I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 413 Bloodthirsty Mochi Infestation

Chapter 413 Bloodthirsty Mochi Infestation

"His Nineteenth Prince is really everywhere!"

The black robe national teacher was not surprised when he saw Yan Gui, he seemed very happy:

"Your Highness's all-powerful ability is used to protect a little girl, but if you protect it for a while, can you protect it for a lifetime?"

He turned his head and looked at the ball that shrunk himself into a ball: "What Emperor Zun wants, he has never been unable to get it. Has His Highness still not understood this point?"

Yan Gui clenched the saber in his hand: "Why don't you give it a try?"

The black-robed national teacher laughed loudly: "Your Highness is always by Princess Liang's side, don't you know the magical effect of these shark tears?"

"I don't want to do anything to Your Highness, please get out of the way, and I will give His Highness a few more pills to suppress the poison, how about it?"

Yan Gui suddenly smiled: "Okay, then, thank you, National Teacher."

The black-robed national teacher couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but felt that something was wrong. Before he could react, Yan Gui's knife had already aimed at his heart and flew towards him.

There was a cold light on the blade, more lonely than the starlight tonight, wrapped in gusts of cold wind, the wailing of the dead under the blade could be heard in the merman's tears.

The black-robed national teacher was not afraid at all. After all, Merren's Tears were invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and an ordinary knife... was finally inserted into his heart.

When the cold metal pierced his skin, the black-robed national teacher subconsciously took a look, his eyes were full of surprise, and then replaced by horror.

"This, how is this possible, Shark Tears, how..."

As if he remembered something, he turned his head full——

The dumpling behind him was holding a small shark's tear, shaking his claws at him:

"Black-robed villain, are you looking for this? Tangtang put it away, are you surprised?"

She took advantage of Yan Gui's words to attract the national teacher, rescued herself from the magic circle, and then cooperated with Yan Gui tacitly, and took away the shark's tears the moment his knife flew over.

Tuanzi twisted her body triumphantly, stuck out her tongue and made a grimace:
"No matter how powerful you are, the villain Black Robe, you beat Tangtang and Brother Yangui, but you can't beat Tangtang and Brother Yangui."

The black-robed national teacher staggered back a few steps and tried his best to form a magic circle to escape.

Tuanzi jumped high, aimed at his face with a "boom", and punched him directly, knocking the black-robed national teacher to the ground.

"Master said that in the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken by strength is to accept Tangtang's critical blow!"

Tuanzi whistled twice at his fist, then clenched it tightly, accelerated, and ran out a small whirlwind dumpling.

The two little claws gave the black-robed national teacher a rainstorm of pear blossom punches: "Hey, look at the fist, thump, thump, thump——"

In the blink of an eye, the national teacher with a knife stabbed in his heart was paralyzed on the ground, not to mention forming a magic circle, it took a lot of effort to even breathe.

Tuanzi opened his heart, and a kite turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

She pressed the black-robed national teacher's neck with one paw, and raised the other paw high: "Are you still running?"

The black-robed national teacher was dying, and when he rolled his eyes, he was about to die.

Tuanzi refused to let go, and pressed a magic circle on his face: "Don't die, you can only die after Tangtang asks you, Lord Zheng, where did you hide him?"

The black-robed national teacher who could not live but could not die rolled his eyes, his body twitched twice, his eyes widened, and he struggled for his last breath.

Tuanzi shook his claws, hey, a small flame rose from the tip of the claws, and put it in front of the black-robed national teacher:

"You, Tangtang, are all academics. If Tangtang doesn't let you die, there are many ways to do it. If you don't say anything, Tangtang will burn you."

The black-robed national teacher was full of fear, and the outline of a phoenix fire was printed in his gray eyes.

Ordinary fire burns away a physical body, and if it's gone, it's gone. He can still look for it, but Phoenix Fire can burn through his soul, and doesn't even leave him ashes.

"In the……"

Tuanzi pricked up his little ears, and nodded in satisfaction after hearing him finish speaking: "Tangtang knows."

Phew, the little flame burned the clothes of the black-robed national teacher.

He was fixed, unable to move at all, and his hoarse voice could pierce the eardrums:

"You, let me go, I have told the truth, and you won't let it go, you are cruel and will suffer retribution, ah—"

Tuanzi pulled out Yan Gui's knife, and the little short-legged child took a step back:
"Tangtang said that if you don't tell the truth, you will be burned, but Tangtang didn't say that you told the truth, so you won't be burned."

"How did brother Jingyun's mother offend you? Why did you kill her? She would definitely beg before she died, but you didn't let her go."

Tuanzi was holding a bloody knife, and his black eyes were glowing red:
"Brother Jingyun is not your opponent, so Tangtang will help. This is your retribution for killing people. You can't blame Tangtang for being bad."

Before the black-robed national teacher was wiped out, she also robbed his last ray of red and blackened consciousness, and put it in a pocket full of spells:

"Stay honest. When Tangtang finds Zheng Jun, someone will save you, otherwise I will continue to burn you!"

His spiritual consciousness is not as arrogant as Heipao himself, and he is as quiet as a chicken locked in a bag.

Tuanzi patted Doudou very satisfied, and then carried the knife to Yan Gui to send it over: "Brother Yangui——"

Yan Gui sat in the wooden wheelchair and looked at the small dark round shadow, then walked over.

If he hadn't seen the whole process of her attack with his own eyes, no one would have believed that Mengmeng's soft ball is super lethal, especially now that he is holding a bloody knife and grinning with a bright red mouth...

Well, the bloodthirsty glutinous rice balls that haunt the dark and windy night.

Yan Gui hugged himself distressedly: How about going back to the black market and kneeling.

The dumpling standing in front of him wiped the knife clean, took his hand and put it on it: "Your knife, Tangtang picked it up, put it away."

Yan Gui was obedient and clever: "Okay, sister."

Just now it was the devil-level hell wolf dog of Emperor Zun Palace, and now it is my sister's clingy little milk dog, switching freely without blushing.

On the top of the wall, the three-person group watching the excitement rolled their eyes at the same time. How can someone who can be the young master be as shameless as me and other mortals?

The silly group has already forgotten about being offended in the afternoon, and is also happily forgetting about meeting at the Duke's mansion:
"Brother Yangui, why are you here? You are also looking for Zheng Jun. Tangtang asked, and he is here..."

Tuanzi didn't speak yet, the distant flames were slowly approaching, and there were also the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Someone shouted: "Over there, over there, the assassins are over there, arrest them."

The people in the Duke's Mansion were startled, Tuanzi pursed his mouth unhappily, and shook his fists.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Qian Shuang hurriedly got down from the wall: "His Royal Highness, calm down, and leave it to the subordinates to solve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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