I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 463 Daddy is the most beautiful in the world

Chapter 463 Daddy is the Most Beautiful in the World

"How is that beautiful daddy now?"

Tuantuan squeezed his little head out of Bu Chen's arms, stuck out the window and asked worriedly.

Ji Xiang quickly waved his hand: "The emperor is very good, Your Highness, go in quickly, so as not to be stared at by some strange things."

Tuantuan withdrew his little head, and covered it with a curtain: "Then, is there any news about the general's father?"

"General Xuan was trapped in Qiang City. Fortunately, he was equipped with burning arrows and cicada arrows, so the army of Emperor Zun Palace did not dare to attack easily."

"However, they have been besieging the city for a long time, and one day there will be a shortage of food and water in the city, so the general sent people back to the capital to ask for help. Who would have thought..."

Tuantuan turned to Little Claw Claw: "There is still no news of Brother Jiang Kai. Tangtang will go back and let Little Butterfly look for it. Please ask Brother Nie Fu'an to look for it. He will definitely find it."

Ji Xiang sighed and said, "The emperor also sent people to look for it. Mr. Changling and King Aslan are also looking for it secretly. It's just that the living dead are everywhere, and they can't take care of themselves."

When Bu Chen heard this, he asked: "The palace has been checked, is it safe?"

"Doctor Bu, don't worry, there are Qin Tianjian and Qianlongwei in the palace, so everything is safe, but this capital city is not sure."

Su Qingyun nodded: "I understand what you mean, Bu Chen and I will thoroughly check both the Su's shop and the Immortal Doctor Valley."

"Your Majesty also means the same thing. Please don't leave the palace in the near future. If you have orders, just order someone to come."

Liang Du was jittery, and the palace was even more tense.

Tuantuan did not see Feng Hanchu immediately after entering the palace, and all the courtiers came and went in and out of the imperial study.

Busy until night, when the last little butterfly was retrieved, Xiao Tuantuan happily ran out:

"Tangtang wants to tell Daddy Meiyan alas..."

She ran forward da da da da, her little head hit a hard chest:

"Hey, beautiful daddy, you don't dress well, why do you show your breasts?"

Feng Hanchu picked up Tuantuan, brushed his black hair, and cast a shining wink: "Little pastry, Daddy..."

"Meimeimei, glamorous daddy is the most beautiful in the world, so beautiful that Tangtang thinks about it every day!"

Xiao Tuantuan had a puffy little round face, and his small mouth was blabbering, coaxing his father to smile.

"You can, Little Pastry, go out and learn to answer quickly."

Tuantuan grinned, gave him a huge Xiangxiang, and held the little butterfly up high for him to see:
"Brother Jiang Kai has news. He was injured. A sister of Aunt Meixian is guarding him in the brothel. Brother Nie Fu'an has already sent someone to pick him up."

As soon as Feng Hanchu heard it, he waved his hands and ordered Jixiang to pick him up, and then continued:
"Daddy heard what your rich dad said, you must have been frightened all the way, daddy didn't accompany you, daddy is a bad daddy."

"That's not true," Tuantuan's claws rubbed his face, "Daddy stayed here for the people of Liang, and there are Tangtang among the people, so Tangtang likes you."

Feng Hanchu snorted coldly: "Have you said this to your fathers and brothers?"

Tuantuan buried Xiaoyuan's face into his neck to cheat: "It's not important, the important thing is that Tangtang is talking to Daddy Meiyan now."

Feng Hanchu: "..."

He just wanted to educate his fickle daughter, but he also had to discuss matters, so he went all night.

The atmosphere in the whole palace became more and more dignified, and the only happy event was that Bu Chen's blindfolded white gauze was about to be removed.

Everyone knew that Master Xitong planted eyes on him, so for a while, everyone who had nothing to do came to Chenyue Hall to watch.

Tuantuan got up early in the morning, burned incense, bathed and changed clothes, and ran a few laps around Chenyue Palace muttering, before returning to Bu Chen:

"Is Daddy Immortal excited or nervous?"

Bu Chen: "..."

I wasn't too nervous.

When the little claw touched his blindfolded white gauze, Bu Chen's heart trembled uncontrollably, in case...

The white gauze was completely removed, followed by two soft claws, covering his eyes.

"Brother Xitong said, Xinchang's eyes are very fragile, please close your eyes first, Daddy Daddy."

"Tangtang let go of one and two fingers, let go of them now, can Daddy Daddy feel the light?"

Bu Chen's voice was a little trembling: "... yes."

Tuantuan immediately opened his small mouth: "Now open your eyes slightly, don't worry, just a little bit..."

Bu Chen's eyelashes moved according to her words, and then closed again.

It moved again, revealing a little gap, everything in front of my eyes was blurred, and it was closed again, and when I opened it again, it was much clearer.

He couldn't control the joy and excitement in his heart, his hands were trembling, and he wanted to speak a few times, but his throat seemed to be blocked.

Finally, he took a deep breath and snapped his eyes open.

After seven years, he once again saw everything in front of him, as well as the most precious dumpling in front of him.

Tuantuan was even more nervous than him, Xiaoyuan's face flushed red, she stared at him, and waved her little paw:
"How about it, Immortal Daddy, yes, can you see Tangtang...Hey, Immortal Daddy, your eyes hurt, why are you crying?"

Bu Chen choked with sobs, and pulled Tuan Tuan Lou into his arms:
"Daddy saw you, you are a cuter and more beautiful little girl than Daddy imagined, Daddy finally knows what Xiao Tangtang looks like, so you don't have to..."

The golden doudou of the dumpling also fell off, she stretched out her claws to wipe it off secretly, sniffling her little nose:

"That's great, Daddy the Immortal can see it, Daddy the Immortal, you know, your eyes are really beautiful, there are stars in them."

She took out a small mirror from her pocket and put it in front of Bu Chen: "Look, look, Daddy's eyes are also very fairy."

Bu Chen was originally born like a jade pearl, but now he has a pair of star-like black eyes, like a fairy.

Tuantuan was so happy that he wanted to tell everyone about this big happy event.

After she let a bunch of little butterflies go out, she took Bu Chen's hand and ran out again: "I have to tell Daddy Meiyan and Daddy Rich that Daddy God's eyes have grown."

When they ran to the imperial study room, both Feng Hanchu and Su Qingyun were there, but they were lifeless.

Tuantuan met his paws, gently pushed Buchen in, and then said in a low voice, "Tangtang is hungry, come play with daddy later."

Bu Chen watched her figure shrink into a dot, then turned around and asked, "What happened?"

Feng Hanchu and Su Qingyun forced a smile:
"Yo, your eyes are healed. Xitong didn't seek revenge on you. These eyes are better than the previous ones, and you don't look old."

Bu Chen: "But with your expressions, do you intend to please me?"

It was rare for Su Qingyun not to reply, and said Feng Hanchu's decision with a heavy expression: "I can't persuade you, you come."

After a long time, Bu Chen uttered a sentence: "Feng Hanchu, are you crazy, or are you afraid that Xiao Zhanye won't kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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