I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 453 Don't Know Like You

Chapter 453

The dumpling jumped up, pushed open the window and stuck out his little head:

"Why did Emperor Chen arrive so soon? Didn't Fatty say there are still three days left?"

At sea in the early morning, the mist filled the air, and nothing could be seen farther away, so we had to send Bald Mao Mao, who could fly but would not be discovered, to investigate.

Feng Tinglie snorted coldly: "This is the tomb of his ancestors, when he wants to come, do you care?"

Tuantuan also groaned: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Haven't you heard of this saying, you weak chicken head?"

Feng Tinglie stood up and pointed at her little nose: "What did you say, say it again!"

"You asked Tangtang to say, Tangtang just said wow?" Tuantuan shook his head and stuck out his tongue, "Tangtang won't say anything, what can you do, just a little bit!"

Standing behind her are the two fathers who are like mountains, and they are also elders. Feng Tinglie dared to be angry and did not dare to do anything, his chest heaved with anger, and he spoke indiscriminately:

"The little bastard who snatched someone else's father!"

The smile on Tuantuan's face disappeared instantly.

Su Qingyun's complexion suddenly became extremely bad: "Feng Tinglie, you used to be just naughty, but now you've been with pirates for a long time, and you've really provoked gangsters."

Bu Chen: "Apologies."

Feng Tinglie opened his mouth, but in the end he still refused to say a word. Why, what did he do wrong?

Yu Ji and Qian Shuang also looked at him coldly.

Feng Tinglie became angry with embarrassment, his neck was red, and he refused to admit defeat: "My prince did nothing wrong, why do you apologize?"

"Anyway, you all look down on me, the prince. You can beat me if you want, and you can scold me if you want. Do it. My prince is a grandson."

Su Qingyun gritted her teeth: "There is no cure."

Bu Chen also shook his head in disappointment: "You are no longer a child, your father is as old as you...that's all."

Everyone went out one after another, and no one paid any attention to him.

Feng Tinglie seemed to have hit the cotton with his fist, and his eyes were full of grievances:

"It was she who robbed my prince's father. If it wasn't for her, would my father just throw me away, huh? My prince scolding her would be considered an advantage to him."

He cursed, looked at Tang Bi who was standing like a wooden stake, and said viciously: "Do you also look down on me?"

Tang Bi shook his head: "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness is a prince, and he should seek peace for the people of the world instead of acting on his own will."

"The emperor couldn't get the Shark King's bone that day. There are two ways. One is His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince was eviscerated, but the lives of the people of the two countries were ruined. If it is His Royal Highness, how should he choose?"

Feng Tinglie was tongue-tied: "My prince, my father... In short, I can't exchange this prince, they just bully me for having no mother."

"The first prince was still there that day, the second and third princes were twins, the emperor was afraid of the vision of twins, and the fifth and sixth princes were girls. May I ask the fourth prince, how should the emperor choose?"

Feng Tinglie was so angry that he turned around in circles: "Then why can't you choose from a family?"

"The bone of the Shark King is the remains of the first king of the Shark Kingdom. For the Shark Queen, if she takes the children of the family as hostages, she will have no sincerity."

Feng Tinglie couldn't find any excuses, he was ashamed and angry, with mixed feelings: "Okay, you, you all help each other, you all see that the prince is easy to bully."

He sat down on the ground, a little playful: "My prince is not going, you go to the imperial mausoleum by yourself."

"Does Your Highness really think that without you, His Highness the Seventh Highness will not be able to enter the imperial tomb?"

Tang Bi pressed on step by step: "Your Highness the Seventh Highness has General Shadow Guard and the Lord of the Shark Demon next to her. Even if she is alone, she can still ask the animals in the imperial mausoleum to help. These are much more useful than His Highness the Fourth Highness."

Feng Tinglie was about to cry out of anger: "...Tang Bi, you are a bully!"

Tang Bi saluted deeply and pulled him up:

"Tang must not dare. The reason why the Seventh Highness took so much effort to invite the Fourth Highness is because of the affection of his family. The opportunity for the Fourth Highness to become famous has come."

Tang Bi's self-confidence was hammered into scum one after another. Now when he heard Tang Bi praise him, he couldn't believe his ears:

"Is what you said true?"

Tang Bi nodded: "There is absolutely no falsehood. His Royal Highness has been here for ten months and has made good friends with Emperor Chen. Now that Emperor Chen is on Huangling Island, it is a good opportunity for His Royal Highness to display his talents."

Feng Tinglie was happy, and waved his hand: "Go, my prince will walk with you."

He strode out and approached Tuantuan proudly: "My lord has a lot of people, and I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Tuantuan is distributing tasks, a group with good water skills quietly approaches Emperor Chen's dragon boat from underwater.

Those who are not good at water will dress up as pirates, and Feng Tinglie will lead them to contact Emperor Chen head-on; if Feng Tinglie is disobedient, use a circle to control him.

But it's all right now, the weak chicken head looks very cooperative.

Tuantuan nodded her head: "TangTang is not as knowledgeable as you, so make peace."

Feng Tinglie stretched out his hand subconsciously, thinking of what happened just now, he retracted his paw again, snorted coldly, and called the children.

While everyone was still disguised, Bald Mao Mao rushed out of the mist and landed on Tuantuan's shoulders: "Big bald head, bare, fleshy, thump thud."

There was a burst of bird chirping, and Tangtang was confused: "You said that Emperor Chen is a big fat hairless man who walks thumpingly?"

Bald Mao Mao jumped up and down twice: "The hairless and fat man needs to be lifted, but five people can't lift it."

"Impossible. Although Emperor Chen is a bald and fat man, he is not so fat." Feng Tinglie shook his head at that time, "The only one who is so fat is Prince Xu."

He was silent for a long time, as if he was talking to himself: "Prince Xu and Emperor Chen have always been at odds, and never appeared when Emperor Chen worshiped the imperial mausoleum. What happened to Emperor Chen?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Tuantuan blinked his big eyes: "Something happened to him, can he still enter the imperial tomb?"

Feng Tinglie nodded: "You can go in. The prince and Prince Xu are very familiar, but neither the prince nor he knows the situation in the pagoda area. If Emperor Chen doesn't come, no one can lead you to find 'Bingshengyan'."

"Shuh", Su Qingyun opened the fan: "Go in first, then talk about other things, play by ear."

The remaining group of people took care of the boat, and the other two groups went into the water, rowed the boat, and slowly approached Chen Di's dragon boat.

Passing through the thick fog, I saw a big black boat docked on the shore. The bow of the boat was shaped like a black dragon, spitting water out.

The Clippers traveled a little further before being stopped by a rain of flying arrows.

Someone in the dragon boat shouted loudly: "Who is this person, back up, back up, or you will shoot an arrow."

While speaking, a group of small boats had already been put down on the dragon boat, rushing towards this side.

Feng Tinglie saw Chen Guo's dead ship rushing over, and immediately turned around to greet everyone:

"Cover your face, hold the weapon tightly, hold the flag, follow behind the emperor... and don't speak."

(End of this chapter)

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