I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 416 I Can't Have This Daughter

Chapter 416 I Can't Have This Daughter
Tuanzi scratched Xiaoyuan's face and thought for a while, "It's about what Mr. Zheng Guoguo did in his house, and why he got engaged to Tangtang."

All this stems from the fact that the Duke's wife went to worship Buddha in a temple outside the city.

The temple recently came to a master master with open eyes, who can know the past and future of people. Mrs. Tang is a frequent visitor to this temple, and she made a fortune for Tang Bi when she went there.

According to the hexagram, Tang Bi will be the top student in high school, marry the princess, and reach the pinnacle of life.

The master also told Mrs. Tang that when going down the mountain to go back to the mansion, take a small path and meet a person who can reverse the catastrophe that the Duke's mansion is facing.

Mrs. Tang was skeptical, but she picked up Mr. Zheng Guoguo at the door of Jubao Pawn Shop, and took him back to the mansion as a big killer that could prevent disasters.

Later, Tang Bi won the first prize, and the hexagrams calculated by the master came true one by one.

So Tang Guogong wanted to make a final effort to complete the matter of Princess Shang, so that Tang Bi could reach the pinnacle of his life.

Now there are only two princesses left under Feng Hanchu's knees, one is unfavorable and the other is the eyeball.

Tang Guogong would not be so stupid as to let Tang Bi marry Feng Yunxue, so he ran to the imperial study room and said that he wanted to marry the seventh princess.

Who knew that at the last step towards the pinnacle of life, he died young.

Tang Bi not only did not do what the master said, but also gave up the idea of ​​marrying a wife. The first sentence after being woken up by Tang Guogong:

"I want to become a monk, Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, this is the rest of my life!"

Said impassioned, vowed.

Xuan Mo who was talking about it began to doubt whether the lump in his arms really treated Tang Bi like this or that.

Otherwise, why Tang must have been completely hopeless when he woke up?

Xuan Mo tentatively opened his mouth: "Tangtang, tell Daddy the truth, shut him in the house, did you do something, um..."

Tuanzi looked vain, lowered his head and met his paws: "Tangtang lifted him up and threw him into the chair, does that count?"

The corners of Xuan Mo's eyes twitched: "And then?"

"Tangtang held a big knife and said to him, 'If you are dishonest, Tangtang will strip you off'. In fact, Tangtang wanted to say that you would strip and throw it in the pool for soaking, but before Tangtang finished speaking, he started crying. gone."

Xuan Mo felt that he couldn't breathe, so he patiently taught Tuanzi: "Tangtang, don't pant when you speak next time."


Tuanzi nodded his head, turned to Zhuo'er, and asked in a low voice: "Return, do you want to say more?"

"Tell me..."

General Xuan started to break the pot, and his own daughter was about to spoil her crying.

"Then Tangtang told him that if you cry again, I will hang you up and spank you. As a result, Senior Brother Tang Bi cried even more sadly."

Tuanzi pursed his small mouth sadly: "Usually the glamorous daddy is so fierce, Tangtang didn't cry, why did he cry?"

Xuan Mo: "...some words, they cannot be said in tandem."


Xuan Mo heaved a long sigh: "Tang must be 16 years old, if he can be spanked at the age of six, this age is very indecent."

Tuanzi accepted the criticism with an open mind: "Tangtang knew he was wrong."

Then she stretched her little neck, and shouted into the room: "Senior brother Tang Bi, I'm sorry, Tangtang shouldn't say hit you..."

General Xuan's hands were sharp, and he held down the restless Tuanzi: "...don't worry about him, just keep talking."

"It's gone, the rest is what Senior Brother Tang Bi told Tangtang, oh, yes—"

Xuan Mo's heart that had just been let go was pulled up again by her "Yes": "Huh?"

Tuanzi said in a low voice: "Brother Tang Bi finished the matter, let Tangtang go away quickly, and then Tangtang said, 'If you dare to lie to Tangtang, Tangtang will come to you every night'."

Xuan Mo: "..."

Tang Bi made a fuss about wanting to become a monk because it was light. If he was in a bad mood, he could hang himself on the spot.

This girl is no longer available.

The more Xuan Mo looked at her, the more angry she became, but Tuanzi looked silly, full of naive curiosity about the world, as if she could justify everything she did.

He couldn't bear to be beaten, and it was impossible to scold, Xuan Mo sighed a long time, and lifted his daughter out and put her on Gaifeng's back:
"Tell the Duke that today's incident happened suddenly, and the hidden secrets are not something he can bear alone. If you want an explanation, you can go to the emperor tomorrow!"

If you don't sell out big brother at this time, why don't you keep it for the New Year?
Qian Shuang also summoned the shadow guards to follow him back, but saw Yan Gui sitting where he was, and asked curiously:

"Young Master Xiao won't go back to the palace, and won't you go back to the other garden?"

"General Qian Shuang, go slowly." Yan Gui cast his gaze into the room, "I still have something to say to Tang Guogong."

He spoke calmly, as if he was talking about the bad moonlight tonight, but the coldness in his tone could almost freeze people.

Qian Shuang shuddered and left quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Guo announced that he did not come, saying that he was bedridden due to a serious illness and had invited many doctors, so he did not dare to come to discuss an explanation with Feng Hanchu again.

After school, Tuanzi rushed to the Chongwen Museum and wanted to go back to Qinyuan. Finally, Zheng Jun asked the whereabouts of the shadow in the mirror.

Standing beside the carriage was Tang Jiao and Yu Ji, uncharacteristically they did not fight, but looked more serious:
"Your Highness, Zheng Jun woke up, and the slave didn't even ask any questions, so he took the initiative to explain that the national seal was taken away by the black-robed national teacher long ago, and the forbidden technique should not be in it."

"The black-robed national teacher said at the time that the Zheng people could come to pick him up only with the national seal as evidence. He was also afraid of the people in the emperor's palace, so he handed it over, but the black-robed national teacher broke his promise."

Tuanzi was stunned: "Is what he said true?"

Yu Ji nodded: "It doesn't look like a fake, master, what should we do next?"

Without the shadow in the mirror, Feng Weilan and Mrs. Xie's consciousness cannot be brought back. Will that allow them to continue to be trained as evil spirits, and then come back to hurt everyone?
No, you must get it back.

She jumped into the pony carriage: "Go to Wugu Restaurant first, and ask brother Nie Fu'an about the situation."

He is the owner of the black market, so he should know other ways to get back his consciousness, right?
The pony carriage stopped in front of the restaurant, and Nie Fuan greeted her early: "Miss Tangtang."

Tuanzi pursed his mouth, and followed his example and bowed: "Master Nie, how are you?"

Nie Fuan's knees softened, and he almost knelt for another two hours, his head was almost stuck in the soil, his cheeks were flushed:
"Is Miss Tangtang still angry with Fu'an? Fu'an can explain, or he can continue to kneel until Miss Tangtang is satisfied."

Tuanzi groaned: "Then Tangtang let you kneel here for a day, ten days and a month, are you willing?"

Nie Fuan gritted his teeth: "Yes."

"Then forgive you for now."

Tuanzi stepped squarely into the private room of the restaurant with his claws on his back: "Tangtang has something to ask you, the imperial seal has been taken away, brother Nie Fu'an, is there any other way to get back his consciousness?"

(End of this chapter)

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