I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 421 To become the most honorable princess

Chapter 421 To become the most honorable princess

Who is this voice, Feng Yunxue?

Tuanzi didn't hear it for a long time, he didn't seem to be from the palace, could it be an assassin again?

Or the living dead, black-robed villains, evil spirits?
Tuanzi's little fist was about to swing to the other side of the wall, but he couldn't startle the snakes. If they were alarmed, what would they do if they jumped over the wall in a hurry?

She raised her small claws and made a quiet gesture to He Baibai, then squeezed a small magic circle to see the situation outside the wall.

It was really too dark here, and it took me a long time to see Feng Yunxue's face and the figure of the person beside her clearly.

It looked like a man, wearing eunuch's clothes and a black gauze hat, his face could not be seen clearly because his head was bowed and bent.

Moreover, he was standing in a very unique position. No matter how Tuanzi moved the circle, he could only see his figure, and he couldn't even see his side face clearly, which was too cunning.

But his aura is very scary, at least Feng Yunxue's face turned pale after listening to him: "No, no, I don't want to die, no, I want to live."

The man then laughed, with a hoarse voice: "So the Sixth Highness is still obedient, and don't refuse again in the future, or you will know what will happen."

After speaking, the figure disappeared in a flash.

Although I don't know who he is, it is obvious that this is a person who practices magic arts, and his cultivation level is not low.

Tuanzi's big eyes fixed on Feng Yunxue in the magic circle, wondering how on earth she provoked this person.

Apart from Qin Tianjian, who observes the sky, and Qianlongwei, the confidant of Daddy Meiyan, there will be no other people who can perform magic arts in the palace.

But these people all swear their allegiance to the beautiful father, how could they have a relationship with Feng Yunxue in secret?
Tuanzi pursed her mouth, watching Feng Yunxue walking in a daze in the circle, she also followed slowly, and by the way released a little butterfly to inform her fathers.

Feng Yunxue walked out from under the dark wall, returned to the Qionglin banquet, said that she was not in good health and went back to the palace, and no one doubted her.

Tuanzi followed her all the way.

There were not many palace people on the road, and most of them went to watch the excitement, so Feng Yunxue returned to the palace quietly without disturbing anyone.

The first thing she did after returning to the palace was to drive out all the palace people in the palace.

There were only a few people serving her, and everyone's thoughts were all on the lively banquet, so they all ran away now, so the eunuch-like person almost swaggered in.

Tuanzi's two feet were hanging on the beams in front of the palace, hanging upside down to look into the palace.

The eunuch finally showed half of his face in the candlelight. He was not very old, about 40 years old, but... isn't this Zheng Jun?
Tuanzi rubbed his big eyes vigorously, and looked at it carefully: that is the Zheng Jun who was locked in Qinyuan, wow, he doesn't even know kung fu, can he know magic tricks?
But how did he escape? Even though sister Tang Jiao was looking at him, she didn't say he was gone?

Tuanzi wished he could get into the house, grab him and ask him for clarification.

At this time Zheng Jun spoke, and took out a bottle and put it in Feng Yunxue's hand:
"There are a lot of people at Qionglin banquet tonight, if we don't start now, do we have to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"In the future, if you go to see the emperor alone, if there is anything wrong with him, he will suspect you. It seems that you still don't want to live."

Feng Yunxue grabbed the bottle, lowered her head and kept trembling: "I, I, I, I'm afraid..."

Zheng Jun said again: "What are you afraid of? In front of your father, the task will be completed once the bottle cap is lifted, and you don't need to do other things."

Feng Yunxue looked at the bottle in his hand with a white face: "Can this really collect father's divine sense and control his every move?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Zheng Jun giggled: "Don't you want to be the most honorable princess in the world, without having to bear the eyes of the servants, and snatching everything Feng Chenyue has?"

Feng Yunxue's eyes gradually became ruthless: "Think."

"Then go."

She seemed to be controlled by something, muttering to herself: "I want to be the most honorable and favored princess, and I want to trample Feng Chenyue under my feet..."

As soon as Zheng Jun stretched out his hand, he helped her push open the gate of the palace: "Go, go as much as you want, after tonight you will be the most honorable princess of Daliang."

"Your Highness the Sixth Prince once helped my elder brother escape from Penglai Pond. I will always remember this kindness in my heart. Today is the best repayment for you."

As if bewitched by something, Feng Yunxue firmly held the small bottle and kept walking, and finally even ran:
"I want to be the most honorable princess, I am the most honorable princess..."

Tuanzi rode a crane and flew around her, but she didn't notice it at all, but directly broke into the Qionglin Banquet.

It was very lively here, elegant music was being played at the banquet, and besides drinking to their heart's content, the nearby Wu Jinshi also began to exchange fists and kicks.

When the time came, the fireworks were also set off, many people gathered together, talking and laughing watching, but no one noticed that Feng Yunxue had left and returned.

Against the backdrop of the fireworks, her face looked extraordinarily distorted and fanatical.

She held the bottle tightly, looked at Feng Hanchu, and then shrank her eyes suddenly——

Feng Chenyue, why did she suddenly appear at the banquet, do you still do it?

She looked at the bottle in her hand.

At the same time, Tuanzi also looked at her, and whispered to Feng Hanchu:

"... That's it. That eunuch-like man should be Zheng Jun's younger brother. His skills look pretty good. Father, be careful."

With cold eyes at the beginning of Feng Han, he whispered a few words to Ji Xiang: "...the little pastry covers the palace, don't make too much noise."


Jixiang left quietly with Qianlongwei.

At the same time, Feng Yunxue followed the prince and Feng Mingxiu to toast Feng Hanchu.

She was timid, so she hid behind her brothers, and everyone got used to it. Unexpectedly, Feng Hanchu called her:

"Why did Yunxue hide from her father so far?"

All eyes focused on her in an instant, and Feng Yunxue's face became even paler: "My son, my son..."

There was no trace of a smile on Feng Hanchu's face: "Are you that afraid of Father?"

Feng Yunxue fell to her knees with a thump, and cried loudly in fright: "Your servant should be damned, I made my father unhappy, woo woo woo..."

She cried like pear blossoms with rain, Yale stopped all of a sudden, and everyone looked over.

With the snow on Feng Yun's back, she cried even louder.

Before Feng Hanchu got angry, the queen said softly: "Xiao Wu is not in good health, I'm afraid he has a cold and feels uncomfortable today, come and send His Highness back."

Feng Yunxue trembled all over, and her hands also trembled.

But before the eunuch dragged her down, Feng Hanchu asked, "Yun Xue, what are you holding?"

(End of this chapter)

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