I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 418 Jealousy is about to bubble

Chapter 418 Jealousy is about to bubble

Listening to the sound of clanging and clashing weapons outside, the little round face of Tuanzi became confused, "Why did you assassinate Tangtang, just because Tangtang was rich?"

Before she could figure it out, two more courageous assassins had already come to kill her.

A dense rain of arrows made Tuanzi and Yangui unable to lift their heads. At the same time, two masked men in black jumped into the small carriage holding heavy swords.

There was a fierce light in their eyes, and they chopped at the two children in the carriage from left to right.

With a sound of "ding dong", the two big knives that came through the air suddenly broke, and the broken knives flew out and stuck on the wall of the carriage.

The two masked men suddenly seemed to be immobilized by something, stood in place, and looked at their weapons at the same time.

The two big knives have exactly the same fracture, and they are neat.

Who is it that can do this...

As a killer, he was still alert. At that moment, the two of them turned their heads together.

Standing on the shaft of the car was a young man in black, with demonic features and charming smile, but the knife in his hand was cold and dripping with blood.

His dark eyes looked at them coldly: "Aren't you dead?"

This sentence was like a terrible incantation, the two assassins instantly plopped to their knees and fell on the carriage.

Before he died, he took a last look at the front chest, and there was an extra wound there, deep and deep, with deep bones.

Looking at the two corpses lying in front of him, Tuanzi silently moved his short legs to the depths of the carriage.

"Sister, don't be afraid."

Yan Gui glanced at her, but didn't come in, but kicked the people down one by one, and guarded outside with a knife.

In front of the car, Qian Shuang led the shadow guards to fight with the overwhelming assassins.

On the roof of the car, Yu Ji and Tang Jiao sat side by side to ensure that these people would not be able to attack Tuanzi, not even a stray arrow.

So the group, who had nothing to do, squatted on the carriage, watching the dark assassins and the bright red shadow guards fighting fiercely.

Too many people.

Although the shadow guards can fight ten times with one, the number of assassins is obviously more than ten times that of the shadow guards, and their weapons are heavy and big, and they will hurt them if they sweep them.

After fighting for a long time, everyone was exhausted, seeing that the shadow guards were exhausted.

Usually, Tuanzi walked sideways in the capital, or jumped up and down, and no one dared to stop them, let alone stab them.

I don't know where these assassins came from today. No matter how seriously injured their bodies are, they don't seem to feel pain. Unless they fall down, they will keep attacking.

Tuanzi patted his claws, tilted his head to look at the roof of the car: "Brother Yuji, you sing."

Tang Jiao whistled here, and the shadow guards fighting ahead, led by Qian Shuang, all retreated in an instant.

The assassins glanced at each other, unable to understand what was going on, and just about to rush up, they heard a burst of singing, the tune was extremely beautiful, so beautiful that it made one's hair stand on end.

Soon, they were lost in this weird tone, as if something was tearing their bodies, they kept resisting, but it didn't help.

Then watched helplessly as the shadow guards came over, tied them up, and threw them on the side of the road to form hills one after another.

The singing continues.

The shadow guards who had finished their work glanced at each other innocently: "What's wrong with the king today? Why are you singing endlessly?"
I saw the bright red fish walking back and forth, pulling up everyone's ears, groaning twice, and then changing to another one.

In the end, Qian Shuang couldn't stand it anymore: "Your Highness, if you don't let the king stop, General Xuan will come over later, and the Xuanwu Army will also be brought down."

Then the king will be sliced ​​into fish fillets by General Xuan.

Yu Ji, who was having fun, was like a two-fish. She yelled for a long time but didn't come back. She couldn't be persuaded anymore. Tuanzi threw Qianlisuo out and tied the fish: "Let's go."

The shadow guard stayed to watch over the mountain of assassins, and the pony carriage ran away, dragging away Yu Ji who was still showing off her singing voice.

The king was dragged all the way back to the palace, he was out of breath from running, and finally collapsed on the ground, gasping heavily, and stopped singing.

The assassination on the street was too loud, as soon as Tuanzi entered the palace, he saw the three fathers running out in a hurry.

Bu Chen endured the severe pain in his eyes, and his figure became thinner due to the torture. Now he can just get out of bed and walk around, and even after running this short distance, he can be blown down by a gust of wind.

When Tuanzi saw it, he rushed forward with his short legs: "Father Immortal, Tangtang is here, Tangtang is not injured, don't worry."

Bu Chen staggered a step, reached out to touch Tuanzi's little head, hugged her into his arms, and said tremblingly, "It's fine."

The other two fathers are almost bubbling with jealousy.

However, seeing that Bu Chen, who could be crushed to death with one hand, had no choice but to give way to him in action.

Feng Hanchu grabbed Tuanzi's left paw and placed it on his chest:

"Daddy is so scared that he can't feel his heart when he heard the news. If you touch the little cake, is Daddy's heart still there?"

Gong Ziyun didn't show any weakness either, he took his daughter's right paw and placed it on his face:
"Tang Xiaoguai, take a look, take a good look, Dad was so scared that his face turned pale, and he aged a lot in an instant."

Feng Hanchu sneered: "You still have face?"

Gong Ziyun retorted, "Are you still alive?"

Bu Chen said coldly, "Let go."

The two fathers agreed at the same time: "Don't let go, did you show your face?"

The scenes of "four fathers competing for favor" and "four bosses stepping on each other" are performed a hundred times every day, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

Tang Jiao and Yu Ji said in unison: "Jun Zheng is still in Qinyuan, let's go back and watch."

Qian Shuang also ran away immediately: "The subordinate is going to inquire about the situation of the assassin."

There was only Yan Gui, who was sitting in a wooden wheelchair in a stable manner, so he was tortured by the souls of the three fathers: "Why is Young Master Xiao still here?"

Do you want to be more than others, or want to be less than others?

Yan Gui let out an "oh" and touched her stomach:
"I'm a little stuffed with pastries today. My sister is too enthusiastic. She just feeds her and keeps feeding her. It's hard for Yan Gui to refuse, so she can't walk now."

The three fathers almost ran away: "..."

Why didn't it kill you?

Tuanzi looked at it, no, wow, this is the rhythm of the war, and quickly shook his big hand:

"There are pastries in Tangtang's bag, they are delicious, and I will feed them to my father, do you want to eat?"

The faces of the three fathers could be frozen three feet: "...Eat."

After finishing speaking, she smiled triumphantly at Yan Gui, what's the big deal, the girl will just feed her, keep feeding her father!
Yan Gui didn't show any special emotion, he covered his lips lightly, and burped a little bit:

"I'm really full, I'm sorry."

Three fathers: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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