Chapter 483

Eighty miles outside the city?It's not far from Tangtang's small workshop Biezhuang.

She smiled and said, "Hey, let's go and have a look, we'll know."

"Let's go now? It's getting dark, His Royal Highness must be worried."

Ming Wu stopped her immediately: "Why don't you go and have a look first, and you leave tomorrow?"

Tangtang held her melon-seeded face, which still had some baby fat, and smiled wickedly:

"Sister Wuci doesn't say anything, and Tangtang doesn't know how to say it, how did the prince brother know?"

Ming Wu was in a hurry, his face was a little red, and he dodged her gaze: "How would this general know, Your Highness, don't look at the general like this."

Tangtang pursed her small mouth, and put her face almost on Mingwu Ci's face: "Look what's wrong, just look at it."

"What are you doing?"

The two turned their heads at the same time, and saw Feng Mingyuan looking at them with his head tilted in an extremely weird posture, and the palace servants following behind also used the same posture in unison.

Mingwu Ci: "..."

Tangtang: "Brother Prince, did you have a stiff neck?"

Feng Mingyuan: " two are discussing something, can't you let me know?"


Tangtang immediately turned her head around, her big eyes fixed on Mingwu Ci, her mouth opened and closed, silently threatening:

If you dare to betray Tangtang, Tangtang will beat the prince brother.

Mingwu Ci: "This..."

She also threatened to go back without showing any weakness: You hit me, what does it matter to me?

Then, Feng Mingyuan was hit on the stomach with a small fist: "..."

Ming Wuci raised an eyebrow: Why did you really do it, Your Highness?

Tangtang sticks out her tongue: If you do what you say, you are the hero Tangtang!
Mingwu Ci hum: I am also a hero, I am not afraid of you, hum!


Without knowing anything, His Royal Highness was punched in the stomach by General Ming, the head of the empress dowager's guard.

Although the two punches were light and light, the beating was real.

Feng Mingyuan: "..."

What is wrong with you guys?
Feng Mingyuan squinted his eyes and stared at Ming Wuci: "Why did you hit me?"

Under the majesty of the crown prince, Little General Ming hesitated for a moment, pointing at Tangtang: "It was her, she made the first move..."

Feng Mingyuan rubbed his stomach, looked at this, then at that: "Did you quarrel?"

So let me take the blame?

Tangtang was quick to wit, and replied with vague words: "Tangtang wants to leave the city, but she won't let her, so..."

"That's why you beat brother?" Feng Mingyuan sighed, "Let's go out of the city as soon as you leave the city, remember to rest in the other village, it's the safest place."

Feng Mingyuan sent Tangtang to the carriage first, and asked repeatedly:

"Uncle Xuan is not in the capital to suppress the bandits. You must be dishonest, but you must have enough people around you, and remember to send a signal when you are in danger."

"Whether it's the imperial army or Nie Fuan's people, they can come to look for brother at any time. I'll ask Shunzi to guard at the gate of the palace until you come back."

Tangtang sat on the pony carriage, smiling and whispering:
"Brother Prince, don't worry, Tangtang will take good care of herself, and will also take good care of the future emperor's wife."

She winked and giggled at Mingwu Ci.

Feng Mingyuan's eyes flickered, he nodded her head, cleared his throat and said:
"Don't talk nonsense, to ruin the reputation of other girls, you haven't written a word yet."

"Ah, no scribble?"

Tangtang hugged the huge court dress skirt, bouncing in front of Feng Mingyuan: "How do you want to leave the prince brother?"

Both of them blushed after saying a word, and Ming Wuci lowered his head to drive the carriage, almost tripping the horse.

Feng Mingyuan's neck was about to burn, he pushed Tangtang's head into the carriage, and waved away people:
"What are you talking about, go in and sit down, go early and come back early, go fast."

After the carriage had gone far away and no shadows could be seen, Feng Mingyuan's breathing calmed down, and he became a little confused:
"What is this Palace here for?"

Shunzi reminded in a low voice: "His Royal Highness is here to visit Lord Protector, please stay here for two days to be wronged; Qian Wenjun and Zhuang Sheng will also be interrogated."

Feng Mingyuan said "Oh", and took two steps, a little shy: "I want you to talk more."

Shunzi: "..."

Did the fire between Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager and General Ming still burn on this servant, the pond fish?

His Highness and the little general left early.

The stars in the sky were twinkling, the small carriage and fifty or sixty guards were walking on the dark official road, within half an hour, the carriage slowed down.

Yu Ji on the top of the carriage jumped down and stood in front of the carriage door: "What's going on in front?"

Ming Wuci came back with a horse: "There are several big trees that have been cut down on the road ahead, and three people can't carry them. Come and clear the roadblock with this general."

"Wait, sister Wuci."

Tangtang poked his head out of the carriage, and said confidently through the small window:
"According to Tangtang's past experience, when Sister Wuci leads the forbidden army to move the tree, there will be bandits rushing over with swords and shouting..."

"Kill them, catch them, tie them back and tear up their tickets!"

There was a sound of shouting and killing coming from the front, as well as the sound of chaotic footsteps and the sound of weapons colliding.

Mingwu Ci: "..."

Tangtang: "..."

Are bandits so cooperative now?
Ming Wu Ci led the guards over, and across a few big trees, he looked at the dark masked man in dismay.

Everyone holds torches in their hands, you look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere is extremely awkward.

The pair of men and horses that the masked man obviously didn't expect to come were well equipped. If they were not pointed at by bows and arrows, they would have run away long ago.

And sitting on the top of the opposite carriage is a is there a fish tail, sparkling.

The little girl standing on the carriage looked like a lady from a noble family.

It's just that the ordinary lady cried out in fright when she saw a highway robber, but this one——

Carrying a knife in one hand and playing with a snake in the other, he swayed while riding a carriage, good guy, he looks like a bandit even more than them!

The masked people blocking the road were directly shocked by the unbelievable shape of the road. In comparison, they are the disadvantaged group, right?

Glancing at them, Ming Wuci smiled coldly:
"The robbery came up to my aunt, you little thing that is not life-threatening on any mountain, report your name! My aunt chopped you down until the peach blossoms are flying all over the sky!"

"Bah, what big talk did the kid say, who didn't snatch it from me?"

The leading masked man gave a thumbs up: "Do you know Gong Ziyun? Do you know the genius doctor Bu Chen? They are all defeated by Lao Tzu, are you afraid?"

"I also told you that even the great general Wang Xuanmo was defeated by me just now, just you guys—"

He took the knife and pointed it around: "I really don't care about it!"

The rest of the masked men also boldly shouted:

"Yes, hurry up and hand over all the gold, silver and jewelry, and take off all your clothes. Our boss is in a good mood and can let you live."

(End of this chapter)

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