Chapter 407

Buchen felt that he was too ugly, and he was determined not to let Tuanzi see him take off the white gauze.

Even though Tuanzi acted coquettishly, sneered and cried, exhausted all means, he was finally imprisoned in Xitong's bamboo flower ball.

All the curtains in Chenyue Palace were lowered.

The dumpling just stayed in the bamboo flower ball and rolled around, with its claws on the flower ball, stretched out its little head to look hard, and pricked up its small ears to listen hard.

When will the fairy daddy's eyes get better, don't become cross-eyed.

After a while, Xi Tong's voice came from inside:

"Miraculous Doctor Bu couldn't help but shouted out, giving birth to flesh and blood is something ordinary people can't bear, no one will laugh at you."

After a long time, I heard Bu Chen's weak voice: "It's nothing, I can bear it."

Xitong didn't say anything anymore, and accelerated the speed of planting eyes for him.

The dumpling was about to suffocate in the flower ball, and finally heard Xi Tong clap her hands: "Okay... Hey, Bu Chen, wake up!"

Tuanzi became more and more anxious as he listened, and rolled the little flower ball into it. Xi Tong didn't have time to react, and she was directly pushed on the flower ball:

"Okay, your fairy daddy is fine, he just passed out from the pain, rested for a few days to recover his strength, and he will be alive and kicking again."

He released monkey balls bouncing around and bumping their heads.

Monkey Tuanzi jumped up to Bu Chen's pillow, stretched out his paws, and gently touched his eyes covered by the medicine cloth: "When will the eyes of the fairy daddy grow?"

Xi Tong cleaned her hands and thought: "It will probably take one, two, three, four, five, six months?"

Tuanzi pursed his mouth, "It's almost next year!"

Xitong smiled: "The sea silk used for sutures will take at least a month to melt, and the snake shell bones will take at least three months."

"Not to mention the light of the aurora beads wrapped in the bamboo flower essence, which melts into the eyes, allowing him to feel the light and colors of the outside world. It will take at least three years, take your time."

Tuanzi touched Bu Chen's eyes distressedly: "Three years later, the fairy father will see it?"

"It's not necessary. After one month, the medicine cloth is removed, and the general outline can be seen. After that, it gets better day by day, and it's completely the same as a normal person. That's three years."

Tuanzi nodded: "Thank you brother Xitong."

Xitong waved her hand: "When the last two bamboo flowers are used up, the bond between you and me, Xiao Yuanxiao, will disappear completely, and it will be indefinite in a month."

Tuanzi kicked his feet, a little sad: "Then what if Tangtang misses Brother Xitong in the future?"

"Use conch."

Xitong gave her the conch from the hairpin: "I'm in a good mood, maybe I can listen to it."

Tuanzi grinned, put the little conch in his pocket, and stayed with Buchen for a while before tiptoeing out.

Su Qingyun was sitting outside, seeing her coming out, she hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

The dumpling danced and repeated Xi Tong's words: "Fairy Daddy will see Tangtang in a month, are you happy, rich dad?"

Su Qingyun turned her head arrogantly: "Not happy."


"Why is Dad happy when he sees you?"

Tuanzi stretched out his claws to poke him: "I can see Tangtang, and I can also see rich daddy, as well as glamorous daddy and general daddy, Tangtang is going to tell daddies the good news!"

She jumped up and down, dragging Su Qingyun to the Ziwei Palace.

Today is the imperial examination. Twenty outstanding tribute students were selected from the last examination paper. Feng Hanchu personally asked them some questions.

When Tuanzi arrived, the results had already come out. The number one scholar was Tang Bi from Gongxue, and the second place and Tanhua were two tribute students from Gongxue and Chongwenguan respectively.

Feng Hanchu bestowed official positions and awards on them, and decreed that they would be rewarded to various mansions, and also gave imperial horses, and invited the number one scholar to parade in the streets with hairpin flowers.

It was lively, and I don't know which minister came out to play:
"Your Majesty, I have always been a refined and beautiful woman, with a lot of romantic stories. The number one scholar of the Tang Dynasty is in the prime of his youth this year. It's time to think about lifelong affairs."

When he said this, the courtiers agreed one after another, and those who had daughters wanted to recruit such a champion son-in-law from a family.

The discussion went on and on, and someone added: "The number one scholar of the Tang Dynasty was the Duke of the state for three generations, and the ancestors of the Tang family gave birth to four empresses. They are so rich that only golden branches and jade leaves can match them."

Feng Hanchu's face darkened immediately.

He won't be so stupid as to think that everyone is talking about the submissive Feng Yunxue, and that this is a cake for his family.

A white glutinous cake that just turned seven years old, are you human?

Although he also thinks that his family's Hanhan Cake is so good that it is outrageous, if it were him, he would marry such an excellent wife for his child.

But the world is so cruel, the cake is his family's cake, want to abduct it?
Dream it, there is everything in the dream!
Then the more the courtiers discussed, the more they felt that Ziwei Palace was as cold as an ice cellar, and the gloomy chill came from the emperor and General Xuan who held the long sword.

Before dying, everyone unanimously chose to shut up.

The emperor, who was slightly comforted, took the cake out from behind the screen: "Do you want to choose a son-in-law?"

Tuanzi shook his head reservedly: "Don't choose."

The flattered emperor: "Why, do you think you can't find someone as beautiful and outstanding as Daddy?"

Amid the constant coughing, Tuanzi said in embarrassment:

"Because Tangtang has too many choices, there are so many brothers, the master said that you should be careful when choosing a son-in-law!"

Feng Hanchu: "..."

Shameless on stinky, little pastry, the gap between father and you can go around the whole girder a hundred times!

He still didn't give up and asked: "For example?"

"Brother Yangui, brother Nie Fuan, brother Jingyun..."

Run, daddies want to eat people!
Under the murderous eyes of the fathers, the dumpling who stabbed the hornet's nest ran away from the palace in an instant with short legs.

Today's palace examination results were released, and the alley was empty with thousands of people waiting on the side of the road to see the No. [-] Scholar. On the other side, Xie Jingyun left the small courtyard with Madam Xie's coffin.

Tuanzi and Mingwuci drove two small carriages, filled with food and clothing, and waited for him: "Sister Tangtang and Wuci sent brother Jingyun out of the city gate."

The eyes of the two girl groups were red, and Xie Jingyun's heart was also sour. Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing.

After leaving the city, I saw Feng Chunlin's pony carriage by the side of the road, and there were a few official errands at a distance.

Tuanzi jumped off the horse and handed the car to Xie Jingyun: "Brother Jingyun, take care all the way, remember to write to Tangtang, waiting for you when you come back."

Xie Jingyun lifted up his little robe solemnly, and kowtowed to Tuanzi: "Jingyun will live up to his oath."

Tuanzi and Mingwu Ci pulled him up one by one, holding three little hands together.

Xie Jingyun reluctantly let go of them, carried the burden on his back, and drove the ox cart carrying the coffin: "Let's go—"

The ox cart staggered, and Tuanzi moved his tear-wiping claws, "Wait, brother Jingyun—"

She ran over recklessly, pushed open the coffin lid, and a ray of blue-purple consciousness suddenly rushed out and rushed towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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