Chapter 496
Seeing that Feng Mingyuan was about to cry, Tangtang laughed grinningly:

"As the saying goes, 'distance creates beauty', so after half a year, my sister Wuci will be in love, maybe when you come back, your children will be called aunts."

A green light flew past Feng Mingyuan's eyes: "Could that be brother's child?"

Tangtang: "..."

That's right, too much comfort.

Feng Mingyuan's head hurts, "After the court tomorrow morning, you, take her and go."

After finally blowing this little devil away, Feng Mingyuan called Shunzi: "Before His Royal Highness comes back, who do you think wants to see me?"

"A classmate of His Highness the Seventh Prince, one of the candidates for Chunwei this time, Xie Jingyun, thank you young master."

Feng Mingyuan heard a little bit: "I remember that he didn't answer the call, and he didn't have a badge, how did he enter the palace?"

Shunzi presented a jade token: "He used this to find a spy, and he expressed that he only wanted to see His Highness the Crown Prince alone, and he didn't want to see anyone, especially His Highness the Seventh."

"Chuanzhou Prefecture Confucianism Hall, Qilin brand?"

Feng Mingyuan frowned: "You bring him in quietly, if His Royal Highness wants to ask about this, don't hide it from her."


The southern tour is imminent, the whole palace is busy, Tangtang is the most idle one.

You don’t have to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation along the way, and you even stole 5000 taels of silver from the prince’s brother, so you can secretly listen to a little song and see a beautiful sister...

Cough, how is it possible?Sugar candy is a real sugar.

Brother Tang Bi will handle the paperwork on his behalf. It's safe. Qian Shuang and sister Wuci are in charge, and Xiaoyaojing and the black market will also send people to protect them along the way.

In fact, there is a huge gap between the enemy and us, and there is a big killer. Close the door and let Brother Yuji go.

If the water and soil are not acclimatized, there is still a fairy daddy, why should the rich daddy take it?It's useless for him to eat too much, and he likes to wink at his sisters and sisters everywhere.

However, the most important thing is that the family should be neat and tidy, so bring it with you.

The general's father can't go with him anymore, it's a pity that the Qiang Kingdom's mission has come to Beijing, and they are still eyeing it.

After thinking for a long time, Tangtang decided on the candidate for this trip, and was going to ask Tang Bi to draw up a formal order when he went back.

She was so lost in thought that she unknowingly deviated from the path of Chenyue Palace and came to the imperial garden.

It's almost early spring now, and the imperial garden is full of spring, not to mention that the empress has invited many noble ladies from aristocratic families to enjoy the flowers here, full of singing and swallowing.

"Are the sisters by the willow forest the concubines that the queen aunt wants to choose for the prince's brother?"

Tangtang was afraid that she might not be able to see clearly, so she climbed to the rockery and stood watching.

The palace maids all stretched their hands underneath to protect: "Yes, the one in the red dress is the little princess of Prince Yan's family. He is fourteen this year. He is beautiful and gentle, and he is good at painting."

Tangtang squinted her eyes and smiled, "It's as beautiful as a fish sinking into a wild goose."

"The person in the green dress on the pavilion is the granddaughter of the royal family of Chengjun. She is eighteen this year, calm and generous. I heard that she was brought up as a prince and concubine since she was a child."

Tangtang clapped her hands: "It's pretty, she's a big sister."

The maid said again: "The one who picks the flowers is the empress's niece. She is sixteen this year, and her appearance and character are first-class. This is the niece that the empress admires the most."

"Sure enough, she has a beautiful face and a moony appearance, with a bit of demeanor like the queen's aunt."

However, these elder sisters are all beautiful in their own merits, and their character and talent should be outstanding, but the elder brother of the prince likes elder sister Wuci.

How can we help them?
She was frowning and thinking of an idea, when she saw an elderly aunt over there with a palace maid:

"Your Majesty said that His Royal Highness usually likes beautiful women the most, and he was embarrassed to see so many at once, so she ordered her servants to come and invite her."

Tangtang, who was peeping at the beauty, was caught, so she had to jump down from the rockery and ran to the queen, "Hello, auntie queen."

The queen has always liked her very much, so she hurriedly pulled her to sit with her: "I haven't seen you for three months, I got tanned, and lost a lot of weight, and the outside is always not as good as home, so why don't you run away?"

Tangtang stuck out her tongue and made a grimace: "Don't run away today, don't worry, Auntie Empress."

The queen nodded her nose and greeted everyone: "Come and meet Your Royal Highness the Empress Dowager."

Usually these women are raised in deep boudoirs and rarely see outsiders, but Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager is a legend in Liangdu, and even newborn children know about her.

Now that they saw it with their own eyes, everyone was amazed.

Sure enough, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Here are the first-class beauty in the capital, and no one is convinced. But when Her Royal Highness came, the beauty of the garden could not be compared with others.

Today she is still dressed as a young gentleman, without any makeup, what kind of charm would this look like?
No wonder as His Highness the Empress Dowager grew up, there were many rumors in the market and court that His Highness Seventh was the reincarnation of Hu Mei, who came here to harm the country and bring disaster to the people of Daliang.

Everyone saluted and stood aside cautiously, not daring to joke anymore.

The queen smiled lightly, and asked Tangtang: "There are so many beautiful women, which one does Tangtang like?"

Tangtang blinked: "I like them all."

The queen laughed: "You are so greedy, what if you can only choose one?"

"Ah?" Tangtang frowned, "Do you want Tangtang to give up the whole garden just for one flower, that's not good."

The queen pursed her lips and smiled: "If your elder brother, the prince, had the awareness you have, I wouldn't be so sad as I am today."

Tangtang said in a low voice, "Because Tangtang saw the garden first, and thought every flower was beautiful; but brother Prince is different, he got the flower in his heart, and that is his garden."

The queen didn't speak for a long time, and finally sighed faintly: "You child, that's all, I'm tired today, let's go."

This is to stop choosing concubines for the prince, but not choosing today does not mean not choosing in the future.

Tangtang frowned, feeling that this matter was still very unreliable, so she just kept on doing it and cooked the raw rice into mature rice!

At that time, the prince's elder brother is more expensive than his son, so sister Wuci can't beat him anymore, right?

Tangtang is simply too smart!
She clapped her hands and said to the little palace lady following her: "You guys prepare a lot of sweat medicine, and then prepare a big bag, a bundle of hemp rope, make it stronger."

To prevent the prince's brother from running away.

The maids have been following His Highness the Seventh Highness for such a long time, what situations have they not seen, and what scenes have they not met?

Isn't it just a little brother, this is not a problem, sisters, go to the duck!

When Tangtang returned to Chenyue Palace, she suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Not one person.

All the gauze curtains in the hall were lowered, and some dizzy incense was lit, and the room seemed to be foggy.

When she pushed aside the heavy gauze curtains and arrived at her bed, the whole candy almost melted in fright:
There were four sacks in a row on the couch, neatly arranged, and the exposed face was red from the smoke, and fell asleep soundly.

From left to right are Xiao Yangui, Tang Bi, Nie Fuan, Xie Jingyun!
(End of this chapter)

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