I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 372 A Porcelain Dumpling

Chapter 372
"Why did you kill Meiyan's father?"

The young master didn't even have time to enter the door, but was blocked by a dumpling that touches porcelain.

It was obvious that she rushed to him like a small windmill, and fell down, grinning and crying loudly:

"You bullied Tangtang's father, and even bullied Tangtang, why did you do this, woo woo woo..."

A round yo cried so hard in the blink of an eye that the young master suspected that he had really done some heinous deed:

"Princess Liang Guo, you, you get up and talk first, why are you here?"

Tuanzi stomped his little feet and waved his little paws to wipe away his tears, bringing the seven-year-old's mischief to the extreme:
"Tangtang lived here, young master, are you going to drive Tangtang out? Obviously your father invited Tangtang to be a guest, you are not a human..."

"Presumptuous, bold!"

Shaozun was crying so hard that his head would explode, so he quickly stopped the attendants from scolding him, and asked her patiently:
"This young master didn't drive you out, but asked you where Princess Jincheng is. Why are you alone?"

Tuanzi sniffled and muttered, "Tangtang doesn't know, Tangtang and the bully princess hate each other, she won't tell Tangtang wherever she goes."

"That's right, isn't she your future concubine, is she looking for you?"


The young master immediately disregarded the relationship, and now he can't cause any trouble: "If I knew where she was going, I wouldn't have come to ask you, have you stayed here all this time?"

Tuanzi blinked his eyes: "If Tangtang goes out, I won't be able to see you."

Shaozun looked at her suspiciously: "I heard that you never lie, is it true or not?"

"Really, Master said that children who lie will become villains. Look, Tangtang hasn't changed."

The master warned not to tell lies, and if he didn't say the truth, he had to tell the outside world.

The Young Master sent someone to search the palace, besides the servants, Tuanzi and her two attendants, Feng Weilan was not there.

"Where is she?"

The palace people couldn't explain clearly either: "Princess Jincheng said yesterday that she had a headache, and that lunch and dinner are useless, and the servants dare not disturb her."

Shao Zun was furious: "If you don't eat for a day and a night, no one will go in and have a look?"

"It happened before. Princess Jincheng even punished the maids who disturbed her. Afterwards, the slaves didn't dare anymore."

"That idiot!"

Shao Zun was as anxious as a chicken without a head, if Feng Weilan was related to the accident in Emperor Palace, even he would be implicated, what he has to do now is to find him quickly.

He left a bunch of guards here and left in a hurry.

Tuanzi then ran back to the side hall and closed the door tightly: "Sister Tang Jiao, brother Yuji, you're back, Tangtang thinks she won't be able to stop the villain Shaozun."

She was sent back here directly from the dojo by Yan Ling. Yu Ji and Tang Jiao were in charge of dealing with those troublesome guards, and they were delayed on the way.

The Tuanzi god made a fortune just now, hugging the young master's thigh and crying, buying them a lot of time.

When Shao Zun came in to check, he saw the two of them drinking tea and chatting leisurely, but due to his haste, he didn't become suspicious.

In fact, Yu Ji's legs were still covered with snow, Tang Jiao's clothes were completely wet, and even the roof tiles hadn't had time to close.

Now that the clues were dealt with, Tuanzi took out all the strings and charms:
"Brother Xitong, you are safe now, Tangtang is back, there are no outsiders here."

Zhu Shenghua flickered: "Xiao Yuanxiao, it's not enough now, magic is forbidden in the Emperor's Palace, and this spell cannot be solved, so you have to leave quickly."


If the villain Emperor Zun can't get Tangtang's phoenix bone, he will definitely not let his father and Tangtang leave, so how can he slip away smoothly?
Just when Tuanzi was at a loss, two major events happened.

First, Emperor Zun woke up; second, Feng Weilan appeared in the heavily guarded Emperor Zun Palace.

Everyone was called to Emperor Zun Palace.

The princes and princesses stood on the left, Feng Hanchu, Lord Qiang and others stood on the right, and Feng Weilan, who was hoarse from crying, was kneeling in the middle.

Emperor Zun stopped drinking now and got dressed, looking at her kindly: "Talk to your father and sister."

Feng Weilan kowtowed and cried, looked around blankly, and suddenly settled on Tuanzi:

"It's her, it's her, she's the one who sent me here."

Then she talked about what happened yesterday:
"...I sent someone to send her to the Shaozun Hall, but she was knocked out suddenly, and she was here when she woke up. She was the one who killed me."

The young master stood up immediately: "Di Zun, I never discussed with Princess Jincheng to dedicate Princess Liang to you. You told me not to act rashly, and I took it to heart."

Panicked, Feng Weilan grabbed his robe: "Young Master, you and I discussed this matter secretly in your palace the day before yesterday, did you forget?"


The young master threw her away, and stayed away from her: "The day before yesterday, my young master was busy all day for the safety of the sleeping emperor, and he didn't even go back to the hall of the young master. All the guards can testify."

Feng Weilan was completely stupid, how could this be possible?

At that time, she felt that Xiao Yangui was unreliable, so she specially asked Young Master to make two preparations... Yes, and Xiao Yangui.

Feng Weilan immediately turned to Xiao Yangui who was in the wheelchair: "I also discussed this matter with you, it was you who watched my people carry her to the Hall of Shaozun yesterday, please say something."

Yan Gui smiled: "Princess Jincheng couldn't find a scapegoat and started killing people randomly?"

"If anyone in this hall can harm my sister, only Yan Gui can't."

There was a triumphant smile in his eyes: "Because my sister and I have made a life contract. She lives and I live, and she dies and I die. Does the princess think that I will harm myself?"

It was only at this time that Feng Weilan realized that she wanted to win over Xiao Yangui, but he quietly used her.

He was avenging Feng Chenyue.

However, is it as simple as revenge?

She started to get scared, looked around, and finally turned her gaze to Feng Hanchu, crying:

"Father, save my son, I didn't do anything, I don't want to die, woo woo woo..."

Feng Hanchu clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

Su Qingyun smiled slightly: "That day at the seaside, you said that you were from Emperor Zun Palace and had nothing to do with Liang Guo anymore. Why did something happen, but you remembered that there is still Father?"

"Weilan, you don't have a father anymore."

Feng Weilan sat paralyzed on the ground, as if her soul had been taken away, she whispered: "I was wronged, I didn't do anything..."

In any case, appearing in the Emperor's Palace inexplicably on New Year's Eve is a capital offense.

Emperor Zun didn't want to let anyone go easily, and looked at Feng Hanchu: "This matter really has nothing to do with Emperor Liang, I remember that Princess Liang seems to live with Princess Jincheng?"

"Little Phoenix Qiuqiu, do you know what happened to your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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