Chapter 473 One Hundred Thousand Whys Sister

General dad?

It's Daddy General who's back.

Tangtang's eyes lit up, and she almost rushed out.

There was also a commotion among the ministers, the Great General Wang came back so soon, didn't it mean how many days?
The ministers who clamored for Feng Mingyuan to depose the Empress Dowager immediately tightened their tails, ran back into the crowd, lowered their heads, not even daring to show their faces.

Xuan Mo strode in from outside the hall with a long sword in his arms. He was dressed in a black iron-like black armor with a dignified pocket, and his battle robe was flying like a rainbow.

Standing in the court hall, there was a sudden panic, and the courtiers immediately lowered their heads, and the timid ones almost knelt down.

Even the oldest Duke Protector had to give way: "The Great General is back."

Xuan Mo's phoenix eyes swept across, and the momentum made everyone lower their heads a little bit, and then stepped forward to salute:

"Chen Xuanmo asks His Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager to be safe. This time, he was ordered to crusade against the Qiang Kingdom. Fortunately, he fulfilled his mission and brought back the letter of credence from the Qiang Kingdom to seek peace."

Feng Mingyuan raised his hand slightly, and said joyfully: "It really is a great joy, thank you for your hard work, General."

Tangtang sat on the little luan seat, stared at the general's father with big eyes without blinking, and couldn't control his expression all of a sudden.

From a dignified and serious princess to a quirky big dumpling, the crested boots came out of the court clothes, flickering.

Before Feng Mingyuan's gaze swept over, she closed the corners of her grinning mouth, straightened her back, and put away her credentials in a pretentious manner:

"General Xuan has won a great victory. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and this palace should lead all the officials out of the city ten miles to meet them, but now they let the general king enter the palace by himself. It is really negligent."

If it weren't for seeing the corners of her mouth that were about to fly up, everyone would have believed it.

Xuan Mo made another salute: "I know that there are quite a few thugs running rampant in the capital now. I am afraid that His Highness will put himself in danger, so I will go to Beijing as soon as possible, and I dare not delay on the way."

Tangtang silently moved in the direction of Feng Mingyuan: "...Did the general's father emphasize his tone just now when he said 'in danger with his own body'?"

Feng Mingyuan also silently moved in the same direction, away from her: "Yes, you heard correctly."

Tangtang moved again, almost hiding behind Feng Mingyuan: "Brother Prince, save Tangtang."

"Brother is also afraid of death, Xiao Qi, cough cough, my condolences will change."

Tangtang: "..."

They are all bad people.

Because Xuan Mo brought back the letter of peace from the Qiang Kingdom, the matter of the Empress Dowager conniving at the test for her male favorite was temporarily put aside, and everyone started discussing the border negotiations between the Qiang Kingdom and the Liang Kingdom.

After leaving court, Feng Mingyuan and Tangtang invited several important ministers to continue the discussion.

The ministers all knew that the General King and His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager had a deep father-daughter relationship, and there must be a lot to say when they reunited after a long absence, so they discussed for a while and got up to say goodbye.

Tangtang's heart was flustered, and he felt that the general's father's heavy gaze came over to the ministers as soon as they left the imperial study room, and it seemed particularly unsafe.

So Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is special, extraordinarily enthusiastic today:

"My lords came to court early in the morning, and you must have worked so hard after talking so much, why don't you stay for lunch?"

The ministers looked at the thoughtful eyes of the general king, and their hairs were all straight:

"Your Highness is serious. This is all a subject's job. It's not hard work. It should be done. Don't eat."

Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager continued to be enthusiastic: "I don't like lunch, so stay here for a pastry for dinner or something. The imperial chef in the imperial dining room is very skilled."

The first minister hurriedly knelt down: "The minister has to rush back to the mansion to make dinner for the cheap."

The second minister also hurriedly said: "The pigs in the minister's family have not been killed yet."

The third minister had a new reason: "I want to rush home to deliver the baby to my wife."

Tangtang: "...but Mr. Li, you are already 60 years old, why are you still having children?"


Feng Mingyuan couldn't help laughing until his cheeks were sore, he held down a hundred thousand sister why:
"Since this is the case, my lords should go back to the residence earlier and wait for the call from the Palace and the Empress Dowager."

All the adults were relieved, kowtowed their heads, jumped up nimbly, and rushed out.

Tangtang looked at the gate that was almost crushed and exploded, feeling lost, and soon felt the inexplicable gaze from the general's father.

It's over!
The general's father is fierce.

Before Xuan Mo could speak, she leaped into Xuan Mo's arms, and turned on the mode of smearing honey with her mouth:
"Daddy General, you are finally back, do you miss Tangtang, Tangtang misses you so much."

Xuan Mo was unmoved at all: "So you wanted to go to the death camp?"

Tangtang's big eyeballs turned twice urgently, and began to play tricks:
"Oh, there is a reason for Tangtang. This reason is not very important. The important thing is that the general's daddy just came back and must be tired and hungry. Tangtang has prepared food for daddy."

However, she still warmly invited Feng Mingyuan: "Brother Prince, let's go eat together, you've been busy all morning."

With the crown prince around, the general's father wouldn't be so fierce when he was fierce.

Feng Mingyuan said sincerely: "I'm not hungry."

The general king wants to beat up his daughter, but instead of running, he leans forward, is he stupid?

Tangtang: "?"

Feng Mingyuan avoided her gaze: "That's it, Xiaoqi and Uncle Xuan, let's go have dinner."

Tangtang gasped, with a particularly domineering look: "You're hungry!"

Feng Mingyuan looked at the younger sister of the big fireball, and then at the bigger fireball general: "I..."

Are you hungry?

Before he could think about it, Xuan Mo had already got up and carried away the mischievous girl.

"Have you learned how to threaten the prince now?"

After returning to Chenyue Palace, General Xuan made a big move into the main hall, and the whole palace was three points shorter:
"Stand up, don't climb on me, is it useful to act coquettishly?"

Tangtang raised her hands, hugged her little head, drooping her eyebrows and eyes: "The imperial crown is so heavy, Daddy General, Tangtang can't stand well."

Xuan Mo stared at her for a long time, then sighed, stretched out his big hand to remove the crown for her, and then there was a big soft ball in his arms.

"Hee hee, Tang Tang knows that the general's father loves Tang Tang the most, right?"

Xuan Mo didn't like this: "So you stab your father in the heart with a knife and run to the death camp?"

Tangtang was aggrieved, and her voice was like a mosquito: "I'm sorry, General Daddy, I made Daddy worry, Tangtang knows it's wrong."

Xuan Mo never believed her way of doing things, he acted like "knowing the mistake but not improving quickly": "knowing the mistake, why don't you dare to do it next time?"

"Dare... dare not, listen to daddy."

No one is more familiar with coaxing father than she. Tangtang patted her heart with her left hand and raised three fair fingers with her right hand. No one was as sincere as her.

Xuan Mo was angry and funny: "Tell me, why did you go to the death camp behind everyone's back?"

(End of this chapter)

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