I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 465 Robbed Another Man

Chapter 465 Robbed Another Man

Four years later, the day before Chunwei.

"Your Highness—" Ming Wuci was holding a knife, and his cloak was blown wildly in the spring breeze.

Find Chenyue Hall from the Imperial Study Room, and then find the Royal Garden from Chenyue Hall. After searching for an hour, there is no trace of Tangtang.

"Emperor Dowager disappeared, and she didn't come to report to me. Everyone is so courageous. If His Highness loses a hair, they all come to see her!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the court ladies and eunuchs huffed and knelt on the ground, and one of them, who was older, boldly raised his head:
"Little General Ming, His Highness has gone to the examination room to pick you up in a micro-clothes. You have General Qian Shuang with you. Don't worry."

"Your Highness won't let the servants tell you that you will definitely catch her and bring her back after you find out. You and His Royal Highness... wear a pair of trousers."

Ming Wuci blushed, stomped his feet, and swung his sword:

"...Shut up, I'll beat you up!"

The court lady knelt back aggrieved, but she still couldn't help taking a sneak peek. Little General Ming's neck was completely red.

She is carrying a big knife, is she running towards the palace gate to look for His Highness, or is she looking for the prince in the imperial study?

Ming Wu Ci led the people to the gate of the palace, and then he calmed down his heartbeat, and rode his horse straight to the examination room.

Today is the last day of Chun Wei, and the examinees are about to come out. The closer they are to the examination room, the more people there are, and the road is blocked.

Ming Wuci assigned three teams to block all the intersections, and when he saw someone, he hurried back to the palace.

In order not to alarm Tangtang, Ming Wu Ci put on her long skirt on purpose, combed her hair in a bun, and slowly approached while hiding in the crowd.

Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager changed into a man's robe today, wore a black gauze crown, waved a small fan, and sat on the big tree opposite the examination room.

Although she hid enough, the disguise still couldn't resist her outstanding appearance.

In the blink of an eye, there were piles of handkerchiefs, sachets and hairpins thrown by the girls under the tree.

When Ming Wu Ci squeezed over, her head was reddened by the girls who secretly promised His Highness.

Looking up, the culprit covered his face with a fan, and kept pawing at Qian Shuang: "Stop me."

Ming Wuci sighed deeply:

"Your Highness, sister, can you stop playing the game of running and chasing me? I have been playing for four years, and my subordinate's legs are getting thicker."


The small fan was withdrawn, revealing a delicate and bright little face, with a little baby fat on it, and the petal-like mouth was spitting out sweet words:

"It's not rough, in the eyes of the prince's brother, Wuci's sister is Chang'e of the Moon Palace, fluttering Luoshen, Wumei Sifu..."

Qian Shuang was gossiping next to her, and even booed: "I can't ask for it, I tossed and turned."

Ming Wuci's face was completely red from the words, and he stomped his feet: "You talk nonsense again, look at me, I don't..."

Tangtang sticks out her tongue at the tree:
"How about Sister Wu Ci, why don't you file a complaint with the Prince's brother, a little bit... ah, the door of the examination room has opened."

call out--

I saw a white figure rushing into the tide-like crowd, raised his hands high, bouncing and bouncing:

"Brother Jingyun, Tangtang is here!"

Ming Wuci frowned, and was about to go up for personal protection when Qian Shuang stopped him:
"It's rare for His Highness to be so happy, and there are shadow guards around, let her relax."

"In the past four years, she has learned how to manage politics and how to kill the enemy before the battle. This time, she has not heard from the death camp for three months. It is rare to come out, so don't hold her back."

Ming Wuci also sighed:

"This subordinate follows His Highness every day, so how could he not know about this, but yesterday he caught a group of assassins who planned to assassinate His Highness, so he felt uneasy."

Qian Shuang was silent for a while, then looked in the direction of the examination room:
"After picking up Mr. Xie, we will... hey, what are you doing, robbing another man?"

Ahead, Tangtang, who was supposed to come here with Xie Jingyun, suddenly had a scholar in purple robes in his hand.

He was much taller than Tangtang, but because his ears were caught, he could only lean sideways pitifully and was dragged away.

Covering her face with one hand, she kept pushing the fierce little girl with the other, trembling, probably crying.

Ming Wu Ci also jumped up:

"Xie Jingyun is still here, so quickly he likes the new and dislikes the old, His Highness's mind is really unpredictable, whose son is this time?"

Qian Shuang pushed her: "Don't care who it is, since His Highness likes it, you have to take it back. Hurry up, hurry up, drive the carriage over, pretend to be someone and leave."

The two were very skillful in helping, but they found out that they were doing the wrong thing, and it was Feng Mingxiu who was dragged back by Tangtang.

His right eye was still black and blue, he squinted his eyes, pushed his hands into his sleeves, and squatted under the tree aggrieved:
"I want to go home and tell Brother Huang that Feng Chacha hit me again!"

Feng Mingxiu is not like Feng Mingyuan, he treats Tangtang as his own sister, she is still the same as she was four years ago, and even nicknamed her "Feng Chacha".

Tangtang put her hands on her hips, lowered her voice and said:

"Who asked you to take the exam for someone else again, you go and tell your brother, my brother will also swell your eye."

Feng Mingxiu was still very afraid of Feng Mingyuan, and twisted his neck to express his dissatisfaction:
"My knowledge is not as good as his. He can't come now, so what if I take the exam for him. Without anyone noticing, you will do bad things."

In Feng Mingxiu's Prince's Mansion, there is a little girl named Xiaoli who grows flowers and plants, and becomes his concubine during the Chinese New Year.

Xiaoli's elder brother was going to participate in Chunwei, but when he came back from the tomb sweeping in his hometown, he encountered a bandit and broke his leg, so he can't walk now.

Feng Mingxiu dotes on Xiaoli very much, so he thought of taking the exam for Xiaoli's brother himself.

I don't know who leaked the news, the censor read him a copy, the memorial was withheld by Tangtang and handed over to Feng Mingyuan, Feng Mingxiu was whipped.

Feng Mingxiu was not convinced, and wanted to come. Who would have thought that he would be caught again just after leaving the examination room.

Tangtang made a face at him, and told Qian Shuang and Ming Wuci:

"Gag him, cover his head, tie his hands and feet and put him in the car to send to the prince's brother. I'll find a way to stop the test paper."

Feng Mingxiu blushed with anger: "Feng Chacha, you're bullying others, you uh uh..."

Tangtang waved her fist and thumped on his other eye: "You're still looking for sex, you stupid pig."

Feng Mingxiu was directly beaten up, and was carried straight into the carriage by the shadow guards and dragged away.

The gentle and elegant Xie Jingyun witnessed all this, and his whole body was slightly distorted:

"Little sister, Master, I haven't seen you for many years, but she has changed, she is very, very big."

Tangtang giggled, tilted her head and said:
"Brother Jingyun wants to say that Tangtang is fierce, but Tangtang is usually gentle. You and sister Wuci go to Wugu Restaurant first, and Tangtang will come to you after finishing her work."

After speaking, she saluted and rode away.

The smile on Xie Jingyun's face disappeared, and he seemed to be getting further and further away from her.

(End of this chapter)

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