I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 443 The Arrogant Queen of the Regiment

Chapter 443 The Arrogant Queen of the Regiment
"Has Xi Tong's mouth been opened, what can I say?"

The sky is so dark, the wind and rain are so strong, and there are still pirates. Is there really someone who is more expensive than him?
Su Qingyun ran out of the room with her fan in her hand, and ran all the way to Tuanzi's room, and met Bu Chen on the way:
"Why do you still come out to make trouble? Don't you think your grandpa has enough things? Grandpa has no money to go to the pirates to redeem you!"

Buchen heard the voice and followed him: "You don't need to take care of me, grandson, go find Xiaotangtang."

Su Qingyun couldn't even bother to fight him now, she ran to the corridor and turned to the left, and he immediately slammed on the brakes.

Bu Chen took another two steps, and hearing that he didn't follow, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's the matter, is something wrong with Xiaotangtang?"

Su Qingyun rubbed her chin: "That's not true, it's just that I think we are a little redundant as fathers."

In front of him was a fiery little dumpling with a big knife on his left shoulder and a small green-haired parrot in armor standing on his right shoulder.

Behind him was Yu Ji, who was carrying two sledgehammers, and Qian Shuang, whose sword head was rubbing sparks on the ground.

The two older and the younger walked out of the narrow corridor with the aura of thousands of horses and horses. If it wasn't for his daughter, son Yun would have escaped immediately with an afterimage.

Seeing them from a distance, Tuanzi shouted vigorously, "Fairy Daddy, Rich Daddy, don't be afraid, Tangtang will fight pirates and protect you."

As she spoke, she stretched out her little feet, kicked open the door leading to the porthole, and waved her small fist: "Open the door, let the fish go!"

Yu Ji rushed to the porthole with lightning speed, ignored the strong wind and rain, jumped onto the window, and cleared her throat:
"This seat is going to sing, sing, come, come, come—"

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and almost made the guys faint.

Fortunately, they were all well-trained. The moment Yu Ji appeared, they all blocked their ears, boldly picked up their swords, bows and arrows, and stood on the deck ready to fight.

Dozens of fast boats came running on both sides of the treasure ship.

On the vast sea, these ships are like leaves floating on the water, only one of them is taller, with a vertical mast and a small flag on the mast.

The golden birds are painted on the banner, which can still shine in such a dark sky.

Tuanzi held the two little claws empty-handedly: "What is that, little golden bird, Suzaku, can't it be Brother Phoenix?"

Su Qingyun didn't understand either: "The previous pirate flags were full of knives, swords, and ghost skeletons. This time the pirates are very particular."

Not only is it exquisite, but its combat effectiveness is also very strong.

When they got near the treasure ship, a group of pirates were responsible for shooting arrows to cover, and another group were responsible for throwing hooks to hook the side of the treasure ship.

The last group is responsible for boarding the ship by grabbing the rope on the hook.

The treasure ship was hooked by more than a dozen ropes, and its speed was obviously slowed down, swaying in the wind and rain.

The people on board began to stagger, and some of them couldn't stand without grabbing this thing. The pirates on the clipper saw this opportunity and began to board the ship.

They were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, three or four people were hanging from each rope, trying to climb onto the treasure ship.

Tuanzi saw the timing: "Brother Yuji, sing."

Yu Ji flew into the rain curtain, stood on the highest point of the mast, let go of her throat, and began to sing.

The singing pierced through the rain curtain and immediately attracted the pirates. They dangled from the ropes and stopped slowly.

Yu Ji proudly waved her fins at the dumpling, singing louder and louder.

But it was only for such a moment, and the pirates continued to climb up along the rope.

As if they didn't hear the singing, their speed was getting faster and faster, and they were more agile than wild monkeys in the forest.

The round eyes of Tuanzi were widened, and the little claws were holding the window tightly: "Brother Yuji, is your voice not loud enough?"

But no matter whether Yu Ji raised her voice or lowered her voice, it didn't affect the pirates who climbed the boat at all, and they were approaching the ship's side.

"The burning arrow is ready, let it go!"

A steward among the guys raised a small red flag, and in an instant, all arrows from the crossbowmen fired at the pirates' clippers one after another.

And the guys standing on the side of the ship were already fighting with the pirates with their weapons in hand.

Some clippers were hit by arrows and burned quickly, while others quickly turned their bows, withdrew their hooks, and rushed into the rain again to continue in another direction.

By the side of the treasure ship, hundreds of pirates had climbed up.

They were all tall and fierce, slashing and slashing wildly with their swords.

Su Qingyun had already led Qian Shuang and Yu Ji into the battle, and Tuanzi dragged Bu Chen to a relatively safe room to protect him and Tang Bi who had just arrived.

The shouts and killings outside were loud, and the cabin became more and more quiet.

The treasure ship was shaking violently, the candle flames were blown out by the wind, and the candles and decorations fell to the ground with a thud. The sound from far and near was creepy.

The bald feathers that pecked at the pirate's eyes were soaked, and he ran all the way and shouted: "Kill the bird, kill the bird, Tangtang, save the bird."

The dumpling squatting in Buchen's arms grabbed it and put it in his pocket, and took out the Merman's tears by the way:
"Father Immortal, sit still, Tangtang will sink the treasure boat to the bottom of the water, it will be all right after a while."

"be careful."

Bu Chen didn't hold back all of a sudden, let Feng Huo Tuanzi jump out of the window with a whimper, Tang Bi followed to the side of the boat, and stretched his head to look out.

Just watch Huohong Xiaotuanzi jumping left and right on the deck and the hull, running all the way to a high place, and knocking out a pirate who came to chop her with a punch on the way.

Finally, she successfully climbed onto the mast, piercing the gray-black sky like a flame.

The bird's bald hair, which was in Tangtang's power, flew out, shouting at the top of its voice: "Tangtang haunts, idlers avoid it!"

The merman's tears were thrown into the air by the infested group, forming a huge transparent cover, covering the entire treasure ship in the merman's tears.

The treasure ship dived quickly and soon submerged into the sea.

The hooks on the clippers that hadn't had time to withdraw were cut off by the merman's tear, and the clippers were all overturned by the huge force of the merman's tear.

People in the Merman's Tears could still see the overturned people and boats at first, but then with the Merman's Tears going down, down, they couldn't see anything in the darkness.

The pirates who fell on the treasure ship suddenly lost their light and shouted impatiently, and finally they were all caught by the guys of the Su family.

Tuanzi saw that he was done, so he slid down from the mast, carried the bald hair on his shoulders, and began to patrol the site like the queen.

She picked a relatively young pirate, holding a big knife in one hand, and kicking on his shoulder with one foot, fiercely:
"Tell me, who is your boss? How did you know there was a boat passing by? How long have you been preparing?"

Bald Mao Mao jumped and shouted: "If you are not honest, I will cut off your ears and drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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