Chapter 469
Yu Ji and Tang Bi were decisive and said in unison: "No."

Tangtang: "..."

Just ask, there is no need, the answer is so fast.

Tangtang nodded cautiously: "Oh, then Tangtang will ask again in two years."

"Not in two years."

They answered in unison again, the voice was so loud that it shocked the palace people outside, Tangtang silently withdrew her hand.

Yu Ji cast a big wink:

"He is the master's love fish from life to life, and he will not change his mind. No matter whether it is a man or a woman, a male fish or a female fish, in Yu Ji's heart, nothing can compare to a hair of the master."

Tang Bi couldn't do that he was so shameless, just listening to his few words, his face was already blushing, and he muttered for a long time:

"...Tang must swear allegiance to His Highness to the death."

Yu Ji cupped her face and waved her hands lazily: "Oh, in this case, there is no need for His Highness to even listen to it, he also told the crown prince."

Tang Bi: "I..."

Embarrassment is embarrassment.

Tangtang: "This..."

Embarrassment is embarrassment.

It seems that the thin-skinned Senior Brother Tang Bi is still no match for the cheeky Brother Yuji.

Back then, brother Yuji singled out the four fathers and brother Yangui with his own strength. Although they were all beaten to the ground in the end, at least they won't lose if they lose.

Brother Tang Bi is still relatively immature and needs Tang to take good care of him.

So Tangtang tugged at Tang Bi's sleeve: "Senior brother Tang Bi, Tangtang trusts you."

Tang Bi just wanted to say something, but Yu Ji preempted him: "Then the master doesn't believe Yu Ji?"


"Does the master trust Yu Ji or Tang Bi?"

Faced with the problem of death, Her Royal Highness has always been able to handle it with ease. First, she stuffed a few pieces of fish into Yuji's mouth, and then put lighter dishes on Tang Bi's plate:
"Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep, come, eat."

Simple and rude, one move to control the enemy.

After being quiet for a while, Yu Ji, who finished eating first, continued to pick things up: "If you have a good relationship, you can eat meat, and if you have a bad relationship, you can only eat soup. Oh, Mr. Tang eats vegetable leaves."

Tang Bi's face was green and red: "I..."

Tangtang blinked her big eyes, bit her chopsticks and whispered, "But Tang Bi has always been a vegetarian, so it's not's very bad."

Just as Yu Ji was about to answer, Tang Bi politely refuted him despite being shy:
"Tang Bi is the most trusted confidant of His Highness the Seventh Prince. No one can compare to Tang Bi in this regard. I hope the king knows."

Yu Ji narrowed her eyes: "I know, so what?"

Tang Bi: "...Tang Bi won't go back to the mansion today."

"What are you doing, what do you want to do?"

Yu Ji, who was paralyzed by Tangtang's side, immediately turned into a furious flying fish:

"With me here, you don't want to take advantage of the master, come here, tell the prince that there are hooligans here!"

Tang Bi stood up abruptly: "I'm not, I don't, I'm just organizing the memorial for His Highness, the king doesn't want it, don't talk nonsense."

Her Royal Highness finished serving the water with a smile on her face: "That's it, Brother Tang Bi, you are Tangtang's most admired brother."

Without waiting for Tang Bi to feel complacent and shy for a while, Yu Ji babbled: "There's Brother Jingyun and so on."

Tang Bi: "..."

Tangtang pouted angrily and kicked his big tail: "Eat, don't talk."

Yu Ji obediently pretended to be dead.

After leveling the two bowls of water in the room and unloading the burden of reading the memorial, Tangtang walked out of Chenyue Hall with her hands behind her back.

Finally alive.

The moonlight outside is so beautiful, the stars are so bright, and the fragrance of birds and flowers is everywhere... Why is there a black shadow kneeling under the tree?
Before she could reach Heiying, Heiying saluted her and said, "Master, the servants of Black Eagle are ordered to see the master."

Tangtang found a big rock to sit on, and adjusted her little skirt by the way, showing that she was very majestic:
"Didn't your Black Eagle Department clear the living dead and evil spirits in the Qiang Kingdom? Why did you return to the capital?"

Xiaoyaojing is a killer organization snatched from a dead soldier she killed after she entered the dead soldier camp. Most of them are monks who practice magic arts.

They have always believed that whoever has the best skills will be the master of the realm.

In order to avoid being hunted down by his enemies, the previous leader of the realm strayed into the camp of the dead. He was invincible all the way, but was unexpectedly defeated by Tangtang.

Willing to admit defeat, before he died, he gave up the position of realm master.

In the second month, there were more and more dead men from Xiaoyaojing around Tangtang, most of them wanted to take her life, but none of them succeeded.

At the end of the second month, she made the whole Xiaoyaojing surrender, and before leaving the death camp, she also secretly cultivated two confidantes.

These two confidants are all in the Qiang country this time.

Since Xuanmo withdrew his army four years ago, Qiang City was occupied by Emperor Zun Palace, and Emperor Zun sent a new king and army, he has been constantly harassing the people of the two countries nearby.

Xuanmo's several conquests were stopped by Emperor Palace's soldiers. Eight times out of ten, he was attacked by the living dead and evil spirits. The Xuanwu camp suffered heavy casualties.

This time Xuanmo went to Qiang City again, and Buchen joined the army. It is said that he was attacked by the living dead and evil spirits on the way.

Tangtang then sent the two branches of Black Eagle and Poison Falcon in Xiaoyaojing to Qiang City to help General Daddy and Immortal Daddy secretly.

Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, the reporter came back.

The subordinate of the Black Eagle said: "General Xuan has won a great victory, and the monarch of the Qiang Kingdom is going to cede territory to the Liang Kingdom for peace."

"However, there are a few living dead mixed up in the peace mission, and the second part of the Black Eagle and Poison Falcon has already eliminated them all. Please rest assured, the Landlord."


Tangtang curled up her mouth: "Go back and tell the chief of the second department that you must not let your guard down during the withdrawal period, and be careful of the living dead and evil spirits mixing into the Xuanwu camp and the food transport officer's team."

"When the peace-seeking is over and the mission leaves Beijing, I will reward you."

The subordinate couldn't be more happy, and made a big gift with his wings folded: "Thank you, the realm master, the subordinate will definitely convey the realm master's order."

Tangtang waved his hand: "Go."

When the black shadow disappeared, she whistled again, and another subordinate soon appeared, knelt down in front of her: "I have seen the realm master."

"Is there still no news about the Confucian scholar leader in Chuanzhou?"

Slave heads lower and lower:

"The subordinate is incompetent. This person suddenly disappeared on the way to Beijing. After many searches, he finally stopped in an inn in Changnian County near the capital."

"This inn is still owned by the Su family, and the subordinates dare not check it easily."


The elder brother of the crown prince is about to carry out a new policy. He will use a group of children from poor families to compete with the children of the former aristocratic family. Now is the time for employing people.

Of course, the aristocratic families will not submit to the New Deal, they are sabotaging overtly and secretly, killing many Confucian scholars from poor families, and putting the blame on her and Feng Mingyuan.

Tangtang stood up: "Find him, he is very prestigious among the humble Confucian scholars, he cannot be bribed by others."


(End of this chapter)

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