I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 428 My name is Tang Xiaotang

Chapter 428 My name is Tang Xiaotang

I saw Xiaotuanzi wearing a man's robe, with thick eyebrows, two small mustaches on his mouth, and a goatee on his chin.

Beside the gray beard, there was also a dark mole.

This mole is bigger than her eyes, half of her round face is buried behind the mole, and Tuanzi proudly shows off:
"Isn't Tangtang very smart, with such a dress, even the fathers can't recognize it?"

Her little paws pulled the little robe and turned it around in a big circle, holding her little head and shaking it from side to side, waiting for everyone's praise.

Tang Bi looked at Su Qingyun and Bu Chen blankly, and found that these two had expressions of "my daughter is the smartest in the world".

Tang Bi: "..."

Are fathers these days unprincipled, or do they have to be unprincipled?

Tang must be an upright man like steel. The first time he saw this kind of dress, he couldn't bear it anymore:

"Which boy as old as you can grow such a long beard, but it is still gray, do you think you are arrogant...do you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a burst of powerful aura from his second father, No Principle, and almost froze him to death.

Su Qingyun smiled but didn't smile: "Tang Zhuangyuan is indeed so majestic, even the princess is not in his eyes."

Bu Chenyun smiled lightly: "The new official takes office three fires, Tang Zhuangyuan is young and energetic, and I can understand it."

Although the two are not officials in the court, neither of them is weaker than the princes of one side. If it is true, a duke's mansion is really not taken seriously.

Tang Bi was startled, and immediately saluted respectfully: "Tang Bi was rude, please forgive Mr. Su and Doctor Bu."

In the past few days, all I met was that child who caused trouble. I was used to being noisy, and I completely forgot that she was the proud girl of heaven. Today, I lost the rules.

Su Qingyun and Bu Chen were very indifferent, without saying a word, they asked Tang Bi to salute like this, his head was sweating.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Duke's Mansion was extremely tense.

In the end, it was Bu Chen who spoke: "Tang Zhuangyuan joked, there is no reason not to forgive, after all, I have something to ask today, thank you for your help."

How could the Tang family dare to say anything else, so they hurriedly and respectfully took them to disguise themselves.

Tuanzi took off her little beard, washed her little round face clean, and ran back with a rattling, raising her head to look around:
"Hey, fairy daddy and rich daddy, brother Tang Bi, did you hide them?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, who hid them?"

Tang Bi didn't know what was wrong, and when he saw the dumpling, he got angry:
"Don't wear your clothes, come on, follow the butler to change into a servant's clothes, come here quickly."

Tuanzi looked back at Tang Bi step by step: what's wrong with senior brother Tang Bi, he looks like a fire-breathing dragon, just because he saw him taking a bath yesterday?

But Tangtang obviously didn't see anything, what a shame.

She quickly changed into a servant's dress, the robe didn't fit well, and the sleeves and trouser legs were dragged to the ground.

Seeing her staggering away, Tang Bi frowned again:

"What's the matter with you, there's nothing that fits you well? Forget it, go and get Miss Fourth's new dress."

The housekeeper was terrified: "No way, young master, Fourth Miss treasures her red pomegranate dress the most, who wants to touch..."

"No, can you?" Tang Bi flicked his sleeves, "You come to be the young master!"

The housekeeper was so frightened that he hurried away, and when he brought back the dressed dumplings, Tang Bi was dissatisfied again:
"Look at the girl who has nothing on her bun, does she have a hair crown, and can she wear a hairpin? Do you want me to teach you?"

After going back and forth like this four or five times, Mrs. Tang at the door urged me several times, Tang Bi reluctantly felt that the disguise was pleasing to the eye, and he brought the dumpling to join everyone.

Mrs. Tang at the door didn't dare to ask about the princess. As the princess' father, Gong Ziyun touched his chin and said uncomfortably:
"Xiao Chenchen, I think it's a little dangerous."

Miracle Doctor Bu, who was almost stabbed by a needle, stopped after hearing his last sentence: "What's the matter, the black-robed national teacher is nearby?"

"That's not true." Su Qingyun looked at the glamorously dressed girl, feeling very uncomfortable, "Do you know the red pomegranate dress?"

"For the latest dress from my house, there is a deposit of 200 taels, and there is also a red pomegranate dress that was sold out in a quarter of an hour after being queued for two days."

Bu Chen really didn't expect Su Qingyun to discuss skirts with him at this time, he couldn't bear it anymore: "...I don't know, I can't see either!"

The young master didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all: "Oh, yes, it's a pomegranate skirt that you have to put all the beautiful descriptions on it."

"And then?" Bu Chen pulled out a needle.

"I heard that the Fourth Miss of Tang Guogong's Mansion snatched it, and then Tang Bi asked someone to wear it for Tang Xiaoguai. The Fourth Miss's face was swollen from crying because of this. I feel that something is wrong, very wrong."


Bu Chen's emotions were very complicated. For a moment, he didn't know whether the needle was stuck on Tang Bi's body or Su Qingyun's.

Based on the principle of proximity, he raised Su Qingyun into a hornet's nest as soon as he raised his hand. The journey was extremely quiet, and his grievances also dissipated a lot.

At the foot of Cijing Temple, the carriage stopped.

There are many pilgrims here, and in order to show their sincerity, everyone has to walk up the mountain, and the mountain road is quickly crowded with people from the Tang family.

The abbot of Cijing Temple greeted him personally, exchanged a few pleasantries with the old lady, and when he turned his head, he saw the glowing Tuan'er at a glance:

"This young lady looks strange, I don't know which one in the Duke's mansion..."

You can't make up nonsense to deceive the Buddha, and you can't offend the emperor by revealing the identity of the princess. Mrs. Tang is also worried: "Ah, she, she is..."

At this time, Tuanzi ran over with short legs and saluted the abbot:
"Grandfather Abbot, my name is Tang Xiaotang, and I'm Brother Tang Bi's younger sister, right, Brother Tang Bi?"

In order to be realistic, the little claws also grabbed Tang Bi's hand, and the little round face lifted up, looking at Tang Bi with a smile that saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes.

Tang Bi's palms were hot, his whole body was shaking, and he almost threw her out: "..."

The two fathers behind: "..."

The girl named herself is as careless as naming the magic circle!

Bu Chen is just not happy with Tuanzi's name, wearing someone else's clothes, and taking someone else's surname, what is this for?
Gong Ziyun is different, he can see and hear.

Forget about Tang Xiaotang, why do you want to hold hands, as long as you are a little brother who can look a little bit, you should hold hands!
If I can't kill that bald donkey today, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart.

The abbot didn't ask too much, since it was the Duke's housework after all, he took everyone up the mountain.

But Tang Bi was holding a dumpling, and his face was burning red: "You, how can you talk nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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