I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 451 Displaying a Flying Apsaras on the Spot

Chapter 451 Showing a Flying Apsaras on the Spot

Beijing Bieyuan.

When Yan Gui woke up, he realized that it was night again, and he was always sleeping lately.

In the dream, it was his mother in a black robe, who pressed his hand into the worm box, and grabbed his neck fiercely:

"Don't cry, if you dare to shed a tear, I will press your face in and let the Gu worms bite you."

He was in so much pain that he was shaking all over, as if he was standing naked in the ice and snow, but his mother's face was more indifferent than ice and snow.

It was a pair of soft and beautiful eyes that gave him the warmth to live.

She is small, packed in a gold box, and her mouth is pink and tender: "Brother Yangui, your name is Brother Yangui, right, you have stars in your eyes."

As soon as Yan Gui opened his eyes, he saw the sky full of stars.


The door of the room was pushed open, and then there was a soft call: "Young master is awake, it's time to drink medicine?"

After finishing speaking, Yan Ling walked in along with the bitter soup, and whispered as she walked, "Your Highness is near the deserted island. I heard that His Highness Fourth was beaten very badly."

Yan Gui suddenly smiled, and the hand holding the medicine bowl seemed to gain strength: "Ah Yue has great strength."

Yan Ling couldn't laugh or cry, and read Chen Guo's message to him:

"...The Fourth Highness was held up and beaten by the Young Highness, and was also pressed into the ground and called 'Old Boss, Boss', which means ancestor."

Yan Gui didn't pay attention, choked out a mouthful of medicinal soup, and said to himself: "Then I'm still kneeling in the rain and crying for three days and three nights."

Yan Ling: "..."

Young master, is it really okay for you to be so competitive?
Yan Ling silently rolled her eyes, and put a rolled up picture into Yan Gui's hand: "It is said that this is the little tiger skin skirt that the little Highness changed after he went to the desert island."

Yan Gui unfolded it and took a look——

Xiao Tuantuan's big eyes are shining, exactly the same as in the dream, except that the small head is wearing a small hat woven with turf, with a circle of bird feathers inserted around it.

The character "王" is drawn on the forehead, there are six ink mustaches on the mouth, and a goatee is stuck on the chin.

A majestic little tiger skin skirt, showing white and fat little arms, wrapped around little red's short legs, wrapped in suede leggings, and a pair of little boots.

In his hand was a big knife, and on the back of the knife stood a bald man in armor.

After reading such a picture, Yan Gui forgot to drink the medicine, and Yan Ling beside him had already laughed to the ground.

"Ah Yue, she..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Gui already smiled and frowned, the medicine in his hand was no longer bitter, and he carefully poked the word Wang on her head with his finger.

Yan Ling took the medicine bowl from him: "Your Highness recited the young master three times on the boat today, and let the Silver Winged Butterfly come back. It probably won't arrive until midnight."

Yan Gui smiled, and the smile slowly faded: "I have never hated Xia Ji like this moment."

"Little Lord!"

Yan Gui shook his head: "Ah Yue misses me so much, but I forget her, how can I forget her?"

Yan Ling choked up for a moment: "Young Master, Your Highness won't blame you. When this illness is cured, Young Master will never forget His Highness again."

Yan Gui remained silent, his pale sick face was covered by his drooping hair, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long while, he said: "Feng Tinglie has prepared for a year and bought the old and corrupt members of the Chen royal family. It seems that it is still effective."

"Yes, I just don't know if His Highness the Fourth Highness will take the Young Highness to find 'Bing Shengyan'," Yan Ling couldn't help frowning, "After all, the Fourth Highness and the Little Highness still don't get along."

Yan Gui said: "If you don't agree, just fight, it's simple and effective."

Yan Ling: "..."

"To be a hostage in the Yuren Kingdom or to be a sea lord in the Chen Kingdom is his own choice. The meaning of his existence is to pave the way for Ah Yue. Now he should repay me."

Yan Ling nodded: "The young master has far-sighted plans. Now the situation in the Seven Kingdoms is under the young master's control. When your highness gets the 'Bing Shengyan', the world will be in chaos."

Yan Gui didn't say anything else, and lay back down again, and extinguished the candle with a wave of his hand.

The moonlight came in, and when Yan Ling lowered the curtain, he still saw him holding the portrait, with the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

Tuan in the portrait is squatting on the slope of the deserted island, and behind him stands Tang Bi, who is recording his confession, interrogating Feng Tinglie together:

"It's you, Tangtang hasn't seen you for a long time."

"Aren't you in the Yuren Kingdom? Why did you come here to be the leader of the pirates? Do Meiyan Daddy and Meiren Grandma know?"

Feng Tinglie was tied up like a big rice dumpling, only his mouth could move, remembering that Feng Hanchu had sent him as a hostage to the Shark Queen for the Shark King's bone, he exploded in anger: "Bah!"

Tuantuan narrowed his neck, and jumped back in disgust: "You are so rude."

"Let Tangtang guess, is it Master's friend who sent you here? You guys know each other too, so Tangtang knows your friend?"

Feng Tinglie poked his neck: "You don't deserve to know this prince's young master, you little one!"

Tuantuan's eyes flickered: "If you don't say it, don't say it. Tangtang is here this time to enter the tomb of Emperor Chen. You are the tomb guard. Can you send Tangtang in?"

"No." Feng Tinglie stubbornly turned his head away.

Tuantuan took out Xiao Honghong from his pocket and put it on his lap: "Little Honghong, crawl slowly, where you like."

If it wasn't for his hands and feet being tied up, Feng Tinglie could show a flying sky on the spot:
"Little boy, bad girl, let me go, or I will kill you!"

Tuantuan pursed his mouth and stroked Xiao Honghong's tail: "Look, he's going to kill you, Xiao Honghong run!"


The little red snake got into Feng Tinglie's clothes with lightning speed.

Su Qingyun was still fanning the flames beside her: "Little Tang, Xiao Honghong is poisonous, I remember last time, if I swallowed it down, the whole room died, right?"

"No, it's a yard, bigger than Tangtang's Chenyue Palace."

Feng Tinglie suddenly trembled all over, and jumped into a rage: "You let the snake come out, get out quickly, do you hear me?"

Tuantuan picked out his ears: "Tangtang is not deaf, but you are deaf. Didn't Tangtang say a condition? If you don't agree, you will be eaten up by Xiaohonghong."

Feng Tinglie gritted his teeth: "...It's a deal!"

Tuantuan quickly called out Little Red Snake, then took out a pill and popped it into his mouth:

"This is the 'Tangtang Great Poison Pill'. I will give you the antidote when Tangtang and everyone come out of the imperial mausoleum. If you lie to Tangtang, Tangtang will poison you."


Feng Tinglie was so angry that he jumped on the spot: "You are cruel, don't run away, this prince will have revenge sooner or later."

"Slightly slightly slightly, Tangtang is afraid that you are a pig."

Feng Tinglie was so angry that she rolled his eyes, and he had to agree, what is wrong with the world, why does the young master insist on helping such a little poison!
After entering the imperial mausoleum, if you don't teach her a lesson, you will not be a human being!
Little poison, you wait for this prince!

(End of this chapter)

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