiled hat. The black veil at the brim of the hat covered his entire face, making him look gloomy.

Yan Qi's Feng Weilan was supported by the palace maid, standing on the side at a loss.

Ever since she knew Yan Gui's true identity, Feng Weilan was in a bad mood when the people around her said a few more words. She was afraid that Yan Gui was here for revenge, as if she was facing an enemy.

Seeing Tuanzi come back now, I am even more nervous. If the two of them take revenge together, this...

Yan Gui didn't pay attention to her at all, and greeted her directly: "Sister, brother is bringing you breakfast."

Tuanzi was a little embarrassed just now, oops, he hit too hard, and he swollen brother Yangui, so he couldn't see anyone anymore.

Now that he heard his wooden wheelchair creaking, he became angry again, and turned his head arrogantly: "Don't eat."

Showing the face of the Nineteenth Prince in public, there was no one else except Emperor Zun, and everyone couldn't help but took a step back, not even daring to breathe loudly.

Yan Gui laughed lightly: "My sister obediently ate the food, and my brother has some good news for you."

"What's the matter?" Tuanzi hugged Xiaoyuan's shoulders, and Xiaoyuan faced the sky, "Let's talk about it first."

Yan Gui still coaxed her: "Little sister leans her ear closer, brother can't reach it."

Tuanzi pursed his mouth and muttered, "If you can't reach it, don't say it, anyway, you are a liar!"

"It's about my sister's fathers. Today, the Emperor is hosting a banquet, and they will all attend the banquet. Do you want my sister to come together?"

Because Emperor Zun will sleep on New Year's Eve, it has been a long time since the Spring Festival, that is, on the 29th of the year, Emperor Zun will have a palace banquet with the prince and princess.

This time Feng Hanchu and Lord Qiang were both in the palace, so they made an exception and were invited to the palace banquet.

It stands to reason that the identities of Tuanzi and Feng Weilan are equally embarrassing, but for some reason, Emperor Zun specially arranged for her to go to the banquet together, leaving Feng Weilan alone.

Upon hearing the news, Tuanzi was so excited that he almost threw Yan Gui into the wall again with a jump:

"Okay, Tangtang can see her parents now, Tangtang will go find a beautiful dress and go with her brother."

Waiting by the side to watch the lively trio, while looking up at the sky: Angry and lonely, this is too easy to coax, right?

Yan Gui looked at the dumpling rushing into the side hall with the food box in his arms, and smiled softly: "Run slowly, don't fall."

Feng Weilan on the side was stunned, why is the nineteenth prince different from the rumors?
But when he was in the capital, he was soft and weak, and he didn't like to talk, whenever something happened, he hid behind Feng Chenyue.

Being kicked by Su Changan, it was Feng Chenyue who helped him get ahead; being slapped by the prince's brother, it was Feng Chenyue who called Emperor Liang.

He should be the kind of person who is easy to bribe, Feng Chenyue is only a seven-year-old child, if you give him some favors, he can follow him wholeheartedly.

Feng Weilan walked over proudly: "Your Highness the Nineteenth."

Yan Gui turned around slowly, without moving the veil on the veil: "My future sister-in-law, what advice do you have?"

Feng Weilan was disgusted by this title, although there was nothing wrong with it, but when she thought that the young master was older than Feng Hanchu, her heart turned upside down.

Back then, she snatched the marriage contract out of anger. She wanted to save face and save her mother's life, but when she came to Emperor Zun Palace, no one would take her seriously, and her mother died too.

If Shaozun was younger, she could still convince herself to marry him in three or four years, but as Shaozun was so old, she would be in the same situation as eating flies.

Feng Weilan became more and more desperate and regretful, especially after seeing that Tuanzi had a better life than her.

At the beginning, he shouldn't have snatched Feng Chenyue's marriage contract, and let her be brought by Emperor Zun, regardless of whether she was killed or married, anyway, he didn't have to suffer.

Just when she was on the verge of collapse, she saw hope in Yan Gui.

They are the same age, both are princes and princesses, and they are very easy to control. If you buy him as your own, nothing is impossible in the future.

Feng Weilan endured her grievances and said: "I heard that Feng Chenyue beat you yesterday. She has always had a bad temper and has no tutor. Please take care of her."

Yesterday the nineteenth prince invited Princess Liang to be a guest. The two children fought over a bunch of candied haws, and the story was vivid.

Even Emperor Zun asked an extra question during breakfast, Feng Weilan knew about it, so she opened her mouth with this matter.

Yan Gui was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "I did something wrong and made my sister angry."

"His Nineteenth Highness is kind-hearted. I'm afraid I have suffered a lot of grievances as Feng Chenyue's book boy. After finally coming home, I let her bully me like this."

Feng Weilan covered her lips and smiled: "But Feng Chenyue is my younger sister and lives here, so I will take care of her."

Yan Gui is so knowledgeable, and he saluted: "Then thank you Princess Jincheng."

Feng Weilan is satisfied, talking to a smart person saves effort, give him some sweetness first, and then slowly buy him off.

She raised her head triumphantly, and suddenly saw Tuanzi standing at the door of the side hall, she couldn't help panicking:
"Why are you like a ghost, you don't say hello when you come out, it's rude."

Tuanzi patted her new skirt and made a big grimace at her: "Tangtang hates you, so I don't want to be polite to you, Brother Yan, let's go."

She pushed the wheelchair and went out, and even twisted her small body to demonstrate against Feng Weilan.

After the carriage had gone a long way, she complained in a low voice:
"Brother Yangui, what are you doing to deal with the villainous princess? It looks like he is trying to trick you, maybe it was sent by the villain Shaozun."

Yan Gui chuckled: "Only in this way, no one will doubt us when we use her."

(End of this chapter)

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