I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 402 1 A Golden Dumpling That Laughs

Chapter 402
Through the small gap of the fan, Tuanzi saw the Meiyan daddy climbing up the stairs, and immediately became cowardly: "Look, the land that Meiyan daddy has laid down for Ben Tangtang!"

Feng Hanchu pinched her little nose: "Can you be my father? If you can, go to heaven!"

"No way, no way."

Tuanzi hugged his father's big hand and rubbed his small round face: "Tangtang is in the sky, Daddy's glamorous father will miss Tangtang very much."

Feng Hanchu hehe: "Meiyan Daddy thinks that you will put gold on your chubby face."

Tuanzi touched his face: "Hey, it's posted, isn't Tangtang very expensive, the kind that is worth a thousand dollars for a smile?"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

It's shameless when it comes to stinking, I'm willing to bow down to your father!
Ji Xiang quickly laughed and pulled over: How can His Highness be so cute?

It turns out that the emperor has quite a few heirs, either dull or arrogant, the Seventh Highness is better.

Your Highness Seventh, she is the cutest and cutest.

Jixiang grinned wide, his smile was almost bubbling, and when he looked up, he saw Feng Hanchu's unkind gaze: "What are you looking at?"

He hugged Tuanzi tightly in his arms, and covered her face with his sleeves, with a fierce look of killing gods and gods, and killing gods when encountering Buddhas.

Jixiang was so scared that he couldn't find his home right away: "The slave is watching, watching the mountains and rivers that His Highness the Seventh Prince has made for the emperor."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Don't you think you're awesome?
Tangtang: "..."

Hey, the round-faced uncle is very discerning.

She also stretched out her little claws, gave Ji Xiang a thumbs up, and shook it vigorously.

Auspicious, that beauty, is not afraid of anything anymore, and she also stretched out her thumb, doing the same action as her.

Feng Hanchu was so angry that his liver hurt, he put the pastry into his arms, and when the car curtain was opened, no one showed it: "Go!"

In front of the imperial gate, the tribute scholars who came to participate in the palace examination had been divided into two factions, the left was for the literary examination, and the right was for the military examination.

In the morning, Feng Hanchu personally wrote the questions, and the tributes of liberal arts took the examination in the Ziwei Hall behind the imperial gate; then Feng Hanchu went to the teaching field to watch the martial arts competition.

In the afternoon, the Bachelor of Shangshu will seal up the examination papers for review. Three days later, Feng Hanchu will call for a match in person to select the No. [-] scholar and Tanhua, and then give them a corresponding official position.

When the tuanzi was sent to the throne on the high platform outside the imperial gate, all civil and military officials, princes and princesses had almost arrived.

On her left are the Prince and Feng Mingxiu brothers, on the right is Yan Gui, followed by Tang Jiao Qianshuang, and Yu Ji and Xi Tong who have removed the medicine cloth.

Under the stage are the scholars of Chongwen Museum and Gong Xue, no matter where they are, they always look like they are fighting.

Seeing her coming, the staff from the Chongwen Museum quietly raised their small fists to shake at Gong Xue's, but they were arrogant.

Gong Xue was not to be outdone, glanced at the prince and Feng Mingxiu, and waved his fist at Chong Wen Guan.

The children on the high platform couldn't sit still, and they didn't know which minister started the topic of guessing the champion candidate, and the discussion was in full swing for a while.

Tuan'er, who likes to be lively the most, said confidently: "Wen Zhuangyuan must be brother Jingyun. He has a lot of knowledge and a lot of talent."

The prince didn't speak, Feng Mingxiu couldn't sit still, blushed and said, "Senior brother Tang Bi from Gongxue, with a calm mind and brilliant literary talent, must be him."

They were arguing at the top, and the people from the palace school below shouted "Brother Tang Bi", and the people from the Chongwen Museum shouted back "Xie Jingyun Bisheng".

If it weren't for Yumen, they would have to fight again.

Tuanzi is a protective Tuanzi, he said, "It's Brother Jingyun!"

Feng Mingxiu also lost his temper when he was arguing, he was not as shy as before, he straightened his neck: "Senior Brother Tang Bi!"

"Brother Jingyun!"

"Brother Tang Bi!"

The big one and the young one stood on their seats so loudly, the prince was neither persuading left nor right, stretching out his hands not knowing what to do.

Tuanzi looked no better than Feng Mingxiu, and started to pull back support: "Brother Yangui, do you think it's Brother Jingyun!"

Yan Gui, who was drinking tea, slowly narrowed his eyes: "Young Master Tang Bi of Gongxue comes from a family and has a long-standing reputation. He is a romantic figure with extraordinary talents..."

The dumpling on one side looked at him with drooping eyebrows. If it had a small tail, it would be able to hang on the ground.

Although she didn't say anything, the accusation of "Brother Yan Gui, how could you do this" was clearly written in her big eyes.

Young Master Xiao, who was pointing Jiang Shan just now, changed his words without any trace: "But it may not be as talented as Young Master Xie, sister, don't be sad."

Tuan'er, with his tail hanging down, ignored him, got down from the table aggrievedly, squatted on the throne, and lowered his head to button the shark beads on his boots.

Yan Gui, who got into trouble, was so panicked that his hands and feet went limp: "Sister, brother was just joking just now, don't be angry."

Cold and indifferent: "If you don't support Tangtang at the critical moment, go away, Tangtang doesn't want to talk to you!"

Yan Gui's face was almost drained of color: "Brother is not, brother is not, sister don't ignore me."

The onlookers watched the excitement triumphantly: You screwed up your game, you deserve it for making you eat vinegar!

Yan Gui cautiously stretched out his hand to tug on Tuantuan's little robe: "Sister, brother, can I tell you a story?"

"Do not listen."

"How about a cake?"


"Then you beat your brother to vent your anger?"

"Do not hit."

The corners of Yan Gui's mouth curled up: "Then sister still loves brother, right?"

Everyone: "..."

Boy, where do you get your confidence?
Yan Ling and Tang Jiao glanced at each other: Why, after the young master was taken away by the two idiots, he was taken away by Tie Hanhan again?
Tuanzi snatched back the little robe, and arrogantly turned away from him.

Yan Gui was in a hurry, but the palace test ceremony would start soon, so he had to endure it.

There were a total of 100 candidates for the literary test. They paid homage to the kings and teachers of heaven and earth, and then entered the Ziwei Hall for the exam. All the candidates for the martial arts test came to the military field.

When Tuanzi was waiting for Ming Wu Ci to appear on the stage, he still cared about Ziwei Hall, and secretly tugged Qian Shuang's big hand:
"Sister, go to the Ziwei Hall and wait to see how brother Jingyun is doing in the exam. Tangtang will go find him as soon as this is over."

After Qian Shuang left, he came back in just one or two martial arts tests.

Tuanzi was about to go to cheer Mingwu Ci: "Did you finish the exam so soon?"

Qian Shuang's eyebrows were frowned: "Young Master Xie missed the exam today, and the chief examiner said that he was the only one who didn't come."

"What's going on, brother Jingyun is sick?"

Tuanzi stood up from his seat with a whimper: "But he was fine yesterday."

"The subordinate sent someone to ask. Please be safe, Your Highness. Someone should send a message soon."

Tuanzi was absent-minded when he was cheering for Mingwu Ci. After a while, he turned his head to look in the direction of Ziwei Palace, and then muttered: Why didn't you come, what an important palace test!

Not long after, Qian Shuang ran up to her and whispered, "Your Highness, something happened to Young Master Xie's house."

(End of this chapter)

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