I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 432 Brother and Brother's Shura Field

Chapter 432 Brother and Brother's Shura Field

"Master Tang has a heart."

Yan Gui asked Yan Ling to take the food box and put it aside, it seemed that he didn't intend to send it in for Tuanzi.

Tang Bi couldn't help being a little annoyed, and even lowered his voice, he could hear a lot of anger:

"Young Master Xiao is too much in charge, even if Emperor Zun is here, His Highness will not easily stop you from eating."

Yan Gui smiled lightly: "I'm a little too busy today, so what can Young Master Tang do?"

Tang Bi: "..."

He was so angry that he tried to use his size and age advantages to maintain his strong aura:
"Tang Xiaotang is my young master's younger sister, do you care? You think this is Emperor's Palace, if you meddle too much, I'll throw you out!"

Yan Gui didn't speak any more, but the meditation room instantly became chilly, almost freezing.

The little monk who was in charge of burning incense knelt down in fright, holding his head and crying.

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay: This Tang Zhuangyuan is very handsome!
Young Master Xiao looks very gentle and easy to bully, as long as he doesn't touch his bottom line, his revenge will not be so earth-shattering, it still sounds very good.

But as we all know, Young Master Xiao's bottom line is his sister.

Tang Zhuangyuan not only touched the bottom line, but also stepped on the bottom line. Why can't young people think about it so much?
The overwhelmed young man still hugged his shoulders and stared at Yan Gui:

"What do you look at, Tang Xiaotang said she is my sister Tang Bi, she has been Tang Bi's sister all her life, so what can Young Master Xiao do?"

Everyone: "..."

To you, you are a man!

Yan Gui hadn't seen such a fierce opponent for a long time, instead he smiled: "Master Tang has a younger sister, why do you want to rob my younger sister?"

Although Tang Bi was forced to take a few steps back under the aura of Young Master Xiao, he still hugged his shoulders, turned his head and argued arrogantly:
"I told you that's my sister, not your sister!"

The onlookers watched this and looked at that: Yoho, there was a fight, a fight, a fight, a fight!
Yan Gui said coldly: "Back then, Tang Guogong followed Zhou Guogong and forced the emperor to die. He wanted to marry Princess Liang to the Young Master, or he would be executed. Young Master Tang forgot about this?"

Tang Bi's already red ears became even redder: "Dang, my grandfather was also deceived by Zhou Guogong at that time."

"After Zhou Guogong was ransacked, Tang Guogong, as the elder of the three dynasties, gave Emperor Liang a book every three days, either blaming the princess for her words and deeds, or insulting her for her behavior."

Yan Gui looked at his pale face: "You said that if she found out, would she still call you Brother Tang Bi?"

Tang Bi took several steps back: "I, I, this has nothing to do with me..."

Pushing the wheelchair close to him, Yan Gui smiled again: "Then tell me something about you."

"Back then Princess Jincheng was still studying in the palace, and she was not as good as Princess Liang in the school exam at the end of the next month. Her followers fabricated rumors to slander her, and Young Master Tang did not contribute much to the flames, right?"

"Three out of ten times out of ten, the people who complained in front of Master Wei and Master Zheng were your attendants and book boys, either because Princess Liang cheated or because she was ambiguous with Xie Jingyun."

He looked at Tang Bi's pale face, and slowly raised his lips: "Do you deserve her as your sister?"

Surrounding audience: "..."

To kill people and punish their hearts, this kind of thing still has to be done by Young Master Xiao.

If it wasn't for the door behind him, Tang Bi would have slipped and fell to the ground. The past is vivid in his memory, and Yan Gui did not wrong him.

Princess Liang's background is strange, but she is the eyeball of the emperor. Even Xun Shengren has a high opinion of her, and she lives chicly and freely every day.

Therefore, the little scholar of Gong Xue was jealous and disdainful, and did a lot of villainous things, even him.

So a few days ago, although I didn't do anything to her when I ran into the Duke's mansion at night, and I knew she was a polite child, I still said very bad things.

Now that Yan Gui said such a thing, Tang Bi felt that his face would be stripped off.

He was ashamed and angry, how could he still stay here, and turned around to leave.

"Wait," Yan Gui pointed to the food box, "Take it away."

Tang Bi is also a person who cares about face. It is impossible to bring back the things he brought back. With red eyes, he said:
"Whatever you want to do with it, feed it to the dogs if you don't want to eat it!"

"Then take it and feed it."

Seeing Yan Ling pick up the two food boxes, Tang Bi was about to cry, but Yan Gui said again:
"The Duke of Tang's government is so sorry to Princess Liang, but the princess risked her life to save the old lady. Will she not avenge her again in the future?"

Tang Bi wanted to beat him to death, his eyes were red and he said: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, Tang Guogong's mansion will be the strongest backing for Princess Liang from now on, and there will never be any second thoughts."

The goal was achieved, Yan Gui laughed this time: "We'll wait and see."

Tang Bi ran so fast, like a rabbit, he tripped over and didn't notice it when he went out.

Yu Ji stretched her neck to look: "It's been 200 years, and I haven't seen a scholar or a fish with smarter hands and feet than him."

Qian Shuang was so curious: "Master, do you still have fish who study in the Shark Demon Kingdom?"

"How did you speak?"

Yu Ji was so angry that she thumped twice: "There are beauties like me in the Shark Demon Country, and naturally there are scholars who are well-educated, no worse than your Liang Country, don't learn from the stinky Yupo!"

Qian Shuang rolled her eyes, and was about to say something when she saw Yan Gui was about to go to see Tuanzi after turning her wheelchair, so she immediately stopped her:

"Young Master Xiao, stay here—"

Yan Gui's expression was ugly: "When will you be able to discipline me?"

"It doesn't mean that!"

Qian Shuang looked at Yan Ling who was distributing food to pilgrims outside, and then at Tuan'er who was sleeping soundly in the room:

"I've heard what Yan Ling said, if you stay closer to His Highness, maybe the mother-child Gu will lose its effect one day, and His Highness won't be the first to be hurt by then?"

Yan Gui's hand on the door stopped, and he slowly closed the door, then turned around resolutely: "Take care of her."

The wooden wheelchair creaked heavily and left, stopped at the door, thought for a while and said:
"The meat that Ah Yue wants to eat has already been made by someone. When I bring it, I wake her up and go to sleep after eating."

What he said seemed to be confessing his last words, and it sounded very sad. Yu Ji and others left before eating the last bite of dried fish:

"Although he is not very good, he is very kind to the owner. I don't know if there is any fish in the food."

Qian Shuang: "..."

I finally realized that I always wanted to kill this fish because of Tang Jiao.

The dumpling was awakened by the smell of the food in the room, and the claws and feet began to move before their big eyes were opened.

Stretch out from under the quilt first, and then move towards the bed a little bit: "Fatty, Rourou, Tangtang is here, don't run away, let Tangtang take a bite—"

Gulu Gulu——

Qian Shuang and Yu Ji didn't react, a ball rolled directly from the bed to the table, the little paws accurately grabbed the spoon, scooped up the meatballs and stuffed them into their mouths:

"Good times—"

(End of this chapter)

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