I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 481 The Unreasonable Super Fierce Phoenix 7

Chapter 481 The Unreasonable Super Fierce Phoenix Xiaoqi

The Lord Protector explained his relationship with Qian Wenjun: "The laws of Daliang do not allow officials to keep their wives privately. If a minister violates the prohibition, please punish him."

"But the old minister absolutely did not instruct this child to sabotage the imperial examinations and the New Deal. Your Highness, please be aware."

Tangtang didn't even look at him, and asked Qian Wenjun directly: "Is the Protector your father?"

Qian Wenjun nodded: "Yes."

"You did it alone for the candidates, didn't you?"


Tangtang threw a secret report on his head: "You're lying!"

"Zhuang Sheng received 5000 taels of silver and 1000 taels of gold this month, [-]% of which belonged to Mr. Qian, and where did the remaining [-]% come from?"

"An accident happened today. The first person you asked for help was not the Duke Protector, but quietly sent someone outside the city. Who do you want to send the letter to?"

"Your subordinates bribed the bandits who injured Zhuang Sheng, and they met other people at the same time. How dare you say that you did it alone?"

"As the servant of the Ministry of Rites, you should be punished for blatantly undermining the new imperial examination policy!"

Qian Wenjun gritted his teeth: "The guilty minister only wants to die."

"I will not let you die!"

Tangtang smiled slightly: "Today's [-] big boards will be dragged outside the imperial gate for a beating. After the beating is over, I will cure you. After the beating is cured, I will beat you again until you are confessed."

"When beating you, let your whole family come to watch the sentence, from your mother to your youngest daughter and son, Mr. Qian, don't die."

Qian Wenjun was so frightened that he couldn't stand on his knees:

"Your Highness, please forgive the guilty minister...Father, father, please, please save your son."

The Yizheng Hall was frightened into dead silence by the threat of His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager, and no other voices could be heard except Qian Wenjun's cries.

Ming Wu Ci quickly brought people in, and picked up Qian Wenjun:

"Let's go, Mr. Qian, today's [-] boards will be played by the general himself, so let's say it lightly."

"Your Highness, please forgive me—"

Qian Wenjun was dragged away screaming and howling.

Tangtang glanced at everyone:
"I know that some people don't like the New Deal and try to sabotage it, but it doesn't matter. If I can catch one, I can catch two."

"Those who are not afraid of death, stand in front of His Royal Highness and this palace."

Everyone immediately knelt down: "I dare not wait."

Tangtang smiled: "People's hearts are separated by belly, who knows?"

After killing chickens to warn monkeys, Tangtang's eyes were fixed on the "male favourite" third prince.

Feng Mingxiu kept covering his face, but everyone knew him, they just pretended not to know.

In the end, he was so stared at by Tangtang, he stretched out his hands and smashed the jar: "You, you, you, arrest me too, and I will accept the punishment."

"The little 'male pet' is still very sensible, come here, lock him up in the clan mansion, and stab him in the face after the palace examination is over."

Feng Mingxiu was terrified: "Fengfengfeng, you don't speak morally, how can you treat someone as beautiful as a flower like this..."

Qian Shuang didn't even change her Confucian robes, so she came forward to pick him up and persuaded him softly:

"It's done like a flower, and if you call His Highness angry again, I will perform a palace-level face tattoo for you on the spot, and I will stab 'Stupid Pig'."

Immediately, Feng Mingxiu's back was no longer sore and his legs were no longer hurting, and he was able to walk to the clan's mansion by himself.

Tangtang pulled his ears: "Come on, the rest of you will follow me, and we will go to observe the punishment."

In front of the imperial gate, Ming Wuci took a big stick and hit Qian Wenjun who was pinned to the ground one after another.

The courtiers fought each other, and the Confucian scholars kept applauding.

Tangtang supported the city wall, and asked Yu Ji in a low voice, "Was Tangtang fierce just now?"

"The master is super fierce." Yu Ji quietly raised a fin, "It's very powerful, just like this, whoever refuses to accept it, it's over!"

Tangtang grinned and smiled smugly. From the corner of her eye, she saw Qian Shuang came back: "How is it, sister Qian Shuang?"

"It's locked in, and the Third Highness will stop making trouble."

She hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Is Your Highness really going to tattoo his face and exile him?"

Tangtang sighed: "Just now the mother of the Queen's Palace came to inquire about the news, scare him a bit, let him go on the road with Zhuang Sheng, and find a chance to secretly pick him up."

"What about Zhuang Sheng?"

"Eliminate the household registration documents of their siblings, and don't let anyone hurt them. They are directly exiled to the border. Be careful on the way to see who wants to destroy their mouths."


Qian Shuang gave the order, and then said: "The Great General Wang suppressed the bandits, and has already sent the imperial army to send him back to the capital. He will go to interrogate him later."

"it is good."

"In addition, Qian Wenjun's housekeeper asked for help outside the city at that time, but there was no other courtyard or residence of any adult other than His Highness's workshop outside the city."

Tangtang blinked her eyes and shook her head: "No, if little Jinqiu has a bad idea, the rich daddy will beat him into a gold ingot."

Qian Shuang: "..."

As far as my subordinates know, Young Master Xie is also living in the villa now, you have turned your elbow to Emperor Zun Palace, right?

"However, there must be a problem outside the city. You should send a letter to brother Nie Fu'an to let him pay attention. Your goal is too obvious."


In front of the imperial gate, Qian Wenjun was also dragged away after the fifty big boards were beaten.

The ministers, who were frightened into chicken cubs, followed the Crown Princess to the military field tremblingly.

I don't know if it was affected by the literary examination, but the atmosphere of the military examination is also very depressing. The number of generals selected from among the dwarves is half that of four years ago.

Feng Mingyuan asked the cabinet to arrange suitable official titles for these people, so he went to the clan mansion.

Feng Mingxiu is much more honest, but he is brooding over the fact that he is about to be disfigured, and when he sees Feng Mingyuan, he complains:
"Feng Chacha asked me to say those nonsense things. She is also jealous of my looks and plotting against me."

Feng Mingyuan gave him a cold look: "How are you worthy of making Xiaoqi jealous?"

Feng Mingxiu: "...Are you my brother or her brother?"

Feng Mingyuan smiled: "Is there even a need to ask, I don't know what my younger brother is."

Feng Mingxiu: "..."

Feng Mingyuan took the pen and ink: "Put your face here."


"Do you want to tattoo your face or write?"

"Write." Feng Mingxiu quickly squeezed his head out of the gap in the wooden door of the prison.

Feng Mingyuan glared at him: "You will go into exile with Zhuang Sheng and Zhuang Li'er, and I will pick you up after the news has passed. Someone will take care of you on the way, so don't cause trouble."


"And your concubine..."

Feng Mingxiu shook his head: "I don't have a concubine."

"It's good to know the severity."

Feng Mingyuan finished writing, and gave him a distressed look: "You will be escorted to parade from the imperial gate in a while, don't talk too much, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

"Brother Huang..." Feng Mingxiu hesitated to speak.

Feng Mingyuan and Tangtang looked over at the same time: "What do you want to do?"

Feng Mingxiu hesitated for a while: "I think Zhuang Sheng and the others have helpers who might rob the prisoners."

"I once saw a man in a black cloak talking to him at home. That man was wearing a silver unicorn mask and was holding a big machete."

Tangtang blurted out: "Brother Mask?"

(End of this chapter)

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