I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 457 I'm Not a Coward

Chapter 457 I'm Not a Coward
"Young master, please slow down, your body can't withstand such torture?"

The whole journey from Liangdu was so fast that even the battle-tested dead soldiers couldn't hold on, let alone the weak Yangui.

Yan Ling kept persuading him while running the horse.

But Yan Gui didn't seem to hear: "Has Tang Jiao left?"

"Let's go. They didn't even return home after hearing the news. They went directly to Chen Guo. After the queen found out, she also sent a navy to protect Her Highness."

Even if this is the case, Yan Gui is not at ease: "The messenger has seen Ah Yue, and told her not to use He Luo's book."

Yan Ling hesitated for a long time, but said cautiously:

"The young master's spies have all become puppets, and they haven't sent back the news that Emperor Chen was imprisoned. I'm afraid the ones sent out this time..."

This is what Yan Gui is most afraid of, because Tuantuan will definitely listen to him.

If the reporter is also a controlled puppet, telling Tuantuan that if she wants to repair the Xumi Bridge, she has to use the Book of Heluo, then she will be finished.

Chen Guo sent troops to encircle the Su family's merchant ships, and there was no one who knew how to use spells, so any black-robed national teacher would be taken away.

Thinking of this, Yan Gui's horse rode even faster, and when he arrived at the ferry, he would be almost there as soon as he got on the boat.

Ah Yue, you must wait for brother.

"Did brother Yangui send you here?"

The merman's tear arrows couldn't penetrate, and the sword couldn't cut open, so the armored army had to send boats to surround this sea area, and attack as long as they showed their faces.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a merman who delivered a letter came from the merman's tears.

He respectfully followed the etiquette of the Merman Kingdom: "Yes, Your Majesty the Holy Maiden, back then you took the slave's conch."

"I belong to the young master. This time I received the order from the young master to deliver a letter to His Highness. The letter was written by the young master himself, and the silver-winged butterfly you left him as proof."

Tuantuan felt relieved now, the letter was indeed in Yan Gui's handwriting, not to mention there was a silver winged butterfly as a token.

This is for Tangtang to keep for Brother Yangui, there is no other beautiful little butterfly in the world.

Tuan Tuan happily took the letter and read it, his big eyes brightened instantly: "Fairy Daddy, Rich Daddy, that little emperor, Tangtang has a solution."

Everyone said in unison: "What way?"

Tuantuan patted his small chest: "Here it is, Tangtang's meridian. The book of Heluo can repair the bridge above. After the repair is completed, everyone will enter the imperial mausoleum together."


The two fathers objected in unison: "The Book of Heluo is your lifeblood. It's just a ruined bridge. It's a big deal. The Book of Heluo cannot be moved."

Tuantuan shook his little head persistently: "No, but if the bridge can't get into the imperial tomb, if you can't get into the imperial tomb, you can't get 'Bingshengyan'."

"If you can't get it, you won't be able to find Feng Weilan's consciousness. If the evil army is released, the fathers and Tangtang will be in danger."

Feng Tinglie suddenly interjected: "What are you guys talking about, what about Feng Weilan, what kind of evil mind."

Tuantuan danced and explained to him: "Little Huang, tell me, should Tangtang build a bridge to enter the imperial mausoleum?"

Sweat dripped from Feng Tinglie's head: "It turns out, but this..."

Buchen squatted down and hugged Tuantuan into his arms: "Little Tangtang, the book of Heluo is not the only way, the forbidden art of the Qiang Kingdom..."


Tuantuan's eyes widened suddenly, and the little claws shook like afterimages:

"Tangtang knows the forbidden technique. Daddy, do you want to pave a long bridge with your own flesh and blood? No, no."

Among the forbidden techniques of the Qiang Kingdom, there are indeed those who use their bodies to form bridges.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Qiang Kingdom used their own flesh and blood to build a bridge leading to heaven in order to communicate with the gods in heaven.

Whether it was successful or not is unknown, but this forbidden technique has been handed down, but it is too cruel to be used even in punishment.

Now it takes several miles to build a bridge from here to Huangling Island.

The fairy father is eight feet tall, forcibly tearing the flesh and soul into such a long bridge, what kind of pain does it look like?
As soon as Tuantuan thought about it, his eyes turned red with grievance: "If Tangtang does this, he will be a bad Tangtang, and a good Tangtang can't hurt Daddy Daddy."

"Little Tangtang listened to what Daddy said."

Bu Chen erased her golden peas: "The reason Daddy is Tangtang's daddy is to protect and take care of Tangtang to grow up well. Daddy will stand in front of Xiaotangtang in all dangers."

"So this time, Xiaotangtang doesn't use the Book of Heluo, it's the same with Daddy."

"do not want!"

Tuantuan stomped his feet vigorously and refused: "Without Daddy Daddy, who will take care of Tangtang when he grows up? Daddy Daddy, you can't lie to Tangtang, you haven't yet, see this world."

Her claws touched Bu Chen's white gauze: "There are still ten days, ten days, the eyes of the fairy daddy will grow, and you will be able to see."

"Daddy has seen the world."

Bu Chen smiled slightly: "I also know the cutest and well-behaved Xiaotangtang in the world, Daddy is not sorry, Xiaotangtang has to listen to Daddy."

"Do not listen."

Tuanzi twisted his little body fiercely, and hugged the little hairpin on his little head: "As long as Tangtang doesn't want to, no one can hurt Daddy Daddy."

Buchen was very patient: "Little Tangtang, listen to what Daddy said..."

"If you don't listen, don't listen, Tangtang just doesn't listen. If you listen, Tangtang won't have a fairy daddy..."

"Daddy is a doctor, he can save people as well as himself, and we, Xiao Tangtang, can also do magic tricks, right, so we won't let Daddy get into trouble."

Tuantuan drooped her little head and shook her head desperately: "Tangtang is not a fairy. The fairy father looks like a fairy, but he is not a fairy either. If he is pulled so long, he can't be rescued, and something will happen."

No matter what Bu Chen said, Tuanzi just didn't agree, buried his little head in Su Qingyun's big sleeve, pouted his butt, and didn't listen to anyone.

Su Qingyun hugged her to coax her, and also persuaded Buchen: "If it were you, would you hurt Tang Xiaoguai?"

Bu Chen was silent for a moment: "This is different, there must be a solution to this matter."

"Do you want to sacrifice yourself again?"

The anger on Su Qingyun's face couldn't be concealed no matter what, she was afraid of scaring the crowd in her sleeves, so she lowered her voice as much as possible:

"At the beginning, you were the one who gouged out your eyes without saying a word, and you asked us to..."

Bu Chen turned his face away: "What to do with the past, the most important thing now is to solve the bridge issue."

Su Qingyun laughed: "Don't think about it this time, no matter what, it's my turn. I'm not a coward! Sweet boy, get up and work!"

Tuantuan kept pushing into his sleeves: "If you don't work, your rich dad will take care of you."

Su Qingyun took her out: "Daddy is just right to go, you know magic tricks, your fairy daddy is barely a doctor, no matter what you can save daddy, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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